Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



Ryan came. He’s here.It’s all I can think about as the agent tries to pitch me on why I should sign with him. He promises me the stars, moon and a connection to every person of importance in the music Industry. It feels so good to be noticed and appreciated. I let him do his spiel and then I tell him I’m very interested. We set up a meeting for Monday morning and I’m thrilled.

But, even more so, I’m so happy that Ryan came to support me. I’m not sure where he went and I head for the door. I hope he’s waiting for me outside because I desperately want to talk to him and clear the air once and for all. I need to know exactly how he feels and what he wants to do. Because it’s pretty clear that his daughter knows about us now.

I draw in a deep breath of fresh air and suddenly freeze. My blood runs cold when I see my Uncle Wayne stands nearby in the parking lot, leaning against his beat-up truck. “Hailey-girl. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

“What’re you doing here?” I manage to ask. My voice sounds like a croak and the entire world feels like it's tilting. Fear slithers through my veins as he steps closer.

“What? Your Uncle Wayne can’t come visit you?”

“No, you can’t.”

He shakes his shaggy head. “Always so high and mighty. You must really think you’re special now, huh? Singin’ in front of all those fancy people.” He spits on the ground. “But, you’re still the same little nobody from Indiana. Probably would do you some good to get knocked down a coupla pegs.”

I can’t move and terror holds me hostage as my uncle moves closer. “Stay away from me. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“Seems ‘bout right since you ran off in the middle of the night without so much as a by-your-leave.”

“I don’t need your permission.”

“You always were an ungrateful brat,” he says and lifts his hand. His palm is big and callused and I know how hard he can hit. I cringe, close my eyes and wait for the force of his blow to hit me.

But, it never comes.

Something rushes past me and the slight breeze lifts my hair. Then, I hear my uncle grunt and I open my eyes. Ryan throws another punch that catches my uncle in the jaw and he literally spins. I gasp, cover my mouth and watch as Ryan hits him repeatedly. Until, he drops to the ground and covers his head from the blows.

“Ryan!” I cry. But, it’s as though he doesn’t hear me. He’s so laser-focused on beating my uncle into the pavement that I have to reach out and grab his arm. “Ryan, stop.”

Breathing hard, chest heaving, Ryan turns and I’ve never seen such a savage look on his face. “Are you okay?” he asks and grabs my shoulders.

I nod, still trying to reconcile the sweet manager of Sunset Terrace with the ferocious protector in front of me who just kicked the crap out of my abuser. He pulls me into his arms, lets out a relieved sigh and presses a kiss to my head. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his warm chest. “Thank you,” I murmur.

He pulls back, touches a finger to the scar at the corner of my eye. “He’s never going to hurt you again. I’ll make sure of it.” His green eyes flash and a shiver runs through me.

“Who the hell are you?” my uncle demands as he drags himself up off the ground.

“I’m the one who’s going to make sure you never come near Hailey again. You don’t contact her, you don’t approach her, you don’t even dare to breathe the same air as her. Because if you do, I will hunt you down and you will fucking disappear. Got it?”

For the first time ever, my uncle looks scared.

“She owes me,” he whines.

“She owes you shit,” Ryan snaps. “Now get the hell out of here before I finish what I started. Because, trust me, I’d like nothing more than to hurt you for all the pain you’ve put her through.”

“You touch me again and I’ll call the-”

Ryan lunged at him and my uncle yelped and hurried back to his truck. Then, Ryan smoothed my hair back and pressed a kiss to my lips. “He’s never going to bother you again. I promise.”

No one has ever stood up for me like Ryan and my heart tightens. When tears prick my eyes, he moves his thumbs to the corners of my eyes and wipes them away.

“Don’t cry, sweetheart. You did so great and I am so damn proud of you.”

A throat clears and Ryan and I look over and see Bella standing there. I don’t know how long she’s been there and I’m still in the circle of Ryan’s arms. I take a step back and have no idea what to say.

Ryan drops his lips to my ear. “Give me a second, sweetheart.” When I move to walk away, he grabs my hand. “But, stay with me. Right where you belong.”

His words fill me with hope and love.

Bella looks from me to him, seemingly at a loss for words.

“Isabella, I know this is a bit of a shock, but I hope you can accept the fact that Hailey and I care for each other and want to be together.” He lifts my hand and presses a kiss to its back.

“I don’t know what to say,” Bella finally says. “I’m just a little surprised.”

Of course, she is, I think. And, it’s to be expected. I just pray that this doesn’t destroy the fragile relationship that these two have. I know it’s Ryan’s biggest fear and all I want to do is set her mind at ease.

“I didn’t know you were Ryan’s daughter,” I admit. “He always referred to you as Bella so I didn’t make the connection. But, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship. It means the world to me, Isa. And, Ryan also means the world to me. I would never do anything to hurt him or you. I love him. Very much.”

Bella’s face softens and Ryan looks down at me. “You love me?” he asks.

I nod and feel a flush creep over my face.

A smile lights up his handsome face. “Good. Because I love you, too, and I’m never letting you go.”


Ryan kisses the tip of my nose. “Promise.”

I realize Bella is watching us closely and I’m not sure what is running through her head. I just mentally cross my fingers and hope for the best.

“You know,” Bella begins and places her hands on her hips, “this is probably a good thing.”

Ryan keeps an arm around my waist and we wait for her to continue.

“For a couple of reasons,” she says. “First of all, you’ve been alone for a really, really long time, Dad.”

I smirk and Ryan quirks a brow. “Sad, but true,” he says.

“And, I’ve seen how finding someone and falling in love has changed Mom. It’s made her so happy. And, I want that for you, too.” Bella turns her attention to me. “And, Hailey, I just love you to death. If you make each other happy...then I’m happy for you.”

I hear Ryan release a breath. “Thanks, honey.”

God, I’m so relieved to hear her words.

“There’s one other thing,” Bella says, suddenly looking sheepish.

“What?” Ryan asks.

“So, you know how I started dating this guy recently?”

We both nod.

“Well, he’s a little older than me.”

Suddenly, I know exactly where this is going and I bite my lip to keep from laughing. Oh, poor Ryan. Talk about karma.

“How much older?” Ryan asks.

“That’s not really the point,” I say and reach for his hand. “Are you happy?”

Bella nods. “We’re in love and I haven’t told anyone yet because of our age difference. But, now that I have such a good example…”

I press my lips together, trying to hold the chuckle in, but it escapes. “Well, I look forward to meeting him and I’m sure your father does, too.”

Ryan lets out a little groan, but forces a smile. “I certainly do.”

“Oh, good!” Bella says and claps her hands together. “Mom doesn’t have any idea so don’t say anything. I’m going to need you to help me tell her.”

Bella walks over and she and Ryan hug.

“I’m so glad you understand, Dad. We’re going to have to figure out a way to tell Mom without giving her a mini heart attack.”

“A heart attack is a bit of a strong reaction. Even for your Mom.”

“How many years are you and Hailey apart?” she asks.

I twirl a strand of hair around my finger, highly amused, and decide not to comment.

“Twenty years,” he says.

“Oh, okay. That’s not too bad.”

From the look on Ryan’s face, I think he may have just had a little heart attack. But, for the first time in a long time, he gets to be a dad to his daughter. And, I know he likes that. Even if it’s killing him a little.

We start to walk to our cars and Ryan finally asks, “So, how many years exactly are you and this guy apart?”

“Just a few more than you two.” She links an arm through his and smiles. “Who knew we had so much in common?”

His mouth opens, then closes. My adorable Foxy Flyboy is at a loss for words.

But, I have a feeling that his future relationship with his daughter will be a strong one.