Falling for Rex by Shayne Ford



Rex issilent as we head downtown.

We’re eight people now as we slowly roll down the road that ends in front of the club.

Minutes later, we dismount our motorcycles.

My hair smells like salt and the ocean, and specks of sand are still stuck to my legs.

He takes his helmet off and sets it on his ride, not looking at me. My hand goes to his forearm.


He lifts his gaze to me.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

He reads my eyes for a moment.

“Yes. Why?”

“You’ve been silent since Kian talked to me.”

“I’m fine.”

He starts to pivot away. I step in front of him to stop him. The rest of the crew walks in while we linger behind.

“What is the story with you and him?” I ask.

“There is no story.”

He attempts to move away again. I take a step backward and stop in front of him, forcing him to halt.

“I don’t want to come between the two of you.”

He tilts his lips into a bitter smile.

“It’s not up to you.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

He studies my expression for a second. I look at him, baffled.

“No one can stop him.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, gripping his arm.

He tears my hand away and drags me with him.

“Let’s go inside.”

He moves. I don’t.

He stops.

“What do you mean, Rex?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me. What is the problem?”

“The problem is... We wouldn’t be here if... You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. And I’d hate to see something bad happen to you.”


“Of him.”

“You can’t take him seriously.”

He muses for a moment.

“I’ve never seen him fucking with anything he wanted in his life. He always gets what he wants, regardless of the price.”

I look at him, empty of ideas for a moment.

“Why do we even have to talk about him?” I mutter.

He stays quiet.

“Do you want to leave?” I ask.

“No. I don’t want to stir him up more than he already is.”

“He thinks you’re afraid of him.”

“I’m not afraid.”

“He thinks you’re afraid you might lose me to him. Is he insane?”

“People called him worse. And they were always right. But now, there’s no turning back. He knows we’re together.”

“Are we?’ I ask in a quiet voice.

His expression shifts, a soft smile tilting his lips.

He comes close to me and rests his hands on my shoulders, his fingers on my neck and jaw.

My heart thrums faster as I wait for his response.

Slowly, he tips his chin down.

“Yes... We are.”

He tips my chin up as he lowers his mouth and presses his lips against mine.

His soft kiss sends shockwaves of pleasure through my body.

“Get a room, motherfucker,” a hoarse voice rings out at our side, followed by a chorus of male laughs.

Ignoring them, he kisses me slowly, awakening my longing for him. He breaks away from me a moment later, his hand clutching mine.

“Let’s go inside and have a good time before he gets you...” he says, joking by all means, but his joke is weaved with grim seriousness that puts a blade into my heart.

We walk in and stroll across until we reach a big table with many people around it–– a mix of rough-looking bikers and their women–– buxom ladies clad in skintight dresses flashing teasing smiles. And then there’s Frankie and Amber and her friend.

Their men, too.

A beautiful woman keeps Kian company.

He doesn’t acknowledge us as we take seats at the table. So much for our unjustified, irrational worries.

We order food and drinks, and as the night progresses, nothing in Kian’s behavior speaks of his interest in me or his brother’s affairs.

By the time we order the second round of drinks, I begin to doubt the story has legs.

More and more, I believe that I was right. Kian is messing with his younger brother because he can.

Fucking with me is nothing but a bonus. Touching me was completely out of the line, but everything is with him based on his general behavior.

The woman with superb legs sits on his lap, leaning on him, her tits in his face, his hand resting on her knees.

More than once, I catch him curl his hand around the woman’s thigh, right between her knees.

Every time she laughs, her chest bounces, and my gaze dips until Frankie elbows me, and I flick my eyes to her.

“Whatcha doing?” she asks.


“Can’t take your eyes away from her, huh?”

“Something like that.”

“They’re all like that,” she mutters, discreetly pointing to the bikers’ ladies.

Good looking, fuck me heels, and skintight dresses.

Frankie and I wear boho tunics that have been dragged across the towel beach a few times. My hair is tangled, and hers is in no better condition.

“What’s up with the women and the bikers?” I ask under my breath, snatching fries from my plate and popping them into my mouth.

“Well... Look who the bikers are.”

She makes a small gesture, pointing to Kian and his friends.

“They’re after their bikes,” I joke, looking down to hide my smile.

“Yeah, or the rides between their legs,” she comments.

We both chuckle, my eyes sliding to the left where the woman sitting in Kian’s lap tells a story, making people laugh.

“Beautiful and witty,” I say to myself, my gaze trailing down her legs, his hand, and then moving to his groin.

His package strains against his fly, his legs open–– too open.

I sense a stare and flick my eyes up when I almost fall back thunderstruck.

A dark smile grows on Kian’s lips as our eyes stay locked for a second. He dares me, but I refuse to accept or acknowledge his dare.

I don’t want to know what it’s all about.

He tears his gaze away from me, giving the woman his attention and touching her leg.

He must be hard for her, from what I see.

For a split second, I have this snapshot of them in my mind–– her long legs hitched on his hips, her panties down, his hands under her skirt before he grabs her and slides her down his dick and lets her ride him.

The image is so vivid I get stuck with it, not realizing that Frankie elbows me repeatedly.

“What’s with you?” she tosses at me, grabbing me by the arm and making me pay attention to her.


“What were you looking at?”


“You were looking at them.”

“No. I mean, yes, but I was thinking about something else.”

“What?” she asks, munching on her food.

“We should dress differently from now on,” I say.

“That, I agree.”

She picks up a pickle from her plate and takes a bite.

“Guess what? Tonight is the night,” she mutters, her attention flying from one topic to another.


I continue eating, too.

“Carlos will take me to his place.”

“No way.”

“Mmm-hmm. I told you that the more shit I give him, the nicer he gets.”

“So it’s a game.”

“A game that works. Regardless, I want to spend a night with him. What are you two doing?” she asks, shifting her gaze to Rex, who talks to someone at his side.

“I don’t know. Going home? The beach...?”

A knowing smile lines her lips.

“You kind of like the beach.”

I get wrapped in melancholy.

“We’ve had some of the best moments at the beach.”

Her eyes sparkle like luminaries.

“So... have we two done it?”

I smile.

Of all the places to have this conversation, talking about it in the middle of a bikers’ club with loud people around us surely takes away from the magic of the moment.

“We’ve done a lot of things... but not the thing.”

“No way.”

She can’t suppress her surprise.

Smiling, I look down.

“Are you scared?”

“No. I didn’t ask him not to. It was his decision.”

She moves her eyes from me to him and studies Rex for a few moments.

“Don’t you tell me,” she says, shifting her gaze to me. “He wants something from you.”

“What do you mean?”

I wait for her answer when Carlos turns to her and curls his hand around her shoulder, making her shift to him.

They exchange a few words before she shifts her focus to me.

“What do you think he wants from me?” I ask.

“He wants you. Feelings...”

“I doubt. I don’t think he’s done this before.”

“Being someone’s first man?”

“Being with someone.”


She looks at Carlos.

“Do you think he’s been with someone before? They never commit to anyone until they’re ready to settle. Do you think your guy is?” she asks, looking at me.

I laugh quietly.

“What are you talking about?”


Carlos touches her shoulder again.

“Do you want to go?” he asks her.

She shifts her gaze to me.

“Go,” I say. “I’ll get home. Don’t worry about me,” I add, just as the clamor grows behind my back.

They flick their eyes in that direction, and I do the same.

Kian pushes to his feet, talking to his brother over the table.

“Bring your guests to our place,” Kian says.

For a moment, I don’t know what he’s talking about, but then I see the girls chattering and Amber getting so excited about the idea.

She insists Frankie should come, and Carlos seems interested to go too.

Rex looks at me, throwing me a questioning look.

It’s hard to say whether he wants me to go to his place or not, yet he doesn’t seem to dislike the idea.

“My treat,” Kian says, covering the tab before leading the way, his woman prancing next to him.

A few moments later, we’re all outside.

We leave in a cloud of noise before passing through downtown, heading south. Nine bikes, eighteen people.

Red lights pierce the night as the bikes glide down the road.

Soon, we enter an area with rich greenery and sophisticated mansions tucked behind the wall of trees.

Minutes later, a house made almost entirely of glass beams with light, greeting us.

Midnight finds us lounging or swimming in the Jackson brothers’ pool.

Carved in the cliff, the custom pool snakes around small islands where torches flicker in the wind.

A blue-lit bottom looks at the starry sky.

The pool stretches across a large area in front of the two-level house.

The glass walls outline large rooms, the soft lighting, art, and furniture, breathing a masculine vibe.

Leather sofas, soft lamps, black and white rugs, dark paintings, and photography comprise the decor.

It’s styled with great taste, and other than Kian and Rex, no one else seems to be living here.

“It’s nice,” Frankie says, sliding into the water and sitting next to me, propped against the stairs descending into the pool.

“Good thing we have our swimsuits on,” she says as I sip my cocktail.

“Not that anyone cares,” I say, noise drifting from the other end of the pool.

The men shed their clothes and dive in, more or less in colorful boxer shorts, while the women take off their dresses, some jumping braless into the pool.

Frankie laughs.

“Are we too old for this shit?”

“They’re older than us,” I mutter, my lips sealed to the rim of my glass.

She chuckles, amused.

“I want to be them when I grow up,” she jokes.

“You can be them now.”

“I’m not comfortable flashing my boobs.”

“You and me,” I say, watching the show.

It’s entertaining even without participation.

Music comes from the house, and a couple of women start dancing, coopting their men as well.

“They have fun,” I mutter, my eyes flying to the house again.

I spot Kian and Rex on the second level. They talk or maybe argue–– it’s hard to tell.

All I can tell is that Rex gestures before Kian turns his back to him and vanishes down the stairs.

He walks out of the house a few moments later, wearing swim shorts. He jumps headfirst into the pool, and I lose him, unable to figure out where he has surfaced.

The woman he brought with him lies on a lounge chair, chatting with a friend and her man.

I can no longer see Rex in the house.

Frankie sets her drink on the concrete edge.

“I want to swim,” she announces before submerging and moving under the water.

I watch her move away, sipping my drink before pivoting to set my glass on the concrete edge when a hand curls around my ankle and pulls me down, dragging me under the water.

The blunt force doesn’t allow me to hold onto the edge.

My hand slips, my scream getting clipped as I close my mouth to prevent the water from entering my lungs.

Whoever snatched me carries me away. All I see is the blue lights on the bottom and the walls pulling away from me and the torches and starry sky flickering above.

The man makes a sudden shift and pulls me into an oval sprawl of water stretching between the house walls.

Gasping, I surface, frantically drawing in some air.

He doesn’t let me breathe when he turns me around, crashes my back against the edge, and comes onto me with all his weight.

He crushes me against the cold, wet concrete, my spine creaking as he presses into me. Hard chest, hard arms, hard cock between his legs.

He lowers his mouth when I jerk my hand up and slap him hard. His kiss comes to me, regardless.

And it’s not a soft kiss.

It’s a penetration. It’s the way he is. The way he was that night.

Last night.

He’s crazy. I truly believe that. And his body is onto mine, while his arms are draped around me like pliers cut out of steel.

I don’t respond to him, but I do get warm.

He doesn’t care that I fight him.

He doesn’t care that I struggle with my will.

He smells sweet like fruit or a drink. And something minty. But his cologne is still lodged in his skin, and it’s going to be on my lips and then on Rex’s lips later on.

He bites my lip before I feel the metallic taste of blood and feel the pain. It hurts badly. And I think about the mark and how it will stay on my lip too.

“You can’t do that,” I say, pushing him back.

“You didn’t tell him,” he tosses at me, his eyes harboring a wicked smile.

“Tell him what?”

My voice slips a notch higher, and his hand comes over my mouth.

He’s scary when he stands six feet away from me.

He’s horrifying as his body blocks my access to the world.

“Easy, easy...” he mutters. “Don’t fight it. He knows it, you know it... That’s why you didn’t tell him.”

“You think some secret gives you power over me.”

A cocky laugh leaves his chest.

“You know what gives me power over you? Power, sweetheart.”

“I’m not your sweetheart. Your sweetheart is waiting for you out there.”

An obnoxious smile slides onto his lips.

“Are you jealous?”

“Not a smidgen.”

“Why were you so interested in my hard dick then?”

“I wasn’t.”

“Try again.”

I stay mum.

“You know what got me hard,” he says, adjusting himself under the water.

My gaze dips.

He grabs his cock through his swim shorts.

“The same thing that gets me hard right now.”

He takes my hand and lets me feel him up.

I take my hand away. He brings me back.

“The thought that I’d enter you when he’s done with you.”

My hand stays on his erection as I look at him, distracted.

“What are you talking about?”

“You heard me right.”

I take my hand away.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He laughs, amused.

“And you do?” he throws at me.

“I think you’ve lost your mind.”

His smile drops in a second, a dark look sliding onto his face.

He sets his hands on either side of me and leans closer, his breath fanning over my face.

“The only reason he has you right now is that I let him.”

My mouth opens in surprise as I search his eyes.

“Do you really believe that?”

“We both know that.”


He nods.

“You and I.”

“I don’t want you, Kian.”

A sinister laugh falls from his lips.

“You want me more than you know.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about. You know nothing about me.”

He weighs his words, his features softening a little as he curls his lips into a smile.

“I know everything. I know what he gives you. But even he has been misled by, um....”

He pauses, and I start to doubt he will continue.

“By what?”

“Your innocent looks. Your pure thoughts. The way you are.”

He looks down at me, the water rising to my chest when he brings his hand to my bra, and without the slightest hesitation, slides it to the side and cups my breast.

His hand drapes over my chest and squeezes me hard, so hard I yelp, but he’s faster and locks my mouth.

And when I scream and cry inside his mouth, the sound remains trapped in both of us, his hand crashing onto me again, this time harder than before, his hard dick pressed against my body.

He sucks me into his kiss, and I get lost in it for a moment before I start to respond.

I know how crazy it is to do this with him in his house with Rex not far from us. Rex... who did the same thing to me today, although without crushing my willpower.

I don’t know why I respond.

My brain can’t tell the difference. It’s stimulated and confused, and I can’t explain how it happened or why.

And my body is turned on because my brain is, and it all becomes a swirling circle that spins out of control.

Unapologetically, he takes my hand and brings it to his full erection. He doesn’t want my touch on him through his shorts but straight on his flesh. I squeeze it because he squeezes my chest hard.

And I open my mouth to get his tongue as he pushes it down my throat. And I feel horrible, and I hate myself, thinking that I’ll never be able to face Rex again.

This is wrong. So wrong.

Kian is nothing but an entitled, arrogant, hot as hell dick who wants to screw with his brother and me. And I’m nothing but a loser for doing this to myself and Rex.

His hands bite into me. Both hands on my chest, both palms straight on my boobs, my bra pushed to the side.

And my fist is still on his big crown. Not moving, yet clutching hard.

He puts no finesse into this. He doesn’t have his brother’s touch.

Rex knows it. He knows how to do it. How to get me there. Kian has no idea. He wants to destroy me.

And that’s when I find my power and take my hand away from him and tear my lips away from him, pushing myself away.

“Go to hell, Kian. You know nothing.”