Falling for Rex by Shayne Ford



The woman smilesaround my cock, cum dripping from her lips.

“Fine,” I say, impatiently pulling out of her mouth, my semi-hard cock bouncing, still shooting my release.

Fucking Luna Rae, I muse, annoyed, snatching a towel from the side, wiping off cum, and pulling my shorts up.

“Go home,” I say.

Not waiting for the woman’s reply, I spring up and leap off the edge of the pool before diving into the water.

I swim for a few good seconds and push up, rising above the water, far from the entrance of the house.

She thinks she’s fucking cute.

She thinks I’ll fall for childish tricks.

She thinks she’ll have him and play with me at the same time.

Frustration builds in me with every stroke.

Pumping air and flexing my muscles, I reach the farthest end of the pool, seal my palms to the concrete edge, pull myself up, and straighten.

Water drips from my shoulders, chest, and chin as I shake my head and nervously fix my package.

I’m hard as fuck, and what’s worse, I’m seconds away from a disaster. Impulse control has never been my strong suit.

Everybody knows it, and she should know it too. If not, she should learn it.

Fucking Luna Rae.

Fly lanterns dangle from the trees, lighting the stairs down to the beach. I leave the house behind, the pool, the woman who sucked my dick, and the woman who made me come, flashing her pussy at me.

The woman who my brother fucks.

For now.

No matter what he says, this is not new to us. He thinks it is. He wants it to be. And for sure, he claims it to be.


We’ve had many women.

We’ve both had them, although rarely at once.

They wouldn’t say no to either of us, so we took turns on them and never cared how it ended.

It was fun.

Despite what Rex says, we’ve always had the same taste in women, and they’ve always liked us both.


She likes me, too. Yeah, yeah...

He tried to downplay everything as if I’m blind. I know him better than I know myself.

I know what he likes and how he likes it.

As much as he resents me and believes he’s better than me, we have something in common. We’ve discovered it when we started hooking up a few years back.

He’s never got caught into some girl because he wanted to whisper poems in her ear.

He’s different with her. He acts differently. He has patience with her, but I’m no fool.

I see how whipped he is. And tonight, I might’ve gotten a taste of it and begin to learn why. Although what she gives me, it's not what she gives him.

She gives herself to him. She only taunts me.

And she taunts the wrong brother.

I will find out if there is anything in her to taunt me with. Sure, she made me come. The little vile harlot made me come.

I didn’t see that coming, pun intended.

I never thought she’d strip for me. Not in my house, with Rex up there talking to our stepfather, with a woman sitting on my lap.

She sure knew how to choose the moment.

She knew I couldn’t get to her.

Oh, but I will get to her, and when I’m done with her, she will regret it.

The beach stretches in front of me, the dark ocean greeting me with high crests crashing in front of me and deafening whirring.

A sky full of stars glimmers above, twinkling like that woman’s eyes.

She thinks I have no idea.

She knows nothing about life. About men. She thinks she knows everything just because she’s had Rex’s hands on her.

We might fuck a certain kind of woman, but we know more than she does.

That’s why she caught my brother’s eye. I wonder what she thinks it was.

Her pert tits, tight pussy, long legs, or plump lips?

Her hair spreading like long wings down her back or her almond-shaped eyes?

Her sweetness, shyness–– yeah, so much for that, right? Her girlish dresses?

Beauty is a token to get something.

She needs it as much as he does, and I need it too. Men need it more, not all men, though. And not all women, and it’s fine.

But that makes her rare.

And I want rare.

Rare burns me. Makes me feel alive. Makes me want to have.

Makes me live the way I live.

I start running, the cold sand sinking under my feet.

Soon the water licks my ankles and grows to my shanks and thighs. And them I leap and arch and torpedo myself into the ocean, breaking a wave that lashes at the shore.

The water wraps around me, dark and cold, flooding my ears.

I open my eyes and start pushing it under me, going where the floor grows deep, embracing the darkness, dragging myself to the edge, taunting death.

Always taunting death.

What is life if you can’t look death in the eye? Death is always close. It’s a whisper away—a wrong move away, and a split second away.

And death comes embedded in life. It’s always been a package deal.

But death shies away when I dare it. Like every other thing in life, it pulls away when I need it.

The thing is… I don’t need it.

I need to show death that I don’t care. That it can’t break me. And it can’t crush my life and make it small because it breathes down my neck with its ugly finality.

I despise death.

It comes when you least need it and takes away from you what you need the most.

Fuck death.

I’d laugh if I could, but I only have enough air to live, so I push up and open my mouth above the water, filling my lungs, fueling my blood, and looking at the immense sky.

The waves roll and crash away from me, so I lean back and float, drifting slowly as the moon looks coldly at me.

I never trusted the moon either. A big shiny lie in the sky. The poet’s muse.

Back to that girl.

What does she represent to me?

My anger simmers down, my body cooling off.

What does she represent to him?

Whatever she does, she will be with us and then go away like all the others. She’ll be his and mine–– although not for long–– but I will have her.

It’s written in the stars gleaming with indifference while carrying death with them from another time and a different sky.

Somewhere out there, I see snippets of my life–– a different life–– but this life is good too. It’s full and satiating, and it belongs to me, the same way she does.

It’s just that for now, I let my brother have her.

He can lick her and fuck her and warm her up for me. He can make her want good dick. He’s already done it, and I have proof.

She was hot last night, but not as hot as she was today after he fucked her in the water.

They looked as if they kissed.

Mmm-hmm... As if I’ve never seen that trick before.

Her tits and folds were swollen. She had an afterglow. And he was still hard.

He gave that woman an orgasm. He gave her more... Like when he ate her out and made her come against her car.

I bet she tasted good.

I know she did. Her scent stayed with me for hours. Even when he and I have argued over her.

He couldn’t have enough of her. He did everything to her, not once, but plenty of times.

He lit her up, gave her a taste, make her want it, and now I see the signs, and I’m ready to reap the benefits.

She can’t say no to me. She couldn’t keep her eyes in check.

She may look innocent, and my brother might be railing her, but she sure knows how to check the outline of my hard-on, close her hand around my dick, and watch that woman suck me off.

He thinks she’s his... Right.

He put that hunger into her, and now it chips away at her loyalty.

Tonight she showed me she’s not entirely his. She fell into my trap, and the game is on.

She thinks she has power.

She doesn’t know it yet, but the power is all mine.