Kept By the Beast by Hallie Bennett




Insanity must be rotting my brain...or lust.

What other explanation can there be for saying such an idiotic thing? The woman hardly knows me, and I threaten to take her home. Practically fucking kidnapping her. You’d think my previous encounters with women ﹘ the ones where they warily eye my size and retreat ﹘ would make me smarter. But I guess not.

Because this curvy little bombshell slipped past any reason and has gone straight to the caveman portion of my brain. The part that thinks it’s okay to throw her over my shoulder before tying her to my bed. Apparently, the Beast ﹘ the name some townspeople whisper behind my back ﹘ is tired of being alone, wants a mate, and has chosen Poppy.

Poppy ﹘ a fragile flower that my fucking bear paws could crush.

Before I can apologize for the aggressive dictate, she answers, “We’ll do it your way.” I freeze. She wants to go home with me? My dick twitches in eagerness, rising to the occasion. “You can follow behind me in case anything happens on the drive.”

Right, you fucking idiot. She wants to go home, not to bed with your ugly mug.

"Sounds good, let me get my jumper cables,” I mumble and head back to my truck, grabbing the tools before returning. She's dried her cheeks, though remnants of her crying remain. The sight of her pain is like a vise around my heart ﹘ crushing it under the pressure ﹘ and I want to cuddle her sweet curves close to protect her from any more harm.

Five minutes later, the car refuses to start which means our earlier argument is moot. Part of it, anyway, because I still want to steal Poppy back to my cabin.

Her forehead rests on the steering wheel, defeat clear in the line of her drooping shoulders. Giving her a moment of privacy, I step away to call my friend and business partner, Micah.

“Hey, man, what’s up?”

“Are you busy? There’s a woman stranded on the side of 85 and could use a tow.”

“And you’ve elected yourself as her knight in shining armor? Doesn’t sound like you.” Micah laughs, but he’s not wrong. Since women avoid me, I do the same. Enough of their fearful or snide remarks have reached my ears in passing that I don’t need to seek it out by approaching them.

Growing up, I always felt set apart. My family was dirt poor, living in a ramshackle trailer on the side of the mountain. When I was old enough, I helped when I could by pitching in at the local lumberyard with my dad, and it wasn’t long before the added bulk from hard labor combined with my height to form the town’s Beast.

“Fuck off,” I say with little heat. “Can you help or not?”

“Yeah, just text me the location.” Thanking him, I end the call and see how Poppy’s doing. Dusk has fallen, and we’ll be sitting ducks out here the later it becomes. This road doesn’t get a lot of traffic which means drivers think it’s okay to speed through the winding curves. Every year multiple accidents occur, and I don’t want us to be around when complete darkness hits.

“So, my friend’s bringing his truck to tow your car, since we can’t leave it here.” Recklessness pervades my thoughts again as I continue, “You can stay the night with me. In the morning, we can talk to the town mechanic about your car.”

The gentlemanly thing to do would be to offer to drive her all the way home, which I’ll do if she insists, but if she doesn’t… Well, I’m not above having her under my roof, preferably under me as I drive my cock into her wet pussy.


This is what celibacy gets me: lusting after a woman I barely know but can’t resist craving.

“Okay.” The lone word is dull with acceptance; obviously, she’s over the whole ordeal. And shame creeps in at my dirty thoughts. Poppy doesn’t need me panting over her, eager to fuck. She needs a comforting shoulder and a helping hand. That’s it.

“You said you live in Everton. What brings you to High Ridge?” I ask, trying to get her mind off the situation while we wait for help to arrive.

“I like your downtown Main Street; it’s really cute. So, I thought it’d be a nice break from the city to explore the local shops.”

“Find anything good?”

“Not worth the trouble it's caused me,” she mutters under her breath. “Some. A lot of places had fun fall decorations that I grabbed.”

“That’s good.” I search for something else to add when Micah finally pulls in front of Poppy’s car. Thank god. I don’t know much about girly shit like home decor. My knowledge taps out around basic construction which is why I don’t handle that side of business. Micah and his brother, Rhett, co-own a joint lumber and construction company with me, and I stick to what I know: raw wood.

Micah hops out of the cab and waves before heading towards the rear and messing with jangling chains. “We better hurry; we don’t have much light.”

Nodding, I help him hook her car to the tow as Poppy watches from the side of the road after grabbing the essentials from the vehicle. Arms cross her chest as she rubs gloved hands over the sleeves in an effort to stay warm as the temperature drops.

“Baby, why don’t you wait in my truck where there’s heat. We won’t be much longer.”

“Are you sure? We’re strangers; I could be a secret car thief.”

Micah and I laugh at the ridiculous notion. She’d be the cutest car thief I’ve ever seen. “I’ll risk it. Here, take these.” I toss her the keys from my pocket and watch as she clambers inside the raised truck, the loud hum of the engine revving to life.

Baby, huh? The women of High Ridge will be heartbroken at the sight of their Beast in love.” He teases as we finish securing the vehicle.

“I’m not in love,” I scoff, slapping cold hands against my thighs to wipe the dirt from the chains away. But hardcore lust coated in a heavy layer of possessiveness? Hell yes.

“Not yet…” Micah tips his head knowingly. “I can drop this off at the mechanic’s by myself while you see to your girl.”

“Thanks, I owe you one.” Waving good-bye, I jog back to the truck and climb into the driver’s seat, heat wafting over my freezing nose and cheeks. Country music plays softly in the background as Poppy plays with her phone, the blue screen looking ominous even from here.

“How are you doing? I know this isn’t ideal, but I promise you’re safe with me. And we’ll figure everything out tomorrow.”

“I hope so. I hate infringing on your time like this; I’m so sorry.”

“You’re not infringing on anything, and you definitely don’t need to apologize. I stepped in and offered to help because I wanted to.” When I’d spotted her lone car on the shoulder of the road earlier, it’d been tempting to pass it by. My history with the townspeople doesn’t incline me to come to their aid, but I figured I might be one of the few cars to frequent this section of the interstate and reluctantly stopped.

Best decision you’ve made in a while.

The rest of the drive stays quiet as I navigate the sharp turns that lead to my cabin. Once inside the austere interior, we shed our coats and gloves before I lead her on a short tour that ends in the master bedroom. “Here’s your room. The master bath’s through there. Feel free to use whatever you want or borrow any clothes.”

“The master? I don’t want to take your room. Why don’t I sleep on the couch ﹘”

“Not an option. You’ll have this room, and I’ll take the spare. No arguments.” I can’t explain the rationale to her. All I know is if I can’t share a bed with her tonight, at least her scent will be all over my pillows and sheets, and I’ll take whatever I can get. Keeping a part of her once she leaves.

If she leaves… My mind revisits the idea of chaining her to my bed like a caveman before I shake it away.

Confusion darkens her expression as a mulish line forms on her mouth, but she stays silent. “Alright… thank you, again. If it’s okay, I think I just want to go to sleep despite the early hour…” Her growling stomach interrupts, and a scarlet flush blooms on her cheeks.

“Why don’t I whip up something to eat, then you can turn in for the night?”

Poppy agrees, and the rest of the night flies by between stunted conversations and dinner. I try not to let it affect me, but for the first time, I regret my lack of experience with women. Small talk is already a struggle but trying to communicate with a woman I’m interested in? Even more fucking difficult.

Sighing, I shelf the fantasy of keeping her.

Who’d want to stay with the Beast?