Kept By the Beast by Hallie Bennett




A pleasant buzz tingles along my nerve endings as I sink back into my seat after kissing Asa. My first kiss, and I decided to initiate it in front of an audience. What is happening to me?

First, I share the embarrassing fact of having hardly any friends, then I kiss the man in public? It’s like High Ridge has become a portal to a new me ﹘ a less guarded, more daring Poppy. Which is a strange revelation.

Shocked stares come from the women in the back, and satisfaction infuses my blood. I hate conflict, preferring to lay low and go with the flow, but bullies are the exception. And those women? Major bullies.

When I heard what they called Asa, I saw red ﹘ something I’m not used to ﹘ and my only thought was to make him feel better. Which, of course, meant kissing the man. My logic might have been off, but I don’t regret the action. The savory flavor of his mouth lingers in mine, and Asa certainly didn’t seem to mind the aggressive move.

“Hopefully, that was okay.” I gulp the last of my glass of water, hoping to cool my temper and arousal.

“Hell, yes. Feel free to jump me again whenever you please.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” We both laugh, and the mutual attraction is palpable between us ﹘ a feeling that’s unfamiliar. For some reason, Asa seems to like me despite my lack of social skills and a body that’s seen the inside of a kitchen more than the gym. Though maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised. His admission of feeling lonely and left out echo my own as if we’re two kindred spirits.

“We’re about done here. Fred’s shop should be open by now if you’re ready to hear the verdict on your car.” Nodding, remembering the true reason I’m here, I start to pull out my wallet when Asa extracts his with a shake of his head and throws down payment for breakfast.

Thanking him with a smile, we walk next door to the garage where an older man stands behind a counter. “Morning, folks. How can I help you?”

“The grey Camry out there belongs to Poppy and needs to be looked at as soon as possible. It stalled out on Route 85 yesterday.” I appreciate Asa stepping in to answer the man’s question ﹘ taking the lead. Even if it’s unfair or distinctly anti-feministic, the apprehension in my body melts away. I really didn’t want to explain things myself when I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.

“Ah, I noticed it outside. It’ll be a few hours before I can take a look, then it probably won’t be until Monday before it’s fixed. There’s a line of cars ahead of you, and the shop’s open short hours today and closed tomorrow.” The man shrugs apologetically, but I understand. Small towns operate differently than larger cities, moving at a slower pace. “If you have the keys, I’ll take those and your number to call with the issues and cost to repair.”

Handing the keys over, I write down my phone number with Asa adding his below it, and ten minutes later we’re back at his truck ﹘ wondering what to do next.

“I know you explored Main Street yesterday, so unless there was something you missed or want to revisit, I could show you the lumberyard.” Piles of wood don’t sound particularly appealing but spending time alone with Asa? I’ll take it.

“Sure, let’s go.”

He opens the truck door and helps me step into the high cab, large hands spanning my waist. I swear his grip tightens for a moment before loosening, and butterflies knock around my belly ﹘ staying the entire drive out to the lumberyard.

Pallets of logs and boards line one side of the vast complex while heavy machinery is neatly parked in rows along a large garage. Tires crunch over coarse gravel before Asa parks in front of a medium-sized building at the center of it all.

“Here we are ﹘ the official home of Olson-Keller Lumber & Construction. This used to be acres of forest before we built everything.” Exiting the vehicle, we stroll towards an entryway as I study the tamed landscape.

“This might sound rude, but do you guys do anything to offset cutting down all these trees?”

“We try to be eco-conscious and plant two trees for every one we cut. To be honest, I never really thought about those things until becoming an owner in the company, and we received tons of notices from local environmental groups. But it’s become a priority for us, since we’ve been educated.” He holds the door open before following me inside a combined space of waiting chairs and desks.

I appreciate his willingness to learn and adapt especially when it’s not a skill everyone has. It endeared him to me that much more. As if you needed one more reason to like him.

“It’s awesome you guys have taken the information and incorporated it into actual change for your company. Very impressive.” Walking around the area, my eyes jump from desk to desk before asking, “Which one’s yours?”

He points to a desk in front of a window, devoid of anything except for a closed laptop. “I don’t spend a lot of time here which is why it’s so bare.”

“Not even a picture, though you do have a pretty view.” Black Mountain stands tall and majestic awash in fall colors ﹘ orange, red, and yellow leaves turned for the season.

“Agreed.” Asa’s hot breath skims over my neck, his body much nearer than before. His hand tentatively touches my hip as if waiting for me to rebuff the move, but I stay still and say nothing. The warm weight roves forward until his palm cups my breast, fingertips toying with the buttons of the shirt over my open coat.

“This is what I wanted to do at the diner, but you left too soon.” The disgruntled words spark a moment of amusement ﹘ his tone like a boy who’d lost his favorite toy ﹘ until he nimbly undoes the buttons and slips a hand under the flannel.

“If you’d done this at the diner, I’m pretty sure we would’ve been banned for life.” He tweaks a nipple through the thin fabric of my sports bra, and I lament the absence of something sexier. But it’s not like I planned on getting stranded and subsequently rescued by a lumberjack wanting to touch me.

“Their loss.” Asa nips my earlobe, the sudden pain momentarily distracts me from his other hand working its way beneath the waist of my jeans and panties. How far is he going to take this?

How far am I willing to let him take this?

And the answer comes immediately: All the way.

Our time together in High Ridge is limited. My car will be fixed soon, and I’ll be headed home. And who knows how long this brave Poppy will stick around? Best to experience everything I can before she disappears and fear takes her place.

Tilting my head to the side to give him more access, I sink deeper into his body, his height forming the perfect curve to mine. My hands roam backward and firm muscle greets me. I can’t resist tugging his hips closer to rub my ass against the hard erection nestled in the crease of my jeans. It’s a brazen move ﹘ uncharacteristic of me ﹘ but he clearly approves with a squeeze of my breast and rumbled growl of pleasure.

“You’re begging to be fucked, baby.” Asa’s fingers spear through my slick folds to reach their prize, and a keening gasp escapes at the contact. Rough fingertips. Sensitive nerves. The combination ignites a spark like nothing I’ve encountered before.

My own touch doesn’t come close.

Needing him to feel the same, I unbutton his jeans to wrap a trembling hand around him ﹘ the first cock I’ve held. “Am I? I can’t help it.’

“I know… You need me ﹘ my hard dick tunneling deep into this wet pussy ﹘ don’t you? But you’re going to have to settle for this until we get home.” He circles my clit before dipping lower, and my grip on him tightens involuntarily as I try to ride his fingers at the explicit imagery. To think one little kiss brought us to this flashpoint.

Perhaps I should thank Mindy and her minions...

“As long as you’re with me.” I don’t want to be the only one to enjoy this short interlude; I want to please him, too. There’s an awkward angle between us, so I turn around to face him, his hands quickly recapturing their former bounties.
