Kept By the Beast by Hallie Bennett




My tired limbs quake under the building pressure of another orgasm as Asa’s mouth continues to devour me like I’m the last meal he’s ever going to eat. And holy hell is it hot being so necessary to him. Not to mention how exquisite it feels to be on the receiving end of such passion.

My hand was starting to cramp from earlier, and despite the hottest sexual encounter of my life, it needed a break. The brazen part of me that began this wild escapade had been ready to concede to practical me who needed a nap.

Which I still want, but after Asa’s had his fill. A moan of pleasure bubbles over as his lips encircle my clit and begins a rhythmic sucking motion. The obscene sound emanating from him forces another gush of arousal from my core. God, I love those hungry growls he’s making. They’re so primal and animalistic. Makes me feel like I’m in one of those paranormal romances with claimings and mates ﹘ like I’m the only woman he’s ever wanted or will ever need.

One hand tangles in his long hair, searching for purchase, while my sore hand rests limply on the seat as my entire body sinks into the leather, too fatigued to do much more than twitch and moan at the cascading waves of another climax.

A daze settles over me ﹘ my physical form becoming weightless as I drift in a sea of contentment.

What is happening?

Never in my life would I have thought I’d be naked outside ﹘ never would have believed I’d have a man so eager for me he wouldn’t care where we were. Yet, here’s Asa with his hungry mouth and pawing hands marking my thighs with his bruising grip.

And I fucking love it.

When he finally tears himself away from my oversensitive core, I lazily lift my lashes to see him swipe an arm across a shining mouth, though his beard still holds drops of my dew. “You’re a sweet little flower, aren’t you? Gonna need to drink from you every damn day to stay satisfied, and even then I doubt it’ll be enough.”

I shudder at the implication ﹘ of him keeping me, of his mouth never straying far from my needy pussy.

“You think you can handle that, baby?”

Nodding, I struggle to sit up until he grasps my arm and pulls me into his waiting embrace. “I’ll be happy to try, if it’s what you want.”

“I want it all. Your body. Your heart. Everything.” My breath catches at the startling declaration. For all of my musings about mates and forever, I didn’t truly believe Asa would want those things, too. The shock of hearing he does sends my heart into a galloping rhythm of amazement and nerves.

What if he changes his mind? What if we’re not thinking clearly because we’re caught up in hormones and the romantic story of him rescuing me this weekend? What happens come Monday?

Questions swirl around my mind, dissipating the pleasant buzz from the previous orgasms.

“But you don’t want to give me those parts of you, do you?” He backs off, and his absence leaves me cold. “I see the fear in your eyes. It’s too much, and I shouldn’t ask it of you. Fuck, I’m an idiot.” An angry hand shoves his hair back in a frustrated gesture as he stomps away.

“No, wait…” I scurry out of the truck and wince at the sharp rocks underfoot. Grabbing my haphazardly thrown jeans, I yank them up my legs before racing after Asa, leaving my boots behind. “You’ve got it wrong; it’s not too much.”

He paces the length of the porch, ignoring my plea, clearly still beating himself up. And I hate it. His obvious pain and self-derision cuts me deep because it’s a predicament I recognize ﹘ I’m no stranger to hating on myself.

“I mean it’s fast, and I’m worried you’ll regret everything you’ve said after tomorrow, but I want this, too. Don’t belittle yourself or call yourself names because you’re not an idiot or a beast or ﹘”

Asa swiftly advances, driving me backwards until I slam into the cabin wall. His arms land above my shoulders, caging me between the wooden logs and his huge body. A fierce, guttural sound emerges from him as his lips burrow through my hair to nip my ear.

“I am a beast, little flower. Too ugly and rough for my delicate Poppy, but you don’t need to worry about me changing my mind. For as long as you’ll have me, I’m yours because you sure as hell have been mine from the moment I pulled up to your car yesterday.”

Nipples pebbling and thighs clenching, desperate need overshadows anymore of my concerns, his promise serving as the catalyst. “Enough talking.” My body arcs into his for relief from the tension coiling inside. “More action. Logically, I hear you, but I need to feel you ﹘ to have the proof.”

To know the weight of your body as you fuck me.

“By the end of this weekend, you’ll know who you belong to. You’ll carry my marks all over this sweet body, a map of love bites warning other men to stay away.” Each word punctures the last of my guard as he drags me to the front door, and we stumble inside the cabin. “My seed will fill your cunt, dripping down your thighs, so you never forget who owns you.”

Good lord, I shouldn’t yearn for such a base act, yet my core aches ﹘ empty and waiting. We shuffle towards the staircase leading to the master bedroom, but Asa’s too impatient and takes me down to the hardwood floors like a predator intent on his prey.

Yes, take me.

Own me.

I’m yours.