Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



If I didn’t have a meeting today, I would’ve stayed as far away from the office as possible. It’s early, so only a few of the players are here.

My meeting with my client just wrapped up. He’s buying a car for his mom, which is really sweet. I’m helping him make sure everything is in her name and setting her up with a checking account for gas and maintenance. These are the sorts of little side projects that I really enjoy doing. Witnessing small acts of kindness helps to lift my soul.

I have some other paperwork to do, but I’m not sure if I want to stick around here to do it, or if I should head home.

And this is why I can’t date Zach. It’s already stressful being here thinking that he might show up at any time. If we dated, it’d still be weird. And if we broke up, it would be utterly unbearable.

Just thinking of Zach sends my brain through a slide show of last night. The kisses. The whispered words. Me riding his lap like a cowgirl in the final rounds at a rodeo…

I’m so embarrassed that we did that somewhere so public. I hate thinking of what would’ve happened if someone had opened that curtain. If someone had gotten a photo. My tits were hanging out of my shirt for fuck’s sake! And Zach is a professional athlete, so a photo like that would be worth some big money. And the thought of my dad seeing that photo. I feel a bit nauseous just thinking about it.

That settles it, I need to get out of here.

Gathering my things, I don’t even take the time to put my papers in my bag, I just pile them in my arms and rush out into the hallway. I didn’t park in the back, but I think I’ll take the back way out just to avoid Zach. If he’s even here.

I’ve made it only a few steps when who should appear through the back door in front of me but the devil himself.

His eyes instantly lock onto mine, narrowing slightly. He has the appearance of an animal on the hunt. I freeze.


He’s not smiling. He looks intense. And it’s turning me on.

So, I do what seems to be my normal. I spin around and flee in the other direction.

“Isabelle!” Zach calls out.

Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. He can’t confront me here. What is he thinking?

I know he’ll catch up to me if I try to make it all the way to the front entrance. The determination on his face said that he won't give up easily. So I move to my next apparent go-to; I play dirty and step into my dad’s office.

“Mornin’, Daddy!” Thank the hockey gods he’s in here, and alone.

“Oh hi, Pumpkin, I didn’t know you were in today.”

I drop my things onto a chair as he comes around his desk so I can accept the hug he offers. I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t seen him nearly as much as I usually do. I hug him back tightly. Maybe too tightly.

“You okay?” he asks with worry in his voice.

“Yeah. Just missed you is all.”

“Aww, I’ve missed you too, Isabelle. It’s been a busy couple of weeks.”

Releasing each other, I take a seat.

“Want to grab some late night ice cream after the game tomorrow night?” he asks, dropping back into his chair.

“That’d be great. Oh, that reminds me, I need to get a ticket for Meghan. I suppose I should see what Katelyn’s doing. We could all sit together.”

“Sounds like a great idea. Whatever you want, we’ll make it happen.”

“Thanks, Daddy. So, how’re you feeling? Tomorrow is the big home opener.”

“I’m feeling pretty good. As you know, we went 3-and-2 for pre-season, working some kinks out. It’ll be a tough game tomorrow. Utah is nothing but wins so far and they took the Cup last year. It’s a hard team to start against. But we’ll skate our best. We have a good shot against them.”

“Well I’m looking forward to it. Meghan seems excited, too; not sure when she became such a big fan.”

“What’s not to love?” Dad gives a look of fake shock.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“So, what have you been up to? Hanging out with Meghan?”

I nod. “I was with her last night.”

“Oh yeah? And what were you crazy kids up to?”

Crap, I walked myself right into that one.

“Oh, um, we went bowling.”

“Really?” This time it’s real shock on his face.

“Yes, really. Why is that so hard to believe?”

“Because you’re a terrible bowler.”


I swear I hear laughter coming from the hallway.

Is Zach seriously standing outside the door?!

“So you two just decided to go bowling?”

I sigh. “If you must know, we were on a date.”

“Oh, umm, that’s nice.” Dad’s face is turning red and he’s not looking at me.

“Oh for Pete’s sake, Daddy. We aren’t dating each other!”

Now I know I hear laughter coming from the hallway.

“Oh! Yes, well, of course.”

“I’ve had boyfriends before,” I grumble.

“I know, honey. It’s just been a while.”

“Yeah, well, I’m dating again.” My cheeks start to warm.

“Anyone I know?”

What?! Why would he even ask it like that? Does he know about Zach?!

No, no way. If he did, he’d have confronted me about it.

I do my best to keep a convincing poker face while I look at him. “No, this was just someone that Meghan set me up with. There won’t be another date.”

“Oh. Sorry to hear that.”

Voices filter in from the hallway and I hear someone call for Zach. Perfect, I needed him to get gone so I could leave.

“It’s okay. I’m having fun hanging out with my friends. I’ll find a good guy eventually.”

Images of Zach bombard my thoughts, and I swat them away one at a time.