Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly




his is not going as planned,” I mumble to myself in the bathroom mirror.

Tonight I was supposed to be meeting a man who could make me forget about Zach. Instead I met a boy, albeit a sweet boy but one who in no way could replace Zach. And then Zach himself shows up. Bowling. Here. Right now.

When he crashed my speed dating thing, he never once said anything about liking to bowl. I feel like that would have been a normal detail to mention since we're inside a freaking bowling alley. But nope, not a word. He’d told me that he googled speed dating events and that’s how he found me then, but how did he find me here? Someone had to have told him, but who? Hardly anyone knew about tonight, and it’s not like my friends would tell him, or even have a way to communicate with him if they wanted to. Whatever, that’s a problem for tomorrow.

Stepping out into the dark hallway I look down and see that my top is a little crooked. I was too distracted with talking to myself in the mirror to take stock of my outfit. I sigh while adjusting the girls in my shirt.

“Can I help?”

Hearing Zach’s voice, my eyes snap up. Except I don’t meet his gaze, since he’s starting at my chest. Or more specifically, he’s staring at me using one hand to press my boobs up while the other is tucked down the front of my shirt adjusting how they sit in the cups of my bra.

“Umm… oops,” I say, like it’s an accident that I’m standing here feeling myself up. I quickly drop my hands to my sides. “Hi.”

I’m on a roll with sounding like an idiot.

I move to walk around Zach, but he reaches out and snags me by the waist as I pass.

“I don’t think so, Sugar.”

I struggle not to lean into his touch. “You don’t think so what?”

“I’m not done with you yet.”

“Done with me? I didn’t even come here with you.”

“No, you came here with High School Musical. I knew you were a cougar, Sweets. But that’s taking it a little too far.”

“A cougar! What the hell are you talking about?”

“You’re older than me.” He smirks.

I scoff. “By like four months. That doesn’t even count.”

I try to ignore the fact that he has both of his hands on me. He’s holding onto my sides, and I blink when I realize that I’ve reached up and have my palms pressed flat against his chest. When did that happen?

“Maybe you’re right,” I say. “Maybe I’ve been going after the wrong type of guy. I should definitely start looking for an older man. You know what they say about experience and stamina.”

A growl is my only warning before Zach’s lips are pressed to mine. His palms slide to my back and he’s pulling me into his body, trapping my arms between us.

I don’t try to resist. I’m blaming the alcohol, but we all know that’s a blatant lie. I’ve been (literally) dreaming of having his lips on me. And I know this taste is the last thing I need, but I’m too much of a glutton to suddenly have self-control now. It’s just a kiss.

Just a kiss, I remind myself as his tongue sweeps into my mouth.

Just a kiss, as he bites down on my lower lip.

Just a kiss, as I moan and clench my legs together.

Just a kiss, as I feel him harden against my stomach.

Just a kiss, as I battle him for control, giving as much as I take.

Too soon, Zach is pulling back. I didn’t realize I had closed my eyes, but they open to see him looking around the room.

“Come.” His voice is a growl.

“Getting close,” I mutter, as I let him drag me across the arcade.

“I heard that," he says. “Don’t worry, Babe, I’ll get you there.”

He gestures me into a photo booth. This is either a custom made booth, or a really old one, because it’s larger than any photo booth I’ve been in before. There’s a hard wooden bench we could easily sit side-by-side on, and there’s almost enough room to stand up. Zach pulls the curtain shut behind us, and I see that it stops about a foot off the ground. Not that I should be worried about the privacy of our feet, since it’s a curtain, not a locking door, so anyone could intrude at any time.

I should be fighting this, just like I should’ve been fighting that kiss. But I can’t. I don’t want to. I want to feel good, and Zach knows how to do that.

He sits on the bench, takes a hold of my hips, and pulls me forward.

“Climb up here, Sugar. Get on my lap.”

Placing my hands on his shoulders to steady myself, I place one knee, then the next, on the bench, straddling him. With his grip still firm on my hips, he scoots himself forward so he’s sitting on the front half of the seat, allowing my knees to slide past his hips, aligning us perfectly.

The feel of his hard cock, even contained in his jeans, pressing against my core is phenomenal. I give into the urge to press down onto him.

“Fuck.” He groans.

Then his mouth is back on mine. My hands are frantic as they feel as much of him as possible. I run my fingers over his shoulders, grip his flexing biceps, scratch down his neck. I grab his hair and pull him closer still, pushing my tongue against his.

I can feel his stubble scratching the corners of my mouth, my chin, but I don’t care. Every sensation he gives me is as exciting as it is welcome.

Zach’s hands shift so he’s palming my ass. His grip is hard enough that it borders on painful, and will absolutely leave marks, but I love it. It’s possessive and sexy and it makes me feel all woman.

“Rock against me, Baby.”

I ignore the words, too consumed with sensation.

A loud crack startles me just as I feel the sting on my butt cheek, a sting that’s quickly soothed away with a rubbing palm.

“I said, rock against me,” Zach repeats.

“Did you just spank me?” I gasp.

“Yeah, Sugar. And if you don’t start rubbing that sweet little pussy against me like I asked you to, I’ll bend you over my knee and spank you even more.”

I feel my body shudder at those words.

Zach feels it too. His eyes seem to get darker as I stare into them.

Our lips crash together again. It’s frenzied and uncoordinated and a thousand percent hot. Zach smacks my ass once more, and I moan into his mouth. Then I rock, just like he asked.

No one has ever spanked me before, or talked about it, or bossed me around like Zach does. I had no idea just how much I would like it. I like his Alpha male side. I like him taking control. I like every single thing he does to me.

He uses his hands on my hips to guide me, but it doesn’t take me long to find a rhythm. Tossing my head back, I wrap my arms around his neck as I grind back and forth against the hard ridge of his erection. I’m starting to wonder if this is hurting him, if maybe I’m grinding his zipper into his cock, but all thoughts cease when his lips close around one of my nipples.

I didn’t even notice him pulling my shirt down or pulling my breast up and out of my bra, but he did. And the feel of his tongue flicking back and forth over my torturously sensitive tip has me riding him even harder.

With one hand pressed against my ass, his other hand takes over where his mouth was as he licks his way over to my other breast.

It’s too much.

“Zach. Holy fuck. Zach. Ohmygod.”

“That’s it, Sugar. Come for me.”

“Zach, we can’t…”

“Come.” With that demand he bites down on my nipple while simultaneously pinching the other one, and I obey.

I shudder against him, rocking in a stuttering motion, extending my orgasm as he continues to suck on my breasts. Until I finally collapse. My body going limp, boneless, like my spirit was just pulled out of me. And it was, by my greedy little girlie parts.

I’m draped against Zach’s chest, breathing deeply, inhaling his scent. His hands are slowly rubbing up and down my back as he nuzzles into my neck.

The reality of what we just did is slowly sinking in. I know we shouldn’t have done that. For about a million reasons, not least of which is public indecency. Reason a million and one is that I’m trying to get over Zach, not more attached to him. And I don’t want him to think that he can just have me whenever he wants. I want a boyfriend, not a fuck buddy. Even if it’s a really super-talented fuck buddy.

“Fuck, Sugar, that was hot,” Zach says into my neck.

I sit up, so I can adjust my boobs back into my shirt. “We shouldn’t have done that here.”

“You’re right. We should have done that somewhere with a locking door, with you naked and my cock buried deep inside of you.”

Oh holy hell.

He smiles. “You’re picturing it now, aren’t you?”

I smack his chest. “Ugh, you’re the worst.”

“That’s not what you were saying a few moments ago.”

I roll my eyes and ungracefully climb off his lap.

Zach reaches down to adjust himself. “I’m gonna need a minute before I can walk out there.”

I bite my lip. How do I get out of here without making it a big deal?

Screw it.

“Bye!” I squeak out the word as I dart past the curtain.

“Izzy!” I hear Zach call out as I race away from the photo booth.

I know it’s a cheap shot, but he won’t be able to chase me through the crowded bowling alley with a raging boner. Walking as quickly as I can without running, I search out Meghan and find her sitting at an empty table playing on her phone.

I barely slow down as I pass. “Meghan, let’s go!”

“Huh? Izzy, wait up!”

Instead of slowing, I toss up my arm and motion for her to catch up.

I can hear her footsteps as she jogs up next to me. “Christ woman, where’s the fire?”

“In Zach’s pants,” I mumble.

“Uh, come again?”

“I sure did!” My voice is starting to turn manic.

“Wait, what? Holy fucking shit, did you just fuck Zach in the bathroom?” Meghan is bouncing as she speed-walks alongside me.

“What? - no. Gross.”

She tugs on my arm. “Clearly you did something. You look 50 shades of disheveled.”

I reach up and run my hands over my hair. She’s probably right. I’m sure I look like a hot sleazy mess.

When I push through the doors into the parking lot, I breathe a sigh of relief. “Let’s just get to the car, then I’ll tell you everything.”

“Deal!” Meghan shouts as she starts running to her vehicle.

I can’t help it, I start to laugh. The problem is that once I start, I can’t seem to stop. By the time I pull the car door open I have tears streaming down my face.

“Izzy? You’re losing it on me, girl. I need you to keep it together.” Meghan sounds concerned.

Buckling myself in, my laughing starts to hitch. More tears come, only this time they aren’t laughing tears. It’s official, I’ve lost my mind.


“I’m okay. I’m okay.” I’m totally not okay.

“You are so not okay.”

She’s right. Wiping my tears away I hear my phone start to ring. Pulling it out I see it’s Zach calling. I hit Decline.

“That must have been some orgasm,” Meghan’s tone is cautious.

“Oh my god, Meghan. I don’t know why I did that.”

“You did that, whatever that is, because Zach is sexy as hell. And because he’s a decent guy who’s crazy about you.”

My phone buzzes with a text.

Zach: Sugar. Sweets. My Sex Goddess. You can run, but you can’t hide.

He doesn’t even ask me to talk to him. Smart man. He knows I won’t. So instead he gives me this threat. Promise? Warning? I drop my head back against the seat.

“That him?” Meghan asks.


“So… are you going to make me beg, or are you going to tell me what happened back there?”

“Long story short…” I start.

Meghan interrupts. “Oh hell no, I want the long story. Gimme the deets.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine. Zach was waiting for me outside the bathrooms. I don’t think he even said anything, maybe he did, I don’t remember, but he kissed me. I didn’t even put up a fight. And I didn’t just not put up a fight, I was actively involved. Then he moved us to the photo booth, and one thing led to another...”

Meghan shakes her head. “Uh uh. You can do better.”

“He had me sit on his lap.”

“Like sitting across it or all up on it?”

“Jesus, Meghan!”

“What? It’s not like I got any tonight. Stupid fucking… whatever. So, you’re straddling him?”

“Yeah, well, so we started making out again. It got intense. And… I got off. Like a horny cat just rubbing up against him.”

“Please tell me the booth started taking pictures.” She begs.

“Umm...” I for sure hadn’t thought of that possibility. “No. No way. We definitely didn’t take the time to put money in or anything.”

“Bummer. That’d be hot. So then what, you give him a blowie or something?”

“Oh my god! No!”

“No? So he didn’t get off?” She sounds super confused.


“And you’re just like, okay have fun with the blue balls, thanks for the O!”

I cringe. “Basically. He was still adjusting himself, so I knew I had a head start and I ran away...”

“Oh. My. Cruella. That’s fucking amazing!” Meghan bursts out into laughter. “Way to get yours and get gone.”

“Meghan, I can’t be trusted around him,” I whine.

“You could stop resisting it?”

I groan. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Are you still planning to go on that date next week?”

“The one with Bill? - yeah...”

She scoffs. “'Bill?' Your old co-workers name is Bill? Is he like 80 years old?”

I try not to smile. “I did tell Zach that I should start dating older men.”

Meghan makes a gagging noise.

“I’m kidding. Well, I mean, I did say that, but Bill is like 40. And I was serious about trying out an older guy. Not the teeny boppers you brought out tonight.”

“Oh come on, Zander was sweet.”

“Yeah, and how about you? What was with you climbing all over Benny? If I hadn’t known you were sober, I’d have sworn you were drunk.”

“Nuh-uh, you’re not changing the subject.” Keeping her eyes on the road, she uses a hand to point at me. “So you go on your date with Old Man Bill next week, and then what? If you still like Zach, will you give him a chance?”

“Probably. Yeah. Maybe. I don’t freaking know!”

“Okay, so this Bill character, who has apparently been secretly crushing on you forever, where’s he taking you?”

“He hasn’t been crushing on me forever.”

“Oh really?” Her tone is super condescending.

“He never acted like it. I’m not even sure if this is really a date. I was just back at the old office last week to help them out with a tricky client, and he asked if he could take me out. It might just be a thank you sort of thing.”

“Hmm, and where is this refined older gentleman taking you?”

I brace myself before I tell her. “Burgundy Strokes.”

“What?! That bullshit over-priced paint some dumbass picture while you drink shitty wine place?”

“That’s the one - ” I mumble.

Meghan doesn’t say anything for a while, since she’s laughing too hard.

“Seriously, Izzy - Bill is crushing on you hard. The only people that go there are large groups of alcohol seeking girls, and hopelessly desperate men trying to score.”

“Oh come on. It might be fun.”

“This is going to be hilarious.”

“I hate you.” I almost mean it.

“Is Bill at least good looking? Silver fox material?”

“Yeah. He’s attractive.”


“What? Attractive is a positive quality.”

“Saying he’s attractive is like saying he’s nice.”

“He is nice!” I say.

“Poor, poor, Bill.” Meghan sighs. “Go on your date with the crypt keeper, and then we can revisit the Zach discussion. How about that?”

“Like I’d have a choice with your nosy ass.”

“Glad you understand!”

Meghan pulls up to my house and I find myself needing to gather my strength just to climb out of the car.

“Oh, before I forget -” Meghan stops me. “Do you think I could come with you to the next game?”

“Yeah! That’d be awesome. They have a home game the day after tomorrow, then they’re on the road for a few days. I’ll get us tickets.”

“Awesome! It’ll be a tough game against Utah.”

I look at her confused. “You know who they’re playing?”

It’s too dark to see her face well, but I’d swear she’s blushing.

“What? One of my friends is engaged to a Sleet player, my other friend is rubbing all up on one - I have a vested interest.”

I scoff. “I’m leaving.”

“See you at the game!” She calls out the window after me.