Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



This genital painting is a lot more fun than I thought it’d be. Even though the finished product will end up being ridiculous, I’m taking my time with shading and creating nice smooth lines. Monsieur calls out that an hour has passed, and we have half an hour left.

I set down my brushes to take a breather. Bill’s painting is… bad. It doesn’t really look like the example. And it doesn’t really look like a flower. But it does look like a vagina, so it’s still a win for me.

He’s really in the zone, so I sneak my phone out and snap a picture of his work. I’m already going to hell for my actions towards Bill, what’s one more branch in the fire?

I rise to go get more wine, but I freeze when I see Zach’s canvas.

I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking at. It’s abstract and very colorful. The brush strokes are heavy. I think those might be… people? Something between stick figures and actual bodies. There are no features, or fingers, just thick black paint. Definitely abstract. I think the one on the far left is a girl. If I’m interpreting correctly, it seems like he put her in a bright pink dress. Does she have three arms? No, that’s her leg. Up in the air. I think? And is she dancing with the other person? A man?

I take in the rest of the painting. There’s a roller blade in the lower corner. A table with a purple martini on it. And based on the red and white stripes, I think the shapes on the floor are supposed to be wrapped peppermint candies.

I look back at the people. With a quick stroke of his brush, Zach swipes bright yellow where the girl’s hair should be.

My chest gets tight. My turtledove wakes up and shoves her beak straight into my heart. He’s painting our first date. In an abstract and absurd way. The gesture makes my knees feel weak. I’ve never had a guy chase me the way Zach is. I’ve never had a guy gift me with anything thoughtful, like the goodie bag at his new house. I’ve never had a guy who listens, and I mean really listens.

I don’t know if he plans on keeping the painting, or giving it to me, but this crazy canvas means a lot to me. It’s not the end product that matters, it’s the effort. And Zach has given nothing but effort. And patience. And kindness. How can I say No to him any longer?

And it’s at that moment, when Zach turns to catch me watching.

I swallow down my emotion and try to convey an amused expression. He wiggles his eyebrows and tilts his head towards his painting causing me to look again. And just like that my attempted amusement turns very real. The girl with her leg in the air. The guy right in front of her…

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” I say out loud, before slapping a hand over my mouth.

Zach grins. “Exactly.”

He painted us having sex against the wall.

“What was that?” Bill asks me distractedly.

“I asked if you’d like more wine.” Close enough.

“Oh, if you don’t mind.” Bill is still very focused on completing his sibling labia art.

When I reach the wine table, I’m unsurprised when Zach joins me a few seconds later..

“Hey, Sugar. You bring me to the most interesting places...” his voice drags across my skin.

“Funny you should say that, since I vividly remember not inviting you.”

“And I’m doing my best to not take offense.” Zach grins before looking down at my chest. “Looks like you got a little paint on you.”

I glance down. “Oh, that’s wine. The giant, uh, flower paintings, took me off guard.”

“Hmm,” is all he says before he licks his finger and drags it across the top of my breast, removing the dried drip of wine.

Too stunned to speak, I watch as he brings his finger back to his mouth, placing it between his lips, to suck off the tiny smear.

“Sweet Mary, Jesus, and Joseph.” French accent gone.

We both look over to find Monsieur watching us, watching Zach, and fanning himself. He’s a strange man, but I’m glad he was here to interrupt what might have become an even more inappropriate moment.

When Monsieur walks away, I clear my throat. “Care to be a gentleman and pour my wine?”

“Of course. I don’t see any photo booths for you to ditch me in, so I guess we’ll need to behave.”

I bite my tongue to keep from apologizing. I do feel a little bad about leaving him in such a state the other day, but he was barging in on my date. Just like he is right now. So he had it coming. Or, not.

When I go to take my glass from Zach, he doesn’t let go.

“You went younger last time. I see you’re trying your hand at older tonight. But you’re wrong to keep trying. You don’t need to keep searching for your perfect man.”

There’s no hint of teasing in his voice or his eyes.

I keep my tone just as serious.

“I know.”