Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



Shock covers Zach’s features. He wasn’t expecting me to agree.

I like that I was able to surprise him. And I have a feeling that walking away immediately afterwards served to confuse him more. I know I’m sending him mixed signals, but he can’t really expect me to just ditch the guy I’m with. I mean, yeah, I want to. But that’d be rude. Bill might be the textbook definition of cluelessly lame, but I like him as a friend, and I don’t want to be a total jerk to him.

The rest of the time passes quickly. Having finally accepted that I’m done fighting Zach, I feel a freedom that I haven’t felt in a long time. It’s similar to the liberated feeling I had with Zach the night we met each other. Only this time there’s an underlying thread of hope for a future. Or at least the chance of a future. We still need to have an honest conversation about wants and expectations, but I think we might be closer in line with each other than I previously thought. It might not be the same page, but it could be the same chapter.

“Merci, class!” French accent back in place. “I am amazed by the talent you all showed tonight. This is a very creative collection of people and I’m proud of each and every one of you. Have a wonderful evening and keep art alive inside of yourself!” Monsieur dismisses us with a grand bow.

“Wow, Isabelle, your painting looks great! It’s just like the example,” Bill praises me.

“Thanks, Bill.” I look over at his and choke back a laugh. “Yours looks great, too! What’s that?” I point at the blue spots that he’s added.

“Oh, that’s supposed to be dew. You know, like if it had just rained. I was trying to make it glisten.”

Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod.

“How creative!” My voice sounds choked, but at least my smile is genuine. “Shall we?”

We carefully gather our paintings and head towards the door. I can feel Zach watching me the entire time, but lucky for me, Monsieur wanted to examine his painting more closely.

I glance back one more time before passing through the door. Zach’s eyes are still on me. I wink, and the last thing I see is his mouth slowly turning up into a smirk.

Thankfully, Bill didn’t try to add any stops to our evening. The car ride home has been just as awkward as the rest of the night, and I decide it’s time to put an end to this misery. I’d normally not be this forward, but my interactions with Zach have made me feel braver.

“Thank you, Bill, for the lovely evening. I had a lot of fun in that class.”

“You did?” He sounds genuinely shocked.

“I did. It’s not what I expected, but it was great to try my hand at doing something artistic again. So, thank you.”

Bill sighs. “I can feel the but coming.”

“Yeah,” I give him a sad smile. “We obviously get along and work well together, but I think we can both agree that tonight wasn’t exactly smooth sailing.”

Bill murmurs his agreement.

I decide to go for the full truth. “If I’m going to be completely honest with you, I’ve been a little distracted by someone else.”

“Oh, yeah?” Bill doesn’t sound at all offended.

“I’m so sorry. I should have told you sooner. It’s all kind of come in the last couple weeks and we already had tonight scheduled… I think in theory you and I should have been a good match. But -”

“Isabelle, you don’t need to explain. Or feel bad. I know you well enough to know that you’re probably feeling guilty. Please don’t. I’m… I feel like such a jerk.”

“What, why?”

“I just… Oh god, this is embarrassing.” He shakes his head. “The other night I was having dinner at my sister’s house and that’s when I put together that you two remind me of each other. And I’ve felt so weird about it ever since. I didn’t want to cancel on you, and I really didn’t mean to mention it earlier. It was sitting in the back of my mind and it just popped out.” Bill runs a hand down his face.

I start to giggle. I’m so relieved that it creeps him out, rather than turning him on. My laughing grows and soon Bill joins in.

When he pulls up to the house, I decide to do him a favor.

“When you get home tonight, google those paintings we did today.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I mean you probably shouldn’t give that to your sister.” I start to laugh again when I look in the backseat and see his dewy petals. “I should never have suggested that. Just, look up people’s theories about the artist. Okay?”

“Okay...” He replies, confused.

I know I’ve confused him, but I really can’t bring myself to talk about vaginas with Bill. That’s a firm Do-Not-Pass-Go.

Bill follows me to my door and leaves me with a friendly hug.

All in all, the evening turned out better than I expected. Plus, I have a great gift to give Meghan.