Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



Jackson and Katelyn have finally set a date for their wedding. And to celebrate, they’ve brought us together for this engagement party. Technically, they’ve been engaged for over a year, but - whatever - a party’s a party. And since winter seems to be lasting forever, this mid-March gathering is just what we need.

“How long do we have to stay?” Zach whispers in my ear.

I elbow him in the side. “They just served dessert. We’ll be staying until everyone else starts to leave.”

“If I give you my chocolate cake, will you agree to leave in 30 minutes?”

I roll my eyes, but I don’t say no.

Zach and I have only grown stronger, and more in-love, over the past few months. We spend nearly every night together, and we’re beginning to question the sanity of owning two homes that are a stone’s throw away from each other. We’ve talked about living together a few times, but we’ve been too busy enjoying life to do anything about it. The end of the season is nearing, and it looks like they’ll be heading to the play-offs, so we don’t need to mess up the status quo with any big life changes just yet. But of course I’ve done the math, and with the market the way it is, it makes great financial sense to rent out one of the properties.

I know Meghan loves our neighborhood. Maybe I can convince her to rent it. I’d love having her close, and her business has been booming, so I know she could easily afford it. Plus, she seems to have been a little down lately. And just like that, I feel like a shitty friend. I know it’s my fault that I haven’t seen her as often, since I started dating Zach. I mean, we still see each other, case in point she’s sitting across the table from me right now, but I need to start making more time for her.

Meghan normally overshares about any dates that she goes on, but she’s been really vague recently and I wonder if she’s stuck in a dry spell. We all know that I’m the last one to give advice on dating, but I feel like I owe her for what she did to get Zach and I together.

I want to ask her if she has plans for the weekend but even though she’s only a few feet away, this restaurant is too noisy for me to talk to her without yelling. She’s seated between Steph and Ash, and I wonder if I can get Ash to switch seats with me for a bit.

Just as I think that, I see Ash lean over and say something into Meghan’s ear. And he leans in close, like - well into her personal bubble close. Huh.

Then I watch as Meghan’s eyes go wide, before narrowing into slits. She turns to glare at him, and I see her lips move but can’t make out what she’s saying.

Ash smirks as he gives a quick response. I almost laugh at the smug look on his face, but I’m startled by Meghan’s quick movement as she bolts up to standing.

I open my mouth to say something, but before I can she picks up her glass of ice water and tosses the contents into Ash’s face.

I gasp, and watch - dumbfounded - as Meghan grabs her purse and storms away from the table.

All eyes are on Ash, but I’m watching Meghan’s retreat. She glances back and sees me watching her. Meghan gives a tiny shake of her head before continuing out of the room. I want to run after her and make sure she’s okay, but I know that gesture was telling me not to.

Zach leans forward. “Uh, dude, what the fuck?”

Ash just shrugs. “Must have been something I said.”