Rough Ride by Piper Stone

Chapter 6



I liked this girl more than I should. She was opinionated, feisty, and one hell of a fighter. She also had the kind of spunk that I wasn’t used to. However, she was a handful and my gut told me that she was trouble with a capital T. Still, I couldn’t resist her. She was stunningly gorgeous, her voluptuous body the perfect fit against mine and her lips were soft like rose petals.

Where the heck was this coming from?

Maybe the funeral had brought out something entirely different in me.

After taking a deep breath, I smiled hearing her cuss words. The woman had a mouth on her too. It was easy to tell my father had never kept her in line. Father. I could barely think the word let alone say it out loud. He was nothing to me, just a name on a tombstone.

And a crazy will that continued to make my head spin. Why would he leave a fortune to a kid he’d never wanted anything to do with in the first place? Nothing made a lick of sense, including why he’d been impressed with the way I’d tried to help the orphaned kids over the years. Did he think that made me a saint or something? I snorted at the thought. Then he didn’t know me at all.

I was a grade-A flaming asshole and everyone knew it.

My cock throbbed from hearing her feisty words. She knew how to get a man’s blood pumping, that was for certain. My balls were screaming for relief. While teasing her out in the open might not be in my best interest, I couldn’t seem to help myself. Given her nasty attitude and caustic mouth, she deserved a little outdoor penance.

“I’m curious, sunshine. Do the other riggers know of your creative talent in the ring?” I brushed a single finger down her spine, enjoying the way she hissed from my touch. But there was no denying our extreme chemistry or the current popping all around us like an electric pole slammed into by a semi.

“Fuck you.”

“Tsk. Tsk, little girl. I think you need to watch your mouth.”

“Do you really want me to repeat myself?” Madisen retorted as she threw her head to the side, still struggling with the rope holding her. Hadn’t she guessed by now that she wasn’t getting away from me anytime soon?

“Sure. Why not? I got all night.” I moved beside her, leaning against the railing, the grin on my face widening.

“You are one sick man.”

I nodded several times, taking a few seconds to glance at the perimeter of the ranch. “Yup. I guess some people might call me that. Of course, I’ve been called so many things I kinda lost count of them all.”

“Every one of them is justified.”

“You said it yourself. You don’t even know me.”

She laughed, acting as if the situation she’d gotten herself into didn’t bother her one tiny bit. “I know enough to send you packing then hire hunters to track you down and skin you alive.”

“Whoowee, little girl. You really have a thing against me.”

“Do you blame me?”

“And here I thought we were getting along so famously. Just answer the question, sweetheart, and I’ll finish what I started.”

The evil eye she gave me was just as enticing as everything else about her. I knew that at some point she’d come around.

Or else she’d hang a noose around my neck.

Either way, it would be fun as hell.

She tossed her head, trying to act as if nothing in the world bothered her. “Some do. Some don’t.”

“Uh-huh. If I had to guess, I’d say they make fun of you.”

“As if you give a shit.”

“Actually, I do. If a single worker of mine causes you any pain, they are out. Period. No second chances.”

For a few seconds, I thought the woman was going to cry. When she burst out laughing, the beast inside of me rose to the surface, my hunger off the charts.

“First of all, buster, I’ve been here for most of my life. They actually respect my skills. Second, they work for me now. You’re just a bystander as far as I’m concerned. And third and final, you are going to be the laughingstock of this entire facility. I can’t wait to see that happen.”

I had to admit that while the banter was sexy as hell, I was losing my patience. “Well, then I guess we’ll see about that.” As I moved behind her, a sudden crazy thought popped into my mind, one that made me scratch my head at first.

I wanted her to surrender to me, body and soul.

I craved possessing her, wanting nothing more than to hear her screams of ecstasy.

And I would make her mine. Every. Single. Inch.

I had to be losing my marbles, exhausted from the last couple of days. There was no other excuse. But for now, I planned on succumbing to my dark, sadistic needs, feasting on every inch of her as long and as often as I desired.


And there was nothing the little filly could do about it.

As I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, she started to struggle more violently, pitching and tossing her body. Watching her was such a delight, especially the embarrassment crossing her face. Yeah, I knew that made me one bad dude. I took that in stride. Since everyone else thought that’s all I was, why not make it true?

Smirking after peeling away the dense material, I crowded close, shifting my stiff cock back and forth across her bruised bottom.

She tensed, taking shallow breaths but I could hear the slight moan in her guttural sounds. She was as excited as I was, only she would never allow me to see it again.

Or would she?

“You really are about the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, at least when you’re not frowning.”

Madisen seemed surprised by my comment, darting another look over her shoulder. “Yeah, well, I have a lot to frown about right now.”

“Mmm… Then let me give you something to scream about.” I slipped my hands under her tee shirt, my cock twitching when I cupped my big hands around her full, naked breasts. I was so turned on that I couldn’t see straight. The second I squeezed, she panted several times, undulating her hips in such a provocative way that I couldn’t hold back a husky growl. She just had a way of doing that to me, turning me into an animal ready to mate.

“I am going to kill you.”

“I can’t wait to see you try.” I took my time rolling my index fingers around her already hardened nipples, closing my eyes as the electric sensations rolled through me like a wildfire. Her scent filtered into my nostrils, and I tingled all the way to my bones. Sweet and exotic, just like the woman. I was mildly intoxicated but determined to give her the kind of pleasure that would have her hungry for more.

The second I pinched her nipples, she cried out, gasping for air. She’d thrown her head back, her body trembling to my touch.

“Do you feel that, Madisen? The sheer electricity flashing between us. Is your heart beating so fast you can’t breathe? Is your blood heating up to the point it might catch fire?”

“No!” she hissed, but her single word was followed by a powerful moan.

I twisted her nipples several times, allowing myself to enjoy the vibrations as I shifted back and forth, creating heady friction. Now I was the one panting, struggling to keep control. I couldn’t take the wait any longer. As I wrapped my hand around my cock, I held my breath. Just the thought of slipping it deep inside of her all over again was sinful enough. Actually taking her right here was filthy as shit.

One dirty ride.

When I slipped my shaft just past her wet, swollen folds, I was nothing more than a damn beast.

“You’re a savage,” she whispered as she arched her back, shoving her hips against me. The action forced my cock deeper inside.

Her moan was a sweet reward. I thrust the remainder inside, shaking from the way her muscles clamped around the thick invasion. My cock continued to swell, filling her completely.

“Fuck, you’re so damn tight,” I managed, struggling to catch my breath.

She said nothing for a few seconds, lowering her head as she continued to pant. Perhaps there was nothing we needed to say.

I pulled out, slamming into her again, shocked my entire body was shaking uncontrollably. I’d enjoyed women before, but not like this. Madisen was jet fuel tossed on the fire, pushing me into a combustible state. I kept my hands on her breasts, caressing her nipples as I powered into her, driving harder and faster until we were in sync with the rhythm. She met every brutal thrust, tossing her head back and forth.

A series of growls erupted from the depth of my being, and I became uncontrollable in my actions, enjoying every second of taking her like a wild animal. Beads of sweat slid down both sides of my face, my vision all but stolen as I continued the crazed actions. I might burn in hell for this, but at least I would go down with a smile on my face.

After a few seconds, I could tell she was close to coming, fighting it every step of the way. I refused to give in, rolling onto the balls of my feet, switching the angle as I plunged harder.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” Her cries became louder, the force I was using shoving her against the railing. There was no controlling my needs or the hunger that had festered for one hell of a long time.

“Come for me, sunshine.”


Laughing, I lowered my head, nipping on her earlobe. She mewed, her moans turning into guttural cries. When I could tell she was losing all control, I picked up the pace, thrusting so brutally that my muscles tensed.

“No… Yes. Yes. Yes!”

“Scream for me, darling. Call my name.”

She huffed, trying to hold back another string of moans as her muscles clamped around my cock like a tight vise. I knew it no use, a single climax turning into a giant wave.

“Say it!” I demanded.

The woman continued to fight her own desires, struggling against me even as her body betrayed her. “I won’t.”

“You will.”

As her body began to shake, she bucked against me. “Oh, God. Oh. Oh. Oh. Jake!”

There was nothing so satisfying as hearing her scream out my name. The fact no other woman had done so told me something. The woman was special. She was perfect.

She was mine even though she didn’t know it.

I refused to stop, trying to keep from losing it. I wanted her exhausted from the pleasure, longing for more. I craved taking her all night long, spilling my cum into every beautiful hole. My God, I was insatiable.

“Oh, no. I… I can’t…” Her cries were now husky, her body continuing to shake as another orgasm jetted into her system. She was so hot to the touch, searing every inch of skin.

I was shaken to the core and when I knew there was no holding back, I threw my head back, roaring like the beast I’d become. “Yes!”

Madisen clenched her muscles again, trying to take some control. As I emptied my balls, filling her with my seed, my mind shifted to all the dark and vile things I wanted to do to her.

Correction. That I would do to her.

I wrapped my body around hers, trying to catch my breath. We remained quiet for a few seconds, but her body tensed again.

“Brute,” she whispered.


“I hate you.”


She laughed softly, likely from realizing that we were drawn to each other in a way that couldn’t be denied. When I eased back, she issued a last whimper.

That gave me even more satisfaction, my cock twitching all over again. What the hell was I going to do with this woman?

Or with the ranch?

Jesus, I’d gotten myself into a pickle.

I slowly untied her, immediately turning away as if my presence would cause her additional embarrassment.

She remained where she was, panting several times before moving around me and redressing, her entire body trembling. Without saying another word, she walked into the house, leaving me alone.

I took another look around, shaking my head as I shifted my jeans into place. “You really are an asshole, Thunder. One motherfucking huge asshole.” When I walked inside, she remained by the kitchen counter, glaring at me exactly as she had before. She’d collected the mail, returning it into one big heap on the island.

“Why are you like that?” she demanded.

“Like what?”

“Such a jerk?”

I snorted, shaking my head. “I’m a cowboy.”

“Uh-huh. You ain’t no cowboy. In fact, the only cowboy I know is Cowboy Kent Rollins and that man can cook. Tell me. Can you cook?” She crossed her arms, a wry smile on her face.

Shrugging, I walked closer. “Nope. But I’ve been called delicious before.”

She cocked her head, her smile increasing. “Trust me, buddy. You’re no chocolate brownie.” With that, she turned on her heel and walked out the door, slamming it shut.

All I could do was smile. She certainly had a way about her that made me crazy. She hadn’t seen the last of me by a long shot.

* * *

Cowboy Kent Rollins, a freaking YouTube cook. Well, okay, so he was a qualified chef, but she really had to compare me to that guy? I rolled my eyes as I headed toward the rigs. While the sun was already setting, I wanted to grab a look at what I might be dealing with. I had no desire to remain in Oklahoma, fighting with the little filly about everything. However, I couldn’t ignore the fact I couldn’t ride the circuit forever.

I’d spent some time searching the old rodeo stats, realizing just how good Rutherford had been in his time. He’d even managed ten point three seconds on a bull. Some people called him legendary. Then he’d just up and quit out of the blue.

As I rolled down the mostly dirt road, the looming rigs in the distance were almost overpowering. I’d never seen one up close, let alone had anything to do with the industry. I slowed, taking in the entire view. I had to admit that it was impressive as hell.

When my phone rang, I sighed. Who the hell was bothering me now? Seeing Mike’s number made me apprehensive, and I wasn’t certain why.

“Hey, Mike. What’s up?”

“How was the funeral?”

“As to be expected. Nothing special.”

“Interesting. Are you planning on staying?” Mike asked, a slight choking sound in his voice.

“Hell, no. I’m a rodeo star.”

“Yeah, well, about that.”

I slammed on the brakes, allowing the engine to idle. “What the hell are you getting at?”

“What I’m getting at is the little display you put on pissed off most of the vendors ready to support you again. In turn, the rodeos you’d already been confirmed in are poised to back out. You fucked yourself, buddy, just like I told you that you might.”

Anger flashed in my system. Everything had changed in the world of the rodeo over the last few years. Everyone was scrutinized for any sign of inappropriate behavior. “But you’ve talked to them. Right?”

He hemmed and hawed, which meant he hadn’t done a damn thing. “What do you expect me to do, perform miracles? You’re your own worst enemy, Jake. Either you’re going to have to grovel in order to get a place on the rosters or you’re shit out of luck.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. I just broke a freaking record I doubt a single other rider can do.”

“Maybe so but no one cares. You’re considered a flash in the pan at this point. No one is willing to put their name, reputation, or their money on you. You’re nothing but a hothead. Sorry to be so blunt, but you need to hear the truth.”

I sat back against the seat, still clinging to the steering wheel with enough force I thought I would break the damn thing. “I’m not groveling.”

“Then you better hope that gig in Oklahoma works out for you. You have three days to figure out what you’re going to do. After that, I can’t help you.”

“Fine. I’ll let you know.” I didn’t bother with goodbyes, ending the call and tossing the phone onto the passenger seat. I gritted my teeth, trying to curtail my rage. A part of me knew it was entirely my fault, but I wasn’t the kind of man to admit that to anyone. After taking several deep breaths, I pressed on the accelerator, moving toward the first rig where I could see a bunch of men actively working on it.

I pulled the truck to a stop, climbing onto the dirt. The wind was strong enough dust was blowing everywhere. The clang of the massive operating arm as it rose and fell was annoying. There were several men located on a thick steel deck and it was easy to see they were fighting with some mechanism.

It was at that point I realized that Madisen was right. I knew shit about rigging. Absolutely nothing. I was so far over my head that I couldn’t even fake it, let alone perform a single operation. The last thing I needed in my life was another failure, but what choice did I really have? I couldn’t sell the place for two years, and I certainly wasn’t going to be able to convince the hardheaded woman to work with me in order to learn anything about the industry.


I raked my hand through my hair, the smell of oil in the air strong. At least no one paid attention to me, every one of them hard at work. After a few minutes, I got back into the truck, jerking the vehicle around as quickly as possible. I heard the sound of the tires squealing and all that did was fuel my fury. I’d worked far too hard to get where I was on the circuit. I refused to give it up.

Maybe I could sweet talk Madisen into some kind of deal. She could buy me out. That wasn’t a bad plan in my mind. Grinning, I headed directly for her house. I’d seen the basic cottage off to the distance when I’d pulled up at the main house. Since I actually liked the girl, I wouldn’t be pretending. Right?

As I continued to try to convince myself that what I was doing was smart, my stomach churned from Mike’s news. There was nothing like being told you were finished with a career you loved so damn much.

I didn’t waste any time before approaching the house and banging on the door. I leaned against the doorjamb, crossing my feet and planting a wicked grin on my face. When she opened the door, if she’d had a knife in her hand, I had no doubt she would have shoved the blade into my chest.

She was that kind of woman.

“What are you doing here?” she huffed.

“Just thought I’d take you up on that beer since there isn’t a single bottle at Rutherford’s place.”

“I didn’t offer you a beer.”

“I think you did. Why not, sunshine? We should get to know each other. I mean in a professional way. Right?”

Even though the light inside was dim, the sun already past the horizon, I could easily read her expression. To my surprise, she opened the door wider, sweeping her arm in an invitation.

“Why not?” she asked. “You need to learn something while you’re still here.” She left the door open, moving quickly into another room.

The house was quaint from what I could tell, but not countrified or girlish in any way. I wasn’t certain what to expect from the girl. She was a complete surprise all the way around. When I walked into the kitchen, she’d already pulled two beers from the fridge. After twisting the tops, she carefully handed me one, doing everything in her power to avoid physical contact.

She failed.

The instant our fingers touched, it was like being seared by a burner. Madisen instantly jerked her hand away, even turning slightly.

“Do you want to sit on the deck?” she asked, a slight shake to her voice.

“Why not. The stars are out.”

“You even bother to look at the stars?”

“You should see them in Montana, sweetheart. They’re practically in your face.”

She shifted a glance in my direction, studying my face. “I bet they are beautiful.”

At least there was no animosity in her tone. We were getting somewhere. I trailed behind her onto her small deck, every piece of furniture meticulously placed. I instantly gravitated toward one of the chairs, making myself comfortable. Meanwhile, she moved as far away from me as possible, leaning over the railing and staring up at the sky.

“Did you always live in Montana?” she asked after a solid minute passed.

“Born and raised there. Never thought I’d leave it.”

“So you’re thinking about staying?”

I picked at the label on the bottle, trying to figure out if I wanted to tell her anything about my life. After taking a long pull on the cold brew, I figured what did I have to lose? I doubted we were going to be friends, but maybe she’d take me more seriously. “I might not have any other choices.”

That seemed to surprise her. She turned around, sipping on her beer. “I saw you on the television. Well, I meant the entire event.”

“So you like rodeo?”

“Actually, I do. One of the riggers got me hooked.”

“But Rutherford was big in the day. Didn’t he share any of his events with you?”

As the light breeze shifted hair in front of her eyes, she yanked at it vigorously. The move was sexy as hell in my mind. “My dad didn’t share much about his past. He was very private about certain aspects of his life. I found one of his old photo albums once. Boy, you would have thought I’d raided his bank account, he was so angry with me.” She glanced over her shoulder, shaking her head.

“He was good. Damn good.”

“Just like you are. Do you really want to give that up?”

“Like I said, I don’t think I have a choice.”

“What did you do?” While her tone was as accusatory as it had been all day, there was also a softness to it, genuine curiosity.

“I acted like the pig you already know I am. Punched out one of the commentators. That didn’t sit well with my sponsors, my business manager, or other rodeo bigwigs. They don’t want me back.”

“But you were so damn explosive, breaking a record no one thought could be beaten. How could they not want you? Besides, the women love you.”

The hint of admiration as well as the jubilance in her voice shocked the hell out of me. “Sounds like you’re one of Thunder’s fans.”

That was all I had to do to push her back into her shell. She shrugged, returning her attention to the gorgeous stars.

“I appreciate real talent when I see it. That’s it.”

I hated the damn awkward silence between us. I’d never been tongue tied in my entire life, but I couldn’t figure out what to say to the feisty filly.

“You really think you can try your hand at running this kind of business?” she asked.

Her question was one I’d thought about the entire day. “I honestly don’t know. All I ever wanted to be was a cowboy, a rodeo star. I started out when I was eight, even winning a local youth championship a year later. I thought I was all that and a bag of chips.” I laughed after admitting how arrogant I’d been even then.

“I can’t imagine how tough it must be on your body,” she said quietly.

“Yeah, it is, but worth it. Granted, I was considered washed up a couple years ago.”

“Because of an injury?”

I took a deep breath, fiddling with the damn label again. “Something like that.”

“Well, I’m sorry about that, Jake. I can tell at least something matters to you. This ranch, the business, and all the riggers matter to me. I never expected Dad to die. You know? He was larger than life and his laugh could make you smile from yards away. I don’t know how I’m going to fill his shoes.” She tensed almost immediately after saying the last sentence. “Of course you’re going to want to change everything. I can tell that about you already.”

“Lady, you really don’t know me at all.”

“No, and I’m not certain I want to since you’re such an ass.”

Sighing, I rubbed my jaw. “Can we cut the nasty comments just for one night?”

She laughed, the kind of throaty sound that would make any man weak at his knees. “I thought you liked adversity.”

“I guess I do. Not sure why.”

“Because you crave attention. That’s pretty much what all men are like.”

“What dude pissed in your Wheaties?”

Madisen shifted from foot to foot. I could tell I’d just picked at a scab. “Like you said, Jake, we don’t know each other. That’s a subject best left in the dust. Did you go to the site?”

“I did. A lot to see.”

When she laughed, she seemed more lighthearted. “You have no idea.”

“Does that mean you’re going to show me around or toss me to the wolves?”

She inched closer yet remained against the railing. “Given your ugly behavior, I should just toss you to the wolves, coyotes, and bears.”

I shifted to a standing position, crowding her space and planting my bottle on the railing before darting a heated gaze all the way down to her bare feet. Everything about her continued to drive me bat shit crazy. When I reached out to finger her long hair, she jerked her head back, pressing her hand against my chest. Another jolt of electricity shot through both of us, this one blinding.

“Don’t touch me, Jake. Okay?” She took another sip of her beer, turning away from me as if embarrassed from what had occurred twice before. She took a few steps away, finally placing her beer on the table. When she took a purposeful step toward me, her chest was rising and falling from her continued animosity. “You think you can take anything you want without regard to anyone else’s feelings.”

“Is that what you think?”

“Yes. That’s exactly what I think.”

I had zero self-control when it came to getting what I wanted. Just the thought of touching her made my cock hard as a rock. “Maybe you’re right, Madisen. My past is a tattered vision of ugly instances, including with women, but I think you feel the same thing that I do. We have chemistry.”

“Toxic chemistry.” While she tried to be defiant, the way her body trembled gave her away.

Very gently I cupped her face, rubbing my thumb across her cheek. “Nah. I don’t think we’re toxic at all. The best part of this trip has been getting to touch you.”

She tilted her face, her mouth pursed as she darted her eyes back and forth. The full moon highlighted her porcelain skin and full lips. Unable to resist, I captured her mouth, sliding my hand around the back of her neck. When I dug my fingers in, I expected her to punch me like before.

This time she clung to my shirt, holding me in place as if unable to let me go. The kiss was just as powerful as before, but even more intoxicating. I could drink her in all night, spending hours doing nothing but kissing her. As I swept my tongue across hers, she moaned into the moment of intimacy.

I was hooked, line and sinker, every inch of my skin on fire. The things I could do to her and with her had to be illegal in several states. I’d risk it if it meant getting to spend more time with her. I slid my arm around her waist, pulling her even more tightly against me, relishing the way her body molded against mine.

When she shoved her hand against me seconds later, I refused to let her go. Struggling, the moans she was issuing remained whimpers of pleasure. She finally managed to shove me away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

“We can’t do this,” she half whispered.

“Why? We’re two consenting adults who can’t seem to get enough of each other.”

Madisen pushed at arm’s length, her mouth twisting as she stared into my eyes. “We have nothing in common, Jake. You’re only going to be here for a short period of time until you can get the maximum out of your inheritance. I’m committed to staying, doing whatever I can to continue making the site viable. There’s a lot of work to do and I seriously doubt you have any kind of commitment to anything other than glorifying your illustrious career.”

Her words stung more than I cared to admit. I released my hold, retrieving my beer then leaning over the railing. “I don’t know what I want to do, Madisen, and that’s the truth. I came here to sell the place and nothing more. I had no idea who my father was until a letter arrived a couple of days ago. My mother always refused to talk about him. I used to go to sleep at night thinking about exactly what I’d say to him. It always ended with the fact I’d punch the asshole in the face.”

“I’m sorry you never got to know him, but that doesn’t give you the right to destroy his legacy.”

I took a deep breath, holding it for several seconds. When I exhaled, I was surprised how ragged it was. “Maybe so.” After talking another long pull on my beer, the old Jake started to take over, the one who pushed everyone away on purpose. “Just keep in mind, sweetheart, that we have to work together whether you like it or not. I suggest you come to grips with that.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what, sugar?”

“I’m not your sugar, honey, baby doll, or sunshine. My name is Madisen Falwell and I’m very proud of this place and what we’ve accomplished. A broken-down cowboy isn’t going to change that. Ever. Do you hear me?”

Her anger had returned, the volume of her voice rising. Snorting, I gave her one of my famous looks, the one that had gotten me the nickname of ‘playboy.’ I could tell instantly that she was having none of it.

“Got one question for you, sunshine. Why did Rutherford take you in?”

My question angered her even more. “None of your goddamn business.”

“Fine. Just making conversation.” Without a doubt, she must have lost her family and I could tell it had nearly destroyed her. Maybe Rutherford had a decent bone in his body after all. Shit. What was I thinking? He could have fought for my mother. My grip on the bottle increased. A part of me wanted to smash it like I’d done dozens if not hundreds over the years. One thing was certain. I had to get my anger under control.

“Just go. Okay? We’re not going to be friends and we’re certainly not going to be lovers, but we are going to work together in some capacity. If you want to leave after a few days, fine. I’ll keep you informed via email. And of course you’re going to want all the hefty checks deposited into your account, which is really all you’re looking for.” She took a giant stride away from me, planting one hand on her hip.

I polished off the beer, taking my time to move toward her, brushing against her arm purposely then easing the bottle next to hers. “Have it your way, sweetheart.” I was already halfway inside the door when I heard the soft lilt of her voice, her words sending chills down my back.

“Be careful. Okay?”

“Just so you know. I checked out of the hotel. I’m staying at Rutherford’s place until I decide what I’m going to do.”

“Of course you are. Don’t… destroy anything. There are some memories I’d like to keep. That is if you give a shit,” she half whispered.

Exhaling, I shook my head, determined to push her out of my mind. I hesitated, uncertain I wanted to leave.

“My parents were killed in a tragic car accident. They were hit head on by a drunk driver. I was in the backseat. Rutherford was my father’s best friend, more like family even though we lived far apart,” she continued.

“I’m sorry, Madisen. Maybe we both have reasons to be filled with anger. However, business is business.” I wasn’t good at providing sympathy to anyone, but I could feel her tremendous level of pain and it almost gutted me.

“For a few seconds there, Jake, I thought I saw something different inside of you than the arrogant cowboy who thought he ruled the world. I like that man. He seems generous and giving, funny and able to live life to the fullest. I guess I was wrong. What a shame.”

I hesitated for a few seconds before continuing my path. The words slipping out of my mouth were sad but easy to say.

“Yeah. You were.”