Rough Ride by Piper Stone

Chapter 5


I’d never been so angry in my life.


I didn’t give a crap about money, but I loved the ranch as well as the oil fields. I couldn’t imagine being driven away because of a worthless, cantankerous shithead of a man.

Even if he was sexy as hell.

As I squirmed in my seat, the ache remaining across my bottom was a damn good reminder of why the asshole was bad news all the way around.

“Arrogant bastard,” I huffed as I rounded the corner, heading onto the gravel driveway. The tires spun on the rough surface, granite dust flying over the hood of my truck. I wasn’t certain who I was more furious with, the holier than thou cowboy or the man I’d called my father. Both.

Or maybe I was pissed I’d let my guard down, actually enjoying such a disgusting… amazing night. “Oh!” I slammed my hand on the steering wheel, pressing my foot down on the accelerator. Nothing could have prepared me for the split in the will. What had my father… Rutherford been thinking?

Blood is thicker than water, shithead.

The voice inside my head had been talking nonstop since I’d left the attorney’s office. I had no idea what I was going to do at this point. None. It was obvious I couldn’t work with the jerkoff. Maybe I could take that job as a mechanic I’d been interested in. Yeah, like the all-boys’ garage was going to accept a girl in their ranks.

As I headed for the house Rutherford had built for me, I could see the closest rig looming in the distance given the cloudless day. I slowed the truck to a crawl, staring out the windshield. I would never forget the day Rutherford took me to the rig the first time, hoisting me onto his shoulder in order for me to get a better look. I’d bugged him constantly after that to take me with him, but he’d refused until the day I turned fifteen, constantly telling me that the rigs were dangerous places.

He’d forgotten to tell me that the roughnecks and drillers were just as predatory, a few of them I’d punched more than once. I rolled my eyes at the thought, the majority of the roughhewn men learning their lesson a long time ago.

After educating myself in every way I could, I’d demanded to be put on a crew. I took a deep breath in an effort to keep the tears from falling. I’d loved Rutherford just like I had my parents. He’d been kind and loving, providing everything a lost little girl could need. Now he was gone. I finally allowed a few tears to fall and as I leaned over the steering wheel, a series of memories flashed into my mind.

“If you’re really intent on learning the business, then you’re going to have to start out as a worm,” Rutherford said as he drove to one of the rigs.

“That’s fine.” A worm. Translation—the most inexperienced rigger on the crew. I’d known I’d have to suck it up, taking the guff I was certain to receive as I earned the right to be on the rig at all.

“You’re certain you want to do this. With your talents in accounting, I could still really use a hand advising me on financial matters.”

“I’m certain, Dad. I want to make you proud.”

“You always do, Madisen. You never have to prove yourself to me.”

The moment was bittersweet even now. The beep of a horn made me jump, the wave of a hand from one of the roughnecks a reminder that I would need to step in and make certain the boys got paid this week. Only a few of them had been able to attend the funeral, the contracts requiring constant work given the given the horrible storms that had recently passed through. I knew they’d find a way to celebrate everything my dad had done for them.

I wiped my eyes, turning down the road leading to the lovely cottage. Rutherford had made certain every aspect of the crafted cottage met my approval and I loved the place. What did that mean now? Was Jake Travers going to insist the place belong to him? I didn’t think I’d be able to bear it if he did. In fact, I might grab that pitchfork and poke him a few times if he tried.

As I passed by the main house, I wasn’t certain when I’d be able to bear going back inside. Without him, the place would feel like nothing more than a roof with walls. I jerked to a stop in front of the cottage, grabbing my purse as well as the paperwork Sheila had provided, jumping out of the truck. My heels were already off by the time I unlocked the front door. I hated wearing dresses, heels making my feet hurt and nothing more. By the time I stormed into my bedroom, the expensive frock was already unzipped.

It was blazing hot outside, so shorts were in order. And a damn tank top. I certainly didn’t plan on seeing anyone for the rest of the day. I’d had my fill of shaking hands and condolences. After changing I felt somewhat better, although I couldn’t shake the sadness that remained in my heart. I ripped the hairpin from the bun, allowing my long hair to fall. For a few seconds, I couldn’t seem to stop shaking.

Rutherford had called me fearless over the years, capable of almost anything. Right now, I felt as if I was more vulnerable than I’d ever been before and I hated it.

What I needed was a tall glass of iced tea and some peace. That would calm my nerves. After grabbing a glass, I headed into the small office I’d set up, the file in my mind. I’d continued to help Rutherford handle a portion of the accounting for all these years even though my heart was in the field. I pushed the file aside, uncertain I could handle learning any more ugly details.

As I sat down prepared to work, my attention was draw by the single picture on my desk. It had been one of my favorites for years. My twelfth birthday. I pulled the frame into my hand, rubbing my fingers across the surface of the glass. I couldn’t believe how many years had flown by. At least my beloved horse was still my one true affection, riding giving me the kind of release that could allow me to sleep at night.

Maybe after it cooled off, I’d take a ride to our small lake, the location one of Rutherford’s favorites.

“I’m going to miss you, Dad. You just don’t know how much. Maybe you had a reason to force me into working with a stranger, but I wish you would have told me before you died.” My words seemed stilted, almost unemotional, while all I wanted to do was curl under the covers and cry.

I placed the frame back into the exact spot, rubbing the light dust off the top before turning my attention to the computer. Thank goodness everything had been automated just the way I’d tried to get Rutherford to do all those years ago. The nagging voice inside of me continued pressing me to look at the file. After a few seconds, I jerked it into my hand, holding my breath as I flipped through.

At least the house that had built for me was remaining in my name alone, Rutherford’s going to the arrogant cowboy. As far as the rest of the property, it was split exactly the same way. Repulsed, I shoved it aside, taking several deep breaths in order to calm my anger.

You have work to do. Do it!

As I pulled up the employee files on the computer, I gazed out the window, admiring the work I’d been able to do on the front yard. I adored my trees and flowers, the bright colors exactly what I’d needed. I got down to work, processing several deposits in fifteen minutes.

When metal glinted in the sun, I squinted but was unable to tell what I was seeing. I shifted from my seat, moving closer to the window. A truck. If wasn’t mistaken, it was the same damn truck Jake had been driving. Or should I call him Thunder? Hissing, I moved quickly toward the front entrance, yanking out a pair of shoes before opening then slamming the door behind me. Maybe an invigorating walk would work off some of the anger that had swept inside.

I took long strides, cursing under my breath until I was able to jump onto the porch, not bothering to knock before bursting inside. Of course I didn’t make it but a few feet in when a wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. The last time I’d been inside the house, my dad had been in remission. We’d sat on the back deck laughing as we’d shared a bottle of wine.

Now this.

My feet were heavy as I tried to locate the son of a bitch. He’d defiled my father’s house and the man had been in the ground less than three hours. How could he do something so crass?

Jake is his son, stupid girl, his real son.

The voice was spinning inside my head. I wasn’t blood. I’d just been a helpless girl the man I adored had been forced to care for. I made it into the kitchen before being forced to grasp the edge of the counter. I’d promised Dad that I’d take care of the house and his mail. The housekeeper I’d hired had been the only thing I’d been capable of. She’d brought in his mail, the heaping pile smack in the middle of the kitchen island. I was completely lightheaded, barely able to catch my breath. Within seconds, I had a feeling I was going to hyperventilate.

“No. No. No!”

“Whoa, little filly. Maybe you need to sit down,” Jake said from behind me.

As he touched my arm, it felt like pistons going off in every cell. I jerked away with enough force that I pitched myself against the island, my arm accidentally sweeping across the pile of envelopes. Both of us watched as the bills and flyers swept softly to the floor.

“What the hell were you doing?” I asked as I glared at him.

His shit-eating grin was meant to rile me. There was no doubt in my mind.

He swaggered closer, the damn smirk on his face remaining. “I’m allowed to be here since the house now belongs to me.”

While I’d been prepared to hear the news, it still hit me hard. I wasn’t prepared for the fiery vixen inside of me to rear her ugly head in protection. I involuntarily reared back in preparation to punch the massive cowboy.

Chuckling, he snapped his hand around my fist, shaking his head. “That wasn’t very nice of you.”

“I never told you I was a nice girl, now did I?”

“Nah, I guess you didn’t. That’s a shame given we’re practically family, so I hear.”

“Very funny.” I tried to get out of his hold, but he was far too strong, barely using his muscles and able to drag me closer. I was forced to slap my other hand against his chest to keep him from pulling me to him. I tilted my head, hissing from the way his eyes were twinkling. He thought this was funny as hell. Damn him.

There was the same lust-filled expression from the night before, but as he studied me, I could tell he was more aroused than ever. That infuriated me even more.

We were doing some kind of crazy standoff, something I would eventually win. He truly didn’t understand my personality. I was able to gather a whiff of the man’s testosterone, which repulsed me.

As well as excited me.

No. No. I wasn’t going to fall for his trick of seducing me just to keep me in line.

“It would appear you and I have a lot to talk about,” he said after a few seconds.

“Maybe so, but I’m not in the mood.”

“So ya wanna tell me when you will be in the mood? From what I can tell, you’re already damn moody as hell.”

That was it. I was no southpaw, but I always considered myself ambidextrous, which he obviously didn’t expect. When I managed to punch him square in his chiseled, sexy as hell jaw, his eyes flew open, a yowl erupting from his throat and more important, he lost his grip on my other hand. What I didn’t expect was for his body to be pummeled backwards, his foot tripping on one leg of the kitchen chair and even worse, his body slamming into the wall.

My initial reaction was to be angry with myself of doing something so ridiculous and hurtful. Then I remembered who I’d punched. Uh-huh. The jerk had deserved an even worse reaction.

He slid down the wall, shaking his head a few times. When he stared up at me, I could tell he was amused. What the hell was wrong with this man? Did he like picking a fight with everyone or was it just me? When he shifted, acting as if he was going to climb off the floor, he grunted in pain, rubbing his shoulder.

I’d never been a soft, fluffy kind of girl, but I also didn’t go around intentionally trying to hurt people. Even if he’d gotten under my last nerve.

“I think I deserved that,” Jake said in a huff.

I bit my lower lip then walked closer, offering him my hand. “No, you didn’t. I shouldn’t have reacted that way. Are you hurt?”

“Just an old injury.” He hissed as he struggled to his feet.

“Well, if you hadn’t acted like an asshole, maybe you wouldn’t have fallen.”

“Hmmm…” He acted as if he was worried about what I’d do before accepting my help. Once again, I should have known better than to trust him. As he pushed me over the edge of the counter, all I could do was yelp out of surprise. “I’m glad to hear you say that, Madisen, ‘cause it makes me respect that you understand what you need.”

“Get off me, you brute!” My God, he was kicking my legs apart. What the hell was he planning, another spanking? A pitchfork was far too good for him.

“Well, we’ve taken a step in the right direction. At least you’re not calling me by all those cuss words again. I think you need another lesson in minding that mouth of yours.”

Somehow, he managed to yank my two wrists together in one hand, using the other to unfasten my shorts. I was so angry I wasn’t certain what to do. After he managed to wrangle them past my hips, my panties second, he dragged me around to the end of the island, opening drawer after drawer until he found what he wanted.

A freaking wooden spoon.

Then he forced my arms over the top, leaning me over. I’d thought the night before was humiliating, but this was something else entirely. He was so going to get it after he was finished.

“You deserve to be called my worst, you jerk,” I countered. Jerk? I couldn’t think of anything better? What was wrong with me?

“That is definitely true, sugar. I am one big jerk of a man and proud of it.”

He was having fun with this.

I struggled, trying to kick him in the groin, but all I managed to do was plant my heel against one of his shins. All that did was force a deep, husky growl from the bowels of his being. The sound sent a wave of rumbling vibrations through me, but if he thought he was going to scare me, he had another think coming. I didn’t give in that easily.

I pitched and twisted, almost managing to get away from him.

“Nope. Where I come from, women are required to be respectful,” he said then peppered my naked bottom several times.

“Ouch! Where do you come from, Neanderthal land?” I was shocked how much a thin spoon could actually hurt.

“Cowboy country, sweetheart.” He delivered several in a row, making certain he moved from one side to the other.

Where did he think he was, a big city? Whew, I couldn’t believe how much the spanking hurt, my bottom already overheated. I undulated my hips, still struggling even though I knew I’d lost the battle before it had even begun. If this was the way he handled women, we were definitely not going to get along.


“I can understand that you’re surprised,” Jake said then dared to caress one ass cheek then the other. “But I’m not your damn enemy here. Trust me that I didn’t want to have any part of this. Period.”

Before I had a chance to grill him on what he meant, he smacked me even harder, even slapping the spoon against my upper thighs.

“Stop it! That hurts like… It hurts, okay?”

“Are you going to act like a lady if I do?” He had the audacity to crack it down several more times.

Are you going to stop being an asshole if I do?I bit back the nasty reply, spitting out words between clenched teeth. “Yes. I promise.”

“So help you God?”

The bastard smacked me four more times.

“Fine. Yes. Just stop. I can’t take it, not after today. All right?” Now I was begging. I’d reached a low point in my life.

“Girl Scouts honor?”

“Would you please just get this over with?”

When he chuckled, all I could do was moan.

“Okay. Sounds good to me, little filly.”

When he issued ten more in rapid succession, I was almost blinded from the pain. The second he let me go, I pushed away from the island, scuttling back and taking several deep breaths. I knew my face was colored in a bright pink just like my aching bottom. Damn! Damn! Damn!

He grinned and returned the spoon to where he’d found it then shifted against the edge of the counter. The smug look on his face remained as he folded his arms.

I was forced to turn away from him, fumbling to yank my shorts back into place. “You’re such a jerk. You don’t know anything about me, so you had no right to spank me.”

I expected a nasty retort, but when he sighed, I snapped my head in his direction. The look on his face was now pensive.

“Maybe I don’t know anything about you, Madisen, but I can tell you’re angry. You just don’t have a right to take it out on me. You deserved that spanking and you know it.”

“What I know is that you don’t have a right to come onto this property and act like you own the place.”

“Just sixty percent of it anyway.” His grin returned, but he held out his hand. “Maybe it’s time we had a truce.”

Maybe it’s time you go fuck yourself.“I don’t know what good that will do. You’re a stranger to me.”

His grin widened. “Well, not entirely. We do know each other carnally and I have to admit, I’m going to taste that hot body of yours again.”

“Over my dead body.”

“Seems like I own a portion of you, sweetheart.”

“You know what, Jake, or would you prefer I call you Thunder? That kind of crap might work well for the pinhead women on the rodeo circuit who follow you around tossing panties in your face, but I’m not that kind of woman. I’ve worked hard day by day alongside a man I called my father. I learned the oil business from starting as a worm to becoming a full-fledged roughneck, almost a driller. I helped make certain the bills were paid, investments handled, and the men were fed well. And I’ve been forced to endure years of taunting by cowboys just like you who don’t think very much of me. I did everything I could to pay that man back for his… kindness.” I was so ashamed that tears slipped past my lashes.

I turned away once again, controlling my emotions. I refused to allow a man like Jake Travers to see me cry. Not for one second. I fully expected him to laugh or say something rude. Why not? That’s the kind of man he was.

“You really loved him, didn’t you?” he asked in an entirely different tone of voice.

After taking a few shallow breaths, I had difficulty finding my voice. All I could do was nod at first. “He was larger than life, like a big bear. He worked so hard to get where he was, never taking a break, always standing by his men through thick or thin, even when the wells weren’t producing enough barrels to keep all the riggers, he refused to let them go against my advice, making certain they had a paycheck. And when those bastards who own land beside him tried to do everything from burn him out to killing our horses, he refused to back down.”

“Jesus. They do hold a grudge.”

“Yeah, they do. It really took a toll on Dad the last couple of years.”

“I didn’t know him at all.”

“Then you missed out getting to know a wonderful, loving man.” When I shot him a look, I noticed something I hadn’t before. Pain. While Rutherford had never told me he had a son, I’d known the man had been hiding something for years. He’d never gone out on a date, refused to think about being with another woman. I had a feeling Jake’s mother was the reason why.

“Did you know Rutherford’s father or mother?”

The question seemed odd and all I could do was laugh. “Everybody knows everybody around here, Jake. Of course I did, at least until they died a few years ago. They ruled the area like they were some kind of crime lord family. I never liked them, and they certainly wanted nothing to do with me. Why?”

He kicked his heel against the counter. “Just askin’.”

There was an awkward silence that settled between us. I had no idea what to say to the man, but I could tell he was hiding something.

“I suppose you want to see the rigs.” I honestly couldn’t care less whether he did or not. When he didn’t answer right away, I laughed. “Let me guess. You’re leaving tomorrow.”

“I was planning on it. Got my own ranch to take care of.”

“Do it. I can handle the place just fine without you.”

“And leave a little lady all alone? Not a chance. I have some good people working for me. I can take an extended leave of absence if necessary.”

“What about your big rodeo plans?”

“What about them?”

His grin was almost boyish this time, highlighting the dimple in his chiseled jaw I hadn’t seen before. A flutter of butterflies swarmed my stomach, but my instinct was to continue lashing out at him. “You are a star, aren’t you?” I continued, my tone dripping with contempt.

He walked closer, forcing me to take a step backwards. Then he stopped, cocking that big head of his, shifting his gaze to my breasts. The man knew exactly how to make me feel self-conscious. “I was a star a long time ago. I’m just getting my second wind, or so I hope anyway. I didn’t know Rutherford and in truth, I’m glad I never got to meet the man, cause I would have given him a piece of my mind. However, I’d like to see more of the establishment and find out what all the fuss is about.”

The fuss. He was clueless as shit. “Have you ever worked a rig before?”


It was my turn to grin. I dared myself to swagger closer, giving him the same kind of heated gaze that he’d given me, only I ended by staring at the thick bulge between his legs. I just hated myself for being so damn attracted to him. He was the enemy and that was where my mind was going to stay. “If you’re such a star then you shouldn’t do anything to hurt yourself.”

“Little lady, I take it you’ve never been tossed by a two-thousand-pound bull. See, if you had, you’d know actual pain. I can handle anything.”

The man was actually challenging me. I bit my lower lip to keep from snickering. Game on.

“You can take a tour of the place but you’re not staying in this house,” I retorted, surprised at the level of emotion that had suddenly appeared in my voice.

“Why not?”

“Because it belongs to my…” Another wave of sadness almost gutted me. I moved away from the island toward the back door, unlocking it and going directly outside. I could hear the sounds of the riggers as the breeze floated the noise in my direction. Other people hated the grinding sound. I loved it.

It was only a matter of seconds before I heard his boots on the aging decking boards. I refused to look in his direction, wiping the single tear before he had a chance to see it.

Jake leaned over the railing, studying the perimeter. “Not a bad place he had here. How many acres?”

“A little over one thousand give or take.”

“And he won it in a poker game. That sounds strange to me.”

“I heard rumors from the guys to that effect, but my… but Rutherford never mentioned it to me.”

“You can call him your dad if you want to. He certainly gave more of a shit about you than he did his own flesh and blood.”

I bristled just like I’d done before. “My guess is he had his reasons, Jake, like not screwing up your life. From what he did tell me, he was a screw-up for a long time, the bad boy of the family. He even told me that his parents had considered disowning him at some point. Maybe he wanted to spare you the shame of it all. Trust me that he certainly didn’t want to be saddled with a little girl, but he felt he had no choice. I was just a noose around his neck.” I wasn’t certain why I’d bothered telling him anything personal. He certainly couldn’t care less about family.

I could feel his heated gaze as he turned his head to stare at me. I also felt the warm blush creeping up my neck. I pursed my lips, holding in my breath. There was no way I’d ever allow a man like Jake Travers to see any additional weakness. None.

“Yeah, well, he was supposed to marry my mother, but Rutherford’s parents were going to disown him. He chose money no matter what my mother tried to make me believe. I know you think I’m an asshole, Madisen, but seeing my mother suffer her entire life because of him is something I can never forgive him for. She adored that man.”

I wasn’t certain how to take the news. The sadness in his voice was palpable, his words said from the heart. “I’m really sorry, Jake. He never told me.”

A moment of quiet tension settled between us.

“I think I’ll take a ride out to the rigs. You wanna come?” he asked almost casually, like we were friends.

“Nope. I have other work to do. Some of the guys will be taking off soon. End of the day and all. They’re going to want to know their paychecks were deposited.”

“It’s only four in the afternoon.”

I turned and gave him a sly smile. “I gave the majority of them a break since the majority didn’t get a chance to pay their respects to my father. However, we start early around these parts, often working late into the night. The active rigs go twenty-four hours, seven days a week. That’s what real men do. Course you wouldn’t know about hard work, now would you?” I took my time walking past him, keeping a smirk on my face.

As soon as I’d gotten a few inches away, the rough cowboy grabbed my arm, jerking me against his chest, a yelp escaping my mouth.

“I suggest you treat me with respect, sunshine, especially since I own a significant portion of this company.”

“A company you neither wanted nor give a damn about,” I spouted back, hatred filling my voice. The man’s eyes pierced mine, the lust in them creating a wave of electricity so powerful I was almost knocked off my feet. When he dragged me even closer, crushing my breasts against him, I was forced to smack my palm against his chest in order to keep some airspace. The closeness was combustible, my breath catching in my throat.

Jake lowered his head, breathing a swath of explosive air across my face. The move allowed another series of tingles to skate down my spine, shifting directly into my pussy. For a few seconds, we had a stare down.

Then the bastard had the audacity to capture my mouth as he fisted my hair, pulling me all the way onto my toes. I was shocked at how hard his cock had gotten, throbbing against my stomach. I couldn’t breathe, my throat closing, but fortunately my will to continue hating the man kicked in.

I fought him like a wildcat, slamming my fists against any portion of his body I could get to.

The huge stud of a man didn’t budge an inch. No matter how I squirmed, all I managed to do was create a round of friction so intense that our bodies sparked like a live wire. Holy bejesus, the man was built like a brick shithouse. And he could kiss like no other man.

Growling, he thrust his tongue inside, dominating mine as he explored every centimeter of my mouth. He was a freight train rolling over me, taking what he wanted.

Just like he’d done the night before.

The scent of our combined desired wafted in the air around us, floating like a filthy reminder of the carnal sin we’d performed. Every guttural sound he made aroused me to the point my nipples were aching, my panties soaked from the amount of juice trickling into the thin lace. I was mortified that I had this kind of reaction to him after finding out who and what he was.

As I moaned into the kiss out of frustration, he took that as a sign of surrender, grinding his hips and sliding his hand down to cup and squeeze my bottom. I had the distinct feeling he wasn’t going to let me go.

And I was right.

Even though I managed to punch him in the gut, pushing myself away from him, he was far too strong, catching my arm again. Only this time the grip was ferocious, the man digging his fingers into my skin.

“Careful, sweet sunshine. You’re playing with fire,” he huffed in a husky, sexy tone that continued to piss me off.

“There’s something you’re going to learn about me, Jake. I love playing with fire.” I gave him the biggest, baddest slap across his face I could manage, adoring the shock that followed just seconds before he let me go. I tumbled backward but caught myself, turning swiftly and racing into the house.

It was a split second before I realized I’d uncaged the beast deep inside of him.

“Oh, no, you don’t, little filly,” he barked then wrapped one arm around my waist, lifting me into the air like I was a light bag of flour.

“Let go of me.” My squeal sounded ridiculous.

“Not a chance, at least until you’ve learned another valuable lesson. And I know exactly what you need.”

From the way he’d grabbed me, I found it all but impossible to hit him with a direct blow. Even though I managed to kick him in the knees, he acted as if I was a minor inconvenience, continuing to walk through the kitchen. He opened drawer after drawer, every cabinet door after that. What the hell was he looking for?

He hoisted me up further on his hip, cursing under his breath while he moved toward one of the closets. As soon as he opened the door, he snickered. “That’s exactly what I was looking for.”

I strained to try to figure out what he’d grabbed from one of the wire shelves. Then I realized. It was thick twine that my dad had used to truss a turkey, or the whole pigs he used to cook during the summer. What the hell… As soon as he walked outside, twisting my body as he dropped me then wrapping one hand around my wrists, I knew.

He was going to tie me to the deck railing. Was the asshole out of his fucking mind? Now I fought like hell, kicking out and squirming, but it was to no avail. The man had some rope skills because within seconds, he’d managed to wrap my wrists together, securing both to the railing then using a pocketknife he’d had in his pocket to cut the end.

I sputtered instead of screaming like a banshee, horrified at what he thought he was going to do.

Leaning over, he grinned then slipped his blade into his pocket. “I think that should hold you.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“I think you’ve already called me that more than once.” Humming, he moved behind me and when he reached around my waist, untying my shorts then tugging them down, I started to fight, squirming with as much muscle power as I could manage.

The rope wasn’t budging. In fact, it only became tighter. I was a trussed little filly completely at his mercy. Shit. Shit. Shit!

I tried to kick him as he pulled both my shorts and panties completely off, leaving me half naked in a location where any of the riggers could catch a glimpse of my exposed body as they drove off the rig site. I was more embarrassed than I’d ever been in my life.

“What the hell are you doing?” I demanded.

He stood to my side, allowing me to watch as he unbuckled his belt, the look on his face even more savage than it had been the night before. “I’m giving you another spanking for punching and slapping me, generally being rude and cursing. Maybe a thick strap of leather will do the trick. Finally.”

“You just did.”

“That was nothing, sweetheart.”

I opened my mouth at least three times to retort, but all that came out was a ragged breath of garbled shit. Finally, I was able to mutter a few words and they disgusted me.

“I’ll be good.”

Right. I was going to grab a knife and cut out his heart.

“Yup. You’re going to learn one way or the other.” Jake took his time sliding the leather through his belt loops, exhaling when he’d finished the job. Then he folded the strap, smacking it against his palm. “This will do nicely. I think twenty is a good start, don’t you? Now, be that good little girl and try and hold in your screams. I want to reserve those for when I fuck you and you beg me for more.”

The man was an absolute pig. He was horrible. He was mean. He was… I closed my eyes, still squirming. I’d never felt so stupid or vulnerable in my life. But I wasn’t going to beg the man for anything.


“Keep in position or I might have to start over,” he said then growled, sending another shower of shivers down the back of my legs.

I sucked in my breath, determined to remain as quiet as a mouse. When I heard the whooshing sound, I almost smiled. There was almost no pain after he brought the belt down across both ass cheeks, only a slight sting. I shifted my hips, exhaling in an exaggerated manner just to piss him off.

Then he smacked me again.

And again.

Still nothing.

Until the bastard followed with a volley of six in a row. The pain was blinding, sending me all the way onto my toes, the bedraggled moan something I couldn’t avoid. The wooden spoon had been nothing in comparison to this. As the sound filled the air, he grunted like some animal then had the audacity to rub the rough pads of his fingers across my heated and already aching skin.

“I like the way you wear my marks. Maybe I should keep you this way.”

His gruff tone was laced with sensuality and some kind of animalistic need. I panted like a dog, unable to prepare myself for the next four brutal smacks.

“Ouch! Stop it. Just stop.”

“Nope,” he remarked, smacking me twice more.

I shifted back and forth, kicking one foot up then the other, fighting with my bindings as tears formed in my eyes. This was horrible. This was insane. I was so going to slit his throat.

“I think you will learn your lesson after this. Don’t you?” he asked oh-so quietly.

“I think… you need… a lobotomy.”

Laughing, he rubbed his hand across my bottom again, the electricity as intense as before. “And I think you need the full treatment.” He wasted no time, doling out four or maybe six in a row. I’d lost count and couldn’t think clearly, my heart hammering against my chest.

Oh, God, the pain was blinding.

“Four more then we’re done. Well, at least for round one.”

Was he fucking kidding me? Round one?

I braced for additional strikes, clenching my teeth together and when he performed the horrible deed, I realized that my pussy was throbbing, clenching and releasing several times. What. The. Hell? I was turned on by this? I had to be sick inside, a screw coming loose.

The sound of the belt thudding against the deck as he dropped it made me open my eyes wide. “Untie me or else.”

“Not gonna happen, sunshine. We’re just getting started.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

He leaned over, nipping my earlobe. “Sugar, that means I’m going to fuck you even harder than I did last night. And trust me. You will scream out my name.”