Held by Luna Voss



I wake up the next morning feeling like I’m going to burst. It takes me a moment to remember why, and then it hits me: despite how close to Barion I feel after our experience last night, he never allowed me to have an orgasm. Despite spanking me, fucking my mouth, knotting my ass, and keeping me really turned on the entire time, that bastard never actually let me come.

It’s torture as I wait for him to wake up. When he finally does, I practically jump on him.

“Mmm, hello there, Melyta.” He smiles, his eyes opening lazily.

I’m already kissing his neck. “Good morning, Vostra.”

Lucky for me, it doesn’t take much to get him in the mood. Before long I’m straddling him and we’re making out, and not long after that he flips me over and gets on top, kissing me fiercely.

He doesn’t fuck me right away. Instead, he kisses his way down my body and dives between my legs hungrily, kissing and licking my pussy without making any attempt to tease me first.

“Oh,”I moan as I feel his lips close around my clit. “Oh god…”

He holds me in place, eating my pussy like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted. When I finally feel my orgasm brewing, I need it so badly it hurts.

“Barion, please can I come?” I beg, trying to plead with my eyes. I really, really need it.

“Who does this pussy belong to?” he growls, glancing up.

“To you,” I moan immediately. “It belongs to you.”

“Such a good girl,” he whispers. “All it takes is a firm spanking and you’re back on your best behavior.”

“But can I come?” I beg, squirming my legs. “Vostra, please…”

“Yes, vulta, you can come,” he purrs, working two of his fingers into my pussy. “Let me make you come now.”

He puts his mouth back on my clit as he moves his fingers inside me, my climax hits me fast. I squeeze him with my legs, my whole body shaking, the entire last day of built-up tension releasing all at once.

When I spiral back to reality, Barion is still between my legs, watching me with an expression of pure desire on his face. I open my eyes, focusing them on him, ready for this glorious pleasure between us to continue.

“I want you to fuck me,” I whisper, looking him in the eyes.

True to what Barion said yesterday, it appears my pussy really is grounded.

Good thing I find having my ass fucked just as fulfilling, albeit in a way that makes me feel deeply, deeply dominated. Orgasming that way is always so ridiculously intense.

I feel like I’m glowing a little bit when I finally make my way out to the bridge, walking slightly funny both from the spanking and from the sex. I had Barion apply the cream to my butt on our way out of bed, but it’s going to take a few minutes to kick in.

“Morning, Jen!” I greet my friend, sitting just where I expected her at the helm.

“Good morning,” she glowers.

I sit down next to her. “Someone’s in a good mood.”

She lowers her voice even though we’re alone on the bridge. “Someone got spanked by stupid fucking Korva yesterday,” she snaps, sounding furious.

“You knew what you were getting into,” I start hesitantly, not wanting to upset her further. “It’s not like—”

“I know,” she interrupts me. “I fucking know. I just— god dammit.”

Korva picks that moment to walk through the bridge. He smiles at us, and I can’t help but notice that his gaze lingers on Jenyta for a moment.

“Good morning, ladies!”

Jenyta goes bright red and keeps her face trained on the console in front of her. I hide a laugh and turn to Korva.


He moves on, and Jenyta sighs.

“You’ll get used to it,” I assure her. “It’s really not that bad.”

“Easy to say when it’s your mate who you love and trust,” says Jenyta, shaking her head. “Instead of this random cocky asshole who also happens to be super good looking.”

Out of loyalty to my friend, I don’t allow my amusement to show. So that’s what has her so worked up. It makes sense, when I think about it that way. I’m so used to thinking of Korva as a brother-type-figure that it didn’t even occur to me that Jenyta might be nervous around him for the most obvious reason possible. How would I feel, getting disciplined by a handsome stranger I was probably hoping to impress?

I end up turning Jenyta onto the medicated cream Barion uses, the best relief I can offer her in this moment.

“It really helps. Do you want to borrow mine? I could… take over the ship, I guess...” I glance nervously at the confusing array of controls in front of her.

She allows a smile. “Don’t worry, I don’t need to be glued to the controls all the time when we’re in hyperspace. I do still need to sleep, after all.”

Jenyta goes into her cabin to apply the cream, and when she returns, she seems to be in a better mood. I sit with her on the bridge for the rest of the day, pretending to listen as she explains what all the different controls do. Every once in a while, Barion walks through the bridge, and he always stops to give me a kiss. I pretend to be flustered in front of Jenyta, but really, I love it. My mate and I are a team again. He’s my Vostra, I’m his vulta, and whatever happens next, however this plan goes, that’s never, ever going to change.

When we arrive at Gerbbbexai IX, Barion takes my suggestion and contacts Dagor Agusto on his private comm channel.

“Dagor? I have news.”

“It sure sounds like you have news,” his voice replies over the ship’s sound system, “considering you’re contacting me from space. I thought you were supposed to be back days ago?”

“It’s a long story,” says Barion, faking a chuckle. “Let’s just say I ran into some Epeshi pirates, and now I’m driving one of their ships.”

Dagor sounds confused. “What the hell? When did you learn how to pilot a ship?”

Barion hesitates, obviously scrambling. “I, uh...” He glances around at the rest of us, listening intently. “Korva is with me. He knows how to pilot. Do you have anywhere we can dock?”

The Agusto boss sends us the flightpath for a private hangar, then ends the call.

“Korva is flying the ship?” Jenyta says immediately, raising her eyebrows at him.

“Trust me,” he says, “it’s better if Dagor doesn’t know about you.”