Held by Luna Voss



The next few days are insane, but surprisingly, not in a bad way. Barion’s installation as new head of the Dultaz Family goes about as smoothly as could be expected, which is to say that some don’t like it, many of the old-timers are pleased to see him return, and none of them have any choice but to accept it. Sarizor’s death took them very much by surprise, and although it’s clear to anyone even halfway smart what happened, the official word is that Sarizor died of a heart attack. That gives enough plausible deniability to maintain the Dultaz-Gallo alliance, and to avoid any organized attempt to reject the new leadership.

It isn’t pretty. It’s a brute force takeover in broad daylight, aided by the guns of the human mob. But as I suspected, the Dultaz captains with enough power to matter accept Barion’s arrival more or less without complaint. Sarizor was unstable, and we weren’t the only ones who saw it. I think a lot of them were quietly horrified when Barion was exiled, and at the general direction the older boss was taking them in.

The alliance with the humans could prove sticky. But that’s an issue for another time. Our ditrykium mine is rolling, and with the power of the Dultaz Family behind us, we’re now able to staff it more fully with Vostra soldiers we trust. That takes some of the pressure off of Korva, and I know it gives Barion some much-needed peace of mind. We’ve looked at the numbers together, and the amount of money we’re going to be bringing in over the next few years, even at black market prices, is tremendous. It’s going to allow the Dultaz organization, once the small, scrappy go-getters, to reach a higher level and scale than they ever have before.

But a week later, as the insanity dies down, it isn’t money or Vostra politics that’s on my mind. It’s the thing I haven’t told Barion yet, the thing I’ve been nervous to even say out loud, knowing how utterly busy and preoccupied he is with the whirlwind of his new position. I don’t like keeping things from him, but I haven’t known how to tell him this. He always looks so immersed in what he’s doing, and every time I try, the words catch in my throat.

“Vostra?”I say, coming up behind him in the evening as he sits in front of his computer, poring over what seems to be the Dultaz Family’s internal books.

“Hey, vulta,” he replies, his face softening as he turns to look at me. He holds out his arm as I walk over and pulls me close to him. “Check this out.” He gestures to the numbers on the screen, clearly wanting me to read them.

“I…” My words stick in my throat, but I power through. “Vostra, I have to tell you something.”

Barion turns away from the screen and gives me his full focus. “Of course, love. What is it?”

I feel my beacon flash involuntarily. He frowns at me, his eyes moving up to my forehead.

“Why is your beacon blinking on and off?”

“It’s…” I blush, not sure if I should feel bad for not telling him the moment I found out. “Barion, I’m pregnant.”

He blinks, like he doesn’t understand. “What?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier,” I hurry to say, “I just didn’t want to distract you, and everything was so…” I trail off, watching him closely for his reaction.

“You’re pregnant.”

“Yeah. It must have happened during my last heat.”

His face lights up and he scoops me into his arms, swinging me around like a little kid, his beacon shining the brightest, happiest green I’ve ever seen it.

“Melyta, I’m going to be a father?”

“Yes,” I say, burying my face in his chest as he puts me down. “That’s what pregnant means.”

“Oh, my…” He falls silent, then starts to pump his fists, his boyish excitement infectious, causing a huge grin to break out on my face. “Oh my god, I have to call Korva! Have you told Jenyta yet?”

“Not yet,” I admit, hugging him so he’ll stay still. “I wanted you to be the first to know.”

He cups my face in his hands in wonder, then smothers me with a kiss, his lips leaving my mouth to kiss all over my cheeks, chin, and neck. When our lips meet again, it’s tender, and he swirls his tongue around mine slowly, savoring me.

“I love you, vulta,” he breathes, shiny tears welling up in his eyes. “God, I love you so much. I can’t believe we’re alive right now. I can’t believe we get to do this.”

He wraps his arms around me tightly and I melt into his embrace. I nuzzle my cheek against his chest, listening to the beating of his heart, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world to be warm, safe, and loved in the arms of my Vostra.