Held by Luna Voss



5 years later

“You were pretty sassy today for someone who swears she isn’t going into heat,” Barion purrs, guiding me into our bedroom as the night lights of Dalax City twinkle outside the window of our high-rise condominium.

“I know, Vostra,” I sigh, sheepish, but also secretly pleased to have created this opportunity for alone time. Things have been so busy lately that it feels like something special, even if it is because I’m being punished.

“Do you want to take a little corner time, or shall we start with the plug?”

My cheeks flush, even though we must have done this a thousand times before. “I’d prefer to skip the corner.”

“Straight to the plug it is, then,” he says, taking my hand and guiding me over to the bed. “Why don’t we lose the pants. Don’t want me ripping open another pair trying to take them off.”

“Probably a good idea,” I admit, taking my pants off in front of him as he watches with a little smirk on his face.

“Those are cute,” he remarks, gesturing to my panties. “Are those new?”

I glance down at the frilly pink thong I’m wearing, something I did indeed pick up recently. “Yeah. I got them at that new store that just opened up on K street.”

His eyes linger on them approvingly. “I think I like that new store.”

I shuffle my feet, just wanting to get my punishment over with. “So do I.”

For a moment I stand there pantless while he looks me up and down, and then he nods and pats his lap.

“Okay, Melyta. Let’s get you over my knee.”

He guides me onto his lap in my familiar position, putting a hand on my lower back and reminding me to arch. This is where we do our punishments now almost every time, except on the rare occasions he sees fit to discipline me in public. In our room, on our wedding bed, in the home we share. Marital bliss.

I feel myself tense in anticipation as he reaches over to our nightstand to grab the bottle of lube and the plug. This plug is a new one, with a huge diamond at the base that I’m pretty sure is worth more than the mansion he lived in when we first met. I thought it was a ridiculous expense, but my husband wouldn’t be dissuaded, declaring much to my embarrassment that my bottom only deserves the best.

It figures we mostly use it for punishments, I think as he peels my underwear down to my knees and dribbles lube down the crease of my behind.

“Arch,” he reminds me, tapping my back.

I fix my posture, then try not to moan as he begins pushing the plug into my tight hole. My punishment hole, says my brain, echoing my favorite term for it.

The plug pops all the way inside, overcoming my body’s resistance, and I can’t help but let out a gasp. Barion exhales, the audible version of a smirk, and gives my butt a little pat.

“There we go. All plugged up. Do I need to remind you why I have you over my knee, Melyta?”

“No,” I concede, blushing.

“No, probably not,” he agrees. “I’m pretty sure you decided you were going to get a spanking from the moment you woke up this morning.”

“No,” I protest weakly, even as a part of me wonders if he’s right. I needed this today. To feel close to him like this.

“We’re going to start with 20 spanks,” he informs me. “And I’m going to have you count.”

“20 spanks?” I exclaim. “That’s a lot!”

“Any more argument and it’s going to be 25. Hands at your sides.”

I do as he commands, my heart beating faster, very aware of the dull stretch of the plug in my ass.


Barion’s hand slaps down on my naked butt. I squeal, my muscles contracting and squeezing the plug very tightly in a way that’s mortifyingly enjoyable.

“That’s one,” he prompts me, chuckling. “I swear, Melyta, do you ever count the first one on your own?”

“It helps if you remind me,” I squeak, the plug still throbbing pleasurably in my ass.

“Clearly it does. But that first one doesn’t count. It starts counting when I hear you say the number one.”

“One,”I say, even though I know I’m not going to get away with it.

“Nice try.”

He spanks me again, and this time I say the number immediately.

“Good girl,” he whispers, sending goosebumps down my neck. “Keep being good for me and I’ll give you a reward when this is over.”

That perks me up, even if it distracts me slightly. The way he’s holding me, one of his knees is pressed right into my clit, and whether he knows it or not, it’s having quite an effect on me.

“Eleven,” I whimper a number of spanks later. “Vostra, can we be done?”

“No, we can’t be done,” he growls, his tone firm but patient. “And now it’s 25 spanks. Another outburst will earn you 30.”

I slump, surrendering. I always try to bargain, but Barion makes decisions of his own accord. If he says it’s going to be 25 spanks, it’s going to be 25 spanks.

“Twelve,” I yelp as he delivers another swat. “Vostra, I—”

I break off quickly at the sound of a knock on our bedroom door. We both freeze, glancing at each other.

“Mommy?” comes a small voice from the other side. “I’m scared.”

My shoulders slump, and Barion lets out a laugh. “I’ll take care of it,” he whispers, helping me off his lap and standing up. “You just wait here on the bed.”

I burrow under the covers as he crosses the room and opens the door. On the other side is Ryta, our almost-five-year-old daughter.

“It’s okay,” he says, scooping her up in his arms. “Daddy’s got you. Let’s go back to bed now, and I’ll rub your back while you fall asleep.”

She clings to him happily, having got what she wanted, and I lie back in bed, torn between frustration and gratitude for my mate. I never would have imagined he would be such a caring, involved father. Raising our daughter with him has shown me so many new sides of this man I’m so deeply in love with.

He returns after about ten minutes.

“Fast asleep,” he says, his eyes still gentle the way they always are when he interacts with her. “Did we really make that little girl? She’s too sweet for this world.”

“We really did,” I sigh, allowing him to extricate me from the covers and position me over his knee again. “You’re so good with her.”

He strokes my ass for a moment, which feels nice, then flicks the plug with his finger, eliciting a moan. “Are you ready to get back to it, vulta? I believe the last number was 12.”

I count dutifully all the way up to 25, and I’m pretty sure Barion takes pity on me for the last few swats. Then he pulls me up into his arms, cradling me, and pulls my shirt over my head, leaving me naked while we kiss.

“Sometimes I still can’t believe we made it here,” Barion whispers as he lowers me onto the bed, climbing on top of me. “I feel like we should be dead on a beach on Gerbbbexai IX.”

“But we’re not,” I whisper back, slipping my hands under his shirt and baring his muscular chest. “We did make it. And now we have a beautiful daughter and a life we never could have dreamed of.”

I whimper as he frees himself from his comfy pajama pants and slips inside me, clutching each of my butt cheeks tightly with one of his hands. He starts to thrust and we moan together, our bodies in sync, past the need for conversation.

“Will you knot me, Vostra?” I beg, needing to feel that fullness, that closeness.

“I was already going to, vulta,” he breathes, and I shudder with the overwhelming sense of being whole as a growl rumbles in his throat and he releases his thick, hard lump of flesh inside me, tying our bodies together.

* * *

Oh my gosh! After three books, it’s hard to say goodbye. I’ve had such a good time bringing Barion and Melyta to life. It means the world to me that so many people devoted the time and energy to follow their story. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. It’s the readers like you who make all of this possible.

If you’re not quite ready to leave this universe of dominant omegaverse gangsters, you can dive right into my completed Vostra Crime Lordsseries.There’s four whole books, each of them following a different couple.

I have lots of new projects on the horizon! If you want to make sure you don’t miss a new release, join my VIP mailing list. Every member gets a free ebook and audiobook of my short story, The First Kyrzon Bride, which you literally can’t get anywhere else.

Thanks again. You guys rock.

Luna Voss