Held by Luna Voss



That guy’s hot,I think to myself as I browse the aisles, stealing a glance at the human next to me examining the label on a can of soup.

With an eyeroll, I shake my head and keep moving, pushing my shopping cart. Since when am I even into human guys?

In the next aisle is a pair of Voorian men, laughing as they compare bottles of bottom-shelf alcohol. These guys are younger, and better-dressed as well. Probably out for a night on the town. Or maybe a house party, judging by their purchases. They glance up as they notice me watching them and I divert my gaze quickly, embarrassed. As I pretend to look at a bottle of wine, two pretty Voorian girls come up and throw their arms around them from behind. I’m surprised to feel a lurch of jealousy. I wish I had a man here to throw my arms around. Fuck.

I scurry away, winding up in the produce section. And for reasons I don’t understand, it’s filled with attractive men as well. Or at least, that’s all I notice. All of a sudden, my thoughts are a blur.

I feel hot. Everywhere, but especially between my legs. And as I turn my attention lower, it isn’t just the warmth I notice, but the aching. My clit is throbbing under my dress, begging for attention. And my panties are uncomfortably wet.

I’m in heat. For the second time ever in my life, the sinking realization hits me that I’m about to begin my heat cycle in public. Panic sets in as I start to make my way to the exit, hoping that no one in the store is genetically compatible enough to pick up on the pheromones I’m giving off.

“Where are you going, darlin’?”

I spin around as a male voice rumbles through the aisle. It’s a man I don’t recognize, a Voorian, wearing a sleeveless shirt that shows off his impressive musculature.

“Just… leaving.”

My voice comes out as an uncomfortable whimper. I don’t want anything to do with this man. But he has a magnetism that’s hard to resist. I will myself to run out to the car, but my feet stay in place, and I clench my legs together, putting pressure on my aching clit.

“Melyta. Come with me. Now.”

I know that voice. I spin around again, and relief shudders through me as I recognize my mate. It’s Barion. Here in the grocery store. He’s here.

The Voorian in the sleeveless shirt steps closer to me, glaring at Barion territorially. “Hey, guy. The lady’s with me.”

“No, she fucking isn’t,” Barion growls, stepping forward and putting his body between me and the other man.

The other Voorian draws in a long breath, sniffing the air. Then he turns back to Barion, and his eyes narrow.

“Step away,” he snarls. “The woman is mine.”

In response to this, Barion does something I’ve read about, but never seen before: he steps as close to the other man as he possibly can, putting them almost face-to-face. And then he lets out a terrifying, guttural roar, extending his fangs in a primal threat that can be clearly understood in any language. Other shoppers all around us turn and stare, one woman picking up her two young children and hurrying them out of the aisle.

For a moment, I expect a fight to break out right there in the grocery store. And then the other man cowers, lowering his head in a gesture of submission. Without another word, he stomps off, his face very red.

“Come on,” says my husband, grabbing my wrist and ignoring the consternated looks of the people around us. “We’re going home.”

By the time we’re out in the parking lot, I’m a mess. My brain feels like it’s barely functioning, and I have mating slick trickling down my inner thighs.

“Where did you park?” Barion asks, not releasing his firm grip on my wrist.

I just point, distracted by what my body is going through. He leads me across the parking lot with big strides.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were in heat?” he growls the moment we reach the car.

“Let’s talk about this at home,” I implore him, glancing around.

“No, we’re going to talk about this now. You put yourself in a lot of danger today, Melyta. I don’t want to think about what might have happened if I hadn’t been there.”

“You’re kind of hot when you’re mad,” I giggle, pressing myself against him as he leans against the back of the car. A little moan escapes my lips as my crotch finds the firmness of his thigh.

“That’s inappropriate,” he tells me sternly. “Get in the backseat of the car. Now.”

“Yes, I want you to fuck me,” I whimper, finding his cock through his pants before he ushers me into the back of the car. I’m pleased to note that he’s far from soft.

But his cock doesn’t come into play as he throws me over his knee, flips up my dress, and starts to spank me firmly over my panties.

“You do not hide your heat from me,” he growls, pinning my wrists behind my back. “I’m your mate. What happens during your heat is my business, and if you ever put yourself in danger like this again, you’re not going to be able to sit down for a week. Do you understand me?”

“Barion, I—”

“Do you understand me?”he snarls, yanking my panties down to my knees. I whimper as I feel the wet fabric cling momentarily to my crotch.

Apparently I don’t answer him in time, because he starts spanking my naked ass right there in the backseat, pinning me over his lap and scolding me with his deep, rumbling voice.

“I won’t have this behavior from you, vulta. Not when it comes to your heat. That mark on your neck means you belong to me. It means your heats belong to me. It means from the moment your cycle starts, I need to be stretching your little cunt with my knot.”

“Maybe I would have told you if you even gave a shit about anything anymore!”

I didn’t mean to blurt that out. The spanking stops and I wince, prepared for further punishment.

And then Barion sighs, and when he speaks, his voice isn’t scolding.

“I guess I haven’t really been myself lately, have I?”

I shake my head, breathing heavily.

He puts his hand on my butt, and somehow, it feels like it’s more for his comfort than for mine. “I’m trying, vulta. I’m trying really hard at this. I’m sorry that I don’t always get it right.”

“Just… knot me,” I whimper, a longing twitch rippling through my lower parts. “I need it.”

“I will, vulta,” he assures me, his voice soothing now. “But I need to know this isn’t going to happen again. I need you to tell me when your heat starts from now on, okay?”

I nod, swallowing hard. Of course I will. This would have been so much easier if I had done that from the very beginning.

“Are you in heat right now?” he whispers, excitement in his voice. “Like, fully in heat?”

Numbly, I nod again. I’ve been doing my best to ignore it, but now it’s impossible. I need his knot. I need him to claim me. I need it more than anything.

“We’re going home,” he says resolutely, fixing my dress and helping me out of the backseat. He winks as he opens the passenger side door for me, the perfect picture of a gentleman. “Unless you want me to knot you right here in the parking lot.”