Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 3



I got off the first bus just like King told me to, catching the first plane I could to Vegas. Then I took a plane to Oregon, before the six-hour bus ride to Seattle, where Lady lives. Once the bus to Seattle stops at my final destination, I shove a piece of gum in my mouth as I reach into my bag and pull out a little cam. It was one of the few things I thought to grab before I left my place, along with a few phones and a couple of devices.

Thank God for my hidden stash. I can always get clothes. I’m not big on fashion anyway. When I step off the bus, I pull the wad of gum out of my mouth and stick it to the back of the cam. Without anyone noticing, I fix the cam to the trash can facing the parking lot and keep moving.

“Got any spare change?” A man shoves his cup in my face.

I sidestep him and mumble. “Sorry. I’m tapped.”

In New York, I usually empty my pocket of all the change I have. This once I have to think ahead and I’m limited on resources. I rush into the station and head for the bathroom.

Me:I’m here.

I wait for King’s response as I wash my hands and look into the mirror at my tired face. My phone chimes, causing me to jump. I shake my head.

King:Gutter. On the way.

Gutter? I have photos of every member of the Lost Souls in my database on my tablet. The database I created for the entire organization, upon King’s request. It only takes a second to pull an image and profile up.

Me:Isn’t he from the SC chapter?

I’m confused by this. There’s no way I’m waiting here in this bus station for hours or days, for that matter, for someone to come get me. I thought King would send someone from a local chapter.

King:I have it covered. It won’t be long.

Me:Are you sure?

I wait for a reply that never comes. When King is done with a conversation, he’s done. Of course, in his mind, he made himself clear. I sigh in frustration.

About fifteen minutes pass and I cannot believe I’m hiding out in this nasty bathroom, waiting to be rescued. All I wanted was a good cup of coffee, so I could finish going through the financials King had sent over yesterday. I walked to the coffee shop to get some fresh air instead of making coffee in the apartment.

I would just like to know who I pissed off to have them trash my place and take my bike. Did they take the bike so I couldn’t go anywhere far? Aggravated with my thoughts, I blow out a breath and watch the screen on my mini device.

Another five minutes pass as I watch and wait. Just when I pull out my phone to try King again, a large pickup truck pulls into the lot. I scowl at the screen because the black monster truck is blocking my view of everything else in the lot.

I grab my bag and get ready to go and move the cam. I pause when I see the huge guy that gets out of the truck is wearing a cut. It’s him. I’ve never seen him in person, but I know this is Gutter.
