Accidental Neighbor by Sharon Woods

Chapter 10


I lift my hand, hovering it over my front door handle, my mind drifting back to what just happened between Thomas and me. It’s later now; Megan has to be home. Please, someone be home.

Inhaling deeply, I grip the cold metal, causing my body to involuntarily shiver. I hold my breath for a second but then let out a shaky one when the door pushes open. Relieved, I step inside and walk straight to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I want to call up Olivia and Katie on the phone straightaway and debrief, but I need to get dinner made before my parents come home and ask where I was. I don’t want any interrogation or further questions. I'm still trying to get my head around what is happening between Thomas and me.

Megan must be in her room because the kitchen counter has her bag dumped on top, but she isn’t in here. Opening the pantry, I find pasta on the shelf and decide to make spaghetti bolognese. As I am boiling water on the stove in one pot, I begin to pan fry some hamburger, stirring the meat until it’s cooked through. I can hear the creak of the floors as I sense someone behind me. I turn around. Megan is standing at the counter, her eyes running over my outfit.

“You tried calling me earlier. I tried calling you back, but I guess you were running?” she questions.

I don’t want to mention Thomas or the locked-out incident. I’m still recovering from the ordeal.

“Yeah, I just wanted to know if you would be home for dinner. But here you are. And how was school?” I say, trying to keep my tone as neutral as possible so she can't pick up on my nerves.

She shrugs. “Same as always—shit. Did you need a hand with dinner?”

I add the dry pasta to the boiling water, and the hamburger is almost finished. I nod. “Actually could you finish up by adding the sauce to the meat and dishing it up? I want to call Olivia and Katie for a minute.”

Deciding that I don't want to wait another moment, I need to discuss Thomas with them urgently.

I hold out the wooden spoon for her to take, and she steps toward me, grabbing the spoon. “Yeah, go. I got it.”

“Thanks,” I respond quickly before dashing down the hall without glancing back.

Finding the TV remote, I switch it on. I need noise to drown out the conversation I'm about to have with the girls. I don't want Megan to hear anything until I'm ready to tell her.

I scroll through my contacts until I come to ‘Olivia’ and tap on her name. The phone starts ringing in my ear and my heartbeat rapidly climbs in my chest as I wait for her to answer. Come on, please hurry.

“Hey. What are you doing?”

I trail over to my bed and collapse down flat on my back on the double bed, staring at my ceiling as I answer.

“I just went for a run and I pause. Can you talk right now? Are you around anyone?” I whisper.

“Just hanging out in my room. Why?” Her tone is laced with curiosity.

“Let me add Katie to the call. I don’t want to have to explain this twice. Once for me will be enough.”

“Okayyy,” she says, drawing the word out.

I pull the phone away and hit the add button and return the phone to my ear. I hear the rings, and my palms begin to sweat as I wait for her to pick up.

“Hello?” Katie answers.

“Hey, are you free to chat? I have Olivia on the line; I want to do a three-way call.”

I can hear footsteps and it sounds like she is outside. “Yeah, I’m going for a walk by myself so go for it,” she puffs.

I hit the button so we are all on the call together. “Girls, are you both there?” I ask.

“Yep,” they say in unison.

“So, I, uh, kinda like someone.”

Olivia squeals through the phone. I can’t hear Katie’s response over Olivia's squeal.

I pull the phone away from my ear for a second before putting it back. A smile tugs at my lip at her dramatic tone. “Calm down. I don’t need anyone in your family knowing.”

“It’s fine; Just tell us who this guy is. Tell me everything right now!” she demands.

“And don’t leave anything out!” Katie puffs out.

I chuckle. “Okay, well, there have been a few instances…”

Whatttt? And I'm only finding out about this now? Jen. How could you do this to us!” Olivia is screaming at me through the phone.

I cover my face with my spare hand, groaning. “Don’t Jen me. I didn’t know if it was serious or not. And it's not that exciting. Just let me talk, will you?” Olivia and her dramatics. Katie’s chuckle can be heard in the background.

“Alright, alright.” I hear her exhale.

I lift my hand off my face and sit up, then I lean back on my pillows, trying to figure out how to explain it all. How do I explain everything that is Thomas? The emotions swimming in my gut tell me I need them to know everything, I need help with these new feelings.

“The night of your birthday, Olivia, at the Boilermaker, well, I chatted with a guy, and we had a drink together at the bar, then I ended up dancing with him and kissing him. I didn’t think much of it to be honest. I was admittedly tipsy. After I went to check on you, I never went back to meet up with him again. I never thought I would see him again… But a few days ago, I fell outside my new neighbor’s house while on a run. Guess who my new neighbor is?”

“It’s him… No way! Ahhhhh.” I can hear Olivia clapping. I roll my eyes, knowing she can’t see me.

I cut her off, not wanting to lose my train of thought before I can finish the story. I need advice, so I don’t want to leave out any details.

“Then today, I locked myself out of the house. I forgot my keys inside when I went on my run, and I was busting for the bathroom. I had to knock on his door. I was that desperate.” I laugh at how ridiculous it sounds saying it out loud.

“It’s fate, like some fairy tale.” Her tone is giddy.

“Not all fairy tales. I haven’t told you the biggest twist yet…” I sigh, remembering the two important people in this story.

“Ohhhh, I don’t like the way you’re saying that,” Katie huffs.

“He, uh, is a widower; his wife died.”

I hear her take an audible gasp and Katie's voice whispers, “Wow.”

“And I’m not finished,” I say. “He has two little girls.”

“Ohhhh, shit,” Katie says.

“That’s, ah, not what I was expecting you to say.” Olivia pauses, clearly speechless.

I exhale and continue. “I didn’t know the night I met him. I knew he was older, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. He has his little one signed up at work, so I will see him there too. He is literally everywhere. I can’t avoid him.”

“Okay, I get that, but he lives next door, and then the youngest daughter signed up at your work. I’m telling you that's some fate intervention,” Olivia squeals.

Katie cuts in, “But you said you kinda like him? Do the kids change that?” I'm about to answer, but she cuts in. “Are you really ready to be a stepmom? You’re still young; just be careful. Obviously, for you to be calling us, there is something there you want. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

I close my eyes, trying to process my thoughts, trying to figure out the best way to articulate the words to describe the emotional turmoil going on inside me.

“I love kids; you know that. I don’t think it's an issue. I would happily date a guy with kids, but I don’t know him or the girls well enough. The feelings I have when I am around him though…” My spare hand that has been lying across my stomach reaches up and touches my face where he stroked not long ago, stirring feelings of desire, remembering how his hands felt on my body before. I shiver.

“I can’t explain it. It’s intense… I need to figure this out, my head is all over the place.” I sigh.

“I don’t see a problem; why are you worried? You’re into him, so go for it.” I love how confident Olivia is. I wish I wasn’t so reserved and just dove straight into things, but it’s not me. And there are two little girls in the mix now and I need to tread carefully so as not to hurt their feelings. I don’t know the full story, but I can sense they have been hurt enough. He is a widower after all.

“Hmm. I don’t know. Just because I'm attracted to him doesn’t mean I can’t have issues; he has serious baggage. I don’t even know all about his wife or how his wife actually died.” I release a heavy breath.

“I agree but get to know him, Jen. Sitting here talking to us isn’t going to get to know him, but just be careful.” Katie groans.

A loud knock on my bedroom door interrupts our conversation, making me jump. “Dinner is ready. A bowl is on the counter when you're ready to eat,” Megan calls through the door above the blaring television.

“Thanks,” I call back, not moving from my bed.

“I better go and eat dinner now that Meg is calling out.”

“Okay, but make sure you let us know what happens,” Katie says.

“I want updates and every detail. You never talk like this about a guy, like ever!” Olivia coos.

I laugh. “Okay, okay. Bye, girls.”

“Bye,” they both say.

I hang up and toss the phone on the bed. Closing my eyes, I cover my face with both arms, mentally wiped. I'm not hungry anymore. Exhaustion hits my body, and I let sleep take me under.