Accidental Neighbor by Sharon Woods

Chapter 20


Stretching out my body, my muscles ache in the best way. A smile forms on my face at the memory of last night, his spicy scent surrounding me when I wake up in darkness.

Feeling his scorching body beside me, I don’t have a clue what time it is, but I know it's early morning from the lack of light. I tilt my head back to gaze at the guy I lay beside and my heart rips open. I knew I already had feelings for him. But the man I had last night was the most tender and most caring lover I have ever had. Not to say I have a lot to compare with, but Thomas makes it feel different. I feel different when I am around him.

His eyes are closed, soft breaths leaving his parted full lips. “Good morning, baby,” he says, surprising me with his gravelly morning voice. He lifts his head so he can peer down at me, a grin appearing on his face.

“Good morning,” I stutter. “I should get up and put some clothes on before the girls wake up.” The pitch in my voice is going up a level.

I feel him rustle under me, reaching to hit his phone to check the time. Smiling back at me, he says, “We have another hour at least so come here and get closer.”

Loving this affection he shows me, I don’t question him. I just shimmy up and wrap around him tightly. His hand strokes my back in a soft rhythm that has me falling back asleep.

The next time I wake up, I realize I'm alone in his big bed; the space next to me is stone-cold.

My brows creased with worry, I sit up and look around. Throwing the covers off my legs and swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I wander into the stunning modern bathroom, and I walk through and find a walk-in closet but no Thomas. I go back to the bedroom to get dressed. My clothes are still thrown across the room, and I can hear the slight giggles of the girls and soft murmurs of a television playing.

The girls are up. I squeeze my eyes shut and reopen them again. What am I going to do? My breathing picks up and my hands are shaking. I pace the room, trying to figure out how to handle going out there. I continue to pace around for a few more minutes before taking a deep breath, then I open the door and tiptoe into the hall down to the kitchen. I spot the girls playing together, the television on in the background. Thomas is by the stove cooking. “Smells good in here,” I say, keeping my shaky exterior at bay. Thomas’s head whips in my direction and his mouth curves into an unconscious smile. “Pancake Sunday.”

I step closer to him to check out the pancakes when his hand reaches out and wraps around my waist. My eyes bulge and I suck in a sharp breath, glancing at the kids dancing.

Oblivious to my reaction, he drops his hand and whispers into my ear, his breath tickling my ear, “It’s okay… They can’t see.”

I let out the shaky breath that I held in and nod. I’m unable to speak. Needing to do something, I offer, “I’ll make us tea and coffee.”

“That would be great.” His expression is amused.

Thomas serves breakfast and I finish making our hot drinks, placing them on the table in the spots that I know we will sit down in. I stand next to the table, waiting for directions.

“Girls, pancakes are ready,” Thomas shouts.

The squeal that fills the room makes my lips roll, and I hide my smile.

My heart is beginning to pick up. What will Lily say about the fact I’m here for breakfast?

The squeals stop when they come into my view. Lily's face beams, but then her nose scrunches. “What are you doing here?”

“She is here for Pancake Sunday,” Thomas answers matter-of-factly.

I wince, tilting my chin down. “Right, here for the pancakes.”

Lily doesn’t ask any further questions; she just shrugs and heads over to her chair. Thomas begins dishing her pancake up onto a plate. She spreads her own thick layer of chocolate spread.

Rose runs over to me and I pick her up as she hugs me. “Jen.”

“That’s right, Rose. Let’s sit down and you can have some pancakes.”

Her heels kick me, and I usher her into the high chair and serve her a pancake with a thin layer of spread.

I sit down to my pancake, cutting off a chunk. I sit back chewing a piece. “Mmm. So good, Tom.” Thomas’s brown eyes are boring into mine, and I flush at the sudden inspection, feeling stupid for the sexual groan over a pancake, no matter how delicious.

Cutting another piece and popping it into my mouth, I take a sneaky peek from under my lashes. I sag into the chair when I see he has returned to eating. Chewing the pancake, I glance at his chest, remembering his scarred body and the tattoos that are displayed on his lean body. Under his clothes, you would never know they existed. I never got the opportunity to ask him last night because I was too caught up in the moment, then cuddled up with him afterward. I was close but he was asleep before I got a chance.

The marks on his chest are rough under my fingertips, the few tattoos weren’t small, they were rather large—a lion, a sketch of a rose, footprints and writing. I wonder what they all mean and what he had been through to get them. A pang of pain hits my center; I am no longer hungry.

The whole morning seems to go on without a hitch, but I stay quiet, lost in my own thoughts.

I put away the breakfast dishes and help Thomas get the girls ready for the day.

“Girls, it’s time for me to go home now. Thanks for breakfast.”

“Oh, okay. But will you be back for the next Pancake Sunday?” Lily asks.

I bite my lip and lift my gaze to an amused Thomas. Clearly, he is not going to help me.

“Maybe. I will try. They were delicious.”

Lily likes my answer and runs off to play. I wander to the door with Thomas; his hand finds mine, spinning me just before the door. He stares at my mouth, then glances back at my eyes.

“I’m going to miss you.”

I lean forward to capture his lips, answering him with a seductive kiss. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea because I now need to leave in a fluster.

“I better go. I will speak to you soon.”

He nods, pecks my lips, and pulls open the door. I quickly walk the path to my house as I hear his door close.

I wander back to my boundary, then I gently open my door and tiptoe across the tiles inside my parents’ house. Stepping inside the kitchen, I roll my shoulders, then look to see if anyone else is home. Relief washes over me and I continue taking light steps until I hear, “Where were you?” from behind me.

I jump on the spot, and my heart accelerates inside my chest. My hand dives to clutch my chest. “Shit, you scared me, Dad.” I let out my shaky breath and spin around. I spot my dad leaning back on the couch, his head facing me with his arm draped over the back of the couch, his eyebrows raised in question.

Opening and closing my mouth, nothing comes out quick enough before he repeats the question but with a firmer tone. “Where did you go last night?” No matter how old I am, my parents will always want to know where I go and who I visit and what I get up to. Sometimes it really bothers me. I wonder if I need to move out to obtain some independence. Staring down to meet my dad’s glare, I answer. “I just stayed at Olivia’s after we went out,” I lie.

I don’t want to lie to my father, but I don’t know what Thomas and I are. Are we friends with benefits? Are we dating? If I don’t know, how can I explain that to my dad? I want to ask but it’s too soon. Isn’t it?

“And where is out?” he asks.

I inwardly roll my eyes. The twenty questions begin… “To a bar in the city,” I answer nonchalantly.

His brows crease. “You were safe and didn’t drink too much?”

“I was safe,” I answer. If only he knew how safe. I sigh. I wish I was able to go back next door and be back in Thomas’s warm embrace, just relaxing with the girls and Thomas. It feels so easy and natural. We don’t need to be doing anything in particular; just being together is enough.

He nods. “Good. You want to come hang out with your old man?” He drops his hand and swivels his head back to the television, telling me the discussion is over.

“Yeah, of course. I will just have a shower and come back. Give me five.”

He nods. I wander down the hall and collect my fresh clothes from my room before hitting the shower. As I close my eyes to let the hot water spray my back, memories of Thomas rush through my mind, more specifically his mouth on mine, his fingers on me, and the sex. I flush with the reminder of how hot he is. I shake my head to get back to concentrating on the task. The shower took longer than the five minutes I had originally planned. I finish and go back to the living room. I pause, taking a step back. What the fuck is he doing here?

I stare back at Nathan sitting opposite my dad. He is relaxed in the couch like it’s a normal day. “What are you doing here?” I question in a disbelieving voice.

“Jennifer, don't be so rude to your friend.” My dad's voice is stern.

I’m not his friend, I want to say; he is actually an acquaintance who I hooked up with once, but I refrain. “Sorry, but I am confused.”

Why is he here?

What does he want?

Why did my dad just let him in?

All these questions circle in my head as I try to understand why Nathan is here.

“It’s fine. I'm sure this is a bit of a shock. Do you want to chat for a moment?”

No, I would rather not. I was still buzzing from Thomas, and now Nathan is ruining it. “Sure,” I mutter, unimpressed. I don’t want to give him the wrong idea.

He stands and walks toward me. He is as dressed up as the night I saw him at Olivia’s party. He’s dressed in blue fitted jeans, a navy sweater, and dress shoes, his blond hair swept in a neat man bun on top of his head. His aftershave hits me—he must have sprayed on a whole bottle. I swallow down the bile that is threatening to come up.

I take a peek at my dad who is smiling so wide at the two of us. My stomach twists. I wish I could tell him that I’m seeing Thomas, but it’s way too early for that bomb and rude to say in front of Nathan. I need to find out what Nathan wants.

I lead him out the front door; I want him to leave as soon as our conversation is over. “Dad, I'll be back,” I call out as I walk away.

I hear footsteps behind me. “See you later, Nathan.”

“Bye. Thanks for the chat.”

I groan, then push past the door and stand outside. I spin and face him. “How did you get my address?” I ask.

“Jackson gave it to me. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. It's just I’m trying to understand why you are here, talking to my dad.”

Shaking his head, he says, “Oh no, wrong idea. I wanted to talk to you, so your dad let me come in and wait for you.”

Of course my dad did. He needs to tone down his niceness. Nathan could have been lying, and he just welcomed him inside. “Okay, so what did you want to talk to me about?” I stand with my arms crossed in front of me, my hair still wet from the shower and my brow raised in question.

He glances down at the path, kicking his foot around, dusting the ground. His hands are in his pockets, and when he glances back up, there is a sparkle there. Oh, shit. No, no, no!

“I wanted to see if you wanted to go on a date with me.”

Well, shit.

I take a deep breath, my stomach in knots. “Thanks for asking but I can't. I'm seeing someone.”

His eyes bulge, and his nose has a light dusting of pink. “Sorry. I didn’t know that. Jackson didn’t tell me.”

I drop my arms and sigh. “It’s kind of a very recent thing.”

He nods and glances away. “I can understand. You're beautiful—shame for me.” He lets out a laugh but it's strained.

“Is that your car?” I ask, trying to distract him and also usher him to the car.

“Yeah, it's new; got it with the job.”

“What is it that you do?”

I hear giggles, and I follow the sound.

“I’m a—” I stop listening. All the noise stops around me as I focus on Thomas from the corner of my eye. He is exiting his house to go somewhere. I wonder where they are all going.

I blink and stare flatly. He must feel the heat of my eyes burning into him. His gaze flicks to mine and I tingle, feeling all the hairs on my body stand up. He looks down and saunters off in the direction of his car.

I turn back to Nathan who hasn’t realized I haven’t heard a word he has said.

“Mm-hmm,” I answer, trying to listen to what he is saying.

“Hopefully that only takes a year to get.”

“Yeah, hopefully,” I reply. He still is talking about his work. I missed what his job was, but I don’t want to be rude after letting him down just before.

“Well, I better let you go. If you ever want to go out, the offer stands.”

I bite down on my lip. “Okay.” Not knowing what else to say, not wanting to lead him on, I say nothing more. I want Thomas and that won't change. I hope Thomas seeing me with Nathan doesn't give him the wrong idea.