Accidental Neighbor by Sharon Woods

Chapter 18


My lips are burning with fire as I stare up at him with longing from under my lashes, shocked at my eager response to his touch. His brown eyes are almost black, glossy, and his eyelids are heavy. My heat-filled eyes stare back intently.

Our faces are inches apart, our heavy pants the only noise that can be heard. My body is aching for his touch. With the excitement urging me on, my hands explore his chest through his shirt. I move them gently along his torso, feeling his ripples of muscle. The heat pouring through my palms is scorching, causing my breath to quicken.

I have a burning desire in the pit of my stomach and an achy need for more… more kissing but also for sex. I haven’t been able to shake my thoughts or need for him. I want to surrender and see what can happen.

Pressing my open lips to his, skimming my tongue across his bottom lip, a groan leaves his throat as he raises his mouth just an inch and he stares into my eyes. “Are you sure?”

His gaze roams my face for the answer. A delightful shiver of want runs through me. My lips turn up and I softly nod, lean in, and peck him before I whisper, “Yes.”

I pull back and bite my lip. He pauses before he takes my hand, turns, and steps to his bedroom as I follow behind him. When we enter, he flicks a switch to turn a lamp on, then moving farther inside, he turns to shut the door quietly so as not to wake the girls. My palms are sweating as the door clicks; I feel the adrenaline pumping through me.

I blink and glance around at the light-gray walls and heavy drapes that are closed. I take in his modern black and white bed with bedside tables and lamps on either side, charcoal covers that are neatly tucked in, and there is a plush white rug underneath. The bed looks comfortable. I haven’t moved, feeling his body slide up behind me, his closeness intoxicating.

His lips sear a path down my neck, and a shiver runs down my spine from the touch. His lips are buttery soft and have me aching with need. I shuffle my feet to rub the ache but it doesn’t work. His hands find my hips and he urges me to spin around to face him. I turn slowly. When I'm directly facing him, I peer up at him from under my dark lashes. Standing up on my tiptoes, my lips connect briefly with his before I pull back and bite down on the corner of my lip. His lips turn to a smirk. “Here I thought you were shy.”

Laughing out loud at the comment, I say, “I am. I just…” Shaking my head, I try to find the right words to tell him I haven’t felt like this toward a guy, without sounding desperate or ruining the moment. The ache in my sex reminding me, I want him.

“It’s okay. We will take this slow. I don’t want to rush this.” His hand leaves my hip to motion between us.

I try again. “I just…” But the words don’t come so I just nod, breathing lightly through my parted lips. His head dips, his mouth covering mine hungrily. We kiss until the ache is getting heavier and I need more relief.

He must read my body language because he takes a few steps toward the bed and gently eases me down to sit on the edge and then eases my body back to lie down and I sink in. This is the most comfortable mattress I have ever laid on. I briefly close my eyes, and when I open them, I’m staring straight into his deep-brown irises. He pecks a thousand kisses on my lips and down my neck. I sigh.

He pulls back, hovering over me, and my eyes widen as he slides down onto his knees. My heart almost comes out of my chest. His gaze doesn’t leave mine as he stares back at me and he slowly takes his hands to my pants and skims the band until he reaches the button. Once he reaches it, he quickly undoes it. As he tugs down the zipper, I suck in a sharp breath. His hand moves to pull down my black pants and he shimmies the pants over my hips before sliding them down, stopping to remove my shoes before continuing to take off my pants. As he removes my shoes, I hear the thud from him dumping them on the floor. The ache sparked by one kiss is now bordering on painful when his hands begin skimming my thighs. Still wearing my top and black panties, I lean up on my elbows to stare directly down at Thomas, not wanting to miss out on a single thing. His hands caress the skin of my thighs; the touch is so gentle, it’s painfully teasing. They reach my groin, and his eyes meet mine in a heated gaze. I watch as he lowers his mouth to my center and kisses me through my panties. I let out a soft moan, my eyes closing for a second before I tear them open to continue watching his mouth worshipping me.

Thomas leans back and his fingers pull my panties down my legs slowly and he tosses them on the floor.

Thomas is still dressed in his black suit pants, white shirt, and tie. He is a dream come true, and here he is on his knees for me, about to bring me to orgasm. My arousal is evident, and I can see his eyes staring at my glistening core. Bare and aching for physical touch, I instinctively arch my body toward him. His lips begin to break into a sexy grin, knowing he is torturing me by not touching me; my body begins to squirm. His face flickers with an unreadable expression before leaning forward and taking my core into his mouth. I softly moan from his velvety licks before he stops and enters a finger to explore my soft flesh. I thrust my core up and his mouth covers my bud, grazing his teeth on it and giving it the attention it was aching for. Sinking back down onto his bed and closing my eyes, I cry out for release, and when he enters a second finger at the same time as he adds more pressure to my bud with his tongue, I shatter into a million pieces. My chest heaves from his expert touch and I try to calm my sensitive body down. When my pulse begins to calm and my heart isn’t trying to beat out of my chest, I peel my eyes open and perch up on one elbow. My mouth twitches at the sight. Thomas is sitting back on his heels in a state of his bliss, his mouth split in a grin that reaches his eyes. I sit up and he crawls back over, I instinctively lower back down. Smiling up at him, in my relaxed state. He closes his eyes and pecks me in the softest of kisses, before pulling away. Grabbing his head I lower it and kiss him passionately. He kisses me back harder and I taste myself on his tongue.

When he pulls back, hovering, his staring into my eyes. I hear a big breath leave his lips. “I wish you could stay, but it’s best we don’t.” It’s barely a whisper but I catch it. My mouth drops open at his confession. He pecks me again and lingers like he can’t get enough. But I can tell he is holding himself back.

I sigh. “Me too.” I can’t help but speak the truth. I don’t want him to think it’s just he who feels this way. I would love nothing more than to climb into this comfortable soft bed and have Thomas wrap me with his body. He smiles at my answer and grabs the panties off the floor and begins sliding them up my legs. I take over and stand up and pull them all the way up as Thomas picks up my pants and holds them out as if I’m one of the girls.

Tugging it out of his grip, laughing, I say, “I’m a big girl; I can do it myself.” He chuckles and begins to stand up as I pull up my pants and fasten the zipper and then close the button. “Sorry, it’s out of habit, I guess.”

“It’s okay. I’m happy to remind you,” I tease as I slide my shoes back on.

Once I’m dressed again, he steps toward me and grabs my hand in his and pecks my lips, pulling back an inch but lingering before pulling away with a smile on his face. His eyes shining, he says, “Would you be free to have lunch or even a coffee on Friday?”

I pause as a warm flush runs through me. “That sounds nice; how about at one?”

He tilts his head down. “Perfect. I better let you go home.”

“Wish I didn’t have to,” I mumble, a little unsure if I should let him hear.

But the smile of approval on his face tells me he heard it. “Okay, I better go.” Holding hands, we creep to the front door. I follow behind him as he pushes open the security door and steps out. I let go of his hand and turn to him. “Good night, Tom.”

“Good night, Jen.”

I wave and walk to my parents’ house next door, excited to see him Friday.


The next two days fly by and today I’m having coffee with Thomas.

I have been singing and humming lullabies to the babies in the baby room today with pre-date jitters. Assuming it’s a date, I don’t really know. Surely? All I know is I want to spend more time getting to know him. He makes me feel calm and sexy. Who knew one person could make you feel both at the same time?

I send off a quick text to Thomas.

Jennifer: I finished work. Meet you at The Social?

The bubbles move straightaway, and I can’t help but grin.

Thomas: I’m here. See you soon.

Hurrying into the car, I drive around to the café, park, and rush out. I scan the café, which has only a few patrons.

As I walk up closer, I see him sitting outside. Slowing my steps, I bite down hard on my lip, taking in the vision. He is seated with his ankle crossed opposite his thigh, a frown on his face as he speaks on the phone and points to his laptop. His soft blue shirt, open at the top, is paired with soft cream suit pants. Smoothing down my work top, I take a deep breath to calm my beating heart, then proceed. He suddenly looks up. He tilts his head with a cheeky grin forming on his lips. He hangs up the phone as I approach, twisting his body before standing to greet me.

Standing in front of him, I thrust my hand out. I never handshake; I don’t even know why I did it, but now I can’t take it back. My hand just hangs out between us awkwardly. What is it with me and this man? I can’t stop myself from being embarrassing. I feel myself flush. His face softens and a deep chuckle slips, and he lifts his chin before he clasps my sweaty palm but then kisses my cheek. Of course, he is always a gentleman. He doesn’t let go of my hand. He gestures to the chair opposite him. Only then our hands separate, and I slip into the chair.

“Hi,” I choke out.

“Hi.” He is super cheeky today. His eyes are shimmering with humor. “How was work?”

Having him ask me about work is strange; no one really cares other than my family. And even then I don’t think they care to hear it. They ask to be polite.

“It was good. I was with babies today. So nothing too exciting, just the usual, changing diapers and feeding bottles… And you, looks like you have been here working while waiting.”

I nudge my chin to the computer. He closes it and tucks it into a bag.

“Yes, I didn’t know if you would run on time so I figured I could get a few emails done.”

I nod as a waitress interrupts.

“Hello, can I grab you two some coffee?”

Thomas raises his hand, offering me to go first. I smile. Gazing at the waitress, I say, “Hi, yes, can I order a hot chocolate? And can I grab one of your blueberry muffins?”

“Sure, and you, sir?”

“A latte with no sugar and I will grab a blueberry muffin too please.”

“Will that be all?”

He nods and says, “Yes, thanks.” Then he returns his focus back to me. She walks off and I raise a brow.

“Copying me?” I say cheekily.

“Well, I would have shared, but I don’t know if you would be someone who shares her food. I have never asked you.”

I ease back into the chair, moving my finger. “No, I don’t share. I love food.”

An easy smile plays on his lips. “I like that. So I made the right decision. Is the muffin that good?”

“You haven’t tried it?” I say, offended.

“No, I’m new to the area, remember?”

“Oh.” Duh, idiot. “Yeah, you will be craving it after today.”

His eyes go dark, and as he looks at me, I feel it in my core.

“Here we are. Latte for you, a hot chocolate for you, and here are two blueberry muffins. Will there be anything else?”

I shake my head, while Thomas answers, "No, thanks."

She hurries back inside.

The aroma of warm muffins enters my nose, and I moan. “So good.”

I cut it open and apply a thick layer of butter. “Is this the trick to why it’s so good?”

Gazing up, his face is curious. I nod my head. “Yep.”

I take a bite of the muffin. The flavors are so good. I watch him layer the butter on and take a huge bite. His mouth and lips remind me of the vision from the other night. I need to get away from these thoughts before I'm achy for him again.

“Do you have any siblings?” I ask when I finish my mouthful. I pick up my drink to sip while waiting for his answer.

“No, unfortunately just me.”

“Come on, you get spoiled. Don’t tell me you weren’t.” I sip my drink, watching him over my cup, feeling happy just hanging out with him in a normal way. It’s a good test to see if I'm just attracted to dad Thomas or Thomas himself, away from the girls.

Sitting here now, staring at the delicious man sitting across from me, eating a blueberry muffin, it makes me feel light and relaxed. I'm certain it’s him. He is different.

“Spoiled is an understatement. And it still hasn’t ended.”

I laugh at his honesty as he takes a sip of his coffee.

“I know you have your sister Megan; your dad talks about you two all the time. Have you got any pets or had any?”

“No, my parents haven’t let us have a pet in years since our last dog passed. It was too hard. What about you?”

He shakes his head. “I had one growing up. But no, the girls would love one, but it’s a lot of work. I don’t have time, which you now see.”

“Fair enough, but you have a house cleaner? The place is tidy. Maybe they can help with the animal.”

Sipping the last of his coffee, he lowers it, then answers. “Oh no, I don’t have one of them. But I have thought about this last week; the house, the girls, and the job are becoming a lot.”

His cell phone rings, and he pulls it from his pants. "Dammit. Sorry. I have to take this. I will only be a minute."

"Of course, go for it."

“Hello?” he answers.

I can’t hear the other person on the line, but I sit back, stunned in silence; this guy really does everything. He is amazing. I want to know more.

I eat more of the muffin as he talks, chewing slowly and thinking of what I want to know about him next.

“Okay, leave the design on my desk and I will be back shortly to sort it out.”

My shoulders sag because he needs to leave now. I don’t want this to end. When will I see him again? He hangs up and stuffs the phone back in his pocket.

“Sorry, work. I need to leave, which sucks. I was having such a good time.”

“Me too.” I smile back.

“How about next Saturday night? Did you have plans?”

My eyebrows rise. “What did you have in mind?”

“I have the girls, so dinner at my place, and then we can watch a movie when the girls go to bed?” His gaze is soft as he waits for me to answer.

“I’d love to. Do you want me to bring anything?”

Shaking his head vigorously, he says, “No, just yourself. Let me fix this up and I will walk you to your car.”

“Okay, but I can pay,” I say as I grab for my wallet.

“It’s fine, I got it.” He takes off inside before I can argue.

I finish the muffin and drink. He comes back, picks up his laptop, and he thrusts his chin in the direction of our cars. “You ready?”

“Yep.” Standing up, I follow him. We walk side by side slowly until we arrive at my car.

“Thanks for the catch-up; I really enjoyed myself,” I say.

“Same. I will see you next week?” He leans in and kisses my cheek. My eyes flutter closed and my heart beats faster.

He pulls back with a sexy grin, and I nod, moving to open my car and climb in. As he steps away to his car, I pull out my phone to text Olivia and Katie.

Jennifer: Dinner tomorrow night? Are you girls free?

Katie: I’m free; sounds good.

Olivia: I’m in… I cannot wait!


I'm catching up with Olivia and Katie tonight for dinner. I arranged a meeting at our regular Mexican restaurant. Walking into the dimly lit restaurant, the waitress ushers me to the empty table in the middle of the place. I'm here first so I take a seat and begin to scan the menu, even though I know what I will have.

Katie arrives next, which is good because I want to ask more about Jackson. I wave at her as she enters. Katie comes over to the table, shrugging her jacket off, then pulling out her chair and taking a seat. We are both wearing our usual blue jeans and sweaters for a winter's night.

“Hi,” I say excitedly. I love catching up with the girls for dinner. It is one of my favorite activities.

“Hey, have you been waiting long?”

“No, only a couple of minutes. But before we continue and Olivia gets here, I want to ask about Jackson,” I whisper just in case Olivia happens to arrive.

She rolls her eyes and softly shakes her head, leaning back into the chair. “There isn’t anything to tell.” She shrugs.

“But the two of you have something, I don’t know. A spark or something.”

She lets out an audible breath. “Don’t say anything to Olivia, but I think he is hot—really hot. I just think he is kind of a player. There is a connection on my side, but it’s definitely one-sided.”

“Are you su—”

“Hi, girls,” Olivia cuts in.

Damn it!

My lips turn up in a smile, and I stand to welcome the oncoming affection I know is coming. She hugs Katie and then dances toward me, hugging the shit out of me. Her scent wafting up my nose, I have to stop myself from coughing with the amount she sprayed.

A waitress comes over and we order some drinks and dinner.

“What did I miss?” Olivia asks, and my eyes flick to Katie’s.

“Not much. I had only just arrived. Just told her how work has been pretty quiet. Not many customers,” Katie lies.

I bite the inside of my mouth to prevent myself saying anything. I hate lying and keeping anything from Olivia.

“Well, I matched with someone online today, so after dinner with you girls, I'm meeting up with him.” She gushes, clapping her hands together.

“Oh, so that's why you’re dressed up. I thought it was strange you were in a hot red dress, and here we are in jeans and tops,” I say.

Olivia's face widens. “You think I look hot?” She rubs her hands together, then skims them over her outfit.

“You know you are,” Katie replies quickly.

I giggle and nod in agreement.

The waitress interrupts to bring our drinks and entrees over, setting them down in front of us before leaving us alone.

I pick up a corn chip and eat it before reaching for another one. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until now.

"What about you? What’s new with that… what's his name…?” Katie asks, clicking her fingers, trying to think of his name… “Thomas.”

I chuckle. “Yes, Thomas.” Picking up my glass of wine, I take a large sip, needing the liquid courage to explain what happened Wednesday night and then with our catch-up yesterday.

“Have you listened to my advice?” Olivia straightens with a curious gaze.

Taking another sip before lowering my drink back on the table, I stumble over my words. “Well.” Then I whisper and lean forward so no one can hear. "I'm helping him on Wednesday nights to pick his girls up from care and take them home. I offered and he is paying me good money for it.”

“What do you do with the girls? Are they nice?” Katie sounds unsure.

“Yeah, beautiful. I already care for Rose at work, and Lily is a lot like you, Olivia. Honest and loud.” I chuckle.

She beams at my reference. “Thanks."

“I just have to pick Lily up from school and cook them dinner, bathe them, and put them to bed. They are so easy, it’s ridiculous.”

“Who cares? Bonus money. What you need to tell us is where Thomas fits into all this.” Olivia takes a bite of her food.

“So, I fell asleep on his couch and he woke me up by stroking my face, and then, uh, as I was leaving we kissed. It was hot; he was hot.” I chuckle and use my hand to fan my blazing cheeks.

“Woah!" Olivia spits.

"Jen, you definitely got to know him then.” Katie laughs.

I shake my head, waving my hands out in front of me. “No, no, no, not all the way.”

Realizing what I just said, I throw my head down and cover my face with my hands and shake. Idiot. Dropping my hands, I’m fully aware that I now represent a tomato—from my head to my toes.

Olivia jerks forward, eyebrows raised. “Not all the way? What does that mean? How far are we talking?”

I need wine for this conversation but I'm out so I take the glass of water and drink. Feeling the cold water calm my body down, I then inhale a deep breath.

I lean as close to them as I can, and they lean in, understanding I'm not wanting to inform the restaurant. “We made out for ages in his bedroom, and, uh, he went down.” I lower my face to my lap, pretending to pick off lint on my jeans, hiding my embarrassment.

“On you?” Olivia asks enthusiastically. I nod, not wanting to physically say the words or look up.

“By the way you're hiding your face, it was good,” Katie mocks.

“You can say that.” I raise my chin and a small smirk twists on my lips. My face is crimson from saying what happened out loud.

"But he then asked me for coffee yesterday. We caught up at the local café for a chat and a drink. It was really nice to talk to him without the girls. His work called so he had to leave which sucked. I wanted to stay and chat with him more. But as I was getting in my car, he asked me to come over Saturday night, have dinner, and then watch a movie with him and the girls."

Olivia bounces in her seat, tapping her toes. “And how do you feel about it? Because I'm excited over here.”

“I can tell; it’s like this is happening to you.” I laugh.

“I'm just excited; you haven’t dated for a while, so he must be something, even though he has two kids.” Her voice turns serious.

“Yeah, he sure is something,” I gush, “and the kids are so easy to love. I have this special connection to them, especially with baby Rose; she has my heart,” I coo.

“You have always been great with kids. I’m happy you’re getting to know him. Just don’t get swept up. Be sure if being a stepmom is something you are really ready for. It’s a big responsibility and you just applied for a promotion,” Katie states.

“Speaking of, when do you find out about your promotion?” Olivia asks.

I take a bite of my food before trying to quickly chew to answer. “No idea, hopefully soon.” I shrug.