Vicious Daddy by Bianca Cole



Iwalk down the corridor, adjusting the turtleneck sweater I have on to ensure it hides the mark Niall inflicted on me. The last three nights I’ve gone to his room, and he makes sure it doesn’t heal up, focusing attention on it so that I’m marked as his.

Niall’s dominance is beyond arousing. It’s titillating to a point I can hardly think of anything but him all day, which is not helpful when I’m studying for my final exam for my PHD.

Malachy has asked me to meet him in his office, which he rarely does. I can’t deny that I’m nervous as hell.

What if he knows about Niall?

Sasha could have easily heard the two of us getting busy and ratted us out to my brother. It was pretty clear from her obvious flirting that she wanted Niall. A sickness twists at my gut at the thought of him going near her. I’d clobber her to death if she lay one hand on him. Niall is mine, even though I know it’s an impossibility longterm. We’re off limits to each other, and yet I want him more than I’ve wanted anything.

I stop outside of Malachy’s office door, trying to calm my firing nerves. I bring my clenched fist to the door and knock three times.

“Come in,” my brother calls.

I draw in a deep breath and then open the door, plastering on a calm smile despite the storm brewing inside of me. “What’s up?” I ask, walking in and flopping down in the seat opposite him.

He smiles. “Can’t I just want to see my baby sister?”

I shrug. “Depends what you want.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “I haven’t seen you for a few days.” His brow furrows. “Are you avoiding me because I went to another auction?”

I swallow hard, realizing that the last time we spoke was before the auction. The reason I’ve avoided him is I’m not sure how to look him in the eye when I’ve been fucking his best friend and second in command.

“No, of course not.” I glance down at my entwined fingers. “I just haven’t bumped into you. It’s your fault for buying such an enormous home.”

He sighs. “You have always been such a terrible liar, Alicia.”

I swallow hard, scared that Malachy know about me and Niall. “I’m not lying.”

He waves his hand in the air. “Whatever, if you are pissed at me, that’s on you.” He grabs a piece of paper off his desk and holds it out to me. “This is what I wanted to talk to you about.”

My brow furrows as I lean forward in my chair and take the piece of paper from him. It’s a legal document and at the top it says Last will and testament of Malachy McCarthy. “A will?” I ask.

Malachy nods. “Yeah, with things heating between the Italians and our clan, I thought it best to ensure it was all sorted.” He shrugs. “Just in case.”

“It’s getting that bad?” I ask.

My brother stands and paces the floor. “It’s not great, but I don’t want you to worry.” He stops and meets my gaze. “It’s just a precaution. I need you to sign it for me.”

I scan over the will, which basically leaves everything to me in the case he remains unmarried and dies. My world would shatter if anything were to happen to him. The mere thought of signing it makes my stomach churn. “Can’t you call a truce with the Italians. I can’t lose you, brother.” I feel a lump form in my throat.

He walks toward me and places his hands on either side of my shoulders, looking me in the eye. “You have nothing to worry about, little sis. I’ll be here to protect you for a long time. It’s merely a precaution that Everit brought up at our last meeting.”

Everit is the clan’s lawyer. A guy that I’ve met a few times. He gives me the creeps. “I just hate that you’re in danger.” I run a hand across the back of my neck. “When we left the streets, I thought life would be safer, but it’s not.” I shake my head. “It’s more dangerous.”

Malachy smiles wistfully, letting go of my shoulders. “It’s safer here in this house. There’s no where safer in Boston, believe me.”

I nod, despite feeling uneasy about this conflict between Malachy’s clan and the Italians. It’s rare that Malachy tells me anything about the clan’s business, so it suggests tensions are worse than ever.

“The will also gives you a share of my company right now, sis. I think it’s time you had some financial independence from me.” Malachy’s brow furrows. “I’d feel happier if you remain living here, but I know you feel like I keep you captive in this house.”

Malachy doesn’t keep me captive, but he is overprotective. “There’s no way I’m moving out, if that’s what you are suggesting.”

He smiles. “Good, but I want you to have more freedom.” He looks me in the eye. “I’m sorry that I’ve chased away men from your life in the past. I won’t do it next time.”

I raise a brow, wondering why he’d bring this up now. Particularly after what happened between me and Niall. “Not sure there will be a next time. I gave up on that years ago.”

There’s a wistful look in his eyes. “I’m sorry about that, Alicia.” He runs a hand across the back of his neck. “I wanted to protect you from bad men, maybe I took it too far.”

My eyes widen hearing my brother ever admit he did wrong. I don’t know what has gotten into him. “It’s water under the bridge.” I feel uncomfortable discussing this with him, especially since I am lying to him about there being a next time. I should be the one apologizing for fucking his best friend.

“Anyway, will you sign it, please?”

I tilt my head to side. “Hmm, I’ll have to think about it.”

Malachy rolls his eyes. “Don’t be an idiot, Alicia. Sign the damn will.”

I smile as my brother is always so easy to wind up. Grabbing the pen from his desk, I sign my name at the bottom of the document. “There, happy now?”

He nods. “Thank you.” Mal stands and walks around the desk, setting his hands on my shoulders again. “Are you okay, Alicia?”

I swallow hard, staring into my brother’s eyes. “Yes, I’m fine, why do you ask?”

He lets go of my shoulders and shrugs. “No reason, I just don’t ask you enough.”

My guilt claws at me as I stare into his eyes, knowing I’ve betrayed his trust in the worst possible way. “Fair enough.” I tilt my head to the side. “Are you okay, big brother?”

His expression hardens. “I’m always okay, you know that little sis.” He runs a hand across the back of his neck. “You can go now. I’ve got a lot of work to do.” He turns his back to me, and I know that’s my signal to leave. I have no desire to stay any longer as my guilt is eating at me.

How can we continue down this path when I feel so bad about it?

It’s clear we have to stop before things get too complicated.

* * *

I checkthe corridor as I leave my room, feeling nerves tighten in my stomach. After my conversation with Malachy earlier, I’m on edge. It was convenient timing that he would tell me I should find a man to settle down with after what has happened between Niall and me.

Once I’m confident that there’s no one around, I walk toward Niall’s room on the other side of the stairs. My heart is pounding with excitement and nerves as I stop in front of his bedroom door, glancing around to ensure no one sees me.

Niall has his own place in the city, but he rarely stays there. It would make more sense for both of us to meet up there, but I think we’re both addicted to the thrill. The extra layer of danger that being caught adds to our hot, passionate nights.

I knock on the door and hold my breath, waiting for him to answer.

Niall opens it, wearing nothing but his tight, black boxer briefs. He smiles the most handsome smile at me, making my stomach twist in anticipation. “Evening, little lass,” he murmurs, opening the door wide for me to enter.

I step inside, and he shuts the door, walking toward me.

I hold my hands up. “I think we need to stop this.”

His brow furrows. “No chance.”

“Malachy called me into his office today and I felt so damn guilty.” I shake my head. “How am I supposed to look him in the eye when I’m betraying his trust like this?”

Niall growls softly, a sound that ignites a deep, fundamental need inside of me to be filled with this man. A need that I wish I had the power to resist, but I don’t. “You have nothing to feel guilty about, baby girl.” He shakes his head. “We’re two consenting adults.”

I feel my knees wobble beneath me as I stare into his beautiful blue eyes, wishing he didn’t hold such power over me. “What if he finds out?”

Niall steps closer, cutting away the distance between us. “I can’t think about that right now, Ali.” He lifts his hand to my cheek and caresses it, making my chest ache at the tenderness in his touch.

Pain claws at my chest as I search his eyes, knowing that no matter how much I know we should stop, it’s impossible. Niall is under my skin. He’s infected my blood and I can’t keep away from him. He lowers his head toward me and presses his forehead to mine. Niall’s hand moves from my cheek to the back of my neck, squeezing possessively.

“I ran you a bath, baby girl,” he murmurs, making my stomach churn. “Let me wash you.”

A tingle ignites between my thighs as I move my head to look him in the eye. “Wash me? I had a shower earlier.”

He growls softly. “I don’t care. I want to look after my little lass.” He moves his hands to my hips and digs his fingertips in. “Now be a good girl and strip for me.”

I bite my bottom lip and take a step away from him, untying the bow on the front of my nightdress. It drops to the floor, leaving me naked.

Niall’s eyes flash with vicious desire. He makes me feel like the only woman on this earth whenever he looks at me that way. Slowly, his eyes dip down every curve, taking in my naked form. “Perfect,” he murmurs, almost to himself. He steps closer and lifts me over his shoulder, taking me by surprise.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

He grunts in response and carries me into his bathroom, which smells of lavender. The room is lit with candles and the huge bath is full, as promised. He sets me down on my feet. “Get in.”

I lick my bottom lip, looking at the dominant man I’ve known all my life. It’s crazy to think all this time we’ve been missing out on something so blissfully perfect. Niall orders me around the the way that I’ve always longed for. “Okay,” I say, putting my foot into the balmy water.

Niall grabs my wrist. “Okay, what?”

My heart pounds harder in my chest, making it difficult to think. “Okay, daddy,” I say, bringing my other foot into the water and sliding down into the welcoming embrace of the toasty water. I sigh as the tension eases away the moment I’m immersed in the water. “That feels so good,” I murmur.

Niall chuckles softly. “Wait until I get my hands on you,” he says, dropping his boxer briefs to the floor.

I watch in awe, admiring every intricate detail of his flawless body. The scar on his right thigh running down past his knee adds to his alluring, bad-boy image that I love so much. Coupled with the dark tattoos snaking over his chest and up his neck. The huge, thick length jutting out between his thighs draws my attention in ways nothing else can. It’s impossible to contain the soft moan for me. All I want is to feel him stretching and filling me to the hilt.

“Like what you see, baby girl?” he asks.

It’s a rhetorical question, as he knows I do. Niall steps into the water by my side. “Move over so I can get behind you,” he orders.

I move, allowing him to slide in behind me.

He wraps his powerful arms around my body and holds me against him, groaning softly as his cock presses against my center. “I’m not sure how I’m going to resist fucking you in here,” Niall says.

“Then don’t resist,” I suggest.

He nibbles on the lobe of my ear, making me shudder. The hard press of his cock is hot between my thighs. “First, I’m going to take care of you.” He grabs a clean loofah off the side and squirts some sweet-scented body soap onto it before lathering it over my shoulders gently.

I lean back into his warm, comforting embrace. The safety Niall provides is unlike anything I’ve felt before. There’s an unspoken promise that he will take care of me no matter what.

All my life I’ve been on my own, except for Malachy. I never believed I’d truly find happiness with another human being. Niall gets me the way no other man could.

He’s been there through so many things with me over the years. It’s insane that it’s taken this long for me to realize the man for me has been living under the same roof for years.

“That feels so good,” I murmur, as he moves the loofah lower, lathering my breasts with soap.

Niall’s lips press against my shoulder. “Good, I want to make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before.”

I laugh at that. “You already have many times.”

Niall’s cock twitches beneath me. “I’ve barely got started with you, Alicia.”

I bite my bottom lip, wondering if that could be true. The sex with him has been out of this world. Surely it can’t get any better.

Niall gently lathers the loofah over my abdomen before inching lower over my thighs.

A shudder pulses through me as the need inside of me becomes impossible to bear. I grind my teeth together, trying to stop myself from begging him to touch me.

It’s unimaginable, the way he makes me so damn horny. I’ve always been into sex, but not as much as this. Niall makes it better than anything I’ve experienced.

“Please,” I murmur.

I feel Niall tense beneath me. “Please what, little lass?”

I draw in a deep breath and adjust myself in his lap, letting him feel my center against his cock. “I need you to fuck me.”

Niall chuckles. “Not yet, little lass.”

I groan as he lets the loofah slide further down my thighs, away from where I need to feel him.

“Good girls need to learn to be patient,” he purrs, lavishing attention on my legs. “I haven’t finished cleaning you.” He continues to scrub every inch of my body, winding me up with each caress.

When he finally puts the loofah down, I’m breathless and desperate. I groan in frustration as he grabs a bottle of shampoo. “Fuck the hair, I need you.” I grab his hand, trying to stop him.

Niall growls, and it’s a warning. “Who’s the boss, baby girl?”

I can hardly think straight as the yearning for him outweighs everything. “You are, daddy,” I say, accepting that Niall is in control. It’s the reason I love BDSM. Forcing yourself to submit everything over to another person is the most erotic experience anyone can have. “Do what you want with me.”

Niall soaks my hair with the bath water, getting it wet, before squirting shampoo into it.

I sigh as he rubs his fingertips through my hair, massaging my scalp as expertly as he does everything else. It makes me wonder if this man is a god. “Damn it, how can you make washing hair so sexual?” I ask.

Niall doesn’t answer, instead he continues to focus on me. All of his attention on taking care of me. Once he’s finally finished, he rinses my hair out fully and then wraps a muscular arm around my waist. “You are all clean now, little lass.”

I shudder as he presses a kiss to my shoulder, his cock still hard and throbbing beneath me. All I want is to feel him inside of me. That earth-shattering sensation I feel every time our bodies join.

“Please, Niall, I need you,” I breathe.

Niall grabs my hips and pushes me forward, allowing him to free his cock. He arrests one of my arms behind my back forcefully, keeping one hand on my hip. “You are going to ride my dick, baby girl.”

Excitement coils through my gut and my body trembles with a need so strong it is almost painful. “Yes, daddy,” I moan, feeling the tip of his cock nudging at my slick entrance.

I try to force myself over him, but even with me on top I’m utterly at his mercy.

He thrusts his hips upward, burying his cock to the hilt inside of me with one vicious stroke.

The pain of his huge invasion coupled with my hungry desire is inexplicably good. My muscles relax around him as he fucks me roughly.

Water splashes around us as our bodies slip and slide, coming together in frantic movements. All I want is to touch his body, but in this position I can’t even see him.

Niall growls as he fucks me harder, the sound beast like, but so arousing. “That’s it, take my cock,” he pants.

I throw my head back, gripping onto his rock hard thighs for support. “Fuck, yes,” I cry, thankful in that moment that our home is so damn huge and insulated better than a hotel. The thought of trying to be quiet with Niall is almost impossible to imagine.

It feels too amazing to keep quiet. “Can you let me see you, daddy?” I ask, wanting to touch him, kiss him, look into those beautiful crystal blue eyes.

Niall stops still. “Yes, but not in here.” He forces me off his cock. “Stand up.”

I swallow hard, loving the commanding tone of his voice. I stand and wait for him to issue more orders.

“Out of the bath, baby,” he says.

I get out and wait for him, watching the rivulets of water cascading down his god-like body in awe.

Niall gets out and grabs hold of my hips, pulling me against him. Water dripping from both of our bodies all over the bathroom floor. He grabs my throat hard. “You are so fucking perfect.” He kisses me, stealing the little breath I have. Niall releases my throat and then bites my collarbone hard, making me moan. “Hold on to my neck.”

I do as he says, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Niall lifts me, placing his arms under my thighs. His cock nudging eagerly at my dripping pussy, ready to fill me.

I search his eyes, feeling the blazing heat of the moment washing over every inch of my body like wild-fire.

Niall lowers me onto his cock, still standing, filling me deeper than ever before.

“Oh fuck,” I cry, biting my lip as the pleasure is monumental.

Niall turns feral as his powerful muscles strain to lift me up and down his cock viciously. He growls and captures my lips, pouring every ounce of passion into it. He bites my lip enough to break the skin, licking the blood from it like an animal.

I groan, as it’s so fucking sexy. “I’m going to come, daddy” I cry.

He smiles at me. “That’s it baby girl, come on my cock.”

My nipples tighten to painful, rubbing against his chiseled chest. I feel the tension release and my body turn limp as my release plows into me with so much force I see stars. My vision blurs and I feel like I’m floating above my body, watching as Niall continues to fuck me through it.

“I want you to come inside me, daddy,” I moan, desperate to feel his cock filling me with his seed.

Niall growls, eyes frantic as his cock feels even harder, larger. He releases, filling my pussy to the brim with cum as it drips down my thighs.

We’ve waited too damn long to cross the line and now our attraction has turned into something so deep I feel myself free-falling into a dangerous pit. Our lies and deceit will soon catch up with us. We need to decide whether this is longterm or end it before neither of us can find a way out.