Vicious Daddy by Bianca Cole



It’s a glorious day as I sit perched on the edge of the small pond in the woods, singing in my native language.

One reason I’m so happy is because of Niall. I can’t stop smiling ever since we started our affair.

I dip my toes into the cool water below and continue to belt out my song. Until I notice a woman lingering nearby, watching me. Her presence shocks me and I jump to my feet. “Who are you?” I ask.

The beautiful girl with fiery red hair swallows, glancing back at the mansion. “My name is Scarlett, and I…”

She tails off, and it suddenly dawns on me that’s she is the virgin my brother bid on just over one week ago. The same night that things took a forbidden turn between me and Niall. “Oh no, you’re the newest one, aren’t you?” I shake my head, wishing he wouldn’t buy women the way he does. “My brother can be such a fucking pig.”

Scarlett’s eyes widen. “Brother?”

I nod and close the distance between us. “Yeah, Alicia McCarthy. It’s nice to meet you, Scarlett.” I hold my hand out to her.

She shakes it. “It’s nice to meet you.” I notice her glance at the mansion anxiously again. “I’m not supposed to be outside, but I was going crazy stuck in that room.”

I laugh. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell him. My brother is amazing to me, but I know how trying he can be with most people.” I glance at her arms and neck, surprised there aren’t any bruises or cuts like normal. “You don’t look as beaten up as most of the girls.” I know my brother is sick because of the things he does to those poor virgins, but I know that he is disturbed by his past.

I walk back to my spot by the lake and dip my feet back in. “Why don’t you sit with me a while?”

Scarlett smiles. “That would be nice.” She sits next to me. “You have a beautiful singing voice, by the way. What song were you singing?”

“Óró Sé do Bheatha’ Bhaile,” I say. “It’s a Gaelic song. In English, the title is Oh, Welcome Home.” I smile as I remember the times on the streets when Malachy and I would sing together. “You may not believe this, but Malachy has a beautiful singing voice too. Better than mine, even.” I laugh. “Not that he ever uses it. He prefers to fight rather than sing.”

“You stayed true to your roots then, learning Gaelic?” Scarlett asks.

I nod, feeling a tightness pull at my chest. “Yes, my mother taught me when I was little. Before she died.”

I notice the pity in her eyes as she looks at me. “Sorry to hear that. It must have been rough for you and Malachy.”

I realize at that moment this girl knows nothing about my brother. “Malachy loved my mother, but we are half-siblings.” She sighs heavily. “I think it was easier for him once our father was gone. He abused Malachy from a young age.”

“What did he do to him?” She asks.

I know Malachy hates me telling people about his past. “Malachy’s mother died in childbirth, and our father blamed him for it. He beat him from a very young age.” She shakes her head. “I shouldn’t tell you all this. He would kill me if he knew.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got no intention of telling.”

I smile at her, as she’s not like the other women he’s purchased before. They were normally stuck-up materialistic women who were in it for the money. “Thanks. I wish Malachy would stop buying women at those disgusting auctions.” I glance at her. “No offense.”

“None taken.”

I hum the song I’d been singing as a comfortable atmosphere surrounds us. After a few minutes, I break the silence. “Can I be rude and ask why you auctioned yourself off like that?” I can’t help but feel curious why such a nice girl sold her virginity to man like my brother “You’re not like the others.”

“I had no other option. My mom is sick.” Her brow furrows. “In what way am I different from the others?”

I clap my hands. “That explains it. All the women Malachy has purchased up to now are in it for a fancy car or nice clothes. They weren’t doing it for a worthy cause.” I let out a heavy breath. “I wish Malachy would settle down with a nice girl like you.” I mean that more than she can know. One question has been on the tip of my tongue ever since she sat down, but I’m almost scared to learn the truth about my sick and twisted brother. “Is he mistreating you?” I look Scarlett in the eye.

She doesn’t answer right away, as if contemplating the question. “Not yet.” Her throat bobs as she swallows.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Malachy’s voice cuts through the clearing.

I laugh and jump to my feet, despite knowing how pissed he’s going to be that we were hanging out. “Malachy, I was getting to know your newest purchase. She seems nice.” I walk toward my brother and pull him into a hug, although he’s as tense as stone.

When I break free, Malachy’s eyes are full of rage and fixed on his virgin. “How the fuck did you get out of the room?” he asks, his eyes fixed on Scarlett with dangerous intensity. He doesn’t even acknowledge me.

Scarlett gets up and faces him. “A housekeeper came in and asked if I could give her some time while she was cleaning.” She shrugs. “I assumed it was fine to get some fresh air since I’ve been cooped up in that room for a week now.”

Malachy still doesn’t look at me. “Alicia. Leave us.”

“Brother, you need to chill out. Scarlett wasn’t doing—”

“Alicia. I said, leave us. Don’t make me ask a third time,” he growls.

I feel bad about leaving the poor girl to the wrath of my brother, but I won’t disobey him. I shoot her an apologetic look before leaving her with my beast of a brother. The man is bordering on feral.

I rush out of the forest and make my way across the lush lawns toward the mansion. One glance backward tells me they are still in the forest together. I pity the poor, defenseless girl that Malachy has at his mercy.

I glance forward again and stop moving when I see Niall stalking into the garden with his eyes fixed on me. His hard muscles bunched and tense as he prowls toward me.

The dark, dirty desire pulsing to life in his ice-blue depths is enough to set me ablaze. Niall can’t lose control out here, not while Malachy is home and in the garden nonetheless. I hasten my steps toward him. “Hey, Niall—”

He collides with me, pulling me against his lips in one hard jerk. I hold on to his arms, trying to steady myself as his tongue plunders into my mouth hungrily. There’s no quenching his ravenous hunger or mine. The moment we crossed the line between friends and lovers, all hell broke loose.

I force him away from me with all the strength I can muster, panting for oxygen. “Not here. Malachy is in the woods with his virgin.”

The mention of Malachy is enough to snap him out of it. “Fine. Your room, now,” he orders, gently resting his hands on my hips. “I can’t wait any longer.”

I chuckle softly. “Well, maybe you will have to wait.”

Niall growls like an animal and tightens his grip on my hips. “Don’t make me fuck you out here in the open where your brother can hear.”

My stomach tightens at the viciousness in his voice. I don’t doubt that he has that little control over his urges. A part of me wants him to pull me around the side of the building and fuck me against the wall. “I’ve got work to do,” I say, remembering that Alistair is expecting me to help with some medical research this afternoon.

Niall lifts me off the ground, making me yelp in surprise. “Wrong answer, little lass,” he rumbles, carrying me around the corner. He drops me to my feet and presses me against the wall of the mansion. “On your knees.”

My eyes widen at the order. “Not here, Niall. What if we get—”

“Now,” he rumbles, lacing his fingers tightly in my hair.

I sink to my knees in front of him, feeling a mix of shame and lust warring with each other. My desire for this man is unwavering.

Niall unzips his pants and frees his hard, thick length from them. His cock bobs in front of my lips, dripping with pre-cum.

I lick my lips as the hunger for him rises inside of me like a tidal wave.

The moment I reach for him, Niall grabs my hands to stop me. “Open wide.” His dominant and cold gaze stills my heart as I open my lips for him, submitting in the way I always crave.

Niall rams his hard cock to the back of my throat with one thrust. I gag and reach out for his thighs, only for him to swat my hands away and grab the back of my neck. “Take it, baby girl. Every damn inch,” he growls softly, making my nipples harden.

I struggle to breathe through my nose, relaxing my throat as he assaults it. Niall is viciously dominant, and it’s so arousing. At thirty-eight years old, I’ve grown pretty confident of my tastes in sex. Although I’ve never found a man to settle down with, I’ve always known that I’m a submissive and have had sexual relationships with Doms. Niall is clearly a Dom which makes this more perfect than I ever expected.

He also likes me calling him daddy, an aspect of the BDSM world I’d always been curious about but never explored.

I choke on his cock as he holds it down my throat, coming undone and spilling every drop from his balls down it.

When he finally frees me, I gasp for air. “Are you trying to kill me?”

He laughs. “Oh, come on, little lass. You know you love it.” He yanks me to my feet and lifts me against the wall, surprising me.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

He smirks. “Fucking you, what does it look like?”

“You already came,” I point out.

He chuckles and drags the head of his still hard cock through the center of my panties. “I’m ready to come again, baby girl.”

I rest my head against the wall and moan. “Fuck me, daddy,” I murmur.

He smirks at me. “You don’t need to ask me twice.”

Niall’s powerful arms hold me against the wall as he uses one hand to force my panties aside. A hot, tense moment passes between us as his cock throbs against my center and his gaze burns a mark on my soul. He pushes through my entrance and fills me completely, knocking the air from my lungs.

We shouldn’t be doing this at all, let alone out here when my brother is in the woods a few hundred yards away.

“Fuck,” I whisper, biting my lip to stop myself from screaming. The danger we’re flirting with is ludicrous, but it makes the experience all the more intoxicating.

“That’s it, little lass, take my cock,” he grunts, thrusting his hips brutally and rapidly. He takes me without mercy and without a care in the world.

The rough brickwork grazes my skin, but the pain is welcome as he drives in and out of me like a wild animal. I claw my fingers into his solid shoulders, using him to ground me.

Niall sucks at the mark at my neck, making the ache between my thighs heighten. Our breathing is frantic and out of sync as he drives us both toward the cliff edge. No man has had such masterful skill over my orgasms in my life. Niall knows how to take me along for the ride, rather than leaving me behind.

It’s difficult to believe that we’ve been missing out on this all these years. “Oh my god, yes, daddy,” I murmur, biting his shoulder to stop myself from screaming out.

Blazing pleasure sweeps through my body as he sends me over the edge, free falling as the release washes over me. I meld my lips to his, knowing it’s the only way to stop myself from screaming at the top of my lungs.

Niall grunts as he comes undone too, releasing deep inside of me. Our bodies continue to rock together long after we’ve both released, as if neither of us can bear the thought of leaving the warmth of each other.

I don’t know how long we remain fixed in that position, clawing onto each other as if our lives depending on it. His lips tease over mine, kissing me tenderly.

“Scarlett, wait,” Malachy shouts across the other side of the mansion, making both of us tense.

“Shit,” I murmur against his lips, trying to push Niall’s huge size off of me.

Niall lets me down and I slide my panties back into place. He shoves himself his cock back into his pants. “You go left, I’ll go right. Meet in the kitchen,” he whispers softly, before stealing another kiss.

My heart is pounding frantically as he slips away, leaving me to head toward Malachy’s voice. I turn around the corner in time to see Scarlett rush past me, looking rather shaken.

Malachy chases after her.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

Malachy barely looks my way. “Nothing, keep out of it, sis.” He marches past me without stopping, to my relief.

This girl of his is distracting him from the fact I’m fucking his best friend.

I head into the mansion just in time to see Malachy disappear upstairs after his woman. There’s something different about this girl. I can only hope that Malachy sees it and finally breaks the cycle he’s been trapped in.

She’s nicer than any of the gold-diggers he’s purchased before. I could see them both together for sure.

Niall is in the kitchen, heating the Mexican food he bought. “That was too fucking close,” I say quietly, making him turn around.

He nods. “Tell me about it.”

An awkward, heavy silence settles between us as he continues to busy himself with the food. We both know we’re playing with fire. It’s the reason for the tension.

Neither of us wants to say what we’re both thinking. This has to stop before it gets out of hand.