Sinfully Devoted by Amber Torney

Chapter Twenty - Kyle

“Fucking answer the goddamn question, asshole!” Smirking up at Stryker, I laughed internally. The longer I stayed quiet, the more it pissed the cocksucker off. I wasn’t about to make this easier for him, or any of the idiots for that matter. I knew eventually they would break and bring my Kitten to me. Secretly, I relished in the pain- fed off it, even.

Not able to hold it in any longer, I bent over in the chair they had me strapped to, and laughed, tasting the coppery tinge from the blood that coated my teeth. Its brought images of my Kitten back to me, the dried blood from my bites. I fucking missed her. Smiling, I egged him to punch me again. Little did they know, I’d been keeping a tally, and when I got free, I’d make them watch as I delivered retribution on my Kitten.

“Stryker, enough.” The frustrated tone of my cousin’s voice only made me laugh harder.

“You’re both fucking jokes. Can’t even use torture properly to get someone to talk,” I mocked. Each and every single one of these fuckers were weak. None of them knew anything about torture or interrogation. Raising his fist, Stryker went to swing at me, only to have Logan stop him mid-swing. Sad really, cause out of all of them, jockstrap would probably be the one to do the job properly.

“He’s enjoying this. The more frustrated you get, the bigger kick he gets out of it.” I had to admire my cousin as he tried to reason with his friend. There was so much venom in his gaze that he’d be able to kill a small village. “He’s just egging you on, and at this rate, we’ll never get any answers.”

“Don’t really fucking care at the moment, man,” Stryker snarled as he tried to yank free without much success. Kneeling down in front of me, he picked up the knife he’d dropped earlier in the day and pointed it at me. “This psycho put Phee in the hospital. He fucking broke her, beat the shit out of her, he fucking scared her.”

What he said couldn’t be true. They must have been speaking about another girl. There was no way I’d hurt her that badly. She was going to be my wife, bear my children, yet they kept hinting that I had injured her severely. Cocking my head, I listened as they argued. I tugged on the restraints that bit into my skin. I tried to remember my last night with her; all I remembered from that night was the feeling of utter heaven as her cunt squeezed my dick.

“And when she’s ready, we will help her heal, but beating him to a bloody pulp isn’t gonna get us what we need.” Always the negotiator, Logan tried again to reason with the jockstrap. “We all agreed that it’s her decision when it comes to this fucker- it’s her decision on what to do with him. He’s taken so much from her already, don’t take away her right to get justice, her ability to make him pay. If you do, then you’re no better than he is.”

It was the way Logan said it that hit me hard. The pure hate that laced his voice as he gestured in my direction, without even making eye contact, that fucking hurt. He had dismissed me just like everyone else did. I never thought he’d have it in him, but the hatred that rolled off him in that moment was like a tidal wave. Engulfing everything in its path. Had it been directed to anyone else, I’d have been there in the background, cheering him on. But not this time, no, because this time it was all aimed at me.

Something told me, though, it wasn’t just the fact that I’d hurt his precious “tiny dancer.” Not that I really cared, ‘cause what one person saw as pain and abuse, I saw as pleasure and control. I may not have been the cause for all his anger, but I was on the receiving end. He was redirecting his feelings for both our parents, and the betrayal they made him feel, towards me. It made him unpredictable, and an unpredictable Ducane was dangerous- I should know, I was one of them.

“See, that’s your problem,” I decided to break my silence and draw their attention back, “You treat my Kitten as though she is your equal. She’s not. You need to be treating her as she is intended— someone that is there to keep your dick warm and pop out children.”

From their looks, I could tell they didn’t like me pointing out their flaws. No wonder my uncle hadn’t brought Logan into the Lords— he was too sensitive, he would never turn off his emotions. Stryker, on the other hand, looked like he was about to kill me.

“No, cunt, that’s where you’re wrong,” Stryker spat at me, before he kicked me in the guts, and sent the chair flying backwards. My head hit the cold concrete floor, the impact blurring my vision. “And she’s not your anything.”

“You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you?” I knew I was playing with fire but fuck it. It was too easy, and I needed to kill the time somehow. Short of escaping, I doubted I was getting out of there anytime soon. I‘d need them to bring Phee to me in order to escape. I just hoped I’d broken her enough, that she’d be willing to do my bidding for me. “I will say this though, she’s like a fine bottle of wine.”

“Enough!” Logan roared, squatting down in front of me. The look he gave me could have rivalled my own when I was pissed off, so much so we could’ve been mistaken for twins. Yanking me off the floor, he got right in my face. “Tell me, cousin, how did you survive?”

He threw me back with a look of disgust on his face, then paced the room back and forth as he ran his hand through his hair. “I fucking saw you. You were drenched in blood, barely breathing. An innocent man is in jail because of you.”

“Oh, poor, pathetic Logan. You’re a fucking fool. That one was easy to orchestrate.” I snorted at him, a huge shit eating grin spread across my face like wildfire as the memory of that night filtered back. He was so fucking predictable, it made me wonder how he would react when I dropped this little truth bomb on him. “The question is, how long have you got to spare, cause this may take a while.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. This time, Logan didn’t stop Stryker’s punch, and it left     that coppery taste I loved so much pooling in my mouth. I bared my bloodstained teeth. “After her father stabbed me, I was rushed into surgery. And guess what, Lo? Your dear ol’ daddy organised for me to be flown back stateside.”

It was glorious as their faces morphed into various states of shock. Obviously, he hadn’t read too far into that journal of mine, and the stark contrast between him and Stryker was telling. The way Stryker eyed me, I could tell he knew more than he was letting on. Stryker studied me intently, almost as if he was challenging me to continue.

“Doesn’t explain how you survived that type of wound, Kyle, or the fact that you sent Phoenix’s father to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, while you were over here doing what? Living it up?” It made me wonder if jockstrap only ran on rage. Whenever he spoke, his tone was full of hatred.

“That one was masterful. You see, when you have money, you can pretty much buy anything and anyone. My father slipped the right people a few dollars.” I chuckled. Every time I replayed that memory, I saw the distressed face of my Kitten as they hauled off her daddy, screaming for them to let him go. Relished the satisfying feeling that washed over me, knowing I was about to isolate her. “But that’s not even the half of it. Fuck, the shit I did, and planned, made my father so fucking proud.”

“What the fuck does that even mean?” Stopping dead in his tracks, Logan spun to face me. “What else did you do, Kyle? Was raping her not enough for you? You had to go full Jack Harkness on her?”

If I’d had a camera right then, I would have taken a picture , capturing the exact moment when Logan’s naivety became abundantly clear to everyone.