Sinfully Devoted by Amber Torney

Chapter Twenty Two – Logan

I threw my keys in the bowl at the front door as I entered the beach house. I was still raging after my encounter with Kyle. The longer this went on, the harder it would be when we told Phee. We had what we needed to free her father, we could deal with him now and send the confession in anonymously. God knew we’d all come close to doing it several times, but each time we’d pulled back. We needed to tell Phee, and the sooner we did that, the sooner we could be done with his shady ass.

As I made my way into the kitchen, I could hear music as it drifted up from the basement. Looking at the clock on the oven, I saw it was four o’clock. No one was supposed to be home. Damon and Madz were at work, and as far as I knew, my Tiny Dancer was supposed to be at the studio. The school had let her take most of her classes online, but the dance component required her to practice.

Opening the door to the basement, I made my way down quietly. I didn’t want to spook her. After our little confrontation the other night, there had been this weird feeling between us. I’d felt the electricity jolt through my body when she had me pinned against the kitchen bench,     and I’d craved her touch ever since. It took everything I had not to make my move on her. I wanted nothing more than to experience the same connection the others had with her.

My Tiny Dancer looked at home as she practiced her ballet moves. Quietly, I made my way to the bottom step of basement and sat down. As much as the others hated the amount of time the two girls had been spending together, I was grateful Phee had her. She had helped my Tiny Dancer so much, in such a short space of time.

As ‘Citizen Soldiers Would Anyone Care’ filtered through the room, I watched her transition from practicing her movements, into a routine. It was captivating. The last time I’d watched her dance, I was full of hate, unable to fully appreciate it. But now, it was like watching a story unfold in front of my eyes.

There was so much emotion, it was raw. I watched as she lost herself in the music. The way she spun on the tips of her toes, she moved with an air of grace. As the song hit the bridge, Phee twirled into a body roll, and dropped to the floor. Sliding backwards, she pushed herself off, coming to a halt when she saw me.

“Don’t stop,” I pleaded with her, as I got up and made my way to her. I felt a little guilty that I’d stolen that moment from her. It was the first time in a long time she’d looked like her old self. “It was beautiful.”

“Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to creep on people?” She was annoyed, which I guess     was to be expected. I had encroached on her practice. “It doesn’t matter anyway; I’m not feeling it anymore.”

I had to do something. I got why she was mad, but that didn’t mean she had to stop. As she stormed by me, something inside me snapped. Reaching out, I took a hold of her arm and spun her around.

“Stop running, Phee,” I whispered against her lips. I watched her pupils dilate as the same spark of electricity pulsed through our bodies.

“Who said I was running, Logan,” she said as a smirk started to form on her lips and     she stepped into me. I could feel the warmth of her body that I so desperately craved. “The only person here that runs is you.”