Sinfully Devoted by Amber Torney

Chapter Thirty Two – Phoenix

Pulling the bat back, I steadied myself, before I took a swing at the shelf full of tacky little ceramic cats. While Cami and Luca had decided to sit this one out, choosing to relax at the bar they had onsite, Paige and I took on the second room at the Rage Cage. The garish pink walls made it look like a unicorn had come in and vomited all over the place. I found it quite cathartic taking a bat to it.

“Arrgh,” I yelled as I brought the bat down on the desk that was under the shelves.

“Should have brought you here sooner, Phee Phee,” Paige stated, before she destroyed the wall full of picture frames.

“I have to admit, I am having quite a bit of fun, aside from seeing something similar to this on a Bones episode,” I replied, as I set my sights on the old stereo that was sitting on top of a beat up old dresser. “I actually never thought places like this existed.”

“I guess we’re lucky that they do, though,” Paige giggled as she placed her bat on the bed, before turning towards me. “So, Stryker asked me about you tonight.     ”

Just hearing his name sent butterflies swarming throughout my body. I had been well aware of his eyes on me as we’d left. Out of all the guys, he was the most stubborn. Logan and Jonah had both apologized several times since everything came out, but my Grey Eyes, he had to be brought[5] kicking and screaming like a two year old, and even then, it was more of a deflected apology. The type you gave when you didn’t think you were actually in the wrong.

“Thought this was a guy free night,” I shrugged her comment off. We were there to let go, and I didn’t think they’d have enough things for me to break if we opened that can of worms again.

“It is a guy free night, but I also thought you’d like to know, Phee,” she sighed as she walked over to me. Once you cracked Paige’s hard exterior, it was clear to see she had a kind heart. “I’m gonna level with you, Boo, you’re both as stubborn as each other. But I really think you both need to sit down and actually listen to one another. As much as it grosses me out to say this,  you two are made for each other.”

Dropping the bat on the floor, I sat on the edge of the battered desk, mulling over what Paige had disclosed. “I do kinda miss spending time with him.”

“Oh no, I know that look, nope uh ah,” Paige said, shaking her head, the faux look of horror written on her face making it hard to contain my laughter. “I love you, girl, but you start sharing intimate shit about my cousin, and then I’m gonna have to bleach my brain.”

“Fine,” I said through my laughter. “Just as long as you don’t grace me with details about you and Damon.”

“There’s nothing going on between Damon and I,” Paige deadpanned.

“Yet,” I countered. Neither of them were fooling anyone, they skated around each other, but I’d caught the looks they gave each other. “It’s only a matter of time, Paige, and all I ask is that you don’t tell me, cause the dude is like my brother.”

“Okay, you got a deal.” Paige nodded at the door. “Why don’t we join the girls at the bar and get something to eat?”