Sinfully Devoted by Amber Torney

Chapter Forty One – Phoenix

Ever since the meeting with Stryker’s dad, I’d had a lot on my mind. The decision to take someone’s life wasn’t an easy one, and I didn’t think I had it in me to make that decision either. Especially when it could have an impact on the already fragile relationship I had with Logan. If I was to make this decision, I knew I needed to talk to him about it first.

Entering my room, I dropped down on my bed. My stomach rolled at the thought of having to bring this up, my mind flew back to when I’d first arrived back into his life. He blamed me for his cousin’s death. He hated me with such passion, every encounter with him felt like my heart was being ripped out.

It wasn’t the only thing that played on my mind either. We still hadn’t really spoken about what happened with his Aunt, and as much as everyone assured me that he didn’t hate me, I think I just needed to hear it from him. Picking up my phone, I flicked through the names until I reached his.

Taking a deep breath, I willed my nerves to calm down, as I hit the call button.

“Phee, is everything alright?” The worry in his voice as he answered, made me smile a little, we’d come so far in such a small space of time. I didn’t know where he was, but I could hear a lot of chatter in the background and the ding of a door that opened and closed every couple of seconds.

“Yeah Lo, I’m okay,” I replied. This would have been a much easier conversation to have if he were here in front of me. “I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Okay,” There was a short pause before he sighed, and I could hear him get up and move. “What’s on your mind Tiny Dancer?”

“I… I… I need to talk to you about Kyle,” It came out rushed and my nerves caused me to stumble as I said the words.

I could hear him sigh, before he called out to someone letting them know he was leaving.

“Logan?” I said, my voice small, as my anxiety levels started to heighten. “Are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here Phee,” his voice was soft, I could hear the car door close, he must have been heading home. “I’m about to head home.”

“You didn’t have to leave,” I immediately started to feel bad, I hadn’t wanted him to cut his plans short.

“It’s okay Phee, Stryker gave me the heads up that this would be coming,” He sounded relieved, which had me confused. “I’m guessing you’ve made your decision?”

“Ahh not really, it’s why I called you,” I said, I could feel my heart as it rapidly pounded in my chest. This was such a hard thing to talk about. My palms were sweating.

“If it were up to me, I’d put a bullet between his eyes Phee,” The determination in his voice told me, he’d put a lot of though into this. Relief washed over me, not that I had decided to end Kyle, but if it came to it, at least I knew where he stood.

“I think I want to go see him Lo, I need to know why?” I took a deep breath, I needed to do this. It was time to take back my life and move on. Once I had my answers, then I could make my final decision.

“Phee, if you don’t want to do it, I will.” There was finality in his voice. He had already decided what should happen, I couldn’t help but smile at the protectiveness he was showing. “If he gets out, he won’t stop coming Phee, he is fixated on you. It’s the only way to keep you safe.”

“Yeah I know,” It was what I feared the most, I’d always be looking over my shoulder if he was ever to be released. It wasn’t a way to live, for any of us. “You think you could take me?”

“Tiny Dancer, I’d walk through fucking fire for you,” His voice deep and full of love, as he said the words, making me smile. “I’m on my way home now.”