Sinfully Devoted by Amber Torney

Chapter Forty Two - Phoenix

“Are you sure you want to do this Phee?” Logan asked, as he grabbed me by the arm as I went to enter the room where they had been keeping Kyle. “If you want to take a little more time it’s okay.”

“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, Lo.” I answered quietly, looking down at where his hand rested in my arm then up to his face, worry was written all over it. Turning to him I rested my forehead on his. “Trust me the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can all start to move on.

Reaching up on my tip toes, I gave him a chaste kiss, before turning around and opening the dirty looking door. As I entered the room, the smell that hit me was almost nauseating. Body odour, old blood, sweat they had all combined and was heavy enough to turn your stomach.

“Oh God,” I whispered, bringing my hand up to cover my mouth and nose, looking back at Logan. He just stood there mutely and shrugged. What the hell had they been doing here.

In one corner was a filthy old mattress, the sheets had long turned and started to change colour. The lights overhead flickered and sitting in the middle of the room, was the reason I was here.

Taking a deep breath, I took one last look at Logan, an unreadable expression on his face, the same one that has been there ever since I’d shot and killed his aunt.  Watching me intensely ever since, I’m not sure why, but something told me he’d been kinda relieved he didn’t have to do it himself.

“Ah Kitten you finally came,” Kyle purred with some weird sense of satisfaction. The hungry look in his eyes, made me want to gauge them out. “I told them you’d be happy to see me.”

“If by happy you mean I’d happily put a bullet through your brain, just like I did your mom, then yes, asshole I’m definitely happy to see you,” The sarcasm thick in my voice as I threw him a saccharine smile, I knelt down just out of his reach, now on equal level. “Why me?”

Kyle looked at me intensely trying to get a read but failing miserably. I saw the flash of anger in his eyes before he decided to take another approach. “Untie me Kitten and help me out.”

“Answer my question, Kyle.” I demanded. Standing up, I turn around and head to the table that was behind me. “You know your mother came to see me last week. I’m also sure they told you she’s dead. Why would she be under the impression I was to be your wife?”

“Because you will be once you set me free.” Kyle’s words sent chills down my spine, cementing Logan’s warning earlier, he would never stop coming for me. After today he wouldn’t be able to come for me ever again.

I wasn’t afraid of him anymore; I’d spent the last few days preparing for this. Nothing he said would hurt me now. Since shooting Catherine Ducane and learning I had to decide the fate of this psycho, the guys had been helping me. Training, talking and dance, when I wasn’t doing any of those I was sleeping. Stryker’s words played on loop inside my head “Take that guilt and bury it Firecracker—you bury it deep and take the anger out on those that deserve it.”

It’s what I intended to do. It’s why the most senior of the Lennox family had made sure everything I could ever want was laid out in front of me. It was why he had been summoned by his father and wasn’t here watching me. Cillian Lennox knew his son would try to stop me if he had an idea of what I had planned.

“Who said I’d set you free?” I replied absently, as I run my fingers over the array of knives, belts, and other tools laid out on the table, the same tools he’d used on me. Settling on a small army knife. “It’s not really a choice you see. If I set you free, you’re never going to stop coming for me, you can’t see what’s right in front of you, I don’t want you Kyle, I never have. Don’t you get it—it will never fucking be you.”

“Phoenix, Stop it now.” His attempt to sound in control started to slip as he slowly realised that I wasn’t going to do as he asked. “This won’t end well for you if you don’t.”

“More empty threats Kyle?” Turning around to face him again I twirled the knife between my fingers, I needed to remain calm and unaffected. Looking over at the door, I could see Logan still staring at me, jaw tensing every time Kyle opened his mouth to say something. “The only one in here that this won’t end well for, is you.”

“When I get my hands on you whore, I’m gonna kill you.” Kyle spat at me, tugging furiously on his restraint, Kyle exploded. “You think it’s funny, that you’re not going to be punished when I get free? Think again.”

Kicking off the wall, Logan came into view, not taking his eyes off Kylehe snaked his arms around me, pulling me back against his hard chest. The warmth of his breath against my neck, sent goosebumps all over my body as I relaxed into him.

“You think you’re going to go free,” Logan chided, his voice low, I could feel him smirk as he kissed my neck, his hand sliding down my sides gripping my hips, pulled me further back, I could feel his erection digging in. His fingers gripping me tightly as he possessively held me.

“Tell him to stop Kitten.” There was something lethal in his tone this time, Kyle jaw ticked as he watched, his wild eyes trained on Logan’s hand as it rested on my waist.

I could feel Logan’s smile against the crook of my neck. “You know the difference between you and I, Kyle?”

“I mean it, Logan,” There was a deathly tone to Kyle’s voice now. His eyes had darkened with his unspoken threat. Making me glad that the chair he was restrained in was metal. “Take your hands off what is mine.”

“That’s just it though Kyle,” Logan continued to taunt him as he planted small kisses along my neck and shoulders. Logan grinding his dick against my arse. “She was never really yours in the first place. She doesn’t belong to anyone.”

“Logan,” I sighed as I sunk further into his hold. I didn’t care that it was setting Kyle off., Logan’s touch felt like home, and seeing Kyle come unhinged cemented my decision further.

“Shhh, Phee, this is eating him up far more than the pain from any weapon would cause.” Logan whispered in my ear “Let this be the last image he ever sees of you [LE11]Tiny Dancer. Free, unrestrained. You and I babes, we both need this.”

“What do you mean by that, cousin?” Kyle grounded out, his eyes never leaving mine “Tell me what he means Kitten. NOW.

“She is not your Kitten,” Logan growled at him. “Tell me Kyle, Did she ever respond to your touch like she does with us? No, I don’t think she did. Not back then when she was thirteen, and not this time either. She will never be your kitten.”

Kyle pulled on his restraints once more, trying to break free. The crazed look he threw at us, made me sink further into Logan’s hold. It felt like home. He had taken so much from us. I wouldn’t let him take anything else from us.“What’s the matter Kyle? Don’t like what you see?” Logan, taunted, turning me slightly so I was cuddled into his side. Smirking at Kyle as he kissed my forehead. “Yeah, she definitely wasn’t like that. Especially after you fucking beat her almost to death.”

“I’ll kill you Logan, you and all the others, but I’ll make you watch as I fuck her first, planting my babies in her belly, and just as she fucking births them, I’ll gut her.” Finally snapping, Kyle was well and truly off the reservation. Yelling and screaming as he tugged at the restraints.

“You won’t be doing anything Kyle,” I growled at him, still cradled in Logan’s arms but I needed my answers. And I wasn’t leaving until I had them. “I want to know why?”

“Your nothing but a filthy fucking whore.” He was unhinged, the last of his control long gone. But that was a good thing.

“Answer her damn question Kyle,” Logan took control, his grip on my waist cradling me firmly into his side. Having him here gave me comfort.

“Because of you,” Kyle screamed, breathing heavily, he tried again to break free. “Everything I ever did to her was because of you.”

Silence descended around us. I felt as Logan tensed behind me, clearly not expecting that answer.

“Oh, don’t look so shocked Phoenix,” Kyle laughed. He was crazy as fuck. A maniacal grin started to spread across his face. “You thought you were fucking special? Logan has always gotten whatever he wanted. He’s the golden boy of the family, I wanted what he had. I watched the way you two were with each other, I saw how he worshipped the ground you walked on while discarding me to the side. So, I decided to take it.”

“You… You did this all out of jealousy?” I said in disbelief. That couldn’t be it, surely. “You destroyed my family because you were jealous of Logan. You’re a sick fucking asshole.”

“He had fucking everything. A loving family, friends, a girl that adored him. I was taking what was owed.” He tried to justify his actions, yet I could tell he had no remorse. He had been driven by envy and greed. “I did what I had to, to get what I wanted.”

“And how the fuck did that work for you,” I could feel the anger, as it burned under my skin. The shit he did all because he felt entitled to it.

“It worked out fine until that prick came and ruined it. I had my father’s approval; I had my position in the business and I had you.” As the words fell out of his mouth, it sent chills down my spine.

Somewhere during Kyle’s confession, Logan had taken the knife away from me, only to replace it with something else. Kyle had noticed too as his eyes zeroed in on my right hand.  Following his gaze, I looked down to see Logan had replaced it with a gun. The same one that had gone off the night his aunt died.

“I know you wanted to hand him over to the police, Phee,” Logan whispered into my neck, as he held me close. “But it will never end if he lives. He will continue to come after you.”

“You don’t have it in you Kitten,” Kyle tried his best to sound unfazed by the unspoken threat as he goaded me. “Deep down you know you belong to me. You would never hurt me.”

“Shut the fuck up.” My voice shook with anger, I needed for him to shut his mouth, slowly I raised the gun, and aimed it at his chest. I tried to steady my hand with my other. “Jealousy and daddy issues? That’s what it all came down to? Poor little Kyle.”

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I could do this. It was me or him, Logan was right we couldn’t run the risk of him ever getting free. And with him still breathing I would never truly be safe. I had to do this for my mom and dad, for Logan but more importantly I needed to do this for myself. Kyle was like a cancer, if left untreated it would grow. I couldn’t run the risk of him trying to come after me again.

Just as I opened my eyes, I heard the bang. Followed by one more. My eyes fixed on the person in the chair, the look of disbelief in on his face. My gaze zeroed in on the blood that leaked from my tormentor’s chest. His shirt covered in the dark red liquid. The second shot was something I wished, I’d never seen. Those would be the images that haunted me for a lifetime. It had landed between the eyes, leaving a trail of blood and brain matter laying over the floor and wall behind him.

“I’m sorry, Phee,” Logan apologised as he spun me around. The first tears started to fall as I held on to him. “I had too, I had to make sure he couldn’t come after you ever again. I am so fucking sorry.”

“Shhh, it’s okay Lo, it’s okay,” I held him tighter, trying to reassure him.

Resting his forehead on mine, his hands cupped my face. There was an unspoken conversation between us now, I knew what he wanted to say, he didn’t need to verbalise it. Taking my hand, he led me out of the room. As we passed the guards in the hall he stopped.

“Tell Mr Lennox it’s done.” Was all Logan said.