Flirt With Me by Kristen Proby

Chapter 10


When we finally make our way back to the suite, I’m exhausted. Despite Hunter’s plans to skip out on the parties, we still had to stay and talk to people, and the press followed us, yelling questions all the way to the car.

“I knew they’d jump on this story,” I say after I walk into the room and set my clutch on a table. “It’s juicy gossip.”

“They’ll find something else to talk about tomorrow,” he says and loosens his tie.

Both of his trophies were delivered to the hotel and sit on the dining room table.

“Congratulations,” I say as I cross to him. “I was super proud of you tonight.”

“Thank you.” He drags his fingertips down my cheek. “That last one was a surprise.”

“I could tell. But you deserve it.”

He grins. “Have you ever actually sat down to watch one of my fights, babe?”

“Well, no.” I cringe. “Sorry. I didn’t know you then, and I can’t say it was really my jam. But Keegan always had your fights playing in the pub. So, technically, I did see your work.”

He chuckles, but before he can say anything, the doorbell rings.

“I don’t know about you,” he says as he crosses to the door, “but I’m starving.”

“Oh God, yes. The charcuterie spread from earlier is long gone.”

A waiter pushes a table on wheels into the room. “Would you like me to dress the dining table, sir?”

“No, thanks. This is fine.” Hunter tips the man, who nods stiffly.

“Very well, sir. Have a good evening.”

“What do we have?” I ask as I cross to the table. “Please tell me it’s stuff I won’t spill on this dress. I would change, but I was told to let you peel it off me, so I’m holding out.”

He blinks, surprised, and then re-covers the plate with the silver dome and moves to me.

“Let’s get comfortable,” he suggests and wraps his arms around me. Without looking, he drags the zipper down my back and lets the gown fall around my ankles. “Fucking hell, that’s all you’ve had on under there this whole time?”

“The crew made me lose the bra,” I say with a shrug. “They said the dress was better without it.”

I’m standing before him in just a scrap of black lace panties, the emerald hanging almost to my breasts, and black heels.

Hunter simply lifts me, and without another word, carries me to the bedroom.

“What about our food?” I ask with a laugh.

“It’ll be there when we’re done.” He doesn’t lower me to the bed as I expected him to. Instead, he just sets me on my feet, steps back, and takes me in. “You’re every damn fantasy come to life.”

“Come here.” I crook a finger at him and laugh when he just raises an eyebrow. “Please.”

His movements are slow and measured as he stalks toward me. When he’s mere inches away, I glide my hands up his chest and get to work unbuttoning his shirt.

“I enjoyed spending a few hours in your world,” I tell him softly. “You’re clearly well-respected and liked by all of the people in that room. Even the fighters you’ve beaten in the past had a smile for you. It tells me some things.”

I guide the shirt over his broad shoulders and down his arms, letting it fall to the floor.

“You do have some tattoos.” I can’t mask the surprise in my voice.

“I didn’t want too much ink,” he says as I trace the lion on his upper arm. “What were you going to say?”

“That I was right about you all along. You’re an alpha male for sure. You like to take care of people. You like to take charge. But you’re also kind and a good person. Anyone who meets Rachel would know that because those are the values you’ve already instilled in her.”

I dip my fingertip into his slacks as Hunter cups my cheek and rubs his thumb over the apple of it.

“But what I knew, first and foremost, the minute I first saw you, is that you’re sexier than any one man has a right to be. And I’ve wanted to get you like this for weeks now.”

His jaw clenches, and his eyes narrow. He moves in, kissing me like a man starved as he urges me back until my legs hit the side of the bed.

He lifts me easily and lays me on the cool linens. His mouth immediately latches on to my breast, and his fingers start to roam.

“No fair,” I say, my breath already coming fast. “I wasn’t finished undressing you.”

“If you think I can keep my hands off you for even one more minute, you’re crazy.”

His mouth, his hands, are everywhere, seemingly all at once. My body heats under his intense attention.

His arms and back are all smooth skin and rigid muscle, and I can’t stop touching him. I slip my hands into his pants and cup his bare ass.

“Naked,” I say firmly. “Get fucking naked, Hunter.”

He smiles against my skin and then hurries off the bed to stand before me. I brace myself on my elbows and watch as he shucks his shoes, socks, and finally, his pants.

He’s impressively aroused.

And a piece of metal catches the light.

“Uh, Hunter?”

I scoot to the edge of the bed to get a better look.


“You’re pierced.”

“I am.”

With just my fingertip, I touch the little ball of silver at the top of his cock, and he groans.

Suddenly, I’m on my back once more, and Hunter is kissing my neck while his hands roam all over me.

“You’re pierced.

He chuckles. “Yes.”


He leans up to look down at me. “A few of us got them when I was young. I just kept it.”

Stunned, I cup his face, push his shoulder, and smile when he rolls onto his back, reversing our positions.

“I need to check this out.”

I kiss and lick my way down his torso, over abs that could be sculpted from marble, and kiss the very tip of him, right next to the metal.

“Fucking hell.”

He covers his face with his arm, his hands clenched.

I settle in to work him over. To make him as crazy as he made me on the plane earlier today.

Was that just today?

So much has happened since then, it feels like days ago.

His dick is warm, smooth, and hard as hell as I lick and suck him.


He rears up, grabs my shoulders, and reverses our position again, pinning my hands above my head as he stares down at me, breathing hard.

“Fucking hell, you can’t just do that and expect me to keep my shit together.” He nips at my bottom lip. “I’m too damn hot for you.”

“That doesn’t hurt my feelings at all.” I push against his hands and love how strong he is. That he’s not even trying hard, and I’m totally at his will. “I have birth control covered.”

His eyes flare. “Are you sure? I’ll suit up.”

I just shake my head slowly, and with his eyes pinned to mine, I raise my legs high on his hips, feeling the tip of him nudge me.

He clenches his eyes shut for just a second.

“God, it’s gonna be snug.”

I bite my lip, and he gently pushes inside of me. I can feel those tiny metal balls gliding over my walls, and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

And when he’s fully seated, he tips his forehead against mine, lets my arms go, and kisses me tenderly.

“Holy shit, Hunter.”

“Is that a good holy shit?”

“So good.” I gasp when he starts to move. “Jesus, who knew a little piece of metal could do so much?”

His grin is cocky as he picks up the pace. He keeps hitting just the right spot that sends shivers right through me, shooting electricity up my spine.

I clench around him. My toes curl, and every muscle in my body tightens as the climax moves through me.

“Shit,” he whispers. “Oh, God.”

He pushes once more and then pulses as he empties himself into me.

“Holy shit,” I murmur when my lips are no longer numb. My stomach growls, making us both laugh. “If I wasn’t hungry before, I’m starving now.”

He cups my face and kisses me softly, in that gentle way he does that makes the butterflies in my stomach sit up and take notice. He nibbles the side of my mouth, then nuzzles my nose.

“You’re amazing,” he whispers. “You do things to me that I never knew were possible.”

I sigh softly and rest my forehead against his. “Same goes, Mr. Meyers.” I kiss his chin. “Can we eat now?”

He grins as I slide off the bed and reach for his discarded shirt. I pull it on, rolling the sleeves, and buttoning just a couple of the fasteners.

“You think that shirt will keep you safe from me?” he asks.

“I hope not.”

It’s earlywhen I wake up with Hunter snoring peacefully next to me. Dawn is barely starting to fill the sky above Los Angeles.

I check the time. It’s just past five.

Doesn’t surprise me.

I don’t sleep much. I never have. And with my crazy hours at the pub, it’s a good thing I don’t require a ton of sleep.

I don’t want to wake Hunter, so I slip out of the bed, grab some leggings and a T-shirt that I brought with me, and pile my laptop and phone in my arms as I sneak out of the bedroom soundlessly.

It’s too early to wake him. We had a busy night. Not just with the ESPYs, but also with several hours of sex afterward.

The man is almost superhuman.

I grin as I pull the T-shirt over my head and tug on the leggings. Before I open my computer and get to work, I order up some room service but ask them to knock lightly and not ring the bell.

My body hurts in places I forgot I had. Muscles are sore, joints tender.

Yes, we had fun last night.

I set my laptop on the end of the dining room table. In fact, this is a lovely workspace with the same gorgeous view as the bedroom and plenty of space to spread out.

I’ve just opened my computer when there’s a light knock on the door.

I smile at the waitress as she walks in carrying a large tray full of coffee, fruit, and pastries.

“On the dining table is perfect,” I instruct her and stand back as she unloads everything onto the table, then tucks the tray under her arm and passes me the bill.

I sign my name, add a tip, and escort her out.

I need coffee.

I pour myself a cup, doctor it up the way I like it, and take a bite of a decadent cinnamon roll as I sit in front of the computer.

With everything that’s happened over the past few days, the catastrophe at my house, and taking this trip, I’m behind on some work. This is the perfect opportunity to get caught up before we make our way back to Seattle.

I open my email and start with the oldest first. This one, Dale Rimmon, is a client that I’ve corresponded with, but haven’t met in person.

His emails usually raise red flags. I can’t even put a finger on why, he just makes me uncomfortable.

Dear Maeve,

I will be in town for a few days in a few weeks. I would like to see several homes at that time. As I narrow down my exact dates, I’ll be in touch. I will want to see you, and only you.



I take a deep breath. “Jesus, Dale, could you be any creepier? Why me and only me?”

I shake my head. Maybe he’s just not good with email.

I answer several other emails and do some property research per several clients’ requests. Just as I’m about to finish up for the morning, Hunter comes rushing out of the bedroom, haphazardly dressed and barking into his cell phone.

“I don’t know where she is. We need to find her.”

He stops short and stares at me.

I stare back.

“Never mind. I found her.”

He clicks off and just drops his phone onto the couch.

“Hi.” I raise a brow.

“Jesus, I thought you left.” He scrubs his hand over his face.

I look around the room and then back at Hunter. “Where would I go? I’m with you. It’s a big suite, Hunter. I had work and didn’t want to wake you.”

“Just wake me.” He walks over and kisses the top of my head. “It gave me a bad moment.”

My hand covers his on my shoulder. “Okay, now I know. I have coffee and some sugar here if you want some.”

“I’ll order up a protein shake.”

I smile up at him. “That does not sound like a delightful breakfast.”

“It’s just fuel,” he says. “How long have you been up?”

“Just over an hour. I don’t sleep much.”

“Was I snoring?”

I laugh and stand so I can wrap my arms around him for a hug. “No. Okay, maybe a little, but you didn’t wake me. I’m just not much of a sleeper. It’s not unusual for me to only get a few hours a night and then get up and do stuff.”

“I’ll remember that.”

His finger dips into the neckline of my shirt and he tugs out the emerald.

“You’re still wearing it.”

“I like it.”

“I’m glad.”

“Who did you call? When you thought I was gone?”

“Sid,” he says.

“And how would Sid be able to track me down?”

“He’s former CIA,” he replies simply.

“Of course, he is.”

“What doyou mean it’s going to take two months to fix my house?” I demand and prop my hands on my hips. Hunter and I have been back in town for two hours. He and Rachel are settling in at his place, and I had to meet with the contractor who’s taking care of my home.

“It’s my busiest time of year,” Grant says, shaking his head mournfully. “And this isn’t going to be a quick job. The house is damn old, Maeve. Looks like no one replaced the roof in more than twenty years. And you have some internal structural damage going on. I’m not sure what it’s from. It could just be old-fashioned rot because the house is—”

“Damn old,” I finish for him. “Can I live in it?”

Grant frowns. “We get more rain, I can’t guarantee you won’t get wet. And, I’ll be honest, it’s always easier if you’re not underfoot. You have lots of family here. I’m sure there’s somewhere you can go for a while.”

“Yeah.” I chew my lip and stare at my little white house. “I have places to go, but it’s never as good as home.”

“Listen, I’ll try to get to it sooner. My advice is, get most of the stuff out of here and into storage so nothing else gets ruined, and then let us work our magic. I’ll be in touch.”

“Yeah, okay. Thanks, Grant.”

Grant nods, gets in his big work truck, and drives away.

The estimate for what it’s going to cost to fix keeps bouncing around in my head. It’s a big chunk of money. It’ll take up at least half of my savings.

But this is what it costs to be a homeowner.

It’s not always flowerbeds and picking out paint swatches.

I wonder if Hunter will be okay with me staying in his garage apartment for a couple of months. He seems to be perfectly fine with having me around, but sixty days or more is a lot to ask. Especially given that our relationship is so new. And Grant was right, I do have plenty of family here that I could stay with.

Hell, Maggie has space in her house.

I drive the short distance to Mary Margaret’s and knock on her door.

“You just caught me,” she says when she opens it. “I was about to head to the pub.”

“I’ll be there in a few hours,” I tell her and follow her to the kitchen. I tell her all about my meeting with Grant. “It’s going to take a lot of time to fix it, and I might need a place to stay.”

“I have space.”

“I know. I think it’s best if I move in here. I don’t want to wear out my welcome with Hunter, you know? Things are still so new.”

“I get it. It’s not a problem. Do you need help moving your stuff?”

“Nah, I can manage. Thanks. I’m going to head over there and start packing. I’ll probably move in here tomorrow.”

“Sounds good. All I ask is that if you and Hunter decide to do the dirty, don’t do it when I’m home.”

“I think we can manage to keep ourselves under control.”