Flirt With Me by Kristen Proby

Chapter 9


Thanks,” Hunter says to the bellhop after we’re shown to our suite. He tips him, and we’re left alone to explore this gorgeous room.

Actually, room is too simple a term for what this is. It’s just…massive. It might be bigger than my house.

There are two bedrooms and two full bathrooms, one on each side of a great room, complete with a kitchen and dining room. The balcony looks out over the city, and I can only imagine how gorgeous it’ll be after dark.

But it’s the dress that catches my eye.

“My gown,” I murmur and cross to it. It’s on a dress form in the corner of the room. There’s a table set up with hair and makeup supplies. And on the end of the table, closest to me, is a large white box with a red bow tied neatly on top.

“That’s for you,” Hunter says as he joins me from behind. He rests his hands on my shoulders and kisses my neck. “Go ahead and open it.”

“Hunter, this entire trip is a gift. From the dress to the jet to this room.”

“You’re too easy to please.” He turns me toward him and smiles down at me. “I told you, I’m enjoying myself. Open it.”

I pull the lid off the white box and find another blue box inside.

The kind of blue box that has a white bow and Tiffany written on top.

I glance at Hunter. He’s not looking at the box. He’s looking at me—with the most intense gaze I’ve ever seen.

I wonder if this is how he looks at an opponent in the ring. Because if so, I would just forfeit.

“You’re a little scary, you know that?”

“I can be,” he agrees, and when he sighs, his jaw clenches. “But you will never have a reason to be afraid of me, Maeve.”

Oh, I’m fairly certain he’s wrong about that.

Not because I think he would ever hurt me. Not physically, at least.

But, holy shit, I’m falling in love with this man. And it has nothing at all to do with all of these amazing gifts, and everything to do with the way he looks at me.

How he touches me.

Speaks to me.

“Aren’t you going to open it?”

I bite my lip and lift the blue box, unwrap the bow, and remove the lid.

Inside is a black velvet case.

“So many boxes,” I murmur with a nervous grin.

When I slide the lid open and see what’s inside, I push it into Hunter’s hands, shaking my head and stepping back as if it were a snake ready to bite.

“I can’t, Hunter. That’s too much.”

He calmly lifts the chain out of the black velvet, drapes it over his fingers, and holds it up to the light.

“Jules gave me the heads-up that the dress was green. And it’s fucking amazing, Maeve. I can’t wait to see it on you. Ever since I saw your gorgeous green eyes, I knew I wanted you in emeralds.”

He unclasps the chain and walks toward me, but I shake my head again.

“That emerald is the size of my pinky toe,” I say.

“Yeah, I wanted to start small.”

I let out a startled laugh. “Small? Jesus, Hunter, it’s huge.

He grins, and I see the line running through his head.

That’s what she said.

“I’m serious, that is too much.”

“The thing with a gift,” he says, still calm as can be, “is that it’s not up to the receiver to decide what’s too much. It’s up to the giver.”

I press my lips together as he loops the chain around my neck. Once fastened, the stone falls between my breasts, just above where the dress’s neckline will be.

“God, you take my breath away,” he whispers. “And later, after I strip you out of that stellar gown, I want to make love to you while you wear this and only this.

My breath comes faster. My mouth is beyond dry. I thought I was monumentally turned on in the plane, but this might top that.

“You’re good with words,” I whisper against his mouth.

“Only because I mean them.”

This kiss is long and slow, but before he can take it any further, the doorbell chimes.

“They’re here to get you ready,” he says and pulls back. But before walking to the door, he lightly touches the emerald on my chest. “You’ll want to take a shower before you get started.”

“Where will you be?”

“In the other bedroom, getting dressed and briefed on some specifics for tonight. I’ll be in and out if you like.”

“I kind of like the idea of you seeing me once I’m all put together.”

He grins. “That works, too. But I’ll be here if you need me.”

He kisses my cheek, crosses to the door, and then all hell breaks loose.

Six people come storming inside. It looks like a herd of elephants, and they’re all headed toward me. They tell me their names, but I’ll never remember them all.

“Your skin is dull,” is the first thing said. “But don’t worry, we’ll brighten you up. You go shower, do not wash your hair, and we’ll get set up out here.”

“Okay.” I start to back away. “Uh, I’ll be out soon.”

I lock myself in the bathroom and press my back against the door. This is just…crazy.

Is this how Kane feels when he’s in the middle of one of his glass shows and hundreds of people come to see him?

Kane’s so moody, so grouchy, I can’t imagine that going over well with him.

Then again, he’s loosened up considerably since he met Anastasia.

It doesn’t take me too long to buff and polish myself in the shower since I’m not washing my hair. I slip into my strapless bra and panties that I brought just for this occasion and wrap myself in a thick, luxurious cashmere robe before walking back out to be transformed into a woman worthy of being on Hunter’s arm on the red carpet.

“I do believeour work here is finished.”

Three hours. It took three freaking hours to finish said work. I’m used to taking thirty minutes to slap on a little makeup and do something with my hair.

This was another experience altogether.

I have lashes. Not the kind you glue onto your eyelid. No, these have been added to my actual lashes. They should last several weeks, and if I choose to, I can start seeing someone to keep them filled in all the time.

We decided to leave my hair down because it’s thick, and if we did an up-do, there was concern that it would either look bridal or like I was going to the prom.

So, for several hours, someone stood behind me with a curling iron and carefully sculpted every strand.

I’ve just stepped into my dress and am itching to look in the nearby full-length mirror.

“Can I look now?” I ask.

“Don’t worry,” I’m assured, “we have smelling salts for when you faint. Just don’t mess up your hair.”

I laugh and walk over to the mirror. And then I just stand and stare.

“Is that me?”

“It’s all you. We just enhanced you.”

“Everyone out.”

It’s Hunter’s voice. There’s a bit of commotion around me, and then the door closes.

The air is charged.

I slowly turn around and see that Hunter, who was already the sexiest man alive, is wearing a black tux. What is it about muscled men in tuxes? It fits him like a damn glove.

It makes a girl salivate.


He doesn’t finish the sentence, he just stares, unblinking, taking me in from head to toe the way he did the first time he saw me.

“You look nice,” I say lamely, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

“I’ve swallowed my tongue,” he says at last and rubs his fingers over his lips. “For fuck’s sake, we can’t go tonight.”

“Why? Is this not appropriate?”

“I’ll kill them all.” I blink at him, and my stomach loosens a bit. “They’ll stare at you, want you, and I’ll have to murder them.”

“I think you’re safe from that.” I laugh and step to him, straightening his tie. “I’m glad you like it.”

“I don’t think I just like it.” He swallows hard. “What I’m feeling can’t be that simple.”

“It’s just a dress. And a super special necklace.”

“It’s the woman in them.” He grins. “I want to kiss you, but I don’t want to mess you up.”

“They left the tube of lipstick for me.”

The kiss is gentle. It always surprises me how tender he is with me given how strong and big he is.

Finally, he pulls back and sighs.

“We have to go. I have to share you with the world for a while. And then, I have some special things planned for later.”

“Good God, Hunter, I can’t take any more special plans. I’ll die of a heart attack.”

He laughs and passes me my clutch.

When we walk into the hallway, I’m surprised to see two men, two huge men, waiting for us.

I turn to Hunter and raise a brow.

“This is Sid and Harry. They’re our bodyguards for the night.”

“Wait, what? Why in the world do we need bodyguards?”

“Because Mr. Meyers is a very famous man. One who receives threats.” Sid nods, and we walk toward the elevator.

“But, why?”

“Because I beat people up for a living, babe.” Hunter winks at me. “And while I have no problem protecting myself, I won’t risk anything happening to you.”

I swallow hard and will the tears away.

I will not ruin this makeup masterpiece.

But I’m pretty sure I just finished falling head over heels in love with this man.

Once in the limo, I glance at Sid and Harry and then at Hunter.

“You can say anything,” Hunter assures me. “They’ve signed NDAs.”

“I’m just curious. I meant to say something on the plane but was distracted.” I grin. “If I’m the first woman you’ve brought to something like this, aren’t you worried about what the press will say?”

“Do I seem like the kind of man who worries about the press?”

“No.” I laugh but then shrug. “But they’ll ask questions. What will you say when they ask you who I am?”

He takes my hand and kisses my fingers. “I’ll tell them the truth. That you’re someone who means a lot to me, and that I’m grateful you agreed to accompany me this evening. That’s all they need to know, Maeve. What happens between you and me is our business. Now, we’re almost there. We’ll walk the red carpet. Don’t worry, I’ll coach you through it.”

“Oh, no big deal. Just the red carpet.”

Sid’s lips twitch with humor.

“All you have to do is smile. I’ll be with you the whole time, of course.”

“So, you’re nominated tonight,” I say, needing to talk to keep my nerves somewhat calm. “What else are you doing? Are you presenting?”

“I’m presenting the Kobe Bryant Lifetime Achievement Award,” he says. “So, I spent some time while you were getting ready going over the speech. And I thought I should put together some words just in case I win something.”

“It surprises me that you’re nominated, given you’re retired.”

“I’ve only been retired for about four months,” he says. “So, I was still eligible for this year’s nominations.”

“You’ll win.” I squeeze his hand. “Now that you are retired, are you going to miss all of this?”

“More than you’ll ever know.” He glances out the window of the limo.

“Then why retire?”

“That’s a conversation for another time.” He kisses my hand once more as the car comes to a stop. Sid and Harry climb out first, and it’s just a sea of flashing bulbs and lights and so many people.

Hunter exits the car, much to the crowd’s delight. He nods, then turns back for me, extending his hand as he helps me up.

We pause and wait as flashbulbs go off and people gather around to take our photo, and then we’re ushered onto the red carpet to make way for the next limo.

“We just stop on the black marks,” Hunter whispers in my ear.

The red carpet looks so glamorous on TV. But it’s just a long stretch of carpet with ropes along the front so the photographers and interviewers can’t get too close. We stop every twenty feet or so to pose, smile, and answer a couple of questions.

When we get to an ESPN reporter that I recognize, Hunter leads me to him and smiles at the other man.

“Hey, man,” Hunter says and shakes his hand. “It’s good to see you.”

“You’re looking dapper as always,” the other guy says. I can’t remember his name. Alan? Kevin? “And who is this?”

“This is my date, Maeve O’Callaghan,” Hunter says, introducing me. “Maeve, this is Stephen A. Smith.”

“Nice to meet you,” I reply and suddenly have a microphone in my face.

What in the hell do I do now?

“Maeve O’Callaghan,” Stephen A. says with a grin. “I do believe you’re the first date I’ve seen with this guy.”

I simply smile back at him.

“How do you know each other?”

I glance at Hunter who just grins down at me.

“I sold him a house,” I say simply. “It’s not a terribly exciting story.”

We’re being cued to move on, so Stephen A. says his goodbyes, and then we’re ushered into an auditorium.

We’re seated in the front row.

Next to Vanessa Bryant.

Kobe’s widow is absolutely stunning in a white dress and diamonds that sparkle almost as brightly as the bulbs that flashed on the carpet.

She’s seated on the other side of Hunter, and they say hello to each other before she smiles at me. She’s so welcoming; I’m taken off guard.

“Just flag me down if you need help,” she assures me. “For the most part, it’s boring. But I’ll be here when Hunter has to go do his thing.”

“Thank you so much,” I say with a smile.

“I have to go say hello to someone,” Hunter says and kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

“O’Callaghan. I love that name,” Vanessa continues. “You’re not, by any chance, related to Kane O’Callaghan, are you?”

“He’s my brother,” I confirm with a proud smile.

“Oh, that’s so great. I have several of his pieces in my home. What do you do, Maeve?”

“I sell real estate and help out in our family-owned pub. It’s not terribly glamorous, but it’s a lot of fun.”

She leans over as if she’s about to tell me a secret. “Glamorous is overrated. Fun matters. Also, before he comes back, I just have to tell you that you and Hunter make a gorgeous couple.”

“Thanks.” I glance over to where Hunter is chatting with a man I recognize and then realize it’s a football player. And not just any player. Will Montgomery. “Oh, gosh. Will’s here! I’m so sorry, Vanessa, please excuse me.”

“Of course.”

I hurry over to the two men and grin when Will sees me.

“You’re here,” I say with excitement and am swept up in a big hug. “Where’s Meg?”

“In the bathroom. I wish they’d serve food at these things.”

I laugh and shake my head. Will is known as being the food lover of the family. He’s always hungry.

“I didn’t realize that you two knew each other,” Will says and raises an eyebrow at my date.

“We haven’t known each other long,” I reply and slip my hand into Hunter’s. “I thought for sure it would have made its way through the family gossip line by now because Jules and Nat helped me pick out this dress.”

“No one tells me anything,” Will says and grins when his wife joins him.

“Oh my God, Maeve,” Meg says and reaches out to hug me. “Holy shit, the girls were right. You’re stunning in this dress.”

“You knew?” Will demands.

“Yeah, and I told you. Twice. But you never listen to me.”

The lights dim, and Hunter squeezes my hand.

“We’d better grab our seats.”

“Will we see you at the after-party?” Meg asks.

“No,” Hunter says before I can reply. “We have other plans.”

“Girls’ night,” I remind Meg as we start to walk away. “As soon as possible.”

“I’m so there, girl.”

We make our way back to our seats, and I’m surprised to discover that a lot of what happens at awards shows is waiting. For commercials, for things to get set up. But it’s also fascinating and so much more exciting in person.

Will Montgomery, to my absolute shock, is hosting the show. I glance back at Meg, who just grins at me and sits back to enjoy Will’s fun banter and jokes. He’s handsome and funny, and perfect for the show.

“I have to go backstage,” Hunter whispers to me. “I’m presenting the next award.”

“Okay. Good luck.”

He kisses my cheek, and then he’s gone. Ten minutes later, he’s onstage to present the Kobe Bryant Lifetime Achievement Award.

Hunter is an amazingly good public speaker. He’s poised, his voice is clear, and he doesn’t seem to be nervous at all.

And when all is said and done, and he returns to his seat, Vanessa gives Hunter a long, tight hug.

“Thank you,” she murmurs to him.

“It’s my absolute honor,” Hunter replies.

Soon, the category of fighter of the year is introduced. I clasp Hunter’s hand and hold my breath until they announce Hunter Meyers as the winner.

He glances down at me, grins, and kisses me square on the mouth for the cameras to see before walking up on stage to accept the award.

“Thank you,” he says. “This means more than you know.”

He keeps it that simple and is escorted off the stage.

Another hour goes by before the last award of the evening, athlete of the year, is introduced.

Again, I take his hand and hold my breath.

“And the ESPY goes to…Hunter Meyers.”

Hunter looks genuinely surprised this time when he looks down at me, kisses me once more, and then climbs the steps of the stage to accept his award.

“I honestly wasn’t expecting this,” he admits when the applause dies down. “You know, I made the decision last year to retire from MMA because I have a daughter who needs me. I love this industry. It’s been a part of who I am for more than twenty years. But Rachel is my heart, so I have to thank her first for putting up with me. My parents are the best people in the world, and I couldn’t have had the career I did without their help and support.”

He swallows hard and then looks down at me. What in the world could he thank me for? I didn’t even know him when he was fighting.

“I’m starting a new chapter in my life, and sometimes new chapters can be scary. Even for brawlers like me. But there’s a woman with me tonight that has shifted my world for the better.”

He winks at me, and I grin back at him.

“Thank you, everyone, for this honor.”

He nods and is then escorted off the stage.

“Wow,” Vanessa says and grins at me. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

The camera is still on me, so I just clap and smile, wishing we were already alone.