Flirt With Me by Kristen Proby

Chapter 14


He’s been gone for only five hours, and so far, everything is just fine. I know Hunter was on the fence about leaving with all of the new Carla drama going on, but after I assured him once again that we’d be fine, he finally agreed to go.

I had breakfast with Rachel this morning. She wasn’t thrilled that her dad wouldn’t change his stance on the car situation.

There’s nothing at all that I can do about that.

But I was happy to lend an ear and try to be the voice of reason. Unfortunately, I think kids are deaf to the voice of reason at her age.

I just finished showing two houses to a nice couple from Nebraska. If I had to guess, I’d say they’ll go for the first one. I need to swing by my house to see how things are progressing with my roof before going back to Hunter’s to check on Rachel.

I shouldn’t have stopped by my place. All it does is depress me. The contractors have replaced the tarps my brothers, Cam, and Hunter pieced together with a big black one to keep all moisture out, but there’s been no real progress on the actual structural repairs.

It doesn’t even feel like home anymore.

I only spend a few minutes there and then head back to Hunter’s to see what Rachel’s up to. We both have today off from the pub, which is unusual. In fact, it’s going to be just the guys at O’Callaghan’s tonight because the girls are all coming to Hunter’s for our party.

It was nice of Keegan to insist that he could handle things with the help of our brothers and Da. Ma said she would be perfectly fine in the kitchen.

That’s the difficult thing about a family-run business. It’s hard to include everyone in things because someone has to work at the pub.

So far, we’ve been able to figure it out.

I pull into the driveway and scowl at the MINI Cooper parked in front of the garage. Hunter made it clear to both Rachel and me last night that he doesn’t want Carla here while he’s gone.

And yet, here she is.


I walk inside and toss my bag onto the counter, then follow the laughter coming from upstairs. I find Rachel and her mom in Rachel’s room, hanging a new set of curtains.

There’s a new comforter on the bed, and a different rug on the floor.

All very different from what Rachel and I picked out together just a couple of weeks ago.

I lean on the doorjamb, cross my arms over my chest, and clear my throat.

They both turn my way.

Carla’s gaze hardens, and her chin stiffens. She knows she shouldn’t be here. She knows she’s just stirring the pot.

And she seems damn pleased with herself.

“Isn’t this awesome?” Rachel asks with a smile. “Mom thought I needed bolder colors in here, so she bought me all new stuff. Isn’t that nice?”

I force a smile in return. “It’s great. I like the navy blue. Carla, can I speak to you for a moment, please?”

I walk out of the room and hear Carla say, “I wonder what the wicked witch wants,” making Rachel giggle.

What a bitch.


“Hunter doesn’t want you here.” I don’t mince words or try to be nice. There’s no reason to. “I’m sure you already know that.”

“I’m her mother.”

“You don’t live here,” I remind her. “So, technically, you’re trespassing. I don’t want to make things horrible for Rachel and call the police, but I will. I have no problem doing that at all, actually. Because he does. Not. Want you here.”

“He’s just an ass,” she hisses. “Such a controlling ass.”

“Even if that’s true, which it isn’t, this is his property. Not yours.”

“You just love this, don’t you, you little gold digger?” She bares her teeth and leans in. “The sex is great, isn’t it? Best there fucking is. But he’ll cast you aside just like he did me. And I want to be front-row-center, watching with my own eyes when it happens. He’s not in love with you, no matter how many charming, mushy speeches he gives.”

“Are you done?”

“You’re nothing.” She points her finger at me. “Nothing but white trash.”

“You need to go.” I’m proud of how calm I sound when everything in me wants to slap this bitch across the face.

She whirls back to Rachel’s room.

“Well, darling, I think I need to go ahead and go. I have lots of errands to run. Of course, you’re welcome to come with me if you’d like. We can hang out together, just you and me. Make it a slumber party.”

Rachel’s eyes light up, and she turns to me.

“You don’t need to ask her,” Carla says. “She’s not your dad.”

Rachel frowns with uncertainty. “Still, I’m here with her. What do you think, Maeve?”

“Let me call your dad real quick, okay?”


I step out once more and call Hunter’s cell phone.

“What happened?”

“Nothing.” I smile and shake my head. “This is literally the only time I’ll interrupt you. I’m about to make a decision, and I want to make sure it isn’t the wrong one.”

“What’s up?”

“Rachel wants to stay the night with Carla. I don’t mind if she does, but I also don’t mind if you say no.”

He sighs on the other end of the line. “Let her go. Jesus, I hope this fiasco ends soon. She’s never stuck around this long.”

“I’ll tell her. Now, don’t worry about a thing. Go. Enjoy your time in Vegas—well, don’t enjoy it too much.”

“It’s all work, babe. You and I will come together sometime and really enjoy it.”

“It’s a date. Okay, talk to you later.”

I turn back to Rachel’s room in time to see Carla opening Rachel’s shirt just a bit to show off more cleavage.

“There you go. Show what your mama gave you, girl.”

Rachel blushes.

I want to rush over and fix her shirt.

“Your dad is cool with it,” I say instead.

“Awesome,” Rachel says with a grin. “I’ll be home tomorrow way before my shift starts at the pub.”

“Sounds good to me.”

I walk the two to the front door and keep an eye on them, making sure that it’s Carla who gets behind the wheel to drive away.

When they’re out of sight, I lean against the closed door and sigh.

I don’t trust Carla.

But I trust Rachel. And she has my number.

In fact, just to be sure, I shoot Rachel a text.

Me: Hey, just to remind you, I’m here if you need ANYTHING. Just a phone call away.

I watch as the three little balls bounce on my screen as she replies. But when the reply comes, it’s just a heart.

At least she saw it and knows I’m here.

“She bought the kid a car?”Jules asks with a stunned and disgusted look in her blue eyes as she sips her lemon drop martini. “Just out of the blue, without talking to Hunter first?”

“That’s right.” I shake my head and set a charcuterie platter on the kitchen island.

I love that there’s so much chatter, so much life happening in this house. When I daydreamed about buying it, I always pictured it as the perfect place to host parties.

Of course, it’s not my house, but it’s awesome, nonetheless.

Maggie and Lexi are mixing the lemon drops. Nat, Jules, and Meg are sitting with me at the island, while Anastasia, Amelia, and Izzy tour the house.

“I bet he was damn pissed,” Jules says.

“Oh, very. He made her take it back.”

“Good,” Natalie chimes in. “It was inappropriate. I’d be mad, too. Do you really think she’s just here because she’s jealous of you?”

“I do,” Maggie says as she reaches for some salami and a cracker. “You should have seen the look in her eyes when she saw Maeve at the pub. If looks could kill, Maeve would be cremated and in the ground.”

“It’s so weird,” Jules says and pops an olive into her mouth. “They were never super serious, according to what Nate told me. And then she left the baby with Hunter. Why get jealous now?”

“Because this is his first public relationship,” Meg Montgomery says as she refills her martini glass. “And it has to hit right in the pride that he introduced Maeve to the world at the ESPYs, and said such nice things in his speech. He’s happy. He’s doing great. He has a sexy girlfriend, a good relationship, and an awesome daughter. Things that she didn’t even know she wanted until Hunter got them first.”

“Does she want a sexy girlfriend?” I ask with a grin. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

“You know what I mean,” Meg says with a laugh.

“Oh, so you’re saying she’s vindictive,” Nat says with a nod, thinking it over. “I see that. It’s pretty crappy and makes her a bad human being, but I see it.”

“Let’s talk about Hunter,” Amelia, Anastasia’s sister, says as they all join us for food and cocktails. “Specifically, the sex.”

“Oh, good idea.” Jules sips her drink and grins. “It’s crazy good, isn’t it? I mean, not that I know from experience. Nate would kill me, and I don’t have a death wish. Hunter just moves like he’d be stellar in bed.”

I bite my lip and feel my cheeks flush. The women all bust up laughing.

“Orgasms,” Natalie says, holding up her glass in a toast. “The best thing there is.”

“I think I’ll text Nate and let him know that I’m gonna need some orgasms later,” Jules says.

“Do you think Nate doesn’t know?” Natalie quips.

“Where is Nate?” I ask. “I thought you guys were all staying on the island tonight.”

“We are,” Amelia says. “All the guys came. They’re hanging out at the pub. Then we’ll all meet up for kid-free sexy time later.”

“Nice.” I grin at her and glance over at Izzy, who looks amazing, but a little tired. “And how’s our new mama? You look great, Iz.”

“Thanks. I’m exhausted. Baby is up crying all the time. I feel like a horrible mother because I can’t get her to settle down. I’ve tried everything. She’ll only sleep for Keegan.”

“That sucks,” Jules says and pats Izzy’s back. “Colic is the worst. She’ll grow out of it. Have you named her?”

“No. Keegan and I are usually on the same page when it comes to just about everything, but we can’t agree on this. I told him we have until the end of the month to figure it out. Her name can’t be Baby forever.”

“I heard you delivered really fast,” Meg says. “I’m fascinated. Tell me everything.”

“My doctor suspects I was laboring all week, and that last day, my body was like, yep. We’re doing this. But because it just felt similar to how I felt all week, I didn’t think it was different. Boy, was I wrong. I had her less than thirty minutes after my water broke.”

“I’d take that,” Anastasia says. “I was in labor forever.

“We’re old,” I announce. “We’re talking about childbirth on our girls’ night.”

“Let’s go back to orgasms,” Natalie suggests.

I turn when the front door suddenly opens. “Rachel?”

She comes staggering inside. She’s pale, her lips are bright pink, and not from gloss or lipstick.

“Rachel, what’s wrong? Did your mom drop you off?”

“Walked.” She rubs her head. “I don’t feel so good.”

Meg steps in and examines Rachel’s eyes. “Dilated. Her pulse is a bit fast. I don’t have my blood pressure cuff with me. Sweetie, did you ingest something? Have you been drinking?”

Rachel’s eyes fill with tears. “Didn’t mean to. Mom made daiquiris for her and Danny. Then she made me one without alcohol. They started acting really weird. Like, gross. And I wanted to come home, so I walked, but then I started feeling weird.”

“What did she put in the drinks?” Meg asks, and we lead Rachel to a couch. “Do you know?”

“She said something about an edible. Whatever that means.”

I sigh and close my eyes. Oh, you sweet, innocent girl.

“Shit,” Jules mutters. “Do we need an ambulance?”

“I don’t think so,” Meg says. “She needs to sleep off the high.”

“Is this what it feels like to be high? Because it sucks. Why do people do this?” Rachel’s eyes fill with tears. “My dad’s gonna kill me. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“He’s not going to be mad at you,” I assure her. “It’s not your fault. Why didn’t you call me? You didn’t have to walk.”

“Forgot my phone.” She blinks slowly. “This is the weirdest thing. I think I’m sleepy.”

“She’ll be hungry in a bit,” Natalie murmurs.

“Let’s put you to bed,” Maggie suggests, and we take her upstairs. Meg comes along to continue to monitor her, and when we have her all tucked in, and Rachel is snoring peacefully, we walk out, leaving the door open so I can hear her.

“You have to call Hunter,” Maggie says immediately when we return downstairs.

“He’s in the middle of a fight,” I remind her. “He’s on live television. I can’t just call him. Or even text him. She’s safe now and not in the hospital or anything. I’ll tell him when he gets back tomorrow.”

“He’s going to be seriously pissed,” Lexi adds.

“I think this is exactly the kind of thing that had to happen to get Carla to go,” I reply. “There’s no way he’ll let Rachel have anything to do with her now. It’s not safe.”

“What a horrible mother,” Izzy says, shaking her head. “And trust me, I know what a bad mother is. Intimately. My mom sucks, big-time. But she’d never do something like that.”

“I don’t envy you tomorrow,” Jules says. “He’s not going to be happy.”

“It’s not like he’s going to punch the walls or something,” I reply. “But yeah, he’ll be angry. And he should be.”

“Keep an eye on her tonight,” Meg says. “She should just sleep it off and wake up fine tomorrow. If I’m interpreting what she said correctly, it sounds like Carla the moron made the drinks with the cannabis for her and whoever Danny is first, and then made the virgin one for Rachel with residual stuff still in the blender.”

“She’s not a terribly smart baby mama, is she?” Lexi asks.

“The good thing about that is, there shouldn’t have been much in Rachel’s drink. Just enough to knock her out for a while.”

Meg runs down the list of what to do if things go bad, and then we wrap up the party early.

It’s hard to be silly and have fun when my boyfriend’s fifteen-year-old minor just came home high after spending time with her mom.

I lock up, clean the kitchen, and then go up to check on Rachel.

She’s turned on her side and is still sleeping well. She looks so young. So sweet.

I’m afraid to leave her.

What if there was too much in that drink and she starts to have serious issues from it?

I can’t leave her.

So, I lie down next to her and keep an eye on her. Listen to her breathe. I smooth my fingers through her hair when she whimpers.

“It’s okay, honey. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I want my daddy.”

“I know. He’ll be home in the morning. But we’re okay, you and me. I’ve got you.”

“Glad.” She licks her lips but doesn’t open her eyes. “Glad you’re here. Don’t leave us, okay?”

“I’m not going to leave you.”

“Messed up.”

I cup her cheek, my heart breaking for her. “It wasn’t your fault, Rach. Honest. I know you’ve been in trouble in the past for things that were your fault, but this isn’t one of them. You’re not in trouble. I just hate that you were alone and that you walked home. I would have come to get you. I love you so much.”

Her lips tip up. “Love you. It sounds real when you say it. Not like her.”

I feel a tear fall from the corner of my eye. “It’s real.”

She’s quiet for a long moment, and I think maybe she’s gone back to sleep, but then she says, “Can I have Grandda’s number?”

I grin. “Sure, but he’s not very good with his phone.”

“I’ll teach him. He’s my favorite.”

“I think you’re his favorite, too. Don’t worry, we won’t tell the others.”

I didn’t sleep much,but I didn’t expect to. I just lay next to Rachel, listening to her breathe. She slept all night. Didn’t even make a peep.

She was fine.

But I was paranoid.

At one point, I opened her window so I could hear the ocean and then just lay there and daydreamed a bit. It was peaceful.

But now, it’s time to get up and get started on the day. Intending to let Rachel sleep in, I slip from the bed and reach for my phone, but frown when it’s not within reach.

I must have forgotten it downstairs last night.

I walk down, flip on the coffee maker, and reach for my cell.

I have two texts from Hunter, and one missed call.

Hunter: Hey! Are you still awake?

That one was just past midnight, probably when he got back to his room after the fight.

The next one was this morning.

Hunter: Good morning, beautiful. I’m headed back to the island earlier than planned. I miss my girls, and there’s nothing for me here in Vegas. I should be there no later than nine. See you soon!

I glance at the clock. It’s already past eight.

This is good news. I’m ready to sit down with Hunter and tell him what happened with his daughter yesterday.


I turn at the sound of Rachel’s voice and smile softly at the teenager.

“Well, good morning sunshine.”

She scratches her head and yawns. “I dreamed you were in my bed all night.”

“I was in your bed all night.” I cross to her and wrap my arms around her for a hug. “How do you feel?”

“Pretty much normal,” she says. “Hungry. Can we invite your parents over for breakfast?”

I raise a brow. “Really?”

Rachel nods. “Yeah. I think it would be nice.”

“Sure. I’ll give them a call. Maybe you should go hop in the shower. It might help you feel even better.”

“Good idea.” She turns to head for the stairs, then turns back to me. “Hey, Maeve?”

“Yes, sweetie?”

“Thank you.”

I nod as I reach for my phone so I can call my parents. “You’re welcome.”