Flirt With Me by Kristen Proby

Chapter 16


Someone is licking my neck.

I grin and remember all of the mornings that my brother’s dog, Murphy, woke me up by licking my toes.

But he’s never licked my neck.

I crack open an eye and find Hunter nuzzling me, his hand gliding over my skin from hip to breast and back again. Good God, the things this man can do with his hands should be illegal in at least four states.

Maybe five.

“Good morning.” His voice is gruff with sleep. The light stubble on his cheek scratches over my skin.

It’s not unpleasant in the least.

“Morning. I thought you were Murphy.”

He lifts his head and scowls down at me. “Who the fuck is Murphy?”

“My brother’s dog.”

His eyes narrow. “You thought I was a dog?”

I giggle and play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I was sleeping really hard. I wasn’t in my right mind.”

“I’m going to keep you out of your right mind for a while,” he promises and goes back to trailing kisses down my chest to one nipple. My back bows in invitation, and I moan when his hand finds its way between my legs. “Do you like that, babe?”

“You know I do.” My voice is breathy now, and my skin heats as he covers me and settles himself between my legs.

“You’re too beautiful in the morning,” he murmurs. “I couldn’t resist you.”

“You’ve always been charming.” I grin and then sigh when he glides the head of his cock over my slick lips. “Waking up like this does not suck.”

“I was hoping you’d feel that way.” His lips are gentle on mine as he sinks inside of me. He braces his elbows on the bed, his fingers tangling in my hair as he starts to move. “I can’t get enough of you, Maeve. I want you constantly. I crave you.”

The words are an aphrodisiac all on their own. My body is on fire.

“All of this, every delectable inch of you, is mine, Maeve O’Callaghan.” His eyes pin mine, his gaze intense. “Do you understand?”


I grip his ass and urge him to move faster, but he maintains his lazy, slow pace. I’m pretty sure he’s trying to drive me absolutely insane.


“No.” He bites my chin. “I’m enjoying you.”

“Enjoy me faster.”

He smiles against my neck. God, I love it when he does that.

“That’s totally against the whole point of lazy morning sex.”

I gasp when he grinds the root of his cock against my clit, and that little piece of metal from heaven hits me in just the right spot, making me see stars.

“Holy shit,” I mumble.

“That the spot?”

“Oh, holy shit.” I fist the linens and lift my legs. When he slides out, slow as can be, and then inside once more, I see more stars and completely explode.

“Fuck, yes,” he says, his body tight with the tension of his release.

“I really have to express my gratitude,” I swallow hard as he rolls to the side. “For the immense discomfort you must have gone through to get that piercing. Because holy hell, it does something for me.”

He laughs and scratches his fingers over the stubble on his chin. “It was a nightmare back in the day. Hurt like a bitch, and took about six months to heal.”

“Good God, I would have taken it out.”

“Well, what would have been the point of that? I just would have gone through the pain for nothing. Once it healed, it was fine.”

“I can’t even have earrings in my ears.” I yawn into my hand. “They get infected.”

“Haven’t I seen you in earrings?” he asks.

“They’re clip-ons.” I sit up and let the sheet fall around my waist, exposing my breasts to the cool morning air.

Hunter leans over to circle my nipple with the tip of his tongue and then draws it between his teeth but doesn’t bite down hard.

“I need to get ready,” I tell him.

“For what?”

“I have three showings this morning, and then I have to work at the pub this evening.”

“That’s a long day,” he comments as I stand from the bed and begin gathering the clothes I plan to wear today. “Are you still okay with it?”

“With what? Working a full day?”

“I guess.”

I glance over at him. “What’s the alternative?”

“I’m just throwing it out there that you don’t have to work two jobs.”

“I didn’t have to before, Hunter. I like the pub, and I like to sell houses. I have time for both.”

“I’m just clarifying that it’s what you still want.”

“Yep. I enjoy it all.”

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower so the water can warm up. I’ve never considered giving up either of my jobs. Keegan needs me at the pub, and it’s only a few nights a week.

And real estate is my passion.

I’ll do both for as long as I possibly can.

Hunter strolls into the bathroom and wraps his arms around me from behind, kissing my neck as he steps into my hot shower.

“Hey! I had that running for me.

“Finders keepers.” He winks and tips his head back to wet his hair. “You’re welcome to join me.”

“I don’t have time for more fun.” I cross my arms over my naked chest and tap my toe. “You know, your work question kind of pissed me off.”

“Why?” He clears the steam from the shower door and frowns at me. “It was just a question. I don’t want you to burn out.”

“Because I’ve had the two jobs since before I met you. For quite a while, actually. And I juggle both just fine. I like it.”

“Then you should keep doing it. I just wanted to point out that you don’t have to if you’re doing it for financial reasons.”

“Do you think I’m poor because I work at the pub?”

“I don’t think you’re hurting,” he says, thinking it over. “That wasn’t my point.”

“I made over half a million last year from real estate,” I inform him. “I do just fine. I work at the pub because I enjoy my family. It’s that simple.”

“Wow, good for you.” Hunter clears the steam again and grins at me. “That’s awesome. You’re good at it.”

“Yes. I am. And even if I was struggling financially, I wouldn’t just assume that I could quit one of my jobs and live off you. I’m not a gold digger.

“Okay.” He opens the door, grabs my wrist, and yanks me into the shower with him. He presses me against the cool tile and tips up my chin. “That wasn’t some kind of fucked-up test, Maeve. I know who you are. You said you’d slept really well, and you look a little tired today. I only want to make sure you’re not burning out. End of story.”

“Sorry for getting prickly. I guess Carla’s comment pissed me off more than I realized.”

“Don’t let it. It doesn’t matter what she says or what she thinks.”

“You’re right.” He moves under the spray to rinse his hair. “Now, hurry up. I have work to do.”

“Do you have time to meet the builder with me today?” he asks, surprising me.

“Sure. What time?”

“In about an hour?”

I juggle some things around in my head. “Actually, that works. I have a showing only about a block from here. You know that blue house just down the street?”

“I know it.”

“I can come back here after that. Actually, do you mind popping in there when you’re ready for me?”

His eyes narrow on me. “You know I don’t mind, but why?”

“There’s something about this client that I don’t like. I’d like to have you there, just in case he turns out to be a creep.”

“I’ll be there.”

“As you can see,there’s no direct water view in this home, but you’re only a block away from beach access.”

“Hmm.” My client nods and continues circling the kitchen, his hands clasped behind his back, his creepy eyes moving back to me every few seconds.

I check the time. Hunter should be stopping by any minute.

“Did you want to see the garage?” I ask as he circles the island yet again.

“No, it’s not the garage that I’m interested in.”

“Uh, okay. You’ve been really quiet. I’m honestly not sure if you like the place or not.”

“I’m going to be frank.” He turns to me, and his gaze slithers up and down my frame, making me instantly feel physically sick. “I’d like to fuck you on this island.”

“That’s not included in the purchase price.”

“Oh, come on. We can work something out. I’ve seen you look at me. You want me, you little slut.”

“And…we’re done,” I announce, my heels clicking smartly on the hardwood as I march to the front door. “You can go fuck yourself.”

“Hey, I hired you. That means you do what I tell you to do.”

“No. It doesn’t.” I reach for the door, but before I can get my hand on the knob, he jerks me back by the hair and slams me against the wall. I bring my knee up but miss his balls by about two inches.

“You’re nothing but a tease,” he hisses.

“I haven’t been flirting with you, Dale. Let me go.”

There’s a knock on the door, and I immediately scream. Hunter slams the door open, and when he sees that Dale has me pinned against the wall, he pounces on the other man, punching him in the eye as he drags his ass outside.

Hunter tosses Dale toward the man’s car.

“Get the fuck out of here,” Hunter growls. “Before I fucking kill you.”

Dale scurries to his car, holding his right eye. Hunter turns back to me.

“Are you hurt?”


“Did he put his hands on you?”

“Just barely. It was mostly what he said. God, what a piece of shit. Thanks for coming.”

Hunter pulls me into his arms and holds on tight. “No more showing houses to single men alone.”

“I won’t,” I agree and take a long, deep breath. “I promise.”

It’s a Monday night,which means we’re busy with baseball lovers catching the game on our big-screen TVs and eating all of the good food out of the kitchen.

We’ve been going pretty much nonstop for a few hours, and Rachel looks exhausted. She’s been working like crazy over the past couple of weeks since Carla left, and life has settled down considerably. Rachel has her dad’s work ethic. There’s no doubt about it.

“Hey, why don’t you take a break?” I suggest. “Go sit at the bar and chat with Grandda for a few. Your feet are killing you.”

“How do you know?” Rachel asks.

“Because this isn’t my first rodeo. Go take a break. We can handle this.”

Rachel smiles gratefully and hops up onto a seat at the bar. My dad grins from ear to ear and pours her a root beer.

I hurry into the kitchen and am surprised to find only Maggie and Cameron.

Cameron curses under his breath and turns to leave.

“This conversation isn’t over, Mary Margaret,” he promises and storms out of the room.

I turn to my sister. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine. Everything’s fine. It’s all bloody fine.” She tosses her hands into the air and storms out after him, leaving me completely confused.

“Where is Shawn?”

“I’m here,” Shawn says and walks out of the refrigerator, carrying bags of fries. “I wanted to give them some privacy.”

“What were they saying?”

Shawn turns and stares at me. “How should I know? I was giving them privacy.”

“You’re really bad at this,” I inform him before I pull my order out from under the warmer and load my tray.

I’ve just stepped out from the kitchen when I see that Carla is walking over to Rachel with a big, muscular man in tow.

Jesus, what is she doing here? There’s been nothing from her, zero contact, for weeks. Why is she back?

I set the tray down and pull out my phone to text Hunter.

Me: Need you at the pub ASAP. Carla’s here.

I hurry over in time to hear Carla greet Rachel.

“Hey there, darling. I haven’t heard from you. I was getting worried.”

“I’m not supposed to talk to you,” Rachel says, her voice low. She won’t look her mother in the face. She’s hunched over, staring down at the bar.

“Well, that’s just silly. I’m your mama.”

My dad steps closer. “The lass just told you she isn’t to speak with you. I’d appreciate it if you’d leave my pub.”

Rachel swallows hard.

“Are you going to let this old, stupid man tell me what to do?” Carla demands of Rachel, and the teenager immediately stands up out of her chair, fury radiating off of her in waves.

“Don’t you dare talk about my family that way,” Rachel says, getting in her mom’s face. “He’s not an old man. He’s a wonderful man, and I love him. And he loves me. For real. Not like you. I don’t want anything to do with you and your trashy boyfriend. I want you to go. Just go.”

Suddenly, Danny grips Rachel’s arm above the elbow and pushes his face into hers. “Don’t you ever talk to your mom that way again, you little ungrateful bitch.”

Keegan jumps over the bar, and Cameron reaches over to grab Danny by the collar, but the man is suddenly walking backwards, though not under his own power.

Hunter’s dragging him.

We all follow to see what will happen, and I pray that I don’t have to call the police—or an ambulance.

“If you ever touch my daughter again, I’ll end you,” Hunter says, his voice steely and calm.

Danny holds his hands out at his sides. “Go ahead and punch me, you chickenshit.”

“You’re not worth it. If either of you comes back inside, we’ll call the police. And I’ll be getting a restraining order,” Hunter informs Carla. “Don’t ever come back on this island.”

“I’ll sue you!” Carla rails. “I’ll take you for everything you’ve got!”

We all ignore her and walk back into the pub where Rachel’s wiping away tears and talking to my father.

She didn’t follow us outside.

“Did you kill him?” Rachel asks her dad. “Oh, God, I don’t want you to go to jail.”

“No.” Hunter kisses her head. “They’re leaving. I’ll get some legal paperwork going as soon as I leave here.”

“Come on now, lass,” Dad says to Rachel. “Let’s go see what kind of cake Fiona made today. That always makes everything a wee bit better.”

The two of them, with their heads together, walk back to the kitchen.

“It’s really sweet,” Maggie says, watching them, “how cute they are together. Two peas in a pod. And she just stood right up for him when that asshole insulted Da.”

“They love each other,” I say simply.

“I don’t rememberthe last time we had a quiet night in,” I say a week later. All three of us are home, sitting in the game room upstairs.

I’m reading a book, and Hunter challenged Rachel to a game of ping-pong.

It’s all so…normal.

“Can I go to the movies with Charity tomorrow night?” Rachel asks as she volleys the little white ball back to her dad.

“Who’s Charity?”

“The girl I met at the pub. She came in yesterday with her parents for dinner. She’s in my grade, and she seems cool. I need to make new friends.”

Hunter glances at me. “Do you know Charity?”

“I’ve seen her around town quite a bit. I know she volunteers at the animal shelter in the summer. Maggie was considering a kitten, and we saw her there.”

“Okay, I suppose you can go.” Rachel wins the set and makes her father scowl. Before they can start another match, Hunter’s phone rings. “It’s my agent.”

He sets the paddle down and answers.

“Hello.” Hunter’s eyebrows lower in a scowl. “You’re kidding. Yeah, yeah, I’m looking.”

He grabs the remote and turns on the TV, flipping the channel to ESPN.

There’s Danny, sitting at a table, answering questions.

“Look, the jerk gave me a black eye,” Danny says, pointing to his face.

“That’s a lie,” Hunter growls. “I didn’t fucking hit him, but I sure as hell should have.”

“And,” Danny continues, “I’d like to settle this like gentlemen. In the ring. I want Meyers to come out of retirement for one last fight.”

“Do you think he’ll accept?” a reporter calls out.

“I don’t know,” Danny says. “He’s been a bit of a pansy these last few years. We’ll see if he’s up for the challenge.”

“Fuck him!” Hunter exclaims. “I’m in. Arrange it.”

Hunter cuts off the call and tosses his phone on the couch.

“You don’t have to take his bait,” I point out calmly.

“He just challenged me on national television. What would you have me do?”

“I’m just saying, if you don’t want to fight him, you don’t have to.”

“Oh, trust me, I want to beat that asshole’s face in. I’ll take great pleasure in it.”

I stand and pace the room. “Listen, I know that you made fighting a living. The sport of fighting. This is something else entirely. This isn’t a fight for sport, it’s a vendetta.”

“I never should have retired,” Hunter mutters and rubs his hand down his face. “I wasn’t ready.”

“You retired for Rachel,” I remind him and look at the girl who’s watching us with avid curiosity.

“Partly,” he agrees. “But mostly it was because the doctors told me if I got one more concussion, I might not recover from another brain injury.”

I stare at him, stunned. “You never told me that.”

“It’s not a secret. I just didn’t mention it.”

“So you’re saying if you get another brain injury, you could die from it?”

“Or be a vegetable.” He pushes his hands through his hair in agitation. “Trust me, that asshole won’t hit my head.”

“You don’t know that. This isn’t worth risking your life for.”

He narrows his eyes at me.

“Are you saying that if I do this, you won’t support me?”

I growl in frustration and shake my head. “No. I’m not saying that. I’ll support you no matter what. I am saying that I want you to really think this over and not just jump in headfirst because of a knee-jerk reaction.”

Hunter licks his lips. “Maeve, I love you. And I hear you. But I’m doing this. Because, yes, this is personal. I want it.”

“Well, then, I guess that’s that.” I blow out a nervous breath. I want to talk him out of it. I want to beg him not to do this. But I see the determination written all over his face, and I know that he’s made up his mind.

I don’t want to lose him.

It’s beentwo weeks since Danny challenged Hunter to a fight. Two weeks of Hunter working out and training like a man possessed. The gym is just a shell, not yet sheetrocked and finished, but Hunter had equipment hauled in so he could begin to use it immediately.

He’s out in that gym more than he’s anywhere else. And that includes spending time with Rachel and me.

I walk out to the building and open the door, finding Hunter on the treadmill, sweat running down his torso in rivulets.

“Hey,” I say and wave to get his attention.

“Hi.” He slows down the treadmill and reaches for a white towel to wipe off his face. “What’s up?”

“Everyone will be here in about thirty minutes for Rachel’s party, remember?”

“Oh, shit. I lost track of time.” He checks his watch. “Sorry, I’ll hit the shower and get ready.”

He jumps off the treadmill, and I expect him to pull me close, and kiss me silly. But he doesn’t. He just smiles and walks right past me.

And it hurts my damn feelings.

But I have a party to host for a gorgeous sixteen-year-old, and she deserves to have a great day, so I make my way back to the house to finish getting ready.

Hunter makes good on his word and is just hurrying down the stairs when his parents ring the doorbell. It seems everyone arrives at once, and before long, we have a packed house, full of chaos and laughter.

It’s a balm to my nervous soul.

“What’s wrong?” Shawn asks when he gets me alone in the kitchen. I’m putting candles on the cake.

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, Maeve. I know you inside and out, and I can see that you’re a little miserable. What’s up? Does your house have more problems?”

“Always.” I chuckle and shake my head. “I’m worried about Hunter. And me, if I’m being honest. He’s so intent on this upcoming fight, it’s all he thinks about. He’s consumed with training, with the way he’s eating. Rachel said he’s never been this way before. It’s different this time. Not that I would know because this is the first fight I’ve seen him get ready for.”

“It’s a personal one this time,” Shawn says. He’s always the voice of reason. “The man hurt his daughter, Maeve. Put her in danger, and then had his hands on her at the pub. If it was me, or anyone else in our family, we’d do the same. You know that.”

“I’ve resolved myself to the fight,” I reply. “I understand why he needs to do it. I just hate feeling disconnected from him.”

“Talk to him.” Shawn pats my shoulder. “That’s all you can do. Talk it out. And give me some of that cake.”

“Rachel has to blow out the candles first.”

“Well, let’s get a move on because I saw Da eyeing it earlier as well.”

“What is it with this family and cake?”

It doesn’t take long before Rachel has blown out the candles, and while we all enjoy the vanilla cake with buttercream frosting, the birthday girl tears through her presents.

“A new phone,” she exclaims and smiles brilliantly at her father. “Thanks, Dad. Does this one have the tracking app on it, too?”

Hunter’s face turns into a scowl. “How did you know about that?”

“Duh. I know more about phones than you do.”

“Just leave the app on, and no one gets hurt.”

Rachel rolls her eyes, but everyone laughs. It’s been a fun party, and I can see by Rachel’s big smile that she feels special and loved.

That’s the goal.

And once everyone has left, and I’ve cleaned the kitchen, I go in search of Hunter to sit with him and have a talk.

I need to make sure that we’re okay.

But when I find him, Hunter is fast asleep on the bed, snoring not so peacefully.

He’s exhausted. Both physically and mentally. So, perhaps the best thing to do is bide my time over the next couple of weeks until after the fight is over, and then see how it goes.

I’m not usually a patient woman. But I want to support Hunter. I love him more than anything.