Konrad by LeAnn Ashers



Months Later

The second our baby was born, the life I knew was changed. The second I stared into Loretta’s eyes, I fell in love for the second time in my life.

The love I feel for her is something I can’t even describe. Life ends and begins with that sweet angel and her momma.

I loved seeing every single change in Etta’s body over the last year. I didn’t like seeing her so sick from the morning sickness though.

I kiss her forehead, rubbing her slightly rounded belly that’s still swollen from pregnancy as she cuddles Loretta to her chest.

She opens her eyes to look at me, full of happiness, the darkness and the shadows long gone from that night all those months ago.

It took a long time for all of the girls to recover from that. They were scared, especially the girls whose husbands were within the group, but no one who attacked the compound made it out alive that day.

“How is momma?” I ask, rubbing her stomach. Labor was hard for her. Loretta was a big baby, but she did it.

The door opens and Trey walks in carrying a tray. The second Trey found out Etta was having a baby, he devoted himself to taking care of her.

He was in the delivery room with me. I got to catch Loretta and it was an amazing experience, but it was one of the worst because it absolutely killed me knowing how much pain Etta was in the whole time.

“I’m still a little sore.” We just got home early this morning.

Loretta weighed ten pounds and she is the chubbiest, cutest baby I have ever seen. My mom is staying with us for the next couple of days to give Etta and me an extra break.

I help Etta sit up with Loretta when Trey puts down the tray for her and I see he made her a huge breakfast. “Eat up, you need to regain your strength and you’re taking a huge-ass nap after. Give me the baby.”

Etta and I laugh out loud knowing the whole reason he wants her to take a nap is because he wants to cuddle Loretta.

My mom sneaks her head in the door and she eyes Trey to see if he has the baby. “It’s my turn, Trey.”

I have never seen him glare at anyone the way he does my mom. He leans over and gently takes her. “She is mine right now,” he tells her bluntly.

My mom looks at me and then at Trey dramatically. “How dare you!” Trey slips past her with the baby and my mom chases after him, yelling the whole time about how it’s her turn to hold her.

The second they’re out of earshot, Etta and I burst out laughing at them. “Oh my God, that’s great.” She wipes under her eyes and I kiss her cheek. I love seeing her laugh.

The last few days have been rough for her. “I love you, darlin’.”

She smiles at me happily. “I love you, thank you for giving me this life and our precious baby.”

My heart is so fucking soft and gone for her.

I never thought someone could come along and fucking wreck me the way she has. She has completely taken my life and it’s hers, forever.

“You’re the one who made this life, angel. Without you I am nothing. I went over forty years without you in my life and I will never go another second without you.”

She tears up and I kiss her, her tears mingling with our kiss. Love is not easy, but it’s so worth it because she is worth everything.


Two Years Later

Today isthe day I’m putting an end to it all, the day I tell Etta it’s over. It’s not, because it isn’t over for me and it isn’t over for him.

I push open the door, ignoring the stench that I have gotten used to over the years.

“Hello, Michael, how are you today?” I say sadistically.

He doesn’t even acknowledge me. His mind left him a long time ago. He has had every bone broken in his body and he has become Liam’s test subject to test out new tortures.

What he did to Etta is unforgivable and death is not something that he should have had easily, no.

He deserved so much more and he got that.

He has been here in the dark, with enough food and water to just get by like he did her. After all of the pain he caused her, he has suffered it in his own way.

I could hear him screaming from the top of the stairs, hallucinating in the dark. He’s so pale that he glows.

It’s time to let the shit pass now. I walk up to him, my gun pressed against his forehead. “Say hi to the devil for me, fucker.” He doesn’t even blink.

I pull the trigger and he falls back on the floor in his own shit and piss. Now it’s over.

I turn around and don't look back.

Inside of the house I built for us, Etta is in the kitchen feeding Loretta her dinner and she turns around when she hears me walking in.

I smile at her little baby bump. I press my hand to it and give her a sweet kiss. “How was my girls’ day?” I ask them both.

Loretta gives me a toothy grin, spaghetti sauce covering her face and all in her hair. She is the spitting image of her mother and so beautiful. “Hi Daddy.” I will never grow tired of her calling me that.

“Hi Daddy,” Etta repeats, and I give her a heated look that lets her know I have plans for her later.

“We have a babysitter later, Daddy.” She changes her tone when she gets to Daddy.

“Oh really?” I reach around and squeeze her ass. I put my mouth up to her ear. “I can’t wait to eat my dinner later.”

I watch in satisfaction as she shivers.


The waitfor Trey to pick up Loretta was a killer. I handed her off and ran up the stairs, where I find Konrad sitting at the foot of the bed in a chair.

“Oh my God, this again?” I snort-laugh.

“Darlin’, I am starving. Get your ass on the bed.” He points and I hurry out of my clothes, lying down in front of him. “Yes, sir,” I moan in anticipation.

He grips my legs, sliding me down to where he wants me. He licks his lips and gives me a wicked grin. “Now sit still and let me feast.” His lips press against my inner thighs.

It’s straight torture before he does exactly what I want.

Fucking bliss.


Sixteen Years Old

“Dad! I need some money.”I shush Dylan behind me, banging on their bedroom door once again for them to answer.

Dad swings open the door and gives me a stink eye. “Where do you think you’re going, lady, at this hour?”

I smile, giving him my best smile that lets me get away with a lot of things. “Me and some of the kids are going to the movies. They’re outside right now.”

He walks to the window and looks out to see who I am talking about. I try not to roll my eyes because I only hang out with the rest of the MC kids.

He reaches into his pocket and hands me a hundred. “Don’t come back until midnight.” Then he walks into the bedroom once again and I hear mom squealing with laughter.

Dylan looks like he’s going to throw up and I feel exactly the same way, but I do hope that one day I find love like the love my parents have.

Author note: Don't worry, she finds the love of her life and her dad definitely does not approve.

You may have guessed it but Ronny and Olivia will be the first book in the next Generation Kids books.

Ronny Grim Sinners MC Next Generation Book One Coming in 2022

Next up is Lynn and Tristan <3

New series is coming - The Grim Sinners Rebels!

Gage - River coming soon



Forever Series

Protecting His Forever

Loving His Forever

Cherishing His Forever

Devil Souls MC Series





Kyle, Ryan, Jack Boxset Novella

Grim Sinners MC Series






Grim Sinners Originals



This series is under my paranormal pen name:

Teagan Wilde

Raleigh Texas Wolves


Brantley - Coming Soon