Tyrant Daddy by Isabella Starling

Chapter 17


By the time we get to Raphael's penthouse, I've managed to calm down a little. He sits me at the kitchen island and makes his famous hot chocolate. As I sip on the spicy beverage, I see he hasn't oversold it – it really is delicious.

"I hope Elise hasn't gotten to you."

I smile guiltily. "How did you know I was thinking about her?"

"I can read you like a book, trouble." He watches me with quiet interest, his inquisitive gaze making me get wet between the legs. "You don't need to worry about Elise. I'll call some favors in with an officer I know. We can get a restraining order."

"But I ruined her life."

"What do you mean?"

"This." I gesture at the beautiful apartment with gorgeous views. "I took all of this from her. And you. It's no wonder the woman hates me."

"Why are you worried about that? She's no longer part of my life."

"But she wants to be."

"That doesn't matter, she doesn't call the shots. I do."

"Okay," I mutter, nervously twirling a strand of hair around my finger. "I guess you're right."

"I'm always right, trouble. Now come here. Sit on my lap."

My skin prickles when he pats his knee. I pick myself up, leaving my mug on the counter as I get on his lap on the couch. His fingers comb through my hair and I stare into his eyes. I'm feeling so much right now, all these emotions making me weak in the knees yet weirdly stronger at the same time.

"I'm thinking about leaving LA," I whisper, my heart speeding into overdrive as I wait for Raphael's reaction. "I got accepted into Parsons, that school in NYC."

"Have you told your parents yet?"

Scrutinizing his expression for a reaction, I come up empty – unlike me, he never lets his feelings show. Frustrated, I ball my fists in my lap and look out the window at the beautiful skyline.

"I haven't, I don't think they'd like it."

"But you're telling me?"

I nod. "I want you to come with me."

"To Parsons?" He grins.

"No, to New York. Would you?" I look at him again, trying not to let my intense vulnerability show. "Mercy would come, too."

"What would I do in New York?" He trails his finger along my lips, making me gasp as he parts them.

"Be with me," I manage. "Start a family, maybe."

"A family?" He grins. "Already?"

"I want to be a young mom."

"I never knew that. How many kids do you want?"

I tap my finger against my chin. "Seven."

"Seven?" He laughs out loud. "Crazy girl."

"Why? How many do you want?"

"One for every year," he mutters, nuzzling my neck.

"I'm not a breeding machine!"

"Says who?" He grins at me wickedly. "God, I want you, trouble."

"What about New York?"

"I'll think about it. But even if you have to leave, we'll work something out. I don't want to be without you. We'll do it long distance or something."

My heart skips a beat. For some reason I thought when I brought this up, he'd want to end things with me. "Really?"

"Of course." Raphael cocks his head to the side. "You thought I would want to break up?"

I nod wordlessly.

"Never, trouble. We'll talk about it some more soon. But now... I can't keep my hands off you anymore."

"No?" I wink at him. "Sure you're not just interested in me because of my body?"

"I'd be an idiot if I didn't take advantage of everything you have to offer, Willa." He kisses a line down my neck. "Your body, your mind, your innocence, your intense emotions... it's all custom-made just for me to enjoy, isn't it?"

"Yes," I whisper breathlessly. "You have to touch me, Daddy."

"Touch you where?"

I guide his hand between my legs and his eyes widen as I push my panties to the side, pushing his pointer finger against my tight ass. "Here."

"Oh, you liked that, did you?" He smirks darkly at me. "You want to get your pretty little asshole fucked again?"

"Y-Yes." I swallow thickly. That was so fucking hard to admit, but it's the truth. I've been fantasizing about Raphael using me since we last did this. "Please, fuck it again."


I flush before turning my eyes to his, slowly rotating my hips on his lap until his finger gently enters me. I clasp my hands to his shoulders and exhale a loud sigh. It feels so dirty with his finger up there.

"Please, Daddy, will you fuck me there?"

"Say it properly, Willa. I want to hear you say it."

"Fuck my ass." I lick my lips, hungry for him to give me what I want. "Please, Daddy. I don't want to wait anymore. Please fuck my ass again."

"Naughty little girl," he mutters against my ear, pulling me in closer while his finger slowly stretches me, exploring every inch of me. "You love this, don't you? You fucking love letting me have all of you."

"All of me, yes," I breathe. "You can have it all, just don't stop, never stop..."

"I wonder if you can come from this," he grunts. "Let's see, shall we, trouble?"

My whimpers turn into moans as he continues exploring my tight little hole. "Please, Daddy..."

"You want to come?" He flicks my clit with his thumb and my pussy is suddenly on fire.

“God yes,” I nod, hiding my face in the crook of his arm. "Please, Daddy. I need it so bad..."

"Such a good girl," he says. "Already so damn eager to come, aren't you? Give me that orgasm. Let your tight little asshole come all over my fingers, trouble. I want to feel your hole clenching on my fingers." He pushes his thumb into my pussy and rubs it against the finger buried in my ass.

"Fuck, Raphael..."


“Daddy. Sorry, Daddy.”

“Clench,” he says and I do. With my head still buried in the crook of his arm, I clench around his finger and he slides both finger and thumb deep. I love the little moan he gives. Love it so much it makes my pussy flutter, makes me push for more.

"Good girl. Keep going. Keep getting closer. Tell me when you're on the edge."

It only takes him inserting two fingers knuckle-deep in my ass for me to gasp at the burning sensation.

"Good girl," he repeats. "Now stay there. Stay on the edge for me, feel it hurt."

"No," I whisper. "Fuck, no, I want to come now..."

"Not yet." He curls up his fingers inside me, eliciting a long groan from my parted lips. "Not just yet, trouble, keep suffering for me like this. You look so fucking pretty when you're this close..."

"N-No!" I struggle on his lap. "Let me, I want it now!"

"And you will get it, but not yet." He starts fucking me with his fingers, gently at first, then harder and harder. "You can't come without my permission. You know it's true."

I can merely cry out in response, knowing full-well just how right he is.

"Feel my cock getting hard for you," Raphael growls. And I do. Beneath his trousers, his cock is fighting to get free.

"I need it," I manage. “Please, Daddy.”

"No. Not today."

"Why not?"

"Because you're getting addicted, trouble." He smirks. "Don't deny it."

"I'm... I... No..."

"It'll be that much sweeter when I do let you have it. Now come for me."

His unexpected command makes me spasm on his fingers and he fucks me fast, the orgasm easily overtaking me, making me see stars as it rocks my body in waves and trembles. I cry out his name followed by Daddy again and again as I slowly come down from the most explosive orgasm I've ever felt. I shudder as he pulls his fingers from me.

"Such a good girl..." Raphael kisses me softly before pulling me closer. "Fuck, I don't want you to leave."

I nuzzle against him, muttering, "I have to, soon. It's Dove's birthday. We're celebrating."

"Fuck." He clings on to me as if he can't bear the thought of letting me go. "I'll miss you. When can I have more, Willa?"

"Tomorrow," I whisper. "And the day after. And the day after..."

He laughs out loud, giving me another butterfly-inducing kiss. As I deepen it, prolonging the moment, I realize I'm almost deliriously happy right now, despite the issues at home and with Mercy. And it's all because of my amazing daddy.

Miss u. Wish you were here.

I fire off the text to Raphael before tucking my phone into the pocket of my jeans and returning my attention to the dining table. It's just family here tonight – Nox, Dove, and their boys, and of course me. I can't help but feel like the plus-one again. As I watch them chat happily, I find myself wishing I fitted in with them. It's not like they haven't tried – since they adopted me, Nox and Dove have done everything in their power to give me the home I've always wanted.

I keep glancing at my phone to see if Raphael's replied when Dove reaches for my hand, gently squeezing it.

"Everything okay?"

"Oh, yes." I beam at her. "Everything's fine."

"How is Mercy?" Nox's eyes meet mine from across the table. "We haven't seen her lately."

"She's fine." I'm hoping he won't call me out on the lie, but his knowing gaze tells me he knows exactly what I'm hiding.

"I hope she'll come by again soon. You know we worry about her," Dove mutters. "Have you asked her if she wants to stay with us for a while?"

"Yeah, she doesn't want to." I pick listlessly at the peas on my plate. "She has this boyfriend she's obsessed with right now."

"Do you like him?" Nox asks, making me shrug. He laughs in response. "That bad, huh?"

"He's not a great person," I say, eating some mashed potatoes. "I don't think he's good for her."

"So, kind of like Raphael, then."

I raise my thunderous gaze to meet Nox's. The food I just ate feels heavy in my stomach, making me feel ill.

"Why are you saying that?"

"He's much older than you. It's just inappropriate, Wills."

"You don't know anything about him."

"Trust me, I know enough."

"Let's all calm down, please," Dove says softly. "It's okay, Willa. We accept your relationship, but that doesn't mean we're happy about it."

"No?" I glare at her. "I'm not happy about things you've done, either."

"Like what?" Nox asks.

"Like you keeping secrets from the three of us." I motion to my brothers sitting mutely at the table. "Like you not telling us you were in prison for a fucking murder."

"Willa!" Dove pales. "Don't... just don't."

"Why not? It's true, isn't it?"

Nox stares me down, not saying a word, while Dove mutters, "Please, Wills. Not in front of the kids."

"Fine," I hiss. "Since we don't talk about anything important, I don't know why you expect me to tell you everything, while you hide shit like that from all of us."

They all stare at me wordlessly as I push my plate back and get up, glaring right back.

"What?" I demand. "Nobody's going to say a damn word?"

The silence stretches on ominously. I know exactly what that means. It means Mercy was right – Nox really did kill someone.

"I don't want to be a part of this family anymore," I say, walking out of the dining room.

Taking a deep breath, I lean against the wall in the hallway and listen in to what's going to happen next. I hear cutlery scraping against plates and then Dove puts on her happy voice and asks the boys how their day has been.

Just like always, I've been pushed to the side and forgotten. Nobody cares about me. I'm nothing but an afterthought to their family.

I fight back the tears that want to run down my cheeks and rush into my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

Maybe Parsons isn't just a dream after all. Maybe I really should leave LA. Nobody but Raphael even wants me here. My parents have just made it abundantly clear they're willing to lie to me for years. They still haven't admitted the truth.

So, what's holding me back from running away?

Nobody will miss me around here, anyway.