Tyrant Daddy by Isabella Starling

Chapter 24


I needed you and you weren't there.

I stare at the message on my phone after coming home from a walk with Austin. What the fuck is this about?

I try texting back while Elise puts Austin down for a nap, but the message won't send. I start to realize maybe Willa's blocked my number.

Fear and trepidation make my fingers shake. I can't let this happen. I can't let her sever our ties once and for all, even though she doesn't know we've been talking for the past year.

I walk into the nursery, seeing Elise with our son and feeling only numbness as I watch them together.

"I need to go to New York."

"What?" Elise hisses, turning to face me. "Now?"

"Now," I nod. "It's urgent."

"What about tomorrow's play date? And the dinner we're supposed to go to?"

"I don't give a shit, Elise," I mutter. "I won't be here."

I walk into the closet and start packing my stuff while she watches from the door frame, arms crossed and lips thinned into a line.

"You can't just leave me. What am I supposed to do with Austin? Can't you take him with you?"

"Call the nanny. Just deal with it." I close my suitcase.

"Wow, Raphael. Just wow."

I ignore her, carrying the suitcase through to the hallway. I have never once backed away on a promise when it comes to Austin. And I've done more than my fair share of baby duty. She'll be fine for a few days on her own, it's about time she finally changed a diaper on her own.

But Elise isn't done yet, and the next complaint leaves her lips in a low hiss.

"You're just going to abandon us? When are you coming back? Your son needs you."

"I don't know, a few days," I mutter. "But things are changing when I get back."

"What the fuck do you mean, Raphael?"

"I fucking mean, I'm going to move out," I hiss. "I'll support you and Austin financially, but I'm not going to pretend like we're a happy couple."

"You're a monster," she tells me. "You want to ruin that boy's childhood?"

"No, I want to improve it," I tell her coolly. "And the only way to do that is to leave you, Elise. I'm sick and tired of this. I need to go."

I'm on the way out the door when she grabs me by the forearm and attempts to kiss me, but I pull back, frowning at her as I ask, "What the fuck?"

"Just admit you want me already. You've wanted me all along," she says, a hint of desperation in her voice. "And now we have a baby together, Raphael. What's the point in resisting this any longer? I've given you everything you've ever wanted, haven't I?"

She is so ridiculously mistaken I want to laugh, but I force myself to stay quiet.

"I need to go."

"You can't go." She clings to the sleeve of my jacket. "Please don't leave us, Raphael."

"Do you know where the nappies are and the bottles? You do know how to prepare Austin's bottle, right?"

"That doesn't matter right now," Elise cuts me off impatiently. "We matter right now, Raphael. You and me."

"There is no you and me."

"But there should be," she insists, that note of desperation in her voice growing more and more prominent. "We belong together. I had a baby for you."

"A baby I didn't want."

"How can you say that?"

"You tricked me, Elise."

"Because it was what we needed."

"What we need is for this to be over," I grunt. "I'll set up an appointment with a lawyer to discuss alimony and child support."

"You can't do this to me!"

"What the fuck did you expect, Elise?" I growl. "You forced me into this situation and I can't take it for another second. I'll do what's right by my son, but I don't owe you a damn thing."

I touch the doorhandle when she screams, "You need to do what I want!"

"Or else what? Are you threatening me?" I approach her, eyes burning with hate. "No matter what you do, Elise, you'll never make me want you, or love you. You need to accept that now."

"Fuck you," she spits out. "You only stayed for Austin."

"Of course I did," I reply firmly. "He's my blood, my son."

"No, he isn't."


She smiles triumphantly. "He isn't your son. I went to the clinic and went through with the procedure just to fool you. I was already pregnant before you broke up with me."

The impact of everything she's just told me hits me like a ton of fucking bricks.

I've lost everything before.

Once with Dove, once with Willa. And now my life is breaking into pieces in front of my eyes again.

"You lied to me?"

She grins. "You believed everything. And I know you won't walk away now. You love Austin."

I shudder from the impact of her admission. I feel numb, fucking numb.

"By the time I return from New York, I want you out of this place."

Her mouth falls open as she says, "You can't be fucking serious. Where the hell am I supposed to go, Raphael?"

"I don't fucking know," I smile coldly. "How about paying Austin's real father a visit?"

With those words, I walk out and slam the door behind me.

The plane ride to New York is fucking excruciating. My thoughts are racing with today's events, everything from Willa's cryptic message to Elise's horrible confession.

I took care of her and the baby for a year, convinced he was my child. I turned my entire life around to accommodate a new life, a baby I didn't want, but was determined to raise right.

My heart fucking hurts at the thought of Austin alone with Elise. Another loss, another hit I've taken, and there's absolutely nothing I can fucking do about it now.

I've been a fool. A fucking fool who got caught in Elise's trap, blindly trusting everything she told me.

My hands form fists as I take the lift up into the building.

I tracked down Willa's address by alerting the app to a possible danger. It's actually fucking frightening how fast they gave away her IP location when I offered them some money. And now I'm here.

I stand in front of a door with a crooked apartment number on it, knocking on it firmly as my heart races at the thought of seeing Willa once again.

Everything else is forgotten. My heart beats only for her.

But when the doors open, there's no Willa on the other side, and it takes me several moments to recognize the waif-like creature with hazy eyes.


"Yeah?" She cocks her head to the side. Her eyes are weird, almost black, and I realize she must be high as fuck on something.

"Do you remember me?" I ask urgently. "I'm Raphael Santino."

"Oh, fuck," she mutters, running her skinny hands through a messy mop of dark hair. "Did she tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I shake my head impatiently. "It doesn't matter. Is Willa here?"

"N-No," she admits. "She... she left."


"I don't know."

"When is she coming back?"

"I don't know."

"What the fuck do you mean?" I hiss, making her take a terrified step back. "I'm sorry, Mercy, I just really fucking need to find her. I think she might be in danger."

"We had a f-fight," Mercy manages, her eyes seemingly far away.

I need to snap her out of this but I don't even know if that's fucking possible. When I take a better look at the dark-haired girl, I noticed the little bruises littering her arms, the veins visible, angry and blue.

Jesus fuck. What have these girls gotten themselves into?

"Please, Mercy." I take her hands in mine, turning my pleading eyes to hers. "I know something's wrong. I flew in from LA, I came straight from the airport. Where would Willa go?"

"There's a hotel," Mercy mutters. "Two blocks away. It's the nearest one. It's fancy though, she probably couldn't go there... We're broke."

I nod, ignoring what she's saying but filing it away to worry about later. They can't be fucking broke – I've been giving Willa money. Where has it all gone?

Mercy's dazed gaze speaks for itself and my heart tightens as I wonder whether Willa is as messed up as her friend.

I get her to tell me the location of the hotel and slide a business card into her hands before leaving.

"If you need anything Mercy, call me," I tell her firmly. I don't want to say it outright, but I can already tell this is a fucked-up situation. "I can help you."

"I'm fine," she mutters defensively, moving to close the door before changing her mind at the last second. "Will you tell Willa I love her?"

When she asks that question, she sounds like the little girl I met three years ago at a club with Willa. An intense feeling of sadness renders me unable to speak, and I merely nod before sprinting to the elevator.

With Mercy's instructions, I find the hotel fast enough. The desk won't give me Willa's information until I give the receptionist some money. Finally, she gives me a room number and a key.

My heart pounds with expectation as I head to the floor where her room is. Am I really going to see Willa again in mere minutes? And just how bad is this going to be? Seeing Mercy has alerted me to the fact that something's clearly not right here. I can only pray Willa is doing better than her friend.

I knock on the door but there's no answer. I hear voices inside, and they're making my stomach turn.

I use the key card to get inside the hotel room and storm inside, discarding my suitcase at the door.

I see the man first, blocking my vision. He's sitting on the bed, but he turns his head at the sound of me entering.

"Hey man, what the fuck?" he says in way of a greeting.

"Where is she?" I storm past him, looking for Willa.

"What the hell, you can't just walk in here like you own the goddamn place," the man barks. "Get the fuck out or I'm calling security! Willa, get the phone."

My gaze goes to the bed and I see her for the first time in a year. She is so small and frail, I almost missed her tucked under the duvet. But there she is. Looking tiny and fragile, she makes my heart hurt.

Willa's eyes find mine and they’re the same bright blue I remember. A choked sob escapes her lips as we stare at one another, and I remind myself not to get too emotional.

I notice a cup-a-soup on the nightstand table along with the spoon. What the fuck was happening in here before I arrived?

I look back at the man just as Willa's lips part and she brokenly mutters my name.

"You know this guy?" the prick next to her asks. "Who is this fucking clown, Willa?"

"Who the fuck are you?" I hiss in response, wanting answers before I fucking kill the guy.

He flexes, smirking at me. "I'm Willa's stepfather. We're just having a little reunion. Aren't we, my good little girl?"

All the stories Willa told me about this man come flooding back. He isn't a good guy. He's a fucking monster. And somehow, he got his claws back inside my sweet girl.

Willa stares wide-eyed as he touches his filthy fingers to her cheek.

"Step away from her," I demand.

"Are you fucking deaf, man? I'm her stepdad. Who the hell are you?"

"Me?" I smirk, cracking my knuckles in anticipation of breaking every bone in his body. "I'm her daddy, you pathetic piece of shit."