Tyrant Daddy by Isabella Starling

Chapter 25


The crunch of bone under Raphael's fists brings me back to reality. Everything that's happened comes dripping back. Coming to the hotel, realizing my stepfather had tracked me down yet again. He kept me here for a full day. I was so shocked and shaken up by his reappearance I went along with it. Besides, I had nowhere else to go.

But as Raphael knocks my stepfather out, I retreat somewhere in the recess of my mind. It's safe here, in the darkness where nobody can hurt me anymore.

I feel like I'm on autopilot as Raphael throws my stepfather out of the room and pulls me into his arms. As happy as I am to see him, I can't react, can't give him what he needs. I merely shiver in his arms and pray that one day I'll come back to reality.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner," he whispers against my hair. "I have so much to tell you. Are you okay?"

Wordlessly, I shake my head. The past two days have wrecked me, and it feels like my voice and my mind are both gone. I can't speak. Can't tell Raphael the truth. I remain mute but grateful for the embrace he holds me in.

"What can I do, Wills?" he asks, his caring voice sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach despite the horrible situation. "Do you want to go back home?"

I think of the home I had in LA. Nox, Dove, and the boys, with Raphael on my speed dial. Yes, I want that. I need that. It's the only way I'm going to heal from everything that's happened here.

"I'll take you home," he promises. "I'll make sure everything's okay. I'm here now, Willa. I'm not going to leave your side ever again."

Tears of gratitude flow down my cheeks as I listen to him, and I lean my head against the crook of his arm, letting him take care of me, just like he always does.

I need this, need him. I just hope he'll still want me after he finds out everything that's happened while we've been apart.

We're in the car in front of Dove and Nox's house. My parents are standing on the lawn, Dove nervously twisting her arms while Nox attempts to talk her down.

"You ready, trouble?" Raphael asks in his soft tone reserved specially for me, and I find myself nodding. I'm still not talking, still sometimes losing myself in the darkest corners of my mind.

Softly, Raphael opens the door. Dove clutches her chest while he helps me out of the car. My feet hit the sidewalk and I get out on shaky feet. Before I've taken a single step, Dove's body slams against mine and she lets out a sob as she envelops me in a hug. Nox is close behind, hugging us both as I shiver in their embrace. Silent tears slip down my cheeks, and when Dove pulls back to look at me, I just hope my eyes convey the apology I can't force myself to say.

"Welcome home, Willa," Dove whispers and I manage a shaky smile.

"Thank you for bringing her back," Nox mutters to Raphael. I can tell how difficult this is for him, thanking a man he wants to hate. But he's trying, and that means everything to me. "We've got it from here."

"You don't need to be so cold, Nox," Dove mutters, glancing at Raphael. "We're incredibly grateful to you, Raphael."

"Thank you," he says with a firm smile. "I did what I could. I would like to check on Willa weekly though, if you agree."

I can tell this pisses Nox off, but I nudge him with my elbow and nod, not giving him much choice.

"Fine," he mutters. "Once a week."

"I'll be back soon," Raphael says to them, nodding before turning to face me. "You sure you're going to be okay, Willa?"

I nod silently. I haven't told Raphael what happened in Theo's apartment yet. I'm too ashamed. But I hope as the weeks pass and I slowly regain my life, I'll be able to trust him with the truth.

But Raphael, on the other hand, has told me everything.

He told me about Elise and Austin, and her shocking confession that kept us apart for a year. I cried for him, for the months we could have been together and for the life we both threw away. But now, things are going to be better. I'll never make the same mistake again.

Raphael also told me he was behind the TyrantDaddy username, which completely melted my heart. He found a way to help me and stay a part of my life, and if he hadn't, God knows what would have happened in that hotel room. I'm eternally grateful to him for that.

"I'll see you soon, trouble," Raphael mutters. He doesn't try to hug me, but I pull him against me anyway, leaving the ghost of a kiss against his lips.

We haven't discussed what's going to happen from here on in, but my needs haven't changed. Raphael Santino is still the only man I need.

"See you soon," I say brokenly, my voice hoarse from not speaking for so long. My parents embrace me as we watch Raphael get in his car and drive away. It'll be so hard to stay away from him for a week. But I have to – my family is waiting for me to start my healing process, and while I have a long road ahead, I'm hopeful with time, I'll get better.

3 months later

Raphael came by the house every week, just as we'd agreed.

The first week was hard. I was dealing with the loss of Mercy, who stayed behind in New York, our broken friendship past the point of being mended. I still worry about her, knowing what she went through – the same thing I experienced. If it's this hard for me, I can only imagine how my former best friend is dealing with everything.

But, as the weeks went by, it got easier. I slowly started speaking more, longing for Raphael's visits. After a month, Dove and Nox agreed to let him come by twice a week, then three times. I'm doing therapy, group sessions as well as individual ones, trying to work through everything that has happened. And the whole time, I hope things will work out for Raphael and me. They have to, because my feelings have only grown stronger.

I can only imagine how hard it is for Raphael to be away from me now that everything's come to light. He must've suffered so much staying away from me. And I haven't even told him the truth about everything that happened in New York. Maybe I'm scared. Maybe it's because there's a small, dark voice inside my mind insisting he won't want me anymore once he finds out.

Today, Raphael stayed with me for hours in the garden, talking about his photography business, telling me everything I'd missed in the year we'd spent away. I silently waved him off as before climbing into bed with my phone.

I haven't touched this phone in weeks, and it still hurts that there's no message from Mercy when I power it back up. She really has given up on me.

I go directly to the sugar baby app and find TyrantDaddy, typing out a message.

I want to tell you what happened in New York. But don't be Raphael. Be TyrantDaddy. Okay?

Less than a minute later, a reply hits my inbox.

Of course. Tell me.

My lips tremble as I start explaining.

I never went to Parsons. I took a lot of drugs and got lost in it because I was so miserable I didn't see another way out. The night before you came to New York, some men came by the apartment. They hurt me and Mercy. That's when I decided to leave.

What men? What did they do to you?

They were some guys Mercy's boyfriend owed money to.

Answer my question, trouble.

You told me you'd be TyrantDaddy, not Raphael.

I'm both, Wills. Now tell me.

I hesitate with my fingers hovering over the screen. How much can I tell Raphael before he tosses me aside and realizes I'm damaged goods?

I don't even know if I can the admit the cold, hard truth to myself.

Does it matter?I type back. I just wanted you to understand why I've been this way. I feel broken.

It matters. Tell me what happened.

I close my eyes, pretending I'm just regaling a horror story that happened to one of my friends. It's easier to accept than the truth.

They came by the apartment one night when we were really out of it. Mercy was shooting up and I'd taken some pills. I blacked out. When I woke up, one of them was inside me.

I send the message, shutting my eyes and wishing I could shut down my pounding heart too. But my phone is ringing now, and I pick it up shakily, answering without saying a word.

"You don't have to speak much," Raphael says. "Just tell me if you'd recognize the guys."

"Y-Yes," I stutter hoarsely.

"Good. Do you still want to stay with Willa and Nox?"

I don't speak, contemplating my answer.

"You could stay with me instead," Raphael offers. "The way it should be. You'll still have therapy, and you'll see them as much as you want. I just want to take care of you. And those men, Wills? I'm going to fucking kill them."

Judging by the intensity of his words, he isn't fucking kidding. I find myself nodding in answer to his question, finally whispering, "Yes, I want to live with you."

"Okay," he mutters. "Start packing. I'm already on my way."

He cuts the call and I get up on shaky feet. I'm on autopilot as I start gathering things from my closet. I don't want to get too excited but there are already butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I've wanted this for a long time. I wanted to be with Raphael all along.

There's a gentle knock on the door, and Dove appears in the hallway.

"Mind if I come in?"

I motion for her to enter, surprised when I see Nox walking in behind her. They both look oddly sheepish as they sit down on my bed, exchanging troubled glances. I sit on the armchair across from them, cocking my head to the side.

"Willa, we..." Nox clears his throat, glancing at Dove. "Err, we... I mean, I... Fuck, I'm bad at this."

"Just say what we talked about, Nox," Dove whispers, patting his hand.

"We know you contacted Theo," Nox says, raising his eyes to mine. "I'm not upset or anything, I wanted to... er, apologize. For lying."

"Robin?" I whisper, and he nods.

"I did go to prison for killing him," he goes on. "I paid my price for the crime I did, and Dove forgave me."

Dove doesn't say a word, just stares at me with a placid expression.

"We understand that you don't really trust us right now," Nox goes on. "And we'll do anything to repair that. We... we don't want the boys finding out, though."

I nod. I can understand that. What would their sons think if they knew Nox was a murderer?

"We also discussed it and we think you should pursue a life with Raphael," Dove adds. "We know you two love each other, and we can't stand in the way of that."

I get up, throwing my arms around them both and enveloping them in a silent hug. We don't need words, not for this. It's clear we mean a lot to one another, and nothing's going to change that now.

"But if that prick hurts you, I'm still going to kill him," Nox throws in with a glare, making me laugh nervously. "You know. Metaphorically."

I nod just as we hear a car pulling up outside.

"Raphael," I mutter apologetically. "He called. He wants me to move in."

They nod and Dove says, "We think that's a good idea. He will help you heal; we trust him."

They walk me downstairs with my haphazardly packed luggage. I say goodbye to the boys while Dove and Nox greet Raphael outside before I join them on the lawn.

Raphael stands by his car, tall, dark, and handsome as ever. Streaks of grey run through his hair and I have no doubt I'm responsible for some of them. But in the end, none of it matters, because as long as we're together, everything's going to be okay.

I run up to him and throw my arms around him, leaning in to nuzzle against his neck.

"Daddy," I whisper softly, quiet enough for just us to hear.

He embraces me tightly, his lips lingering against the shell of my ear as he says, "Daddy's here now, trouble. No one's ever going to hurt you again."

And I believe him.