Breaking Lucia by Raissa Donovan



Lucia is still asleep when I check the cameras. It’s early, but I've been thinking about her ever since I woke up hard and ready to go. The night before was the first time the three of us had ever had the same woman before—let alone at the same time—and it had been hotter than hell.

I moan as I wrap my hand around my morning wood, slowly stroking myself. I imagine the sight of her beneath me, held in place by Angel’s strong arms, and the idea of the two of them fucking comes to mind. I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off of them.

Lucia is fucking beautiful, and Angel…

That’s complicated.

I want to hear more from that smart-ass, snarky mouth of hers, see those full lips around my own cock like she’d wrapped them around Victor’s while he’d fucked her face. I hadn’t gotten to see it when he’d come all over her, but I could imagine her expression. It must have been so shocked, so outraged, so… debauched.

“Fuck this,” I mutter to myself, shoving my cock back into my boxers. There’s a perfectly good woman right downstairs, and after having her, my hand just isn’t going to be enough. Victor didn’t say he was lifting his mandate about touching her, but, well… Sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

And I want her as much as I usually want his approval.


I ease the chair back from the desk and get up, heading down to the little basement room we’re holding her in now that she’s shown she can’t be trusted. I unlock the door as quietly as I can, my fingers silent on the touchpad, and I slip inside. I guide the door closed behind me so it makes as little noise as possible, then I creep over to her side.

She’d probably look peaceful in her sleep if her face wasn’t caked with dried cum. As it is, she just looks like a vision. A woman like her should always be physically claimed, because otherwise? Other men would just try to take her away.

A hot flash of anger runs through me at the idea of someone trying to take Lucia away, especially Pavone. He doesn’t deserve to put his hands on her. The bruises he’d leave behind wouldn’t be marks of pleasure, but instead signs of just how little he can be trusted. I know his reputation, and I can see why she tried to run away.

Too bad for her she ran right into us.

Lucky for us.

She’s lying on her side, curled up, and I gently push her legs down so they straighten. She doesn’t stir, not even when I carefully roll her onto her back. I’m tempted to go upstairs to get something to make sure she doesn’t wake while I have her, but at the same time, I don’t want to miss out on seeing the fire in her eyes. She’ll be pissed, probably, but I can’t help myself.

I spread her legs, and she shifts in her sleep, murmuring something from those delectable lips. I want to kiss her, but at the same time, I want to make sure she knows only pleasure when she wakes up. I want her to look at me and want me as badly as I want her. I want her to know how good I can make her feel.

Just like that first night, I get down in front of her and spread her wide, my fingers lightly running over her folds. She’s not wet, but I can fix that quickly enough. I lean down and run my tongue along her slit. She tastes just as good as I remember, but this time, it’s more exciting because I know there’s a distinct possibility that she will wake up soon.

And because I know I got to take that pussy last night.

Lucia wakes up with a jolt, sitting up and staring at me with wide, disoriented eyes. Her hair is sticking up in every direction, aided by the dried cum along with what had to be a tumultuous night for her. It makes her look lovelier, somehow, like she’s more… real.

“Good morning, kitten,” I say, propping myself up on my elbows and smirking at her. “I’ve got a problem for you to take care of.”

Lucia stares at me for a moment like she’s not even seeing me, and the fact that she’s still in such a daze a moment after waking sends a thrill through me. I love touching her when she’s asleep, and this sort of state is almost as good. She’s so soft, so pliant—so utterly mine, and I don’t even have to share her with Angel and Victor right now.

Her attention is solely focused on me.

And so is her sleep-roughened snarl. “Get away from me, you animal. Didn’t you do enough touching last night?” She shoves at my head, and I let her push me away after claiming one last, lingering lick down her folds that makes her shiver.

“No,” I say cheerfully. I roll over so I can sit down and grab her, forcing her into my lap. She struggles, but I hold her to me while I grind my cock against her firm ass. “Oh, keep doing that.” I moan, using the hand that’s not wrapped around her to play with her naked breasts. “I love these tits. You know that? I think they’d look sexy as fuck pierced.”

She goes still. “Don’t you even fucking think about it,” she says, but I can hear the moan she tries to suppress when I pinch her nipple hard.

I kiss her neck, rubbing my cock against her more fervently. I could come this way. I could fuck her, too, but Victor grabbed the condoms before we left last night. I highly doubt she’s diseased, but I don’t know if she’s on birth control, and I’m not going to be a father at the prime of my life.

So I resist the urge to pull my cock from my boxers, instead just grinding up against her as the pleasure builds and builds. “Just hold still, kitten, and I won’t fuck you.”

Lucia tries to jerk away from me, but my arm tightens around her as I hold her in place.

“You need to stop that nasty habit,” I tell her, my voice soft but scolding. “When we want you somewhere, you go there. When you’re supposed to stay still, you stay still.”

“I’m not your goddamn pet,” she argues. “You can’t just tell me to sit, stay, and roll over.”

“Maybe not,” I agree, but I nip her neck hard. “But Victor can…”

A shudder runs through her, and I’m gratified by the reaction. I thrust my hips up more urgently, nearing my own climax—and all from just grinding against her ass. If only I could sink inside that hot, tight cunt again—

I spill into my boxers like a teenager, but I’m still breathing hard. The pleasure may not be as intense as if I’d fucked her, but it was still hot as hell. Now we’re both filthy, though.

“Since you were such a good girl,” I say, mocking her as I trail my hand down her stomach until I’m nudging her legs apart, “I’ll bathe you. How about that? No tricks, only treats.”

“What are you going to do, take a hose and soak me down?” she asks, echoing what Angel had said we’d do the night before.

I laugh. “I’m nicer than Angel, kitten. I’ll give you a nice, warm bath and help you wash your hair. Then we’ll take care of this.” I tug at a few pubic hairs. They’re short and neatly groomed, but I want them all gone.

“Don’t you dare try to come near me with a razor,” she says, and I finally let her squirm out of my grasp.

“Or what?” I ask, watching her as she stands and stares down at me, her hands firmly on her hips. “You’ll tell Daddy? We can film it for him if you want. He’ll have a whole collection by the time he ransoms you back.”

She pales at that, and I remember she doesn’t want to be ransomed back.

“Or, you know, by the time we let you go. If we let you go. So far, you’re not worth the asking price, so maybe that’s why your daddy hasn’t answered us yet,” I tell her as I stand up. There’s a wet spot on my pants, and it’s going to get uncomfortable if I don’t bathe. One way or another, she’s coming with me, and I’ll dunk her in the goddamn bathtub if I have to.

It was entertaining to have her sleep covered in our spunk, but I’m ready to see her clean again. Or maybe I just want the chance to run my hands over her, unfettered, and feel all the soft, pliant curves beneath my fingertips. Maybe it’s just both.

Or maybe I don’t need a reason at all.

I feel powerful, and I don’t even need to lay a hand on her to feel my spent dick twitch with interest. There’s just something about her, something about capturing her, about knowing that we’re steadily breaking her down, and it’s fucking intoxicating.

“Come on,” I tell her. “You can bathe in the nice suite you shunned when you decided to misbehave. I’ll show you what you’re missing… and what you can maybe earn back if you behave long enough.”

I grab her arm when she gets close enough, and she fights me for a moment, focusing those angry eyes on me. But I flex my grip, letting her know I’m willing to bruise her if she keeps trying to resist. She isn’t allowed to resist me, to resist us. As long as she’s trying to claim sanctuary here, I think we damn well get to play with her however we want.

I drag her through the doorway, and she stumbles. I help her straighten up, and we start for the stairs. She freezes.

“Are there guards up there?”

I grin at her like I just won the goddamn lottery. “Yep. Two at the top of the stairs, one in the living room, another at the top of the second story stairs…” And she’ll have to walk by each and every one of them fully nude.

My grin fades when I remember the sight of her trying to seduce one of our guards, though, and my mood sours some.

“But don’t get any ideas about flaunting yourself. No one’s going to touch you unless they want more than just a finger chopped off,” I add. “Angel is itching to see what happens when you use a serrated knife on someone’s cock now.”

I expect her to flinch, but she casts a dark, exasperated look at me. “Of course he is. He’s like a fucking child.”

“Dare you to say that to his face,” I taunt her. Angel would probably find it funny—right before he found someone to practice on just to prove a point—but she doesn’t need to know that.

We get to the top of the stairs, and I jerk her closer to me, more protectively. I have the sudden urge to order one of the guards to get a blanket to cover her with so I’m the only one who sees her as we go upstairs, but no. She fucked up, and she fucked up big. It’s only right that she gets to see just how easy it is for us to make her miserable here.

The two guards are staring—not at me, but at her and her cum-streaked face and hair. I want to puff out my chest in pride. Yeah, that’s right. We did that to her, and she’s all ours. You can’t fucking touch her unless you want to lose your hand, I want to say. She’s our prize, our treasure, and the only people I’m going to share her with are Angel and Victor. The guards can look all they want, but if they’re not careful, I might be the one to teach them their lessons.

There are all sorts of things you can do with the right drugs, and I have plenty to choose from.

I lead her into the living room, purposely going slowly even as she tries to pick up the pace. I let the guard have a good eyeful before chastising him, “Don’t get distracted.” Mean, maybe, but I’m enjoying this little game.

The guards at the top of these stairs are professional enough to only glance at her out of the corner of their eyes instead of turning to look at her full-on. It’s both a positive thing that they can do their jobs and a negative thing, because I wanted Lucia to be utterly fucking humiliated by the time I get her into the bathtub.

But I’m sure what we did to Freddie has spread through the house like wildfire.

I open the door to the suite she’d originally been given when she was still a guest and not a prisoner, letting her take in the sight of all the luxury she’d spurned. “Just think. If you hadn’t decided to go act like a slut, you’d be sleeping in that bed right now, nice and cozy with all the blankets and the soft pillows.”

Lucia grits her teeth, but for once, she keeps her mouth shut.

It’s both amusing and disappointing, because I like getting a rise out of her.

I guide her to the bathroom and close the door behind us. “Need to piss?”

She hesitates but nods. “Go ahead,” I tell her. “I’ll just be readying your bath. Princess,” I call her, just like Angel always does.

“I’m not going to use the bathroom while you’re in here,” she bites out.

“Aww, c’mon,” I coax her. “I won’t even be paying attention.” Like hell I won’t. I still cross the room and go to the huge bathtub in the back of the bathroom, fiddling with the knobs until the water reaches the right temperature.

I hear her pissing behind me, and I’m nice enough not to turn around and look to humiliate her further—even though I want to. I wait until she flushes to usher her into the tub, even holding out my hand to help her in. She ignores it, of course, but she gets into the water.

I drop my boxers and climb in after her, and she levels a glare at me.

“What?” I ask innocently, splashing her a little with the water. I grab a washcloth and get it wet, then beckon for her to get closer. “Come here. I’ll clean your face.”

She tries to snatch the cloth away from me. “I can do it,” she says. “I’m a grown woman.”

I don’t relinquish my grip on it. “I said, I’ll clean your face. Come on, kitten. Let me pamper you. It won’t hurt you to let me bathe you. I’ve already eaten you out and fucked you.”

“You did part of that when I was unconscious, you sick bastard,” she mutters, still glowering at me.

I smirk, unashamed of what I’d done. “Your body loved it.”

Her cheeks are flushed, and while I know it has something to do with the heat of the water, that’s not all that’s affecting her.

“Now shh, kitten. Let me bathe you,” I coax, slowly, gently, running it along her cheek. The dried cum doesn’t come off easily, but I take my time wiping her clean. I wish I could leave it there, but I want her to relax around me.

We can always leave her a debauched mess again another time.

She’s quiet as I clean off her face, likely enjoying the feeling of it being stripped away.

“Rinse your face,” I tell her. “And get your hair wet. Do you like scalp massages?”

“I don’t need your scalp massages,” she grumbles, but she splashes her face clean and leans back to get her hair wet.

I hide my smile. “But I give the best ones,” I promise her. “Let me wash your hair, then I’ll wash the rest of you.”

“I can bathe myself,” she says again, but she doesn’t fight me this time. She’s still as I pour some of the floral-scented shampoo into my hand and urge her closer, pulling her until she rests between my legs in the water with my hard dick pressing right against her back. At first, I think she’ll complain, but she just squirms a little.

I start to rub the shampoo into her hair, taking my time, and I massage her scalp as I go. I don’t have much by way of fingernails, but I scratch lightly through the thick, luscious locks as I make sure they’re completely coated in the soap. By the end of it, she’s completely relaxed against me, hard cock or not.

“Time to rinse your hair,” I whisper to her. “Then we’ll do this again, but with conditioner. All right?”

She nods a little sluggishly, like she’s sleepy or something, and I smile in triumph. She’s relaxing, which is just what I need. Oh, she’s going to be a fighting hellcat soon enough again, but I’m enjoying the feeling of her lax body against mine.

We rinse her hair together, and I condition it just like I’d shampooed it before. Again, she lets me, and I let the product sit in her hair for a moment before we rinse again.

Then it’s time to bathe her.

“Stay still,” I tell her, my voice light and almost playful, emboldened by her good behavior throughout the bath. I lather up the washcloth with soap and turn her around, starting up high around her neck and slowly working my way down. She tenses when I wash her breasts, but I just clean around them innocently and continue down.

I have something more than sex in mind after we finish this bath, and she’s not going to like it. Might as well have her calm so I get a few minutes of peace. I want to do this more, so she needs to get used to it.

I catch myself mid-thought. Well, it won’t be for that much longer, but still. She’s just here until we can negotiate with her father, however long that takes.

I can’t deny that I hope it takes longer.

I tease around her inner thighs, just long enough for her to tense again, then I start bathing lower. Her thighs, her calves, down to her feet. Only when I’m finished everywhere else do I return to her core.

“Now part your pretty legs, kitten, and let me bathe you here. You want to be clean everywhere, don’t you?”

Lucia tries to snatch the cloth again; again, I don’t let her. Her cunt is ours, whether she wants to admit it or not. I get to play with it, I get to fuck it, I get to clean it, and soon… I get to shave it.

She’s neatly trimmed, but I’m sure she’s not going to like being completely bare, especially when I’m the one to do the work. That’s fine. Angel should be awake by now, and with his help, it’ll be easy to get her like we want her.

She grits her teeth but lets me bathe her, even when I make sure and get between her folds.

“Good girl,” I praise her, kissing her throat. “Such a good kitten.”

She very nearly growls, and I laugh.

“Fierce tigress, then,” I amend. “What a pretty little tiger.”

“Careful, or you’ll end up with your throat torn out,” she snaps at me, but she spreads her legs wider so I can clean her more thoroughly. She probably still feels disgusting from being fucked, and I almost feel sorry for her—because she’s going to feel thoroughly fucked most of the time if me and Angel have any say in this.

Angel and I aren’t going to stay away from her unless Victor makes us, and right now? He has no reason to call us off.

I rinse her off then quickly clean myself. “I’ll get you in the shower to rinse off properly in a few minutes,” I say. “Stay there a minute.”

I hop out of the bath, going to lay a thick towel down on the floor. I get a deep bowl from the bathroom counter, an unopened can of shaving cream, and a pink razor still in its plastic packaging.

She stares at me, and it doesn’t take her long to figure out what I have planned.

Sort of.

“I don’t need to shave my legs,” she says, showing off one perfect leg with a slender ankle. She probably waxes her legs, and she’s lucky I didn’t get some waxing kit for her beautiful cunt.

I’m being nice.

“Good. But that’s not what needs to be shaved right now.” I gesture to the towel. “Come lay down and spread your legs, kitten.”

“Like hell,” she says, staying in the bathtub.

“Don’t make me come over there and drag you out,” I warn her, though the idea of forcing it upon her is exciting, to put it lightly.

“Even if you drag me out, you can’t make me lie there while you shave me,” Lucia argues.

“You’re gonna fight when I have a razor near your clit?” I ask, in mock surprise.

“You’d have to get my cunt near the razor first, and that’s not happening.”

Her eyes are blazing, her dark hair wet and dripping down the curves of her naked body. I want to go to her and lick it away, but more than that, I want to see her utterly smooth.

“No?” I pointedly pull my cell phone out of my pocket, and she pales.

“You wouldn’t.”

I wink at her and hit Angel’s name on my contact list. The phone rings twice, then his sleep-roughened voice answers irritably, “Yeah? This better be good.”

“I need some help shaving Lucia,” I tell him. “Is that good enough?”

Lucia is shaking her head, but I ignore her, all while grinning as Angel responds, “Where are you?”

“In what would’ve been her bathroom. Thought it’d be nice to show her what she was missing out on,” I say smugly.

Angel doesn’t even bother to say goodbye before he hangs up.

“Now,” I say, approaching the tub. “Are you going to be good, or are Angel and I going to have to tie you up first?”

“I’m not letting you shave me,” she says, scrambling back to the other side of the tub and slipping onto her ass.

I shrug and grab my boxers, sliding them back up over my hips. Then I linger by the doorway. She doesn’t get out of the tub, and why would she? She has nowhere to go.

The door opens only a few minutes later. Angel’s got heavy scruff on his chin and his hair is in disarray, but his eyes are alert and he’s grinning. He didn’t put on a shirt when he stumbled out of bed, and I feel the usual mild jealousy when I see his well-defined abs. He has a neat coil of rope in his hands.

“Couldn’t get enough of us last night, Princess?” Angel asks. “Three cocks were just so good, you aren’t satisfied with only one now?”

“Fuck off,” Lucia snarls, but she also draws her knees up to her chest, as if that’s going to protect her from us.

Angel lowers the toilet lid and sits down on it. “So, shaving?”

“I was trying to be nice,” I tell Angel. “I washed and bathed her so gently.” I go to sit on the edge of the tub, between Angel and Lucia. She immediately slides to the other side of the tub.

“That’s why I tell you, you’re way too nice.” Angel waves at Lucia, rope still in hand. “She thinks she still has a say in this. You need to teach her her place, for her own good.”

Angel looks up at me, and for a second I think he might try to touch me. I preemptively push his shoulder lightly, and he seems to get the hint.

“I like being nice! When she’s mewling my name, or she’s all soft and relaxed against me… her cute little nipples the only things that are hard…”

“I’m right here!” Lucia complains. “You aren’t nice, asshole.”

“See, I think her cursing is funny, but Victor’s not going to like it if she talks to him like that.” Angel looks around the room. “How you want to do this?”

“One of us will have to hold her while the other one shaves her. She’s like a fucking feral cat, though, so keep her from hitting and kicking.”

“Like yesterday, then? Put her in my lap, I’ll hold her legs wide open for you.” Angel gets up and without any warning at all, grabs Lucia’s wrist. “Come on, Princess, time for your grooming.”

She struggles against him, but it’s hard to gain traction in the tub. The only thing she has going for her is that it’s huge, but she can’t go very far. Angel’s grasp is too tight, bruising even, and he jerks her forward all at once. The second she slips, he snatches her up, throwing her over his shoulder.

He smirks at me. “That’s how it’s done, Saint.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Just get her down on the towel. Try not to let her knock over the water.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Before he sets her down, though, Angel slaps her ass—and runs a finger between her cheeks, pushing against her hole. “Can’t wait to take you back here too, Princess.”

Her entire body stills, and I don’t blame her. Angel’s cock is intimidating, and I sure as hell wouldn’t want it near my ass. But I can’t deny that I’d love to see him taking her like that. The idea alone is sexy as fuck.

“Let me know when you do,” I tell him, stroking myself through my boxers. “I want to watch. We should get it on video, too.”

“Don’t,” Lucia whispers, and there’s something lovely about just how quiet and defeated she sounds. More of a kitten than a tigress when it comes down to it, especially when she sees she has nowhere to go.

Angel sets Lucia down, keeping his hands firmly on her arms. He’s so much taller than her. Damn, they look good together.

“Saint is going to shave you. If you sit still, we’ll all have a good time. If you fight, you’ll end up with razor cuts and I’ll probably hit you a few times before I tie you up and fuck your ass. So do you want to play Saint’s way, or mine?”

Her eyes are shiny, too shiny, like she’s fighting back tears, and I want to push her over the edge. I know how much Angel likes tears, and I have to say there’s something gorgeous about watching Lucia cry. But she holds them back. “I’ll…” Her gaze darts to me, then up at Angel. “I’ll let him shave me.”

Angel’s grin is savage. Neither of us is surprised.

“Then you need to hold your legs open for me,” I tell her, ripping the razor out of its packaging and tossing the plastic into the trash can. “And you don’t want to let them slip.” I smirk at her. “You don’t know how good I am at this, so I suggest you be very still.”

Angel sits down next to her on the floor.

I wet her, then work some of the shaving cream into a lather all over her cunt. The hairs are short, but she’ll look even better when they’re gone entirely. I dip the razor into the water, then start with one careful stroke, taking off a swath of pubic hair.

Nearby, Angel starts to play with her breasts, just like I did when we were in the bath together. They’re irresistible, obviously, and I pause to watch her for a moment before dipping the razor back into the water to clean it. Again, another stripe of hair; again, another quick wash in the water.

Her thighs are quivering, and I run my hand along the inside of one to soothe her. “You’re doing great, kitten.”

Angel snorts in amusement. He sits up on one arm for a second to peer at my handiwork. “Nice. I can’t wait to see her fully bared for us.” I notice that he’s unbuttoned and unzipped himself, his cock now peeking out of his pants.

Lucia isn’t as enthusiastic. The defiant glare in her eyes would be more effective if her lip weren’t trembling, though. I give her thigh a brief kiss before I get back to work.

Two more passes of the razor, and I’m almost done. There are just a few spots left, a bit lower. Of course, just as I’m about to set my razor against her skin, Angel does something to make Lucia squeak and startle. I’m just fast enough to pull the razor safely away from her.

“Hey! Be careful! I almost cut her!”

Angelo lets Lucia’s nipple slip out of his mouth. “Yeah, sorry. That would’ve been a shame.”

Lucia has gone still again, though she’s glowering at Angel. “Stop touching me.” Some of her spunk is back, though she looks so fragile despite her glare. I can almost hear her begging instead of trying to order us around.

“I’m almost done, then you can have her,” I tell Angel. “Just gotta get the hard spots.” Without her squirming, it’s easy to finish getting the bikini line out of the way. Just a few more swipes, and I sit back, satisfied.

I run a hand along her now-smooth pussy, rubbing her clit. She jerks away from me, no doubt emboldened by the fact that I no longer have the razor pressed against her.

“Okay, that does look good. She can’t hide anything.” Angel sits up and reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a condom. “You don’t mind, do you?”

I mind,” Lucia says. “I’m still sore from last night.”

“Kitten,” I say, my voice warning, “you agreed to fuck us last night if we kept you away from the staff and the guards. You don’t want us to go put you in the middle of the living room all nice and shaved, now do you?”

Lucia instantly stops talking.

“I’m still pissed off about that,” Angel says, “Pretending to be a nice little virgin, but it turned out her cunt was a free-for-all.” He pulls his erection free from his jeans, and I carefully look away. Not that I haven’t seen his cock before, but…

“Now it’s only free-for-us. How long do you think Victor will let us keep her?” I pet Lucia’s bare pussy again. Then, on a whim, I push one of her thighs up, spreading her even wider than she’d been earlier. I can feel the tension in her muscles, and just for fun I use my other hand to lightly stroke down her thigh and to her slit.

She’s wet again. I smile at her, pushing my fingers in deeper, and watch as her face and chest mottle red.

“Who the fuck knows.” Angel shuffles between Lucia’s legs and lifts her other thigh. “All I care about right now is this tight cunt in front of me.” He pushes my hand away. “Now get out of the way, unless you want to stroke me off.”

I scowl at him, partially because of the flippant grin he casts my way and partially because I know he’s serious. He’d love nothing more than to get my hand on his dick.

I pull back immediately, and he shrugs. “Your loss.”

He pulls the condom on, tossing the wrapper to the side, then circles her clit with the head of his cock. It looks massive compared to her tiny pink slit, all exposed and waiting to be defiled.

When he slowly starts to push his way in, Lucia lets out a little whimper. I can’t tell if she’s uncomfortable or if it just feels that damn good for her, but either way, Angel doesn’t let up. He keeps going, groaning as he works toward bottoming out inside her. Even after last night, she has to be tight.

Angel closes his eyes, groaning. “Goddamn,” he said. “Such a good little hole.”

Lucia glances at me, her eyes dark, but she says nothing.

“And she’s so slick,” Angel marvels. “I guess she got off from you shaving her. Or maybe she just got hot at the thought of my dick.”

“Right,” I scoff.

He doesn’t take his time with her. He has her body gathered up in his arms, where he’s thrusting into her, over and over. He’s in this to come, not for her pleasure, though I’m tempted to reach out and touch her wet cunt to make her come again. Every time she does, I can see it breaking off just another little part of her, making her more ours.

Angel usually has more stamina than this, but it isn’t long before he comes. He fills the condom with a moan, holding himself over Lucia’s body for a long moment before he withdraws.

“She still needs to get in the shower and rinse off,” I say, “so dump your cum on her if you want, but it’ll be coming right back off.”

Angel looks a little sheepish, like he’d been preparing to do just that. But he nods. Like a gentleman, even, he helps her to her feet. I get the water in the shower running, getting it to the perfect temperature before I gesture her inside.

“Rinse off,” I order her. “And don’t take long. It’s time for you to go back to your cell.”

Her shoulders droop, but she gingerly gets into the shower.

“What, did she think we’d let her stay in this part of the house after what she pulled?” Angel scoffs.

Obviously so.

But she doesn’t get luxury, not until we’re ready to let her have it. Until then, she’s just our toy.