Breaking Lucia by Raissa Donovan



Angelo practically throws me down on the shitty mattress in the basement, and I land with a groan. I stare up at him, wishing I was portraying utter hatred instead of fear—but I know what’s really showing, because I know what I’m really feeling. I don’t know what these three have in store for me, but it’s not good.

Saint follows Angelo after only a moment, juggling cameras in his arms.

My heart skips a beat at the sight of them.

“You don’t want to do anything you’ll regret,” I warn them, not wanting to beg even as holy fuck, I want to do anything I have to to keep them away from me—them, and their fucking cameras.

Victor appears in the door only moments later, and he closes it behind him. With the three men in the room, it’s crowded; they’re not exactly small, and I feel tiny in comparison. I’m dressed only in the shirt Saint had lent me as well as my unbuttoned and unzipped pants. At least they hadn’t been around my ankles when they’d caught me.

Angelo gets down on his haunches and grabs my chin. “What are we going to regret? Sending you back with a sloppy cunt? Seems like you already have one. Nothing pure or virginal about you.”

I try to slap his hand away, but his grip is strong. Not a surprise, considering how well defined his muscles are. I hate how attractive I find him, even while my body trembles in fear.

“I never said I was a virgin.”

He slaps me hard. For a second everything is white and my ears ring. I know how violent he is, but I somehow still can’t believe that he would hit me.

Victor snorts in laughter. “She isn’t wrong. You let your imagination get the better of you.”

“You both bought her sweet and innocent act too!” Angelo glares at them. I follow his gaze and see that Saint has finished setting up one of the cameras. It’s pointing directly at me.

“I don’t mind if she isn’t a virgin,” Saint says, “But if I’d known, I wouldn’t have held back.”

Victor’s expression is still as cold as ice. I have no idea what he’s thinking, and that’s even more worrisome than Angelo’s obvious anger. “You’re right,” Victor says, taking a few steps closer. I try to scramble away, but there’s nowhere to go. I press my back against the wall as if it could possibly offer protection.

“It was remiss of me not to consider that possibility. And you should get a reward, Santino. In fact, I think we could reward all the men. They’ve been working hard. Since Lucia here is free with her body, I don’t think it’ll make a difference if she fucks one or twenty people tonight.”

I can feel the color leave my face. “I’m not that free with my body,” I say quickly. “I’ve had sex. That doesn’t make me a slut.” All right, so maybe I am, but I’m not going to share that with them. Besides, I’m sure they fuck their way around the city and there’s nothing wrong with that, so I’m not going to let them shame me because of my sexuality. I’m not going to let them use me as a reward either though. I will bite and kick and fight with everything I have. “My father would fucking kill you if you let them gangbang me.”

Victor shakes his head at me. “You keep invoking your father. But he hasn’t responded to my message yet. I think he doesn’t actually care about you, Lucia. Which means… Well, you don’t have much value anymore, do you?”

“I have plenty of value,” I snap. “Even if he hasn’t responded yet, he will.” I’m sure of it. He needs me for the deal with Pavone. I know for a fact that Pavone doesn’t want my sister.

At least, I’m pretty sure.

“I’ll have much less value if you let your men rape me.”

Now Angelo bursts into laughter. “How would he even know? He’s not selling you as a pure maiden, is he? Will Pavone check the sheets on your wedding night?” He closes the distance between us and draws a hand up my thigh, stopping just short of the open zipper. “One man, five men, one hundred men… It’s not going to make a difference to Pavone, in the end.”

“My father gouged a man’s eyes out for even looking at me wrong,” I retort, trying to hang on to my last strings of defiance, trying not to let myself panic. “You don’t want me telling him you let your men have me like I’m some common whore.”

“Hey, Angel, move a bit to the right. You’re blocking her face,” Saint orders.

I have to turn this situation around quickly before it goes against me. Daddy isn’t here to save me, and threats of his behavior aren’t doing shit to discourage them. There’s a part of me that remembers I don’t even want to go back to him, but it’s the best defense I have. But not the only line of defense.

Which means it’s up to me, and I only have one thing to leverage.

“I’ll fuck you,” I blurt out. I touch my cheek where Angelo had hit me, silently cursing him out, but I don’t say the words aloud. “All three of you.”

Angelo’s hand on my thigh tightens for a second. “We can fuck you anyway. Tie you down and gag you while we pound into your loose cunt.”

“Or we can just knock you out and have our fun that way,” Saint says, smirking as he fiddles with the camera. “I’ll even make you come, just like I did last time.”

Last time?

Sons of fucking bitches. No wonder I’d woken up with stiff panties. They’d jacked off on me, and apparently they’d gone the extra mile when I’d been unconscious the last time. My skin crawls. What exactly did they do to me?

“We don’t need your consent to fuck you,” Saint says, jabbing a finger in my direction.

“But it would be a better fuck if you had it,” I tell him, trying to keep the tremor from my voice. “I’ll suck you. I’ll give you my ass. I’ll lie there and play dead if that’s what you want. I’d rather you three than… everyone.”

Angelo instantly says, “Pass. I can find loose whores in any strip club.”

Fuck, I thought Angelo would be the easiest of them to persuade. He wasn’t subtle in how much he wanted me, but I’d miscalculated how much of it was his fucking virginity kink.

“Oh, come on,” Saint wheedles, heading out from behind the camera and grabbing my hair, pulling my face up to look at him. He leans down and kisses me hard, and I reflexively open up and kiss him back. He groans. “Yeah. She’s offering, Angel. We don’t have to go to a nasty strip club to find some STD-ridden slut. We have a perfectly good little whore right here, and we don’t even have to pay.”

I don’t know what I can say to encourage them more. Angelo still looks pissed off, and Victor… I instinctively lean closer to Saint to escape Victor’s piercing gaze. He’s creeping me out.

Victor reaches into his pocket. I’m worried it’ll be a knife or a gun, but he tosses something on the floor between Saint and Angelo.

It’s a whole pack of condoms. Their threat obviously wasn’t an empty one.

“You have no idea how diseased Lucia is or isn’t.”

It’s demeaning as hell to have these men discuss me like I’m some piece of property, but if I protest now, I’ll undo the small chance I have of not being gang raped.

Victor sets his cool gaze on me. “Let’s see how serious your offer is. I want you to fuck Angelo and Santino right now.”

This can’t be real. I can’t be offering myself to three men to get out of having to fuck God knows how many. But it’s on my terms. I cling to that fact like it’s a lifeline. At least this way, it’s my choice.

And really, it’s not like Angelo and Saint, Santino, whatever his name is, are ugly. I’d rather fuck one of them than Pavone any day, even if the man is almost as attractive as the two of them. These two are terrible, but Pavone is much, much worse.

“All right,” I say, much more calmly than I feel. “How do you want me?” I lick my lips, trying to look sultry, but my heart is threatening to hammer out of my chest. I’m terrified, but I have to do this.

“Oh, dibs!” Saint immediately pulls on my hair and forces my head up so he can kiss me again. I fight against the instinct to struggle. At least Saint is a halfway decent kisser, and I can relax into the familiar act. I should remember this for the future too: Saint likes kissing. The sensation of his tongue piercing on my palate is interesting—a bit ticklish, but not bad.

His other hand is gentle as it creeps underneath my—his—shirt. He settles it against the underside of my breast and begins rubbing my nipple with his thumb.

This is okay. It’s sort of nice, maybe, right up until the mattress dips and Angelo’s thick arms grab my shoulders and pull me away from Saint.

“Hey, what gives?” Saint complains.

“Victor wants to see her fuck us, not make out with us,” Angelo says. “So skip the foreplay. Get her pants off.”

I’m squirming a little despite myself. Saint’s hand felt good, and my nipples are hard. Between his kisses and his touches, my body is starting to show interest. I don’t know if that’ll make this easier or more humiliating—or both; definitely both—but I bite my bottom lip to keep from showing them that it’s having an effect on me.

“Whatever,” Saint mutters. “She said she’d do it, and I want her to be wet when I fuck her. I know you don’t care if they’re dry as sandpaper, but I do.” He pulls my pants down anyway, shoving them off to the side.

As a gesture of… good faith, I guess, I pull the shirt up and over my head, leaving myself only in my panties. The same panties they’ve already seen me in, so this isn’t anything new. My cheeks burn anyway. I may have slept with more than a few guys, but never two at once.

Angelo pulls me against his chest. It feels strange to be naked while they’re all fully dressed. It’s very clear who holds the power in this room.

I blush when I notice Victor in the corner of the room, just watching. Is he getting anything out of this? I can’t tell if he’s hard or not. Do I want him to be?

I squeak when Angel wraps an arm around my chest, essentially locking me in place against him. His other hand reaches down and into my panties, his fingers sliding over my clit and between my folds. He huffs a laugh right next to my ear.

“You won’t have to worry about her being dry. The slut is already dripping wet.”

And I am.

How I can be so wet for him, for them, I have no idea, but my body is intent on humiliating me even as my mind rebels against the intrusion.

Saint pulls my panties down, shoving a finger right into me and making me yelp. “My, my. You are wet,” he says.

I try to draw my legs together unconsciously, only to have Saint push them apart even wider. I’m on display for him, and for Victor, and—and yes, for the camera. I hadn’t realized, but Angelo positioned us perfectly. I tense, but there’s nothing I can do to escape Angelo’s firm hold. Besides, I need to do this. I have to give them an experience they’ll never forget.

Angelo continues rubbing my clit, his breath loud against my ears. “Well, Saint? You gonna get your dick wet or not?”

Saint nods, undoing his fly. I’m worried about what I’ll see, but his cock is more or less average sized, neither a micro-dick nor some monster that’ll tear me apart. It’s longer than usual, but nothing too extreme. It looks clean, which I can’t say for every cock I’ve seen. There’s one thing about it that does stand out: the Prince Albert piercing, which I’ve never seen outside of porn. Even half-hard, Saint’s cock looks like it can give me a good time.

And I have to think about it that way—that this is for me, not them, and I’m here to party just like they are. I’m not going to let this break me down. I’m going to regain control however I can.

“Don’t forget the condom,” Victor adds. I’m irritated, because I know he’s saying it to denigrate me, even though I should be glad they aren’t going to fuck me raw. They keep saying I’m diseased, but I’ve got no proof any of them are clean.

“Yeah, yeah,” Saint says, reaching for the condom.

Angelo leans over my shoulder and extends his hand. “Pass me one.” After Saint hands him one, Angel holds it up in front of my face and scoffs. “Victor, this’ll never fit me. I’m way bigger than Saint.”

I’m not impressed. Every man claims he’s too big for a regular-sized condom, then it turns out the thing is even one size too big. I don’t say it, though. I’m already on thin ice with them, and they could turn me over to the household staff.

Because I don’t deny they’d do just that.

Saint must catch something in my expression though, because he laughs. “Doesn’t look like she believes you, Angel. Maybe you should give her a nice look at the goods.”

“Doesn’t believe me? I’m hurt.” Angelo drops the condom between my legs, then bites down on my shoulder. It isn’t gentle, but while he attacks my shoulder he rubs my clit, and my entire body shudders.

Then Angelo shifts our position, and I’ve got his erection pressed against my back. It’s… It isn’t small. I can tell even through his jeans that he’s hung. Maybe Saint can’t tear me apart, but I’m starting to worry that Angelo could.

“Then take her mouth instead,” Victor says impatiently. “I don’t care.”

Angelo stops attacking my shoulder to say, “Nah, it’s fine. Saint, reach into my back pocket, I’ve got a condom there.”

Why the fuck is he just carrying it around? Unless he was planning on getting lucky with me right from the start.

“It’s not your turn yet,” Saint scoffs, shoving his pants and boxers down to his ankles and stepping out of them. “And make her do it. I’m not groping your ass.”

“That’s not what you said—”

Saint levels a death glare on Angelo, which immediately catches my interest. What’s going on with the two of them?

Angelo huffs and goes back to biting my shoulder in the same spot, making me hiss in pain.

“Get her mostly on her back,” Saint orders, rolling the condom onto his dick. “She wet enough, or do we need to go looking for lube?”

“It’s a little late to be worrying about lube now, unless you want to stroll around the house half-naked. How hard is it to fuck a woman, Santino?” Victor asks. He sounds even more irritated than before, but his eyes are glued to my chest.

Angelo seems to notice. He pushes me down until my head is in his lap, and I can feel the heat of him through his pants. His cock is absolutely hard, and it feels big enough against the back of my head to make me nervous. “She’s plenty wet,” he says, lifting his hand and showing Saint his glistening fingers.

I blush helplessly, because there’s not much else I can do.

“So just fuck her already,” Angelo growls. “You aren’t the only one who wants her.”

Saint kneels down, meeting my eyes. His own eyes are intense, dark with desire, and he pushes the head of his cock against my clit. It’s so hot that I writhe, pushing myself against him, and he laughs. “You just can’t wait to get my dick, can you, kitten?”

I whimper, but I can’t argue. I’m fucking dripping from Angelo’s talented fingers as Saint starts to drive his cock inside of me.

Saint moans, pushing into me one slow inch at a time—and he’s long, so it feels like he’ll never bottom out.

I think I can handle Saint though, concentrating on keeping my wits about me, until Angelo’s fingers go right back to rubbing my clit. Pleasure shoots up my spine and I accidentally moan. I try to cover my mouth to prevent more sounds from escaping, but Angelo grabs my hand.

“None of that, slut. Let’s hear all your cries.”

I’m so humiliated by the way they’re treating me, shame making my entire torso flush red, but I’ve never been this turned on before in my life either. My body is barely my own anymore. I’ve never felt so out of control during sex before—and I don’t think I’ve ever been so wet before.

Saint finally sinks balls-deep into me, and I let out a breath I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding. He feels so fucking good inside of me. Even through the condom I can feel the piercing, and it rubs insistently against my inner walls. I gasp in pleasure and squirm, instinctively squeezing around his cock.

He groans, holding himself above me as he stares down and locks eyes with me. “Huh. She might be a slut, but she’s not a loose slut. You might actually get some pleasure out of her, Angel. Once I break her in for you. Sorry you get sloppy seconds, man.”

“I never mind your sloppy seconds,” Angelo leers.

Saint scowls.

“Can you two stop flirting and get on with it? I don’t have all night.” Victor says. I’d almost forgotten about his presence, overwhelmed as I was with pleasure.

“We weren’t flirting,” Saint snaps back. He grabs my thighs and pushes them back, then slams into me, hard, like he’s trying to prove something. It pushes me back against Angelo, who’s still holding me to him, and his fingers… They never stop moving. Sometimes his hand slips lower, his fingers sliding into me next to Saint’s cock. It’s a strange sensation, but it’s good, and I’m having a hard time thinking straight. Whatever’s going on between Saint and Angelo, I don’t care.

Angelo’s other hand slides to my breast, pinching my nipple, and a full-body shudder runs through me at the sensation. I remember the way Victor had been looking at my chest, and I glance at him only to see his eyes practically burning through me. He’s treating me just like any common slut, but there’s no doubt about it: he wants me too.

I lick my lips, meeting his eyes directly, but even so his expression doesn’t change. He does, at least, finally have a visible erection. Those slacks aren’t hiding anything anymore.

I startle when Angelo grabs my chin and makes me look in Saint’s direction. “Kiss her, Saint.”

“I thought you didn’t want any foreplay,” Saint says.

“It’s not foreplay if you’re already fucking her,” Angelo points out.

Saint leans down and kisses me again, hard, his tongue already thrusting past my lips. He explores my mouth, and I give in to him as another moan is stifled by his mouth on mine.

I’ve never had multiple partners at once, and I don’t know how to deal with so many competing sensations. Saint’s mouth, Angelo’s hands, Saint’s cock still pounding into me, and Victor’s eyes on me the entire time. I’m nearing orgasm a lot faster than I ever have before. Maybe Angelo’s fingers are just that talented, but I’m not delusional enough to think that the fact that three men want me so damn badly has nothing to do with it.

It’s a rush, and for a moment, I forget that I’m not here of my own volition, that I’m just with them so I don’t have to service their entire fucking staff. It just feels fucking fantastic, and I’m flying high when Saint grunts against my mouth and speeds up.

He’s so long that he touches places in me I’ve rarely felt stimulated, and between that and Angelo’s fingers, I cry out and come. I can’t help but squeeze Saint’s cock like my cunt’s a damn vise, and I throw my head back, unable to even keep the sounds from escaping me.

Saint speeds up, no longer interested in kissing me, only interested in fucking me, and it’s only a matter of time before he comes—with Angelo egging him on the entire way.

I’m panting hard, my mind fuzzing pleasantly. But as soon as Saint pulls out, Angelo lifts me up and pushes me forward across Saint’s lap. My ass is now tilted up, and I’m much too exhausted to move. Saint strokes my hair gently. Behind me, I hear Angelo ripping the condom wrapper.

“You were good,” Saint whispers. “Really fucking good. Best lay I’ve had in a while.”

I’m not sure if I should be pleased or offended.

Angelo’s moving behind me, and I remember too late my offer to give up my ass. I know now that there’s a monster of a cock in those pants, and the idea of him taking my virgin asshole suddenly feels a lot more urgent. I brace myself. I offered it to get out of worse, and I’m not going to be a little bitch who begs for him not to.

Am I?

Angelo grabs my hips and pulls my ass cheeks apart.

“I need—I need lube,” I say, my voice cracking a bit. I might never have done anal before, but I know that getting fucked without prep would hurt even with a normal-sized dick.

He laughs and positions his cock against my asshole. “Do you? Blood can be plenty slick.”

Fuck, he sounds way too gleeful about the prospect.

“Don’t break her, Angel,” Saint interjects, and for a few seconds I’m grateful to him… until I remember that he’s part of this group too, and he had violated me while I was unconscious.

“Fine, fine. Besides, you got her all warmed up for me. Would be a waste not to take advantage of that.” Angelo’s cock slides lower, and yes, I can feel just how thick it is. I force myself to relax, and I’m very, very glad that I’m still completely slick. Even that first penetration stretches me despite Saint having been in me moments earlier. I bury my head in Saint’s thigh to stifle my moans.

I’m still sensitive from coming, my cunt throbbing as Angelo forces his way in one inch at a time. It feels that much more amazing, and I’m relieved he decided to fuck me this way.

“Damn, she’s burning up,” Angelo says. “Fuck, that’s good. Too bad you couldn’t come inside her.” His fingers tighten on my hips, and I’m positive I’ll have bruises in the morning. I’m glad for that small bit of pain though, because it helps steady my mind. I twist my head so I can look in Victor’s direction again.

He hasn’t moved at all. I wish I knew what he’s thinking. Enjoying the show, clearly, but is it enough? Have I convinced him?

My thoughts scatter again when Angelo pulls out, leaving just the tip, then he slams forward. An embarrassing scream escapes my lips. Saint has to grab my shoulders to keep me in place.

The next time he does it, I’m more prepared, and I brace myself so my head doesn’t get shoved right back into Saint’s lap. I know he probably wouldn’t mind, but my poor hole is already getting wrecked. I don’t need him deciding he wants a second round.

I’m still unable to keep those humiliating little sounds to myself, though. It just feels so good to be penetrated so deeply, so completely, and he’s rubbing against parts of me that are driving me crazy. I feel like I could come again if he’d just keep doing exactly what he’s doing, but my orgasm is elusive.

I’m desperate for it, but I’m not going to beg. I just try to fuck back against him instead, but he only laughs and fucks me harder, faster. It’s clear he doesn’t want me to be an active participant. He just wants to use me for all I’m worth.

The sound of his heavy breathing fills the air, joining my gasps and moans and the occasional sob as I feel like I’m about to find release only to have it snatched away from me again.

Saint keeps petting my hair, but I’m barely aware of his presence.

All I can think about is Angelo’s hard, thick cock as he pounds into me, tensing as he gears up for his own climax. I wish he was touching me, but this time, there are no fingers on my clit to ensure my pleasure. As amazing as his dick is, I still need that extra touch to fall over the edge.

With staccato thrusts, he comes inside of me, filling the condom. He lingers inside of me, and for a moment, I have the dim hope that he might finish me off.

But he doesn’t.

Instead, he just pulls out, leaving me breathless and dangerously close to climax. I almost reached to touch myself and send myself over that final edge, but I can only imagine what they’d say.

I keep my hands balled into fists instead.

A snap of fingers draws all our attention. Victor points at his feet. “Crawl here.”

My legs tremble and my arms feel like jelly and getting ordered like a dog sets me on edge. I remind myself of the consequences of disobeying though. At least I’m too tired to say something I’ll regret.

Saint helps me up properly and pets my hair, still calling me a good girl. I blush again. I wish their words didn’t affect me like this.

Angelo slaps my ass when I start crawling. “Very nice. She’s not half-bad, Victor. Well, her cunt isn’t.”

“Hey, since she’s a slut, there’s a good chance she’ll know how to use her mouth, too,” Saint adds.

Fuck all of them, I think, but I slowly make my way across the small room to kneel at Victor’s feet. I look up at him, trying to exude confidence. I don’t think I succeed.

“Get my cock out,” Victor says.

I swallow a sarcastic response and get up on my knees so I can reach his belt and fly. I’ve done this so many times before, with plenty of men, yet this time it feels strangely degrading. Maybe because I can hear Angelo and Saint in the background, zipping up and whispering something to each other. Or maybe it’s Victor himself, no hint of desire on his face. At least his cock is hard when I pull it out—and it isn’t anywhere near as large as Angelo’s, thank god. I don’t know what I would have done if he were that long and thick. I’m decently good at blowjobs, but I do still have a gag reflex.

“Do you want a condom?” I ask before I can think better of it. “You don’t know where my mouth has been, after all.”

Victor sighs loudly, then reaches down to push his fingers against my cheeks, forcing my mouth open. One finger slips into my mouth and pushes down on my tongue.

“Don’t be stupid, Lucia.” Victor rubs his finger slowly all over the inside of my mouth: my tongue, my gums, the knuckle even scraping my palate.

It’s just a finger. Just a single finger inside my mouth, yet I feel more violated than when Saint and Angelo were fucking my cunt.

My eyes are starting to itch. I refuse to cry though, especially over one finger and a few harsh words.

It’s still a relief when Victor lets go and pulls his finger out. It’s short-lived, because he grabs my hair and pushes my face against his cock. The next breath I take fills me with his scent.

“Do I need to tell you how to do this?” Victor asks condescendingly.

“Yes. Why don’t you explain, with all of your experience in sucking cock?” I shoot back, unable to keep the words from escaping me.

I hear someone snicker behind me—Angelo, I think—but Victor doesn’t seem to appreciate my wit.

“Hands behind your back.” Victor grips my hair tighter and rubs the head of his cock over my lips before I even have time to obey his order. I open my mouth only to keep his cock from leaking over my face.

I wonder if he’ll even notice where my hands are, once I really get to work. They’ve been accusing me of being a slut all evening. Well, I’ve had plenty of practice at sucking a man’s brain out through his cock. There’s a kind of power there, rendering a man helpless just with my mouth.

Unfortunately, Victor’s hold on my hair doesn’t let up, and he pulls and pushes me in turn, guiding me along his uncircumcised cock. He doesn’t want a blowjob. He just wants to fuck my face. I struggle to breathe, and even holding my balance is difficult with my arms behind me.

On one particularly brutal thrust, I automatically bring my hand to his thigh to brace myself. Victor’s movements stop, and he makes a disappointed sound. I look up, swallowing around his cock, and notice him sneering.

“Saint, come hold her arms in place. She’s not good at following orders.”

I hear Saint’s footsteps before he gets into place behind me. He buries his face against my neck and breathes in deeply, grabbing both my arms and pulling them back with one hand. With the other, he reaches around and plays with my breast.

I’m more startled than anything, and I twist slightly as though it’s going to get me anywhere. All that happens is that Victor curls his fingers more tightly in my hair, and Saint pulls me roughly against his chest. Though I’m nude, he’s dressed again, which only makes me feel more helpless. I bet Angelo’s gotten dressed, too, leaving me the only truly vulnerable one in the room.

Saint teases my nipples, lightly brushing his fingers across them before pinching hard. I cry out around Victor’s cock, and Victor only moans.

“Keep doing that,” Victor directs him, like a puppet master might. “It feels good when she moans around me.” He starts thrusting again, in and out, little by little.

Saint kisses my neck, even as his fingers tighten around my wrists. I’ll probably bruise, but that’s likely what he’s after anyway. He doesn’t stop playing with my nipples for a long moment before his hand finally slides down.

My heart skips a beat as I realize he’s going for my cunt. Is he just going to tease me to madness, or am I going to get that orgasm I was so abruptly denied just minutes before?

I whimper, and Saint’s fingers find my clit. He rubs his thumb slowly along it, taking his time, and I’m a mess of gasps and whimpers as I lose myself to his hand. He thrusts two fingers into me, making me buck, and I end up with Victor’s cock in my throat. It’s all I can do not to let my teeth brush it, because all I’m thinking about now is my pleasure.

Victor’s other hand comes up to my mouth and starts rubbing my jaw. I didn’t even notice the drool slipping out, but he makes sure to smear it all over my chin. “You look better like this,” Victor says. “No longer pretending to be something you’re not.”

Fuck you, I think, and it’s probably a good thing I can’t talk around his cock. The temptation to bite is strong, but I don’t want to even think of what he’d do to me then.

I know the words are meant to hurt me, to break me down, and they might have if Saint hadn’t started slowly thrusting his fingers inside of me, taking care to brush my clit on every downstroke. He doesn’t have the same skill Angelo does—either that, or he’s just edging me on purpose—and I focus on that instead.

Let Victor use my mouth and try to degrade me. It won’t be the first time someone has tried. The three of them are determined to break me down, but they’ll see that it’s not that easy…

Then again, it’s hard to argue I’m doing a wonderful job resisting them right now when I’m thrusting my hips against Saint’s fingers.

I feel Victor’s hand tighten again, and his pace picks up. He’s close. I get ready to swallow. But he suddenly pulls out, leaving me staring up at him with a dazed expression, my mouth parted.

As scattered as my mind is, it takes me too long to realize what he’s doing. He pumps his cock a few more times. Then I’ve got a hot splash of cum all over my face, dripping down my eyelids and into my mouth.

“Nice,” Saint murmurs. “I shoulda done that too.” His fingers aren’t letting up at all, and I’m torn between the pleasure and complete humiliation as I try to blink my eyes open.

I hear Angelo getting up, and he walks over to Victor. He leans against Victor’s shoulder, which I’m surprised Victor allows, but Victor is busy wiping his cock off with a cloth handkerchief.

Angelo’s devious expression makes me worry.

“Don’t worry, Saint. I’ve got you covered.” He extends his hand in my direction. At first I think he’s going to smear Victor’s cum, but then I notice that he’s holding something.

The used condoms.

I flinch backwards, but Saint is there to hold me in place. His fucking fingers don’t stop moving, and I realize this whole time, he has been edging me. He knows what he’s doing after all, and as Angelo empties the two condoms over my head and face, my body spasms and I scream my long-awaited climax.

The cum that drips down from the condoms is cooler, more disgusting-feeling, and some of it gets into my mouth.

I orgasm, long and hard, held by one of them while the other two watch and I taste all three of them in my mouth. I close it, but it’s too late. They’ve already marked me this way, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

I’ve held on for so long, but the next blink has tears rolling down my cheeks. No matter how much I tell myself that this is the reaction they want and that I shouldn’t do it, I can’t stop myself from crying

Victor finishes zipping himself up and squats down to be eye level with me. He stares at me for a few seconds in silence, and I want to yell at him, but my breaths are fast and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to keep my voice from wavering.

Finally he says, “That was passable. I suppose we’ll keep you to ourselves for now.”

He gets up and moves towards the door. His shoes sound so loud against the hard tile.

Saint starts petting my head—the dry parts of it. “Hey, hey, don’t cry. You’ll get better. Victor’s just super picky.” He kisses the side of my throat again. “And we’re all done for now. See? I’ll just hold you for a few minutes.” He releases my arms but wraps his around my waist.

I try to lift a hand up to wipe the cum from my face, but he grabs my wrist.

“No, no, let that dry,” he says. “We want everyone to know you’re ours, don’t we? We don’t want any other… mistakes.”

Angelo laughs. “Yeah, if you’re good, we’ll come hose you down in the morning.”

“Fuck you!” I can’t help but—try to—snarl. My voice cracks, though, and the words sound like they’re coming from someone much younger, much weaker.

“That’s cute,” Angelo says. “Saint, leave her be. She clearly doesn’t want us being nice to her.” He makes a show of looking around the room. “Enjoy your night alone, Princess. Well, alone except for the cameras.”

If they try to leave those expensive-looking cameras in this room, I will smash them to pieces. I have a feeling they’re talking about other cameras, though, cameras I could never reach.

Saint finally releases me with another kiss to the top of my head. “Good girl.” He starts to break down the cameras with fluid ease, the ease of someone who’s done this a thousand times before. “See you in the morning, kitten.”

As one final shot, Angelo grabs my shirt and jeans. “You won’t need these.” He leers at me. “And don’t be afraid to give us a show. We’ll be watching.”

I can’t help the one hiccupping sob that escapes me before I shut it down.

Naked, alone, watched by perverts with cameras.

What have I gotten myself into?