Not His Omega To Love by GS Holmes



“You wantme to get out and walk the rest of the way to the school?” I stared at my boyfriend, Reggie, my stomach clenching. How could my morning, which had started so well, have come to this? When he’d texted me that he was going to pick me up, I’d been ecstatic. I’d immediately called my best friend, Piper, to let her know I already had a ride, so she didn’t have to swing by to get me. And I’d given up a perfectly good ride for this? To be left on the side of the road?

“Come on, baby, it’s not far.” He pointed at the road up ahead. “You understand, don’t you? We’re not out yet, and I can’t afford to get distracted by gossip and shit while I’m supposed to be concentrating on my game.”

“Why would there be gossip? I’m not the first male omega you’ve been with.”

I wasn’t the second either. Since the moment Reggie Finch started attending our high school three years ago, he’d been a heartthrob. He was never single for long.

“You’re not, but it’s different with you.”

I glanced away from him, spots flashing before my vision. I was different? He hadn’t seen me as different when he’d detoured to his house on the way to school and pulled me inside for a quickie. He hadn’t seen me as different when I had my lips wrapped around his cock. My heart sank. “I don’t see how I’m different from anyone else you dated. What? You think everyone will be shocked you’ve fallen for someone like me?”

He scoffed, shaking his head at me. “What’s that supposed to mean? Like you?”

“I’m not as pretty as the other boys you date. You don’t have to pretend otherwise with me.”

He laughed and laid his hand on my arm. I remained stiff and unmoving.

“Are you kidding me? Do you even own a mirror, Cody?”

Despite the shit he’d piled on my head this morning, I melted on the inside at his words, and my hands tingled. “You think I’m pretty?”

“‘Course I do. I wouldn’t date you otherwise.”

And he had to go and ruin it again by opening his mouth.

“I don’t like that. You shouldn’t be with someone simply because of the way they look.”

“It doesn’t matter. You look great, and you’re the smartest guy I know.”

“I still don’t want to walk. It’s embarrassing for you t-t-to do what you just did to me and then dump me at the side of the road.”

“Please, baby.” He placed his thumb on my bottom lip and rubbed. “Do this for me. I promise I’ll let everyone know about us soon. We’re going to prom together after all, aren’t we?”

Prom with popular Reggie Finch? Hell yes. Maybe everyone at the school who wasn’t my best friend would stop treating me like I didn’t exist. “Promise?”

“Hey, have I ever lied to you?”

He had, but he didn’t give me a chance to respond. He pulled me into him and kissed me. His cold tongue slipped between my lips, and I forced myself to breathe through my nostrils. It would be over soon.

Reggie took my hand and pressed it against the bulge behind the zipper of his jeans.

“Do you think—”

I pushed his hand away, grabbed my backpack, and opened the car door.

“No way am I going to suck your dick in the open.”

“Come on. We’re in the car.”

“No, Reggie. Besides, we already had sex this morning.”

“You know I’m a horny boy.” Way too horny. To think I’d been a virgin almost two months ago, and now I was being nailed by this guy several times a week.

I ignored Reggie and walked off in the direction of the school with my backpack hitched over my shoulders.

Any minute now, he’s going to tell me to get back in the car. Surely, he can see how this will make me feel to have to walk after he just had sex with me?

“Fine. I’ll catch you around.”

Reggie drove off, the tires of his car screeching. He’s really leaving me?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked against the burn at the back of my eyes. He had a good reason not to want to be seen with me at school, right? Relationships were a distraction, and who was I to complain when I hid us from my parents as well? If they found out, they would be livid.

Finally, I walked through the school gates, grimacing at the sensation of my damp shirt sticking to my back. Reggie’s car was in the parking lot, and Reggie was surrounded by his buddies from the football team. He glanced in my direction, and I flashed him a small smile. Our little secret. He turned his back and said something to his friends that made them laugh.

Face burning, I lowered my head and barreled my way up the side steps and inside the school, then straight to my locker.

“Cody! Hey, Cody!”

I spun around. Piper stalked toward me, almost lost in the sea of students due to her small stature. And yet she was taller than me. Her swinging purple ponytails made it difficult to miss her, though.

“Hey, Piper, what’s up?”

I unlocked my locker and retrieved the books I needed for my morning classes.

“Dude, you totally bailed on us last night. And again, this morning. Why?”

I blinked at her, confused at… oh crap. I had bailed on my AP Statistics study group last night.

“Dammit, I’m sorry. I forgot.”

“You forgot?” Her voice rose. “That’s your excuse? You forgot?”

“Reggie’s dad was doing an out-of-state haul, so we had the place to ourselves. He wanted to rent a movie.”

“You spent the night? Is that why you didn't want us to pick you up this morning?”

“No, of course not.” He’d suggested it, but no way in hell would I have been able to pull that off with the kind of parents I have. I wasn’t convinced my mom didn’t still poke her head into my bedroom at night to check I was okay.

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with him. Have you gone public with dating yet?”

I shook my head. “Not yet but soon.” She scoffed, and I turned toward her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Come on. If you have something to say to me, say it.”

“Fine, it’s just that he’s a dick to you. You’ve been going out now for almost two months—”

“Seven weeks.”

Almost two months and he’s still keeping you his dirty little secret.”

“It’s not that big a deal, Piper. Plus, we’re going to prom together.”

“He asked you?”

Not really, but he said we were going together. “Yeah.”

“Then when is he going to make it official that you’re together? Prom isn’t exactly far away.”


“Yeah, right, and I guess it has nothing to do with the fact that he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s dating you before the voting for prom king happens.”

I slammed the locker door shut and glared at Piper, pursing my lips. “What is it with you? You can’t believe a guy like that would be interested in me?”

Her eyes widened. “What? No, of course not.”

“Are you sure?” Hugging my books to my chest, I locked my locker. “Because that’s exactly what I’m getting from you right now.”

“I guess I’m not explaining myself well.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “All I’m saying is to be careful, okay? Reggie has a sort of reputation, and well, you’re still a virgin. You two aren’t exactly in the same league.”

“How can you be so sure I’m a virgin?” I blurted out without thinking.

“Of course, you are. You would’ve told me…”

I squirmed, my face and neck incredibly hot. I would have told her about it, but she’d made it obvious from day one that she didn’t think it was a good idea for me to be with Reggie. She didn’t like Reggie, so I didn’t bring him up often and certainly not when we were around our other friends. I so hated this was the way things were between us. I would have loved for us to go on double dates with her and her girlfriend, Izzy, but I’d never suggest it unless her attitude changed.

Or Reggie and I started dating publicly.

“Oh my god, you’ve done it with him, haven’t you?”

Several heads swiveled in our direction at her squeal. It was all I could do not to cover my face with my books and slink away. She must have seen the flight expression on my face. She fisted the back of my shirt and wouldn’t let go.

“Cody Gooden, you didn’t!”

“Shhh!” I snapped at her, pulling her along with me to the janitor’s closet and pushing her right in. I could barely make her out in the dark space, but her phone light came on, and she shone it directly in my eyes.

“Are you torturing me by blinding me with that light because I didn’t tell you?”

“You slept with Reggie?”

“Does it matter?”

“Of course, it does. When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“About a month ago.”

“But you were dating for what? Only three weeks at the time? And you weren’t even sure if you were actually dating. Did he force you?”

“No, I did it willingly.” It had been hard to resist when he touched my nipples and whispered where on my body he wanted to kiss. “So how was it?”

I shrugged. “It was all right.”

“Just all right? The cocky prick probably doesn’t even know how to please anyone else but himself.”

“Hey, that’s my boyfriend you’re talking about.”

“Sorry. But still, I’m pretty hurt you didn’t tell me.”

At her downturned lips, I dropped my gaze to my feet. She was right that we usually told each other everything. She and I had been friends since we were in elementary school.

“I’m sorry. You don’t like him, so I thought it was better not to tell you.”

“Wow, you’ve had sex for a month now, and he’s still with you.”

I sighed. “Yeah, so your theory about him being with me only for sex is wrong.”

“Yeah, maybe I was wrong. I’m sorry.”

I smiled at her. “Don’t worry. We’re good. I hate it when we fight.”

“Me too. Let’s not fight about Reggie anymore.”

“Good, then trust me that I knew what I was doing.”

The bell rang, and we both sprang into motion. Our classes were in opposite directions, so I waved at her and told her I’d catch her for lunch. I ran to Ms. Francis’s computer math class, dropped down, panting, in a chair in the second row farthest from the door, and turned my focus on the day’s lesson. As much as I liked Reggie, school was still the most important thing to me. There were two of us in the run for valedictorian, and I was determined to be the one chosen.

During my final class before lunch period, my phone vibrated. Our teacher hated it when we used our phones in class, so I ignored it, but as soon as we were dismissed, I dug the device out of my pocket and checked the message. Reggie wanted me to meet him discreetly on campus.

At first, I started texting out a reply that I was on my way, but then remembered how I’d ditched my friends last night because Reggie’s dad was out of town. We had a test after lunch, and I could at least try and catch up with them for a little study session before classes started.

Me: Sorry, I’m meeting my friends for lunch.

On a whim, I added, you’re welcome to join us.

Before I could put my phone away, it vibrated again. I held my breath as I opened the message.

Reggie:If you’d rather hang out with your dorky friends than me, I’ll hang out with a couple of friends too. I’ll call you later for a date. Don’t be busy then too, okay? And you owe me head.

What the heck? The smiley face emoji meant he was joking, right? With a sigh, I shoved my phone into my pocket and headed for the cafeteria to find my friends.