Not His Omega To Love by GS Holmes


“Mom!Dad! I’ll be back soon.”

Just make it to the door. Just make it to the door.

“Cody, sweetie, just a moment before you go, dear.”

If I was any other kid, I would have pretended I didn’t hear and barreled through the front door…but I couldn’t. With a groan, I retraced my steps and entered the kitchen, where Mom was making dinner.

“Yes, Mom?”

She flashed me a smile, then turned her attention back to the pans on the stove. “Have you heard anything yet about who’s going to be valedictorian?” She and Dad had promised me a car if I got that honor for graduation. As a curator of the local museum and a lawyer, my parents had drilled the importance of academic achievement into me since before I started school. My achievements weren’t just my own but theirs.

“No, not yet,” I replied. “But it’s pretty close. Michelle’s very smart and witty, so she might be chosen.” She would do a far better job than me standing on the podium and having to think of everyone naked to get my speech out.

“You’re smart too, honey. Is everything going well at school?”

“Yes, I’m on top of all my grades. May I go now?”

“What’s the rush, Cody?” She put down the wooden spoon she used to stir in the pan and assessed me from head to toe. “You’re all dressed up. Where are you going?”

Say Piper’s house.

“Just out with a friend.”

A friend who chose that particular time to blast his horn from the driveway. Mom walked over to the window and peeked out.

“Who’s your friend?”

“Someone from school.”

“Does that someone have a name?”

I groaned, glancing away from her. Only my parents would make me feel guilty for dating someone.


As if he’d heard his name, Reggie honked again. He was making the situation worse. And here I thought that after I’d talked to him about the way he hadn’t introduced me to his father, he had learned a thing or two about manners.

“And this Reggie can’t walk up to the door and ring the doorbell?” She shook her head and clucked her tongue. “I have to say, Cody, I don’t like this at all. Hank. Hank!”

What in the world was she doing? Why would she call Dad?

“What’s wrong?” My father rushed into the kitchen with the remote control still in his hand, a scowl on his face. He sure was pissed at having been called from whatever program he was watching.

“Your son has a friend honking for him in the driveway. Why don’t you bring him in for a little introduction?”

“Mom, seriously, that’s not necessary.” They were going to ruin the whole thing between Reggie and me. We’d only started going out together in public, even if he always picked places where we were least likely to run into anyone we knew. But it was a start.

“You know we love to meet the people you hang out with, Cody.”

Dad nodded. “I agree with your mom.”

He left the kitchen, and Mom eyed me, but she didn’t say another word. The front door opened, and footsteps echoed in the hall straight to the kitchen.

“Who do we have here?” Mom studied Reggie in his ripped jeans and “I Pee in the Pool” T-shirt. She pursed her lips as if she’d sucked a lemon.

I almost threw up my lunch, but I swallowed the bile in my throat. “M-mom, Dad, this is Reggie, a friend from school.”

“Hello, Reggie.” Mom extended her hand, her eyes flickering from the tattoos at the back of Reggie’s hand to me, then to Reggie’s face. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Finally meet you? Did they already know about Reggie and me?

“Nice to meet you too, Mr. and Mrs. Gooden.”

“Okay, we have to go.” I clutched Reggie’s arm and pulled him with me. “Don’t leave me dinner. Reggie and I will grab something together.”

“You and I are going to have a serious talk when you get back, young man,” Dad said.

Just what I needed. Another lecture about purity and saving myself for marriage like they had. How much would they freak out if they knew Reggie and I had already had sex? We might not be fully bonded, but that didn’t happen until the oath was taken during marriage bonding ceremony.

“What the hell was that?” Reggie asked when we were in the car.

“It’s your fault, you know. You could have waited for me instead of honking your car horn like that.”

“You were taking too long. I didn’t expect to be ambushed by your parents like that.”

“Ambushed? They wanted to meet you. A proper boyfriend would’ve come to the door and rang the doorbell.”

He glared at me. “What the fuck are you trying to say?”

I winced at his raised voice. “They’re my parents. They wanted to know you. It’s hardly a crime.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t prepared, and you know how I feel about people knowing about us.”

“Your dad knows about us.” I shrugged, pulling on my seat belt.

“By accident. He wasn’t supposed to be home that day.”

Folding my arms across my chest, I stared out the side window as he pulled out of the driveway. I didn’t say another word to him. Better to remain quiet than to spill how hurt I was that he was still treating me like a classmate. Yet he always wanted us to have sex.

It was my own damn fault for sleeping with him in the first place, and now I didn’t know how to stop. Every time I started to protest, he would touch me, and I was too weak to resist him. No wonder my parents were so against me discovering sex right now. It was addictive and distracting.

Reggie drove to his father’s house, and I frowned at the car parked in the driveway. He didn’t usually take me here when other people were around.

That’s right. He likes you being his dirty little secret.

“I thought we were going to get something to eat.”

“Yeah, here. I’ll order us pizza.”

My heart sank. Whenever we were here, he wanted sex. We never talked, watched movies, played video games, or anything. Sometimes he’d get us something to eat after, then dropped me off at my place. And a few times, he’d wanted me to suck him off right there in the car before I went in.

My stomach churned. What if Piper was right? But he’d taken me to his house this time while his father was here, so it wasn’t like the last time. He was making small changes.

“Your father’s home?”

“Yeah, but he’s cool.”


We got out of the car, and I had to run a little to catch up with him. He always forgot his legs were way longer than mine and he needed to slow down for me to keep up with him.

“Yeah, he’s not uptight like your parents. Don’t think I didn’t see the way your mother was judging me the whole time.”

“She wasn’t.” She had been, but I was ashamed of it. They did it to people so often, turned up their noses, and acted as if they were better than everyone else.

“I’m not dumb, Cody, but it doesn’t matter what they think of me. I wonder what they’d say if they found out you let me fuck that ass.” He smirked at me as my face heated up.

“Don’t talk like that.”

He laughed, opened the front door, and hauled me inside. “Why not? You know you love it when I talk dirty to you.” He backed me up into the wall and reached behind me to grab my ass. “You get even worse when I’m inside you, or have you forgotten?”

Despite my annoyance, my cock perked up, and my ass clenched.

“Reggie, that’s—”

He kissed me, his lips hard and demanding. This was the one part of sex I didn’t like. Our bodies were in perfect sync when he was inside me. I was usually slick, and he was hard, all the variables we needed for the equation of lust to be solved. But when his lips were on mine and his tongue thrust into my mouth, I was at times…disgusted. I endured it, though. It was a part of the whole process. Just because something was wrong with me and I couldn’t enjoy a kiss didn’t mean I had to ruin the experience for him too.


I froze at a throat clearing, but Reggie kept kissing me. I pushed at his chest with my fists, and he finally got the hint. I buried my face into Reggie’s shirt, my cheeks burning. His father. From the way Reggie was groping me, his father probably figured out we were having sex. No matter how cool Reggie said his dad was, he was still Reggie’s father. I’d never live down this embarrassment.

“Hey, Dad. You going out?” Reggie asked.

“Just going out for something to eat. Do you and your friend want to catch a movie when I get back?”

A movie sounded great. It was far more than anything Reggie and I had ever done while we were here. We always went straight to his bedroom, where we did sexy things.

“We have other plans, Dad. You know, with final exams and everything coming up. Come on, Cody.”

He grasped my wrist and pulled me after him. I kept my eyes down as we passed his father. “Hello, Mr. Finch.”

“Hey, Cody. Nice to see you again.”

At the foot of the stairs, I peered over my shoulder. He was such an imposing figure and looked nothing like his son so he must take after his other father. Mr. Finch was still watching us with intense blue eyes. My heart beat hard and fast. He had to know what Cody and I planned to do, but there was no judgment on his face.

Reggie tugged, and I stumbled but managed not to trip over my feet. Without a word, I followed Reggie up to his room. Once we were inside, he led me over to the bed and pushed me onto it.

“Your father knows,” I said.


“Aren’t you even a little bit weirded out by it?”

“Why?” He yanked his shirt over his head, and I stared at his chest. He was hot, his body honed from the time he spent working out with his teammates at the school gym.

“I don’t know. He’s your father. If my parents ever found out, I’d die.”

“My dad’s a realist, okay? We’re young and horny. Of course, we’re going to fuck.”

He leaned over me on the bed, caught my lips with his, and plunged his tongue inside my mouth. I flinched at the rough invasion. Could I ask him to slow down? I’d like to do a marathon with him sometime and not just a hundred-meter dash.

He stopped kissing me long enough to remove my shirt, and even though we’d done this so many times, I still wanted to cover my scrawny chest with my hands. I might not have had any fat on my body, but there wasn’t any muscle either. I was utterly undefined.

“You’re so fucking sweet.” He grinned down at me. “I never really noticed until this year, or I’d have made a play for you before.”

Was that supposed to be a compliment?

He ran a hand down my chest and back up and teased my nipples, and I gasped. They were so sensitive.

“You’re always so prim and proper at school.” He leaned forward and licked my nipple. “Everyone swears you’re such a saint. Principal Wexler holds you up as a measuring stick for the rest of us. If he could see you under me now, right?”

“I’d rather not think about Principal Wexler.” Oh man, when he twirled my nipple with his tongue like that, I could hardly think.

He chuckled. “If they only knew how good you are at sucking my dick. Or the way you moan when I’m buried deep inside your juicy ass. I bet you’re already wet for me, aren’t you?”

My face heated. Despite liking the way he talked to me, another part of me loathed it. I couldn’t quite tell whether he meant these words as a compliment or something else. An aberration.

He pulled away from me, leaving me shivering. He jumped off the bed, pushed down his pants and underwear, and pulled out his hard dick.

“Get down on your knees and suck me off. I swear, of all the guys I’ve fucked, you’ve got the best goddamn mouth. It’s like I’m addicted to you.”

I rolled off the bed and got down on my knees before him, bracing myself for his hands gripping my hair way too tight as he used my mouth. I had an amazing gag reflex, which he enjoyed as he shoved his cock deeper down my throat. It didn’t take him very long to come.

“See.” He dropped down on the bed beside me with a laugh. “Fucking amazing. You get me off so quickly, but I know I’m going to want you again in a second.”

I licked my lips and lay beside him. I tried to put my head on his chest, but he scooted away and grabbed his phone. I tried not to make anything of it as he opened one of his social media apps and uploaded a meme followed by a post about how he felt after getting his dick sucked.

“What are you doing?” I grabbed for his phone to prevent him from posting the status update.

“What the fuck, Cody! Don’t touch my phone, dude.” He glared at me.

“You can’t post that.” I sat up in the bed, my heart sinking. We weren’t even friends on social media. Was this the kind of stuff he posted?

“Relax. No one will know it’s you.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s disrespectful.”

“How so? Didn’t you just swallow my load?”

“Yeah, but that’s private. No one else needs to know about that.”

“I don’t get what the big deal is.”

Upset, I got off the bed and grabbed my shirt. “The big deal is that I don’t like you bragging about what I just did to you.”

He shrugged, grasping me by the waist and pulling me between his legs. “Come on. I wouldn’t mind if you told someone what a stud I am.”

“Oh?” I raised my eyebrows. “You’re saying you wouldn’t mind if I updated my status that Reggie Finch bottoms for me?”

“Why the fuck you gotta bring that up?” He scowled. “It was one time.”

“But you can’t deny you got off on it, can you?” I just didn’t like to do it at all. Thankfully, he hadn’t asked me for a repeat, but he had given me food for thought. If he wasn’t so self-conscious about being an alpha and bottoming, wouldn’t he prefer to be the one on the receiving end all the time?

“Drop it, Cody. You’re going to piss me off.”

“What are you so ashamed of?” Maybe if he admitted that he was more versatile with a preference for bottoming, then I could walk away and not feel like an epic failure for this disaster of a relationship.

Piper was right. This was doomed to fail.

“I was experimenting, that’s all. I don’t want to do it ever again. I’d much rather do you and look, I’m all horny again.”

I shook my head. “It can wait. We’re talking about—”

“It really can’t, babe.” He grabbed the backs of my thighs and lifted me onto his lap. “Why you gotta ruin everything? Let it go. You know you want it.”

Not in the least.

“Maybe we can. After we talk about the big elephant in the room. Whether or not you would want me to be the one to penetrate you.”

He turned us over to get me onto my back with him on top of me. “Shut up.” He kissed me, and I couldn’t help gagging this time .

“What the fuck?” He jumped off me. “You can’t kiss me now?”

“I just want to talk.”

“I kissed you, and you fucking gagged.”

“I don’t want to kiss. I want to talk.”

He pinned me with a glare. “Talking isn’t what I signed up for.”

“It isn’t? Because that’s what people in a relationship do.”

“Then maybe I don’t want a relationship.” He huffed and slammed his fist into the bed. “Maybe all I want is to fuck around with an omega who knows the score and not to expect much. And that doesn’t have to be you, does it?”

I sucked in a deep breath, tears filling my eyes. I blinked them away. No way was I going to let him see me cry.

“Shit, Cody, I didn’t mean it like that. You keep pushing me about the whole bottoming thing.”

I shoved him away from me and rushed toward the door, swiping at my eyes. “I think I should go.”

“We’re not done talking. I’m not driving you home if you leave now.”

“I don’t want you to drive me home anyway, you dick!”