Beast’s Demands by Sam Crescent

Chapter Eight



The anger faded.

I didn’t like the idea of bringing myself to orgasm to help calm me down. After Earl demanded I strip naked and play with myself, I hadn’t seen him. He’d left. I didn’t want to face him.

Not with how easy it was for me to fold to his whim.

I could pretend it was because of the threat he held to my friend, but the truth was there was a tone that made me ache. I didn’t like it.

He wasn’t a good man.

I knew this.

I knew that if I didn’t do as he said, he’d hurt her.

Stepping outside of the house, I moved toward the edge of the beach. The lapping waves danced at my ankles. The water was so cold, and it was late. The sun was setting, and I was so tired. Resting my hands on my shoulders, I stared up at the sun, wondering what the hell I was supposed to do.

Earl Valentine was such a confusing man. One moment, I couldn’t stand him. The next, I couldn’t get enough of him.

I hated him and wanted him with equal measure, and that wasn’t good.

Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes, tilting my face up to the setting sun, trying to get as much vitamin D as I could. The island was beautiful. I hadn’t said anything to Earl because I didn’t want him to think I liked this.

Ever since my conversation with Caleb, I’d been pissed off.

I didn’t even understand it myself.

This, in part, was my choice. I could have asked the Monsters to take care of this. To stop me from being at the mercy of him, but again, I didn’t. I kept my thoughts and feelings to myself.

They didn’t need to know the deal I’d made with him. The money that waited for me.

The very thought of the wealth made me sick to my stomach. Was I turning into the same person my mom once was?

“You’re out here all alone,” Earl said, coming to stand behind me.

I didn’t need to open my eyes to know how close he was. He was an impenetrable force.

“I’m not alone. We both know you have men guarding this place. You wouldn’t allow it to be any other way.” I wasn’t under any illusions about my freedom.

I could attempt to walk as far away from his home as possible, but someone would be there to stop me. Earl hadn’t gotten where he was in the world by sloppy antics.

His hands on my hips made me jump. I couldn’t help but open my eyes when his chin rested on my shoulder.

This was too intimate.

I was his captive.

He was my captor.

“It’s a beautiful night.”

“Please stop this.”

“Stop what? Treating you normally?”

“Treating me like I’ve got a choice.”

“You can make this easy or hard, Ashley. The decision is yours.” His lips brushed across my neck.

It felt good.

My stomach chose that moment to rumble.

I tried to pull out of his arms, but he held me still.

“Enjoy the sunset.”

I was enjoying it. Being back in Crude Hill, it reminded me that all of this was a lie. He wanted something from me. All he cared about was popping my cherry. If he didn’t get to do that, he was going to kill my best friend. There was no romanticizing this. I was a business deal. One piece of my flesh was the cost.

On the boat, I’d started to think it was more.

I couldn’t allow myself to sink into the fantasy of love, of something more.              

This was sex.


Pure and simple.

I had something Earl wished to claim.

I wasn’t a keeper. He didn’t see me as being the mother of his child. I was a product. I was like the women he purchased and sold as if they were cattle.

The sun set, and with it, reality was back full-blown.

Earl didn’t leave me alone. He held me tightly, and I couldn’t help but feel like there was a threat within his action. He wasn’t going to let me go.

“Give me the woman on the yacht back.”

“I can’t.” It was almost impossible for me to go back.

“Ashely, I don’t want this person.”

I didn’t turn, holding myself perfectly still within his grip. “What do you want?”


“You’ve got me.”

“No, I don’t. I’ve got the martyr. I want a woman.” His hands unwound. It was slow, but as he took a step back, I felt the loss right down to my core. “Look at me.”

This was a trap. I knew it was.

I turned to look at him, wishing I had some magical power or some kind of ability to stop myself from being drawn to him. There was nothing.

“Tell me what is going on,” he said.

There was nothing I could say to help this. He was immune to true human feelings. He didn’t get how this felt.

“Have you ever been bought because of one simple thing?” I asked. There was no use in beating around the subject.

My virginity was on the line.


“Then you can’t help me, which means there’s no point in talking to you about it. No point at all.” I tried to step back, but he held my arm.

“Do you think after everything I’m just going to toss you aside when I’m done?”

I couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling up in my chest. “That’s exactly what you’re going to do.”

“And you believe it?”

“Why would I have reason to not believe it? You’ve made it completely plain to me all you want from me is sex. No, not even sex, just my virginity. That’s all.” I shrugged. “What more could you possibly want from me?”

Now it was his turn to smile, and I started to realize why they called him a beast. It looked sinister. Almost like a promise of what pain would be coming.

“Ashley, you’re a young woman. I gave a potential end in sight to help you, but at no point did I say you were going to go.” He invaded my space.

His hands came up to capture my face, holding me in place. At first, I was a little scared, but he was gentle, caressing. Sweet. I couldn’t get enough of him when he was like this. I was addicted to his touch. Desperate and hungry with equal measure. All I could see was my need for him. How desperate I was to have more.

He was so close, but he didn’t kiss. The only part of him touching me was his hands. Nothing more.

I waited.

“Do you really think I’m going to let the one woman I’ve been searching for, for a lifetime, go? No, that shit’s not happening. Not to me. You’re mine, Ashley, and it’s going to stay that way.” His lips brushed against mine.

So soft.

I couldn’t hold back the moan trapped within my chest, and I let it go. In the back of my mind, part of me believed this was total bullshit. He was saying what he needed to in order to get laid, but at that moment, I didn’t care.

The truth was, I hated feeling this way. It was consuming, exhausting, and I just wanted to be happy. I’d spent seven years hunting for happiness, never to truly grasp it.

The kiss went from soft, to hard, to almost brutal. He gripped the back of my head as he deepened the kiss.

His tongue slid across my lips, waiting for me to open to me, and I didn’t fight him. I let him inside and moaned as I stroked my tongue across his.

For a reward, he released a growl that I felt deep in my core, an answering pulse deep in my pussy. My nipples hardened, wanting him to touch me.

The hand on the back of my head stayed there. The other traveled down, going toward my ass to grip it, drawing me closer.

The instant our bodies touch, I came alive. This was why I wanted to keep my distance. I couldn’t stay mad at him when my body was aglow with need, and it had his name all over it.

His teeth sank into my bottom lip, and I gasped. There was pain but so much pleasure. I couldn’t get enough.

The waves lapped at our feet. We stood in total darkness, the only light coming from his house. I didn’t want him to stop. The moment he did, I feared reality would set in.

He broke from the kiss, holding me close.

“You’re not going anywhere, Ashley. You’re mine. I don’t let go of what I want, not ever.”

“Until the next virgin comes along?”

His chuckle vibrated between us. “Did I say I was on the lookout for multiple virgins? There’s only one cherry I crave to pop, and she’s standing in my arms.” He kissed me again. This wasn’t gentle but pure ownership.

I gasped.

He swallowed it down.



That was how he made me feel.

Finally, he let me go long enough to take my hand, and then I followed him as I walked into the house behind him. My stomach chose that moment to growl.

“I’m starving as well.”

The spark was still there, bubbling beneath, but whatever he was going to do, had faded. I didn’t know if I could take him waiting. I knew it was all about the anticipation, but I was desperate, hungry, and consumed. I needed to have him, but I wouldn’t push this.

I wasn’t … ready.

Did he know that?

Was that why he was waiting?

Was he being … considerate?

No, there wasn’t a single chance of that. He was a beast, and they didn’t wait, they took without mercy.

This was all part of some plan of his. He was the one in control and only when he said so, would he take.



I didn’t have time to spend sitting around, getting to know this woman. I stared at her sleeping face. Ashley looked so peaceful. The thought of waking her, well, it didn’t bode well. When she did, I wouldn’t be able to resist her.

Reaching out, I stroked a stray curl out of the way so I could stare at her. When she was asleep, she looked even more innocent than when she was awake.

Last night, I hoped I got through to her. I’d given a deadline but that didn’t mean I was going to stick with it.

The money in her bank was compensation for her time here, but I’d also stopped that. I could always transfer a lump sum when our time was over, if it was ever going to be over.

She released a little moan and tensed just slightly.

I watched, expecting her to wake, to do something else.

She just let out another tiny sound and stilled.

The blanket had worked its way down her body, exposing the negligee she’d decided to wear last night.

It was red with a lace trim.

Without waking her, I peeled down the blanket, exposing her body to my view. She was really stunning.

I loved her curves. The fullness of her tits, thighs, hips, and ass. I couldn’t get enough of touching her, not that I’d spent nearly enough time these past few days.

One of the straps at her shoulder had fallen down, giving a hint of a full tit. I helped it along, moving it down past her tit to see her red nipple.

The action made her stir, and I watched as she opened her eyes. There was no panic. The sleep cleared from her gaze almost instantly.

This was what I’d come to know about Ashley. She didn’t sleep for long, and the moment she woke, she was alert.

“Morning,” I said.

“Morning.” Her answer was throaty.

I was already thinking about sex, but now, it was so much more. I stroked a finger across the curve of her nipple. She didn’t pull away.

Cupping the entire tit with my palm, I rubbed her nipple, and she moved slightly, giving me much better access to her body.

I let go of her breast and worked the negligee up over her head, then threw it across the room to land on the floor.

My cock was rock-hard.

Her tits were so big. All it would take was for me to push them together to create a valley, to fuck her until I spunked all over those mounds. The thought alone had pre-cum leaking out of the tip of my dick.

Her hands stayed above her head, holding herself still.

A pair of loose-fitting shorts, red silk, with lace along the edges, covered her pussy. I moved over the bed, gripping her hips, pulling them down, and tossing them to the side. She released a moan. Her legs bent at the knees, and I put my hands on her knees. She didn’t fight me as I spread them open, revealing her pussy.

With my gaze still on her, I slowly traced my fingers down the inside of her thighs. Her breath caught just slightly.

When I touched her pussy, she let out a moan and tried to shut her legs on me, but I was far stronger, keeping them spread open.

“Please,” she said.

“Shut up.” The command fell from my lips with ease.

Closing the distance to her pussy, I spread the lips wide. Staring up the length of her body, I stroked my tongue through her slit, circling her clit.

She cried out, arching up. I kept her in place with the width of my body and my hands holding her down, refusing to let her go.


“I’m going to lick this pussy until you come all over my face, and then, you’re going to take care of me.”

In response, she moaned. I loved the sounds she made. It was like she couldn’t hold back.

Holding her down, I took her pussy. Licking, sucking, even biting. Her clit was so swollen, and she was even wetter than I could have dreamed.

I wanted to slide my tongue inside her, to fuck her, to give her the merest hint of pleasure of how my dick would feel, but I wouldn’t do anything that would jeopardize her purity. When I took her, it was going to be with my cock, and I was going to relish every single thrust and pulse.

I’d waited too long to waste a moment.

I’d feel that cherry pop beneath the pressure of my cock.

Ashley was going to learn everything about pleasuring me. Being at my beck and call. I craved it. Seeing her fall.

It was what I lived for.

I was going to have everything she had to offer. All of it.

As I slid my tongue back and forth across her clit, she shook on the bed, her body tensing up.

Her hands clenched at her sides, and still, I held her in place and sucked at her clit, not wanting to give up. She was all mine. I’d waited too long to have her. I wasn’t going to wait another moment.

“Please,” she said.

I wasn’t going to let her go until she came for me. It was what I wanted. After releasing her thighs, I moved my hands behind her ass, squeezing the cheeks, eating her pussy. She was so fucking tasty, and what I loved more was that no other man had touched her.

She was all mine.

Every single part of her.

I was hungry for more.

The moment Ashley exploded, I felt an answering flood of pleasure in my body. This wasn’t fake. Being in the trade of human flesh, I was used to a degree of falseness. The lies that were whispered within the darkness to make the payment go a lot smoother. The women I’d paid to fuck, they’d done the same.

They lied.

With Ashley, I didn’t want the lies.

Only the pleasure.

The peace she could offer me.

I didn’t ease up, making her take every single minuscule pleasure from my touch. My name spilled from her lips, echoing around the room. I was the fucking king in her world. The only man she could ever be with.

I was holding myself back with her, I knew it.

Ashely wasn’t ready for the kind of man I was, and certainly not for what she inspired within me on a daily basis.

I’d never been this possessive about anyone.

I’d never been consumed with a rage that verged on need.

I was desperate to spear my dick into her cunt to make her bleed, to have her as mine, but I held back, letting her enjoy the aftershocks of her release until she couldn’t stand it. Only when she couldn’t take another stroke of my tongue did I allow myself to ease back. Climbing from the bed, I removed my boxer briefs. I normally slept naked, but with Ashley in my bed, I’d made a few concessions. A lot of them actually.

There was no fear in her eyes.

Wrapping my fingers around my length, I watched her. She sat up from the bed and swung her legs around.

She didn’t make any move to hide her nakedness, and I loved that. I wanted her to own her body, to be proud of it. I was addicted.

Without waiting for my instruction, she stepped toward me then lowered herself to her knees.

With her head directly facing my cock, it took every ounce of control not to fuck her face. It was what I wanted to do.

Another time.

I let go of my length, reached out, and circled her hair around my fist. The way she looked at me, I felt like a fucking king.

“Open your mouth,” I said.

She opened her lips, and with my spare hand, I fed my cock to her.

I groaned the minute I slid across her tongue, hitting the back of her throat. I didn’t make her gag on it, pulling all the way out before sliding back inside. Her eyes closed.

“No, look at me. I want you to see me when I fuck your mouth.” I was possessed, and she did as I asked, opening those pretty brown eyes. I couldn’t get enough. I didn’t allow her to choke on me.

Sliding in and out, across her tongue and leaving my pre-cum as I went, she swallowed me down, my length covered in saliva as she did. Her hands went to my thighs and with each moan, I felt an answering pulse in my balls.

I was so close to coming.

I didn’t know if I wanted to come in her mouth, or on her tits, marking her untouched flesh.

At the last thought, I made my decision, taking my cock in my hand. With the grip in her hair, I moved her to the position and then worked my cum all over her chest, coating her tits. Some of the white droplets captured her nipples.

I stepped back from her after I spilled every last drop and looked at my artwork.

She was beautiful.

She licked her lips and held her hands down at her sides.

After going to my knees, I didn’t care that I rubbed myself in my own release. Gripping her hair, I held her in place and kissed her hard.

It was the best fucking wake-up call I’d had in a long time.