Beast’s Demands by Sam Crescent

Chapter Ten



We were surrounded by ocean, but Earl still had the foresight to install a pool at his private island house.

It seemed rather silly to even have a pool with all that water.

I’d changed into the bikini I found. It was way too revealing. I’d never worn anything like it. The bikini bottoms were small, only just covering my ass and pussy. The bra, pretty much the same. A single piece of string between each cup. More string tied it in the back and around the neck.

My breasts were heavy, and it didn’t offer much in the way of support. Back home, I’d have opted for a one-piece. Much more fabric to be able to hide behind.

I didn’t mind my body.

With the food I like to eat, I’d accepted I’d never be thin again. I used to be. In high school, eating had been a comfort, but also, with the way my mom was, I’d often be filled with anxiety that it made it difficult to eat.

There was no one around.

Earl had shut himself away in his office.

After last night’s dance, followed by semi-fucking, we’d gone to bed. I’d woken up in the middle of the night to find him wrapped around me. The feel of his arms hadn’t upset me. I’d found comfort in his touch, and I hadn’t wanted him to stop.

I’d fallen back to sleep easily, which was a relief. Usually when I woke up, that was it for me, up for the rest of the night and the day.

Sleeping had always been hard for me.

In the early days of moving to England, the new sounds had made it difficult to relax. I was always having to get used to places to have a good night’s sleep.

With no one around, Earl occupied with whatever it was he did while he was here, I snuck out to the pool.

Paddling in the big ocean wasn’t going to happen. The very thought of it made me absolutely terrified. Sea-creature fear.

I sat on the edge of the pool, paddling my feet in the water, getting accustomed to the feel and heat.

It was nice.

I gripped the edge and lowered myself into the water. Wadding through the water, I went up and down, then took on the breaststroke, doing the full length of the pool and back again.

Then I floated on my back, staring up at the blaring sun. I’d never been one for summer, or at least I wasn’t back in England. I was a comfort girl, sweaters and jeans to keep me warm.

Now though, with the warmth beating down on my skin, I felt lighter than I had in a long time.

I wasn’t going to get comfortable with it.

Anything could happen.

On Earl’s island, time seemed to stand still.

There was no fear. No pain. I spent a great deal of time confused, especially about Earl’s illegal activities. I wasn’t going to change him. He was a man who was set in his ways.

An arm clamped around my waist, pulling me down into the water.

A scream fell from my lips, but water filled my mouth as I was taken beneath the surface. The arm holding me down let go, and I quickly broke the water to see Earl standing there, watching me, a smile on his face.

When he smiled, the scar on the side of his face seemed less severe than usual.

My heart raced as I looked at him. “Are you crazy?”

“You looked really peaceful.”

“For a reason. I can’t believe you did that.”

Earl swam toward me, cupping my face. I expected him to kiss me.

I didn’t realize how much I wanted his kisses until he got close enough to be a temptation.

I licked my suddenly dry lips. Would it be so bad to kiss him? I knew how good his lips felt against mine. There was no harm in that.

He was going to be doing a lot more than kissing my body.

I waited.

Earl slipped the strings of my bikini open.

“What are you doing?”

“No one is around. You don’t need to be modest.”

Staring into the pool, I caught sight of his obvious erection. He took care of the bikini in no time. Loosening the strings and letting them fall to the pool floor beneath.

He did the same with the bottoms.

They were gone within seconds, and like him, I stood in the pool naked.

“What about cleaning the pool?” I asked. I went to cross my arms over my breasts, but he stopped me.

“Nothing you need to worry about. It’s why I pay people to do it.” He dropped a quick, almost playful kiss to my shoulder and stepped back.

I watched transfixed as he slid to his back. The length of his cock, hard, standing tall.

Squeezing my thighs together, I felt an answering pull he created just from looking at him.

No man should have that kind of power, and yet, he emitted it.

I was naked. He was naked.

He was aroused, and so was I.

Ignore it, Ash. You can do this.

I started with the breaststroke, and once I calmed my racing nerves, I flipped over and continued with a backstroke, going the length of the pool as I did.

It was easy. I felt in my depth and comfortable.

Earl faded to the back of my mind where he belonged.

I didn’t know what he was doing, and I wasn’t going to look for him.

Time passed.

My thirst built, and I moved to the edge of the pool, about to jump out when Earl wrapped an arm around my waist.

“What are you doing?”

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

“I’m thirsty.”

“So am I,” he said. His lips brushed across my neck. A shiver of heat raced down my spine.

He had me pressed flush against the edge of the pool. His hands on my hips, going to my ass, and then he slid his palm between my cheeks, cupping my pussy.

I sank my teeth into my lip, trying to contain the cries that threatened to spill out.

“You make it so hard for me to concentrate. Do you know that, Ashley? I watched you walk out of the house, come to the pool. That bikini should be illegal.”

“You packed it.”

“I know, which is why I was the one to get to remove it from you.”

Two fingers stroked across my clit, and an ache started to build. I didn’t know how he knew what to do with my body. I was putty in his hands. Gripping the edge of the counter, I tried to control my reaction to him.

He chuckled.

“You think it’s going to be that easy?” he asked. “I know what you want, Ashley. You’re ready for me. We’re going to be fire together. You and me. We both know it.” His tongue flicked across my pulse before his teeth sank into the flesh.

I cried out at the sudden pressure. It felt good, even though I didn’t want it to. His hands moved to my tits, cupping them, kneading the mounds. He pinched a nipple, and I arched against him, trying to get closer.

“I bet you love knowing how crazy you drive me. How much I think about fucking you. You distract me from my work, Ashley. It makes you a very dangerous woman. My enemies, if they ever knew how much you mean to me, they’d try to take you to manipulate me.”

They were words that called to me, but I didn’t know if I should believe him.

As he worked my clit, they were all the right words I needed to hear. Pleasure rushed through my body, and I couldn’t deny it. I didn’t want to.

His rough kisses sent me over the edge, and I came hard, calling his name.

Earl worked my pussy until I had nothing more to give. Then he spun me around, keeping me trapped beside the pool.

He took my hand, placing it over his erection.

I knew what he wanted.

I was tempted to deny him.

The heat in his gaze sent another bolt of pleasure rushing through my core.

He knew I couldn’t deny him, wouldn’t even dream of doing it.

Up and down his length, I worked him, and all the while, he looked at me as if I was the very thing that could save him. That aroused him.

It didn’t take long before he grunted, coming into the water.

I let go of his cock, and he grabbed the back of my neck and slammed his lips down on mine, consuming me.



We’d eaten dinner, and rather than go upstairs, we hung out in the library. Ashley had a cookbook spread out in her lap. Her feet curled beneath her. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The sheerness of the fabric showed off her braless state. Her nipples were rock-hard.

I noticed she kept pressing her thighs together, and her gaze continued to find mine.

I knew what she wanted.

Her body was hungry.

I’d awakened the need this woman wants, and now I’d left it up to her to pursue.

Sipping at my brandy, I thought about the night I had her spread across my desk. It felt good fucking between the lips of her pussy. I knew it would be even better to be inside her.

She ran fingers through her hair, looking like she was ready to explode.

The emails I was answering were boring. I’d already dealt with the ones sent in code. The kind that couldn’t be easily decrypted and of course sent through a secure server. Whenever I dealt with the drugs, women, and guns of my business, I took the time to do so in private so Ashley never got the chance to see what I was dealing with.

Right now, it was my legal business.

She flicked the page with so much force she tore the page.

“Shit, I’m sorry.”

Closing my laptop, I placed it down on the table and turned my full attention toward her. “Do you want to play a game?”

“I’m not a child anymore. You don’t need to amuse yourself with me.”

“I was thinking a game of truth or dare,” he said.

This made her eyes roll. “Seriously?”

“We can play a game and make it interesting, or you can continue to squeeze your thighs together, hoping to give yourself some minuscule pleasure just by that touch alone. What will it be?” I asked.

Her cheeks were flushed. She thought I didn’t know what she was doing. At times, Ashley was so naïve.

“Truth or dare?” she asked.


“What’s to stop you or me from constantly going for a truth?”

“This’s what will make it interesting. We have a truth and then a dare, and we must complete it,” I said.

“And it can be anything?” she asked.


Ashley licked her lips, glancing all around the room before her gaze came back to mine.

“Do we have a deal?” I asked.

She nodded.

“You may go first.” I sat back, watching her.

“Have you ever been in love?” she asked and frowned.

“No. My turn.” I decided to go easy on her. “Have you ever been in love?”

She relaxed at my question. “No, I don’t think so. I’d have to get to know a person to know how I truly felt about them. Okay, so it’s a dare?”

I nodded.

Ashley tapped her fingers on her thigh, closing her book, her focus now on me. “I dare you to … remove your pants.”

Again, she frowned and put her face in her hands. This was childish and somewhat entertaining.

I removed my pants and sat.

For the first time since we got here, I opted for boxer briefs with my pants. This game had only just come to me. “I dare you to come over here and kiss me.”

She uncurled her legs and walked toward me. I watched her, wondering if she’d cowardly back out.

Ashley cupped my face and her lips brushed across mine. Soft. Sweet.

As quickly as the kiss started, she took a step back. It was now her turn to ask a truth question.

“Do you ever regret what you do?” she asked.


“Not even once?”

“That’s two questions. I will answer it, but you have to give me two dares from you.”

“But I’m asking you a truth.”

“Rules are rules.”

Her teeth appeared on her lip again and she nodded.

“I have experienced regret during my time.”

She wanted to ask me more, but I beat her to it.

“Have you thought about being fucked by me?” I asked.

Her cheeks were bright red. “Yes.”

“Good. I’ve got two dares to play,” I said. “Do you want to take them both now?”

She nodded and said, “Yes,” at the same time.

Running my finger across my lip, I looked at her, wondering what I could have her do. “I dare you … to remove all of your clothes, sit back, spread your thighs, and finger your pussy while we play. That will deal for two of the dares.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I’m not laughing. I’m totally serious.”

I expected her to deny me.

Ashley was full of surprises. She got to her feet and removed her clothes, getting naked for me.

I watched. My cock was already thickening in my boxer briefs.

“Do you want me to get a towel for the sofa?”

I liked that she knew she was going to be aroused.

“No. I’ve got people who clean it.”

She sat back down, spread her thighs, and I watched her hand move between her thighs. A single finger touching herself.

“It’s my turn,” she said, somewhat breathlessly. With the way she touched her pussy, I was so close to calling the game to an end.

“Did you want to do this with Emily?” she asked.

I wasn’t expecting that kind of question. At first, I wasn’t sure I’d heard it properly.


“You heard me.” She paused in touching herself. Her fingers held on her pussy.

“Keep playing, and no. I didn’t want to do this with Emily.” Was she jealous? “Do you want me to do this with Emily?”


I smirked. I couldn’t help it.

“It’s a dare,” I said. “Ask me.”

“I dare you … to let the next bunch of women who have been captured go back to their families, safe.”

I tensed up. “This is not part of the game,” I said, annoyance taking over.

“You didn’t put any boundaries on the dare. You either play or you forfeit. What’s it going to be?”

“It’s just a game.”

She removed her hand. “Then I can stop at any moment and bring this to an end.”

I watched her.

Just as she was about to get to her feet, I stopped her.

“Deal,” I said.

“How do I know you’ll see it through?” she asked.

“I will make sure it is done. You have my word,” I said. Now I was somewhat pissed. The next shipment was coming in tomorrow. Allowing them to be set free went against every single part of me.

I could lie.

This game was supposed to be fun, but she’d made it serious.

It was my turn. “I dare you, Ashley, to let me fuck your tight little ass, right here, right now.”

She went even redder at my words.

This wasn’t supposed to escalate.

“Don’t you … isn’t there…”

“Yes, or no.”

She stopped touching her pussy.

I tutted. “You should have known that when you up the stakes, there are consequences.”

“Don’t you have to get some lubricant?”

I smiled as I reached into the secret compartment of the sofa, retrieving what I needed. I was a man prepared for everything. “Yes, or no. If it’s a no, we go back, and the dare you’ve given me is forfeit as well.”

I wasn’t a man who would give a woman an out.

Ashley pushed me. Tested me.

“Yes,” she said, surprising the fucking shit out of me. Especially when she moved, sinking her knees into the cushion, presenting me with her back. Her head rested on the edge of the sofa, her gaze on me as she reached around, grabbed her ass, and spread the cheeks wide, showing off her anus. “I’m all yours.”

My cock was rock-hard.

Getting to my feet, I slid my boxers down, exposing my rock-hard cock. I had the lubrication in my hand, and I moved behind her. Opening the lube, I squeezed some on my fingers and pressed them against her asshole, getting her nice and wet.

She let out a little gasp, and if it was possible, her body got even tighter at my touch.

“You can end this at any time.”

I had every intention of fucking her ass, but I planned to enjoy her pussy first, getting her used to taking cock before I brought her to the more intense side of fucking. She’d made her choice by the last dare she’d given me.

“No, I want this.”

I wasn’t sure if that was a lie or not. Either way, I pressed the tip of my finger against her ass.

Tension mounted in her body as I worked my finger over her puckered hole.

Pressing the tip against her tight muscles, it was near impossible to penetrate her ass. In and out, I worked my finger inside her.

She was so tight.

I put down the tube of lubrication and reached between her thighs to cup her pussy. Spreading her lips, I stroked across her clit, feeling the moisture begin to gather. I stroked and teased her clit, driving her wild with need. I wanted her to be completely into it. Taking her ass, if I wasn’t careful, was going to hurt. I didn’t want to hurt her. All I wanted to do was get her to the point of pleasure that she couldn’t handle it.

In and out, I worked my finger in her ass while teasing her pussy, drawing her closer to the peak, driving her higher and higher.

She was so tight.

Adding a second finger, I continued to work her pussy, feeling her tighten all around me with each flick across her pussy.

She was getting wetter.

My dick was so fucking hard.

When I could stretch her ass to a third finger, her hands gripped the edge of the sofa. Her knuckles were pure white, but she also let out a moan, and her cunt was dripping. She pressed her palm against me, but she wasn’t trying to push away from me.

Letting her go, I swiped my palm across my dick, covering it with her arousal before grabbing the lube.

She was nice and slick, but I didn’t want to hurt her, and the only way to guarantee that was to be prepared.

I coated my entire length and tossed the tube to the side. I wasn’t going to be needing it.

With her in position, I angled her just right so I could have the perfect access to her body. She tensed up again.

“Fucking relax,” I said.

I gripped her hip as I pressed the tip of my cock to her anus.

She tightened up.

Moving from her hip, I cupped her pussy again while at the same time I worked my dick into her ass.

I pushed past the tight ring of muscles, and she released a cry. It wasn’t one of pain, but I held myself within her, stroking her pussy, building her orgasm back up, until she was the one pushing against my cock, trying to take me.

Inch by glorious fucking inch, I pressed into her tight little asshole.

Ashley took me balls deep, and as I sat at the hilt, the hand I’d been holding my dick to guide into her slid up, wrapping around her neck, pulling her back against me.

I was still teasing her clit, not wanting to let go. Giving her every single kind of pleasure I could think of.

My name fell from her lips.

A promise?


Slowly, I began to work my dick out of her tight ass until only the tip of me remained. I did shallow thrusts, not pushing all the way in, working her pussy as I took her ass.

She was so fucking tight. I knew her pussy was going to be as well. No man had possessed her ass or her pussy.

I was going to be claiming all of it.

Ashley’s firsts all belonged to me.

Biting her neck, I sucked on her pulse, desperate to mark her. To secure her as mine for the rest of my fucking life. I couldn’t get enough.

I felt the change within her ass. The flutters telling me she was about to come. I didn’t make her wait.

As I got her off, her moans filled the room, echoing off the walls. Ashley came with abandon, never holding back. She didn’t fake it. Every single part of her was real. As she came, she became mindless. Her body jerking against me, begging for more, riding my cock as I fucked her ass.

I gritted my teeth, trying to stop myself from coming, but it was no use. I wanted to fuck her so hard.

Holding myself back wasn’t a practice I was used to.

The instant her release was over with, I grabbed her hips and fucked her ass, going deeply, using her body to satisfy my own needs.

My fingers tightened, and I knew I was going to leave marks tomorrow, but I didn’t care. I slammed deep inside her and flooded her asshole with my cum.

We were both panting.

I didn’t pull away, not immediately.

Moving her hair out of my way, I kissed her neck. “Be careful how you play with me, Ashley.”

It wasn’t supposed to sound like a threat, but even to my own ears, it did.