Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



“Why am I not surprised,” I said, my hands splayed on the window of Jaxil’s private shuttle. My breath fogged up the glass. All the accoutrements of a private jet on earth jammed into an atmosphere cruiser meant that hundreds of little glass-bottles of water and miniature hors d’ oeuvres were currently heading with Jaxil and I to what was clearly Olympus Mons.

Mars’ premiere casino and resort looked like an adult carnival from afar. Flashing lights were even more impressive in space, a fact that architects had taken and absolutely ran with. It was hundreds of stories tall with “An enormous nature park in the middle of space!” googie-style multi-colored signs excitedly told us from afar.

“Because you’re too smart for your own good,” Jaxil breathed easily. He was seated and even when I was standing, he almost met me at eye-level. I looked over at him with a smile.

We were joining hundreds of weekenders from all over the planet here, and some from other parts of the galaxy entirely. I loved seeing the variety of ships zooming in, each carrying some big spender and their mistress for a two-day bender of debauchery. The ship shuddered as it parked in one of the many insect-like ports at the rear of the casino.

“Maybe I just know what kind of fun your business jock types like to have,” I replied. Jaxil chuckled but didn’t respond. He was eyeing me, though, and with abandon.

Jaxil’s hand was on the small of my back, large and warm as we watched the ship’s doors glide open. A scene of organized chaos greeted us. People scuttled every which way across the marble floor. Some rolled suitcases, others were already fully dressed for the evening in tiny sparkling gowns or sleek looking suits. Sanax and humans alike were moving about the hotel lobby, seemingly unaware of the majestic arch of the building several stories above them and the spurting water fountains that lined the halls up to the main stairway.

It looked like a castle. Or like ten castles all copied and pasted on top of one another.

“Have you been to Olympus Mons before?” Jaxil asked, looking down at me. He seemed comfortable here. He looked directly to the check-in counter across the hall like he knew exactly where it was. I adjusted my pencil skirt and I clicked my heels after him.

“No,” I answered, “And it wasn’t on my list, either. I’d heard it was a sleazefest for the wealthy.” I decided to be honest, which made Jaxil laugh. I thought it was funny that at any given moment, I could also say something that would make him do that deep brow furrow he did when he was angry.

Jaxil turned around halfway up the stairs and put a commanding hand on my shoulder. His eyes gave me a quick scan and said,

“Let’s go to dinner first. You look good, and I don’t want to ruin that before we eat in public.”

“That’s presumptuous of you.”

“Yeah, I guess it is,” He replied, and I could hear him smiling.

I smiled to myself as I watched his broad back in front of me. Either way, I was happy to get out of the grand hall. Its height and marble-walls echoed everything that anyone said, along with the music. Watching Jaxil make decisions left and right made me wish we’d gone to the room first so I could pull on that tie he was wearing.

At the dining table, I found out Jaxil had the same idea.

“I’m thinking the mussels, though I don’t know how I feel about seafood shipped from earth…” I muttered into the menu. My voice died down when I felt fingers trailing up the length of my knee. I moved to open my legs quickly but I took my time looking over at Jaxil across from the table. Thank goodness the table skirt reached the floor and covered our legs entirely. Being in a corner booth helped, too.

“Mmm,” He hummed in response. I looked up only to catch Jaxil watching me steady, a look on his face that sent a thrill through me. He looked hungry and smug at the same time. I soon found out why.

He was talking now, detailing some sort of insight into the food industry and how it has adapted shipping practices for longer distances, but it was a cover for his fingers to continue exploring as they pleased. I felt them prod my thighs. Squirming in my chair, I made more room. Jaxil’s smirk grew.

His fingers pressed boldly against my panties just as the waitress came by, making me jump. I ordered wine in a watery voice. The bastard chuckled at me and I shot him a withering glance.

He slipped inside my underwear and curled his fingers to pull the material to the side.

“You’ll meet me in the bathroom in five minutes,” Jaxil said quietly, his strong shoulder showing no signs of controlling the hand that moved rhythmically up and down between my legs.

“Mmhmm…” I replied. I was not about to open my mouth right now and cause a scene. Over the course of the meal, dimly-lit and surrounded by candles, I became aware that dinner was a farce. Jaxil meant to play games with me. His nostrils flared which let me know that he smelled how wet I was for him. Our conversation was quiet and stimulating but overshadowed by this private moment we were sharing just underneath the surface.

Jaxil had me bent over the sink in the fancy private bathroom of the restaurant in five minutes, just like he promised. My skirt was bunched around my hips and my breathless laughter at Jaxil’s pushing soon became longer, sharper moans. I licked my lips at him in the mirror and he bent over me to reach his long, muscular arm around my waist. He wasn’t done rubbing me.

“Spread your legs wider,” Jaxil breathed in my ear. My heel dragged across the floor as I rushed to do what he said. I reached back and held tightly to one of his horns. We were both breathing heavily, but there was a moment of total silence when he slid inside me from behind and then we both groaned.

“Oh, fuck,” I said. My hand grabbed blindly behind me to clutch at some of the material of his suit jacket. It was the leverage both of us needed, because he was relentlessly pounding into me not seconds later. Jaxil’s hand went to my throat and he used the light grip around it to pull my body up until the back of my shoulders hit his chest.

He kissed my temple almost mockingly as we both watched my disheveled body bounce in the mirror in front of us. I lost volume control. We both came with his hand over my mouth and his face buried in my hair, both of us trying hard not to shout the other’s name.

The entire weekend was like this. In the middle of a game of blackjack the next night, I looked at him just once and it was enough to send us both hurdling into the nearest elevator back to our hotel room. I surprised him in the shower with a sloppy blowjob. I ground on him at the nightclub, the flashing lights and the fact that everyone was drunk at two in the morning serving as a cover for our movements. Everywhere he could, Jaxil found ways to lift up my dress, to lick at my neck, to grab at my ass. We couldn’t stay away from each other.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve been dehydrated for 48 hours straight,” Jaxil said, gazing up at the ceiling with both of his hands behind his head. I chuckled, pouring the rest of my glass of whiskey and pushing a pair of panties out of my way with the side of my foot. Our hotel room looked like a tornado had run through it. The windows were open, revealing a desolate brick red landscape under an inky black sky.

“I’m afraid this won’t help at all,” I said, handing him the glass. Jaxil smiled. We fell back into bed soon after.