Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



“Idon’t want to leave,” I said as soon as I woke up. It was before 7 am on a Monday morning, and I was already pissed. Candi was nestled under my arm, her small head tucked up against my chest. She peered up at me, a knowing smile on her face. She knew better than to look at me like that when her tits were pushed up against my skin so insistently.

“Me neither,” she said.

“Okay then, so we’re calling the bastards and telling them to postpone the competition for another day so we can fuck each other to sleep again. It’s settled,” I said. Candi laughed.

“You only say that because you know I’m going to win. Don’t let my magical pussy make you forget we’re opponents here,” Candi said. She heaved a deep sigh and sat up.

The last thing I saw before I knew our magical weekend was over was her naked, amazingly round ass paddling into the bathroom and out of sight.

“Fuck,” I said out loud. “Bring that magical pussy back here.”

But she didn’t bring it back. We were on the private shuttle home before I knew it. I directed the driver to take us to her office.

“We have some things to talk about,” I said when Candi inquired why I wasn’t dropping her off at home.

“Fine, but the bossing me around stuff ends here, after this weekend,” she said, crossing her arms and her legs as well. I briefly thought about having her ride me in this chair all the way back, the way she was wearing her power suit in front of me like that. I loved when her hair was pulled back. Like she was fooling anyone when she pretended like she wasn’t a total sex kitten.

I didn’t want Candi to sit behind her desk for this. For the first time in a long time, I felt the middle of my palms get clammy. I held her hand to keep her from going any further than me, instead tugging at her so her body turned back until we were face to face.

“What?” she asked. Her brows were furrowed in confusion. I’m sure I looked crazy, just staring down at her breathlessly with my hands clenching and unclenching.

“We have to talk about this,” I said.

“I know,” she admitted. All seven feet of me towered over her, but I felt about seven inches tall when I looked into her green eyes. Somehow, Candi made that feel like a good thing.

“What happens when one of us gets picked tomorrow?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest. I shook my head. The bid for the mining contract was somehow both the last and first thing on my mind. That fucking thing! I almost wanted it gone altogether. Lost to some small fish competitor and not the woman of my dreams.

“I don’t want to talk about that. I want to talk about this weekend. About the way it felt to be with you,” I replied. Candi raised her brows. She unraveled her arms. The way she did it, it looked like she was lowering her guns.

“It wasn’t just the sex,” I said quickly, knowing that little smile of hers. “Did you feel…”

I trailed off, tilting my head to rid my horns of their sudden itch. With my wings rustling underneath the jacket of my suit, I was sure I looked like some sort of tweaker. Why was this so goddamn hard? It was easier to spank this bombshell of a woman than it was to explain yourself to her.

“Jaxil, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you less put together. And I’ve heard you orgasm.” Candi said. There was a laugh in her tone that gave me a little spurt of confidence.

“Yeah yeah, I’m trying to tell you that I love you, Candi, so please save the attitude for after I’m done.” I replied through a smile. We both drew in breath. Fuck. This was fucking dumb. But it wasn’t at the same time. Candi wouldn’t think it was dumb.

She was looking up at me, eyebrows raised. I clearly caught her off guard. Her little mouth trembled.

“I love you, too.” She said. And then she said it again:

“I love you, too, Jaxil.”

This time, she said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world and that I was a fool for thinking we’d ever not been in love.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. I opened my arms and she stepped into them. We embraced long and hard, and I looked past her into the bustling city looming past her floor-to-ceiling office windows. This was damn humbling for someone like me.

It was even harder to stop kissing her than it had been all weekend. I backed her up and lifted her onto her desk before taking her face in both of my hands.

“I fucking love you,” I said in a grumble against her lips. She only laughed quietly and repeated the sentiment in a whisper.

“I…we can’t spend tonight together. I want to, but you know we can’t…not with...” Candi stammered through all the difficult things I didn’t want to say. I was grateful she was so bold.

“Yeah, we’ll show up separately tomorrow. I’m still your mortal enemy,” I said. We both smiled at that. Our foreheads rested against one another, and we just breathed. It was just us right now. No phones ringing, no obnoxious assistant knocking on the door. No honking horns and zooming spaceships overhead. Just Candi and her green eyes and her fiery spirit here in my arms.

I touched my thumb to her lower lip and pressed down, watching the soft flesh dip under my finger. Now I was just stalling. She did that thing I like where she wrapped her small hands around my wrist and was barely able to meet her fingers together.

“This is probably the last thing I would have imagined would happen when I first met your disrespectful ass,” Candi said. I laughed again.

“I hate that you’re funnier than me. It does help fuel my desire to crush you, though, so thanks for the motivation.” I replied. She must have liked that, because she pulled my wrists apart to free her face from my hands and leaned up to kiss me. It was a soft kiss. I’d only had a few of those from her before. She usually kissed me with the dripping lust of a woman about to enthusiastically debase herself.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and cupped her ass in my hands, lifting her up against my chest. I let her wrap her legs around my waist one more time—we’d spent so much time this week in this position, usually naked. It felt different now that I knew she loved me, too.

Eventually we unraveled and I left her. We didn’t say much after that, and I only got one text that night that simply said, “Good luck, you’ll need it.”

It made me smile, but not that much.

Tomorrow would be it. My penthouse was dark and empty when I arrived with my bags. I missed the hotel room where Candi and I had built our lovenest. I frowned deeply.

“What the hell is going to happen,” I said to myself, pouring a glass of whiskey and disappearing into my bedroom to spend the night alone.