Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



The nightclub Visitors was run by a Sanaxphile human. The interior of the club was actually modeled on the original Sanax ship that came to Earth six years ago in 2023 by the local calendar. The designers had gotten a lot of the details right.

Of course, that original ship hadn’t had a dance floor, a bar, tables, chairs and a VIP lounge section. But even the club additions had a Sanaxian flair to them that I always appreciated.

Plus, the music was loud, the pours were heavy, and the sightseeing was always fantastic.

Unless I happened to look to my left, where once again Xxuric and Heather were at it. As the club’s lights blinked and strobed, the couple was lit now with pink, now with blue, now with red light. Each time a new light flashed on them, it seemed like one or the other’s hand had disappeared into a new spot.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if they didn’t start fucking right there in the VIP lounge. I wondered if management allowed that sort of thing.

I wanted to look away from them. But I found I couldn’t.

Instead, I stared, fascinated at the hot passion between them. Had I ever felt such a thing for any of the fucks I’d had in my life? Certainly, I’d had plenty of good ones. Plenty of passionate ones. But I didn’t think I’d ever had any physical and emotional connection to someone the way those two had.

Xxuric had tried to talk to me about the ‘genetic mate’ bond he had with Heather. Once, he’d accused me of playing a prank on him regarding that whole ‘genetic mate’ stuff. Now, he was fully on board with it. Had even started an anonymous social media account to help humans and Sanax explore and understand the genetic mate bond.

Since our arrival here on Earth, more and more cross-species bonds were being found.

I turned angrily from the snogging couple. I didn’t want to think about genetic mates. I wanted to think about the club and dancing and fucking.

As if on cue, I noted three gorgeous women – two human and one Sanax – enter the club and make their way to the bar. As they walked, their hips swung in a way that almost begged me to imagine those hips naked and rolling around on my junk. They walked with their mouths slightly open, as if inviting a stranger’s cock to come calling.

They saw me see them. They saw the look I was giving them. My hunger. All three smiled at me in a way that let me know they were interested.

I sighed contentedly and prepared to make my move. This is why I’d come to Visitors. A foursome with those ladies would be just the thing I needed to take my mind off the whole Mars mess. The Mars mess and…

No. Stop it, Jaxil, I told myself. Focus on the hot women in the dresses that leave very little to the imagination.

In fact, as they leaned over the bar to order drinks, I realized one of the human women’s dresses left nothing to the imagination. It rose up as she leaned forward, revealing a bare ass and giving me a glimpse at more uncovered treasures besides.

Another one of the girls turned away from the bar. She was wearing a tiny strapless number. She saw a friend across the way and threw an arm up to wave. As she did, a boob that had barely been contained to begin with slipped free. Her nipple was dark and inviting. Her wave ended, the girl put the breast away with no sense of shame and a slight glance my way.

Yet for some reason, I didn’t move.

“Aren’t you going to go over there?” Xxuric shouted at me over the music.

I glanced his way. He and Heather had taken a momentary break from their make-out session. Though I noted their hands were still not where I could see them.

“Of course I’m going over there,” I shouted back.

Yet my legs refused to budge.

“They’re hot, Jaxil,” Heather now added. “Go get ‘em.”

“Yes, thank you, I shall.”

And still I didn’t.

Suddenly, instead of thinking about the three women in front of me, all but indicating for me to come over there and get things rolling, I was thinking about Candi.

I knew my message had gotten to her. Gus had relayed as much to me. He’d done a terrible job at explaining her reaction, however. Not a particularly perceptive person on his best days and an even worst conversationalist, Gud had had little to report when I probed him with questions.

“Was she upset? Did she seem intrigued? Furious? Did she cry?”

All were met with either a shrug, a half-hearted “not really sure”, or “I don’t know.” When he responded to a question with all three, I killed the communication and considered docking his pay.

Somewhere out there, she was no doubt planning a retaliation. What would it be? How would I have to pivot in response?

Would it continue to turn me on like it was?

“I don’t think he’s going over there,” Heather said to Xxuric, though she modulated her voice loud enough for me to hear.

“I think you may be right, my love,” Xxuric said in the same manner. “I think I may know the culprit.”

“Well, he’s obviously upset about how things are going on Mars,” Heather said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Oh, I think it’s less how things are going and more who they’re going with,” Xxuric said in a mimicking tone.

“All right, you two, that’s enough,” I said.

“Well, then, be honest,” Xxuric said, leaning forward. One of his hands finally appeared and grabbed his drink. “You’re not making a move on those three bits of Jaxil-bait because you’re thinking about Candi.”

“I am considering my next move regarding her,” I told him.

“Uh-huh.” He sipped his drink. “Your next move toward her twat, you mean.”

Heather playfully slapped him and told him not to be crude. Then added to me that she agreed with her mate.

“So what if I find the thrill of a rivalry exciting?” I asked. “That doesn’t mean anything.”

“Then go over there,” Xxuric said, nodding toward the women. “Polit’s balls, man,” he said, swearing, “they couldn’t offer themselves more if they sent you a hand-written invitation.”

I still didn’t move.

“Exactly,” I said weakly. “It’s too easy. Where’s the fun in that.”

“The fun comes later.”

“Not worth it.”

Even I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Listen,” Xxuric said, sliding along the couch and closer to me. His voice changed, becoming more confidential, relatable. “There’s nothing wrong with what you’re feeling. You think I don’t get it?”

“This is nothing like…” I didn’t finish the sentence for some reason.

“Me and Heather?” Xxuric finished for me. He glanced back at his bride, then at me. “I don’t know. From the looks of you… I wouldn’t be surprised if Candi was actually your genetic mate.”

Something ferocious got hold of me at those words. I stood, spinning on Jaxil, and I nearly grabbed his throat. My hand stretched out and I caught it before it touched him.

Xxuric stood up slowly. He and I were both seven-foot-three, but his horns were a little thicker and longer than mine. (Which, I might add, in know way indicated anything about any other body parts.) His look had shifted from that of good-natured friend to wary combatant.

“You need to figure yourself out, Jaxil,” he said very evenly.

I turned away from him. I marched myself over to the bar and the three women. They all turned toward me. Suddenly, their high-pitched, breathy voices assaulted me, as if as one.

“Thought you’d never come over…”

“Though we were sure you’d come eventually…”

“Hopefully we’ll all come eventually…”


“Buy us all another round…?”

In a flash, I turned on my heel and left Visitors. I was sure that Xxuric was wrong. There was no possible way that Candi was my genetic mate.

Still, she’d clearly done a number on me. I needed to figure out exactly what was going on.