Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



Had I the blood cells to think with more than one organ at the moment, I would have glanced around Candi’s penthouse to note the tasteful but decadent décor. She’d used her money well. No wonder she wanted more and fought me tooth and nail to get it. That’s what was so hot about it, and about the way she looked now. Exposed and delicate.

Every time she moved, I got a peek at a creamy thigh.

“Don’t you have anything to say? You’re usually quick to try to get in the last word,” I said. At my seven feet, I towered over her little frame. I liked the feeling it gave me, like I could pick her up and toss her around wherever I wanted to. Maybe I could toss her onto that bed peeking out from her bedroom around the corner. My wings rustled behind my back, clearly enjoying that thought.

“I have lots to say, asshole. I got your fucking message, and I don’t appreciate you talking to me like that in front of my goddamn people,” Candi replied. Her bark was loud, as usual, though didn’t really sound all that threatening when she was huddled half-naked in that towel. One tug at the cloth rope around her waist and I could have her naked before me in seconds.

I opened my mouth to say something that would get her angry, which would distract me from that train of thought.

I stopped talking suddenly. There was something in the air that caught my nose like a hook, and it was consuming. It was sweet and musky. Unmistakable.

“What is…” I began, glancing about the room before returning to Candi. I looked at her closely. I didn’t realize I’d taken a step towards her until her face changed. Her lips—those stupid, soft-looking, hot pink lips—trembled as if she was preparing to say something and then thought better of it.

Her green eyes were wandering my frame. She paused in some places that intrigued me. My horns, for one, then my own lips and down my shoulders. Every time she would violently throw her gaze somewhere else immediately after. Was she embarrassed to be into me?

“What’s that smell?” I asked again. I was starting to look at parts of her that didn’t even make any sense. Is this how Xxuric felt when he looked at Heather? It was almost like I was hungry for Candi. I wanted to bite down on her thigh, to hear her yelp in surprise. Candi blinked at my question, furrowing her brows.

“What smell? What are you talking about?” She bit back at me. I felt dizzy with the power of it—Candi was nervous. But she wanted me. I could tell. She pressed her knees together under that towel to try to hide from me. I wanted to laugh.

“Surely you know about the Sanax’s heightened sense of smell. It doesn’t flatter you to pretend ignorance. We both know you’re smarter than that…” I said. What was I doing? I took another step forward, and she took another step back. It felt like we were dancing.

She backed into a console table which was nestled against the back of her couch. Stop, I begged in my head, stop looking so fucking delectable.

“You’re wet, Candi,” I said. My voice was lower because I was so close to her now. She had to tilt her head back to look at me. Her hands gripped the edge of the console table so tight; I could see her knuckles turning white. My body was still, but my eyes flicked back up to meet her own.

“You interrupted my shower, of course I’m wet,” she replied, though there was a pitch in her voice that I didn’t buy. “And another thing, what the fuck do you think you’re doing, just coming to my penthouse to-“

My tongue flickered out involuntarily at the sight of her. She stopped talking when she saw it. Her mouth was open, her eyes were on fire. Keep fighting, I thought. I liked when she cursed, it made me want to see how loud she could scream “fuck!” from underneath me.

No use pretending now. That damn Sanax tendency for a tongue to flicker when they smelled something they liked.

I shook my head, half-glaring, half-smirking at her. I couldn’t make up my mind. I wanted her and I was pissed about it. My hand came up and we both watched it as it gripped the sides of her jaw.

Candi was strangely quiet. Those green eyes were looking up at me with something new that made me want to put myself right in her mouth. We were close enough now that, unfortunately, my hard cock pressed insistently up against the terry cloth of her towel.

“I’m here because I wanted to see if you’d let me make good on my promise to spank you across the galaxy,” I said without thinking. Fuck. That just came out! I glared down at her, pissed at my own impulses, at my own desire, at this strange fucking pull I had to this stupid, sexy human. She glared back up at me. We were breathing together, slightly heavier than normal.

I had no choice but to go with it. Xxuric would get the beating of a lifetime if he didn’t explain to me what the hell just happened after all this. I pushed her further up against the console table, my free hand going down to hold one of her wrists firm against the surface. I pinned her down. Candi wasn’t going anywhere.

“Maybe,” she said. I barely heard it; it was so quiet. There was the smallest smile pulling up the corners of her mouth as she looked at me. Was this a game to her? I took another deep inhale of that intoxicating scent between her legs. Our eyes met.

Our lips crashed in a searing kiss. My hand squeezed her face tightly, her hands had come up to claw at my sides. We were kissing each other hard; half-angry, half-turned on beyond any reasonable measure.

The console table jostled behind her, startled by the sudden jerk of it all. I reached behind her supple ass to clear the table of candles and decorative bowls with a single sweep, then wrapped my arm around her waist to lift her onto the surface. Then I stepped between her legs. She kissed me fervently, her mouth moving with experience. She knew exactly what to do with those lips of hers.

I couldn’t believe how this felt. We were just kissing. Her arms came around the back of my neck and I leaned forward, gripping her ass in both of my hands. I parted her lips with my tongue and plunged in, exploring with a victorious laziness once I’d entered. She moaned around me, her hot breath hitting my chin and spurring me on.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” Candi struggled to say between our wild kisses, to which she was contributing a fair bit of passion. I chuckled against her mouth and gripped her ass tighter, using it to pull her up against me more tightly. With her legs open, her honey was unmistakable.

“You’re fucking soaked,” I replied, growling in pleasure at the revelation. She was positively dripping. I wanted to tease Candi about having obviously been playing with herself before I arrived, but I couldn’t stop kissing her.

I couldn’t stop viciously gripping her ass. I wanted to devour her. Was this what it was like to want a genetic mate? I’d never wanted to tear off a robe so badly in my life.

“I’m not…” she moaned. I had to laugh. Candi couldn’t admit defeat even now. She was fighting me even as my hand lifted the back of her robe to grip her bare ass directly, and she lifted her hips to let me do it.

“Stubborn,” I replied, biting down on her lower lip. I was out of control and knew I wouldn’t be able to stop now.