Bear by Lily J. Adams





Six months later…

Delphia and I were in that place that most honeymooning couples liked to call cloud nine. Our lives were intertwining, and we were in this beautiful dance of life. She was working at the gas station again and often out with new friends. She was trying new things in life, as a woman in her twenties should.

We were at the boardwalk near the wharf enjoying a Sunday afternoon like we’d done so many times already. Delphia was enjoying an ice cream cone since it was moving into spring and past the cold snap of winter.

“Do you want to keep working at Holbeck Gas?” I asked her.

“I like it there. And I just found out that my boss is opening a new gas station and he’s not going to have enough time to manage Holbeck. He asked me if I could manage it.” Delphia casually licked the sides of her ice cream as it dripped over her hand.

I wasn’t much for the ice cream scoop and cone, so I had a little cup of ice cream instead. “She says casually,” I remarked. “That’s huge!

Delphia, with her shoulder-length, now ash blonde hair, stared back at me. “I planned to tell you tonight. I didn’t think it was that big a deal. I already feel like I’m the manager anyway, I’m just going to be paid for it now.”

“Good. You should get triple the pay for having to deal with Rocky.”

A shift in her energy changed as I mentioned Rocky’s name. The trial date was fast approaching, and she would need extra support; rehashing those painful memories would be one of the worst things her life could bring. “I should, but I won’t. I have a trial instead.” She continued to lick her ice cream as a cloud floated over her head.

A couple of low flying seagulls dipped towards us and I shooed them away with my hand. “I’m not going to let you slide. I’m right beside you. You’re not going through this trial alone. You got me, Angie, Mia and the whole of Rebel Saints with you. You know all of us are going to be at the courthouse. You know that right?” I made it crystal clear that she would be backed to the hilt and there was no need for her to worry about anything.

“I’m aware. I’m going to need your support.” Her hair blew over her face, she flipped it back and licked her ice cream again as it melted. “The more I think about the trial, the more my stomach turns.”

“I know. We got this last hill to climb. I’m not trying to tell you that it’s going to be easy. Seeing Rocky’s face is going to be bad enough without me smashing it in, but I’m here,” I assured her.

Delphia smiled outwardly, but on the inside there was turmoil. “Thanks.”

She valued her independence and I appreciated that about her. She was a lot younger than me, and to put the added pressure of living together and fast tracking our relationship to that stage was not what I thought we needed to do. Slow and steady was working for us.

“A good thing came out of the Cutover ride.” I grinned as we made it to the end of the wharf and looked out over the water.

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

“Remember Keys?” I leaned over the metal bar and looked out over the water.

“Yeah I remember him, the playboy guy,” she summarized innocently.

I snorted. “Playboy? You picked that up already?” Delphia’s perceptions were spot on.

“Easy to pick up. I mean he’s a good-looking guy, and I’m sure he can get the girls. He’s no match for you though.”

“I’m not a jealous guy. I know what you mean. He’s a pretty decent guy, but yup, he likes the ladies. He’s been back down here twice with the guys. I think they want to move to Cutover.” I put down my ice cream and pulled my arms back on the metal railing, stretching out my back. “And the casino is killing it. I mean killing it, Delph. We have this influx of cash that we never had before.”

“Wow. You fought so hard for the casino. Jaz was telling me crazy stories about her and Ink. I can’t believe it.” A wry look shifted over my face as I looked at Bear.

“Ha! It’s a town that needs something and I definitely think that Keys would be a good fit. Him and the rest of the guys are at this weird place where all of them don’t like where they live. I think Roller and Wildcard are the only two who are a little iffy about the whole thing. The rest are ready to get down here.”

“That’s unbelievable. And Cutover, huh?” Delphia quizzed. “It looked good from the ten minutes I was there.”

I seconded her wonder because I didn’t get it either. “Yeah. Looks like it. You’ve seen them popping in and out. They keep coming back up here. The Rebel Saints love them. They’re my guys, which makes me happy too.”

Delphia stopped licking her ice cream as we both leaned towards one another and our lips melded together, both of us with sugar to exchange.

I took my time opening my eyes. “Mmm. Ice creamy goodness on your lips. Always a good thing.”

Delphia smirked as her tongue skimmed her lips. “Always. I’m happy for you and I hope something comes of it. It seems like a good run for you and the Rebel Saints.”

“You got that right. Kind of scary, I’m not used to things running smoothly. It’s new for me.”

“You and me both. I want to get used to it though.” Delphia's tone sparked with hope.

I rubbed my hand over her back and rested my chin on her slim shoulder. “We both will.” I felt so natural with Delphia. Watching her blossom and become this beautiful woman was a wonderful thing to witness.

The rest of the day with Delphia was like a painted sunset. Our relationship was opening up, and so was the rest of my life.



All of the guys had been invited by Bones to one of our club meetings, which surprised me because Bones was incredibly territorial when it came to meetings. Keys, Trigger, Ranger, Wildcat, Roller, and Tank.

Bones looked less tired, but the trouble with Ryan was evident as there still seemed to be a storm cloud over his head. He smiled a bit and greeted them all, “Hey guys, how are you doing?”

Keys, who had his aviators on still, flipped them up on his head. “Hey man. Doing good. Got an introduction to the Holbeck mosquitoes last night. Got these blood sucking critters all over my arm.”

“I know, but hey, that’s how we do it down in Holbeck. You’ll survive, you just need to get a can of heavy duty repellent.” Bones chuckled in sympathy.

Keys scratched at the red raised bumps on his arm. “Argh. Bullshit is what it is.”

“You’ll survive,” Bones deadpanned. Sympathy didn’t last long here.

Roller burst out laughing. “He’s been scratching at that arm for the last half hour,” he teased.

I broke into laughter.

Keys stopped and pointed his finger at us. “Both of you. Shut up. I got some good practical jokes for you. You don’t want me to start that back up again. You won’t make it.” Keys was the king of practical jokes and he could keep them running for a long time.

I stopped smiling because he’d fooled me a few times just about until I wanted to kill him. “Alright, you got us on that one. We got this meeting, you ready?” I asked.

“I’m honored that Bones wants us to be part of things here and values our input.” Keys ran a hand through his sandy brown hair as we walked towards the stairs.

“You keep hanging around like a bad smell, so why wouldn’t he?” I mocked.

“Shut up, man. I do want to go look at Cutover again. I like that place, it’s got something.” Keys had this obsession with the place.

I for one couldn’t rock with it. I was a Holbeck guy through and through. I did like to visit other places, but that was enough for me.

We made it to the top of the stairs.

All the Rebel brothers were in their seats and turned to us as they came in.

My army guys shook hands with some of them and sat down.

Bones stood as we all got seated. “This meeting isn’t anything heavy, it’s relatively informal. We have a couple of things that we want to discuss.”

“Okay.” I looked around.

Bones nodded at my men. “Hey Keys, Trigger, Ranger, Wildcat, Roller, Tank. Glad you guys are here. This might interest you, what I have to say next.”

“I’m all ears,” Keys said, rubbing his hands together with a grin.

Bones waited until everyone had their beers and drinks. “The casino has brought our profits up to triple what we normally take in. As such, I want to put something forward. I don’t want to wait to tell you. I want to move on it now.” Bones raised his eyes to Keys. “Keys, you brought this idea to my mind.”

A confused look blanketed Keys’ face. “I did?” He popped his beer up and took a swallow.

“Yup. Cutover. It’s an untapped region and it’s closer to New Orleans and Florida with so many possibilities coming with all that. We’re in a place of expansion as a club, and I’m thinking we should expand into Cutover. We can keep it small and test the waters. Anyone interested?”

“Hell yeah, I’m in!” Keys put his beer up.

The others with him did the same.

Bones grinned. “I thought you might be.”

Hawk chimed in, “I’m Holbeck through and through… but if Keys is in, I’ll go help out.” Hawk gave Keys his support.

Tank nodded and spoke, “I’m in for the Cutover Chapter. I’m with Keys.”

“I’m in too,” Roller exclaimed.

Keys, Trigger, Ranger, Wildcat, Roller, and Tank all nodded.

“Okay, so we got a good start. Holbeck guys? Any takers for the Cutover chapter?”

“I’ll help set it up like Hawk.” I wanted to be involved with my brothers, but I wasn’t about to jump ship to the new chapter with all we’d achieved in Holbeck.

Bones gestured with a nod to me. “Okay. That’s good. If we get two more by the next meeting to start, then we’ll be talking about the president and who is best for the chapter open.”

“I don’t think we need to do that. I don’t know about anyone else and we can put it to vote, but I think Keys is our guy.” Smoke held up his beer.

It appeared Keys had made a good impression on the club. He was pretty involved with some of the community work and wanted to learn the ropes of the club. He’d already shown commitment in a number of ways that had nothing to do with me.

“I second that,” Chalk added. “He’s done a lot in a short time here already. He’s got Bear’s endorsement, so he’s got my vote.”

“Here, here!” Ink added.

Then everyone, one by one, endorsed Keys as the new president.

Bones put his hands out with a wide grin. “It’s unanimous. You got the job, Keys.”

He grinned and gave Bones a nod. “Sweet deal. Cutover, here I come.”

I saw that shimmer in Keys’ eyes. When he was after something, he was after it.

Other club matters were brought to the forefront, but the main event was the election of Keys as the new chapter president. All the steps to the golden road ahead were becoming clearer as each day passed.

The next bricks over the road were the trial and supporting Delphia. She was due to give her side of events in a couple of days. A ball of knots started to coil up inside of me. She’d come so far…



“You look great, Delph. The judge is not going to be looking too hard at your shoes. You’ve changed them enough times already.” I assured her.

Delphia was wearing a grey pantsuit and her face was made up with like a nude lipstick and minimal make up. The velvet black wedges she’d picked were perfect for court, and she could walk comfortably in them. “I’m procrastinating, I know. Bear…” Her frightened eyes looked into mine. “I’m scared.”

“I know. I’m right here with you. You go on the stand and you tell your truth. Rocky is in custody and he can’t hurt you. Angie will be there, Mia too. Bones, Smoke, Jaz and Harper are coming as well. You got backup.”

Delphia blew out a hard breath as she closed her eyes.

I kissed the top of her head then held out my hand for her to take it.

“Okay, Bear, I’m ready.”

On the way to the courthouse, I let Delphia work through her own thoughts as I filtered through mine. When I saw Rocky’s face I knew for certain I was going to want to fly across the room and pummel his damn face. I had my own anger issues building up inside in regards to him.

We arrived minutes later and walked up the courthouse steps. A couple people stood off to the side, smoking cigarettes, and others stood waiting for their verdicts, I assumed. I guided Delphia inside.

Her lawyer saw us and greeted us both, “Hi, Delphia. I’m glad you’re early. I want to go over a couple of things with you that I think will come up. You look great.” Delphia’s lawyer looked over at me.

I gently let go of Delphia’s hand and she gave me a last lingering look.

I blew her a kiss, and she went with the lawyer to prepare. I felt so helpless because all I could do now was look on as the fate of Delphia’s murdered brother lay with the judge and jury.

As I took my place and watched Delphia in her seat convening with her lawyer, the pressure mounted and all my testosterone fired up. They had to bring Rocky out soon enough. I pictured myself running through the courthouse and landing a few heavy right hooks to his face and stomach.

“Hey, Bear. How are you doing? How’s Delphia holding up?” Bones greeted me.

Smoke and Angie were standing beside him, looking as nervous as Delphia.

The longer the case went on, the more I witnessed how much Angie cared about Delphia and the case. Her methods might have been top heavy, but they worked for the greater good in the end.

“She’s doing well to fool everyone, but I know she’s a wreck on the inside. I hope she can hold up to the questioning.” I responded through gritted teeth.

“She’s a lot stronger than you believe,” Smoke stated as he shook my hand. “She’s gonna make it through. Rocky’s ass is going to prison. The jury can’t screw it up this time.”

Delphia’s parents, who I’d met several times, came over to greet us. Both of them had anxious looks on their faces.

“You think she’s going to be okay up there?” Delphia’s mother asked in a panicky voice.

“I think she is. Your daughter is strong. She has what it takes,” I said warmly.

Delphia’s mother looked at me with her soft eyes. “She is. Always has been. Especially after her brother’s death. He deserves justice,” she whispered.

Her father reached out and shook my hand. A silent appreciation took place between us. He held his wife’s shoulders in support.

Finally, Rocky emerged. The monster himself.

I found myself smirking in satisfaction. A long scratch across his cheek made it appear that someone on the inside had taught him a nice little lesson. He didn’t look as stocky or nearly as healthy anymore. His eyes were still cold and deadly, his face lined with stubble.

Where are his precious Road Warriors now? From looking around the pews, I could see there was a large support crew for Delphia. All I saw was a woman and a couple of other people, but no bikers. The woman had the same sunken eyes as Rocky, so I assumed her to be his mother.

The jury was in place. The judge was a stern-looking woman who I would have pegged to be over fifty. I was hoping she made the right decision this time.

All of my unresolved rage towards Rocky bubbled quietly and I had to close my eyes to try to unsee him as he looked at us all for a clear five seconds. I saw him look at Delphia and I hated it. Absolutely hated it.

Delphia was the brave woman I knew her to be. She answered every question that the prosecution threw at her and didn’t falter. She looked the lawyer dead in the eye, and her voice was even and calm.

Angie grabbed my arm as the harrowing court session ended. “She was brilliant. I’ve never seen anything like it. She was amazing. She didn’t flinch even when it got to the hard questions.”

I nodded at Angie. “I’m proud of her too. She did an incredible job. Don’t hound her when she gets out.”

Too late. Angie ran over to Delphia when she got to her and hugged her tight.

Delphia had tears that she’d been holding in, rolling down her face. “I did it. For my brother, I did it,” she wept. “He can rest now. I did what I had to do.” The tower of strength that she had to be was crumbling now as her knees started to go.

I held her up on the other side and Angie helped me walk her out.

“I’ll let you guys talk. You did such an unbelievable job in there, Delphia. I’m honored to know you.” Angie smiled.

“Thank you, Angie. Thank you so much for pushing me to release the truth.” Delphia was still crying and working to gather herself.

“Don’t thank me. I just helped you along. We did it.” Angie faded off to the side.

Bones, Smoke, Mia and Harper stood a few feet away.

I pulled Delphia to the side and tugged her into me. “I’m so damn proud of my woman. You did it. I love you so much. So much. You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met. I just wanted to jump across that pew and shove Rocky’s face into the… ground.” Overtaken with emotion, my hoarse tone broke into cracks.

Delphia wet my t-shirt with her tears, but I couldn’t care less.

Her arms were wrapped around me as she wept, letting out all the angst she’d been holding in. “Thank you for your support. I love you too. I couldn’t have made it without you, Bear. I’m so thankful you came into the gas station that day.” She pulled back to look into my eyes.

I saw the sunshine of her smile through her tears of relief. “You don’t have to worry about making it without me. Ever. And we really do owe Holbeck Gas.”

Delphia laughed with the first spark of real true joy that I’d seen from her in a while. There were glimpses before, but this felt real.

“Holbeck Gas. Who would have thought?” I shrugged.

Delphia wiped her tears away as she looked up to the heavens. “Here’s to a new start, Deon. For you and for us all. Justice was served today. But Bear, can I talk to you privately for a minute?” The smile washed away from her face as she pulled me off to the side.

“What is it?” I asked as I rubbed my thumb back and forth over her fingers.

“Please don’t be angry at me…” Delphia grabbed a floating tendril of her hair and pushed it behind her ear as we stood outside the courthouse.

“I got your back no matter what, you know that. Tell me.”

A deep sigh hummed from her lips. “Deon gave me the details to a train locker and there’s something he left in it. I’ve never wanted to know, but this is kind of the last piece of the puzzle. He told me not to go alone. Can you come with me?”

Shock reverberated through my system at her revelation. “Ahh. Sure I can. I don’t know what’s in there, but we’re about to find out. Together,” I promised.

Delphia leaned against my shoulder in relief as I kept stroking her hand. “Deon had secrets on secrets. Thank you.” She sighed.

One door closes and a Pandora’s box opens… that’s how the Rebel Saints run. We were always on a mission, but if it was an adventure with Delphia? I was up for the task.