Where We Found Our Home by Natasha Bishop



Iknow Ciara better than she apparently thinks I do because I know she’s bullshitting me about waiting until I get off shift to leave. She’s convinced that the only way out of this is to give Eddie what he wants, and I refuse to accept that.

“Hey, man, what’s up?” Kai answers my call immediately.

“Hey, man. I’m sorry to bother you on your day off, but can you do me a huge favor? Can you go by Ciara’s place? I think she’s gonna try to leave while I’m at work, and I just wanna hold her off.”

Kai knows about my fight with Ciara last night. He was the one I called to talk me down while I was sitting in my car watching her building.

“Yeah, yeah. Of course. I’ll sweet talk her into hanging out until you get off. Shit, if she tries to take off I’ll just jump in her car with her and keep you posted.” And this is why I called him.

“Thanks, man, I really appreciate it.” I gear myself up to make my next call.

“Lincoln, hi. I’ve been freaking out all morning. I didn’t even think to call you. I’ve been looking up flights.”


“Down to you guys. Brittany called me to tell me Ciara told the girls Eddie found her again and she was leaving town. She blocked all of our numbers so we can’t reach her. And let me tell you, when I see that girl again she is getting her ass beat.” She tries to put humor in her voice, but it falls flat. There’s nothing but worry there. “Lincoln, please don’t let her leave.”

“I’m doing everything I can, Ms. Angela. I think she’s going to need you though.”

“The girls and I booked a flight, so we’ll be there soon. Thank you for calling me. You’re a good man.”

I don’t feel like a good man. A good man would be able to save Ciara. “Thank you.”

To make matters fucking worse, my crew is called to a parking lot that is full of vehicles on fire. We’re told after the fires are out that they appeared to explode from a remote detonator. My mind immediately goes to Eddie. Did he do this? Why? It makes no sense.


Is he trying to make sure I’m out of the way, occupied by a fire, so that I can’t be there when Ciara needs me? My captain is on scene with us today, so he’s handling command of the crew. He’s currently giving a brief statement to the news crew who, of course, showed up to ask questions about the cars that were blown up. I step away and grab my phone, finding a few missed calls from Kai. A pain in the pit of my stomach forms as I call him back.

“Linc, something’s wrong.”

I fucking knew it. Every nerve ending in my body is on fire. “What do you mean?”

“When I got here, Ciara’s door was open. I stepped in and nothing seems to be out of place, but she wouldn’t just leave her door open for no reason. She does have a bag packed, but it’s here and she’s not so something’s off. I called Nina and Sasha. Nina said she hasn’t heard from Ciara since this morning, and Sasha isn’t answering. I’m sorry, man. What do you want me to do?”

Alarm bells go off at that. “Sasha’s not answering?”

“Nah, I called a few times.”

What the fuck? Sasha wouldn’t not answer or call back if Kai called multiple times. With everything that happened with Nevaeh, she’s hyper-sensitive to this whole situation. Could Eddie have grabbed both of them?

“Stay there. Call me if she comes back.”

“You got it.” Right as I hang up with Kai, I call Carter.

He barely says hello before I start talking. “Carter, has Sasha called you?”

“No. I haven’t heard from her since she left this morning. I was gonna call her soon actually. Why, what’s wrong?”

Fuck. “Can’t reach her. Ciara is missing.”

“Let me call her.” Carter hangs up without another word. I don’t even wait for him to call me back. I leave the scene and head to Sasha’s. I know something’s wrong, and my gut is telling me to start there.

I’m coming. Please don’t let me be too late.