Where We Found Our Home by Natasha Bishop



Oh, Ciara. If you really wanted to keep me out, you would’ve moved into a place with a doorman. It’s like you didn’t even try.

You like our little game, don’t you?

You little devil.

You did a decent job evading me on your way here. Or you tried at least. You got a new car just before moving so I’d be on the lookout for your old car. Too bad I was with you at the dealership when you bought it. You paid cash in all the hotels you stayed in on the way here. Did you know that we shared a wall in the hotel in Tennessee? So close yet so far.

Don’t you see? You’re only here because I allowed it.

This is my favorite part of the game. The part where you think you’re free of me and you build up that happiness again only for me to rip it away piece by piece. You’ll never be free of me, doll.

You never learn your lesson. I’ve seen you in that coffee shop with the owner and that little girl. How pathetic. Are they your new bodyguards? Meant to replace those obnoxious girls back home? If you think I won’t kill them too, you haven’t been paying attention. We’ll have to fix that, now won’t we?

Or how about that man from yesterday? Is he supposed to save you? Yeah, I saw your heroics yesterday. Pft. You never knew how to mind your own fucking business. Always stepping in where you’re not wanted. Does it make you feel good to ruin other people? You just can’t help yourself.

Before this is over, I will teach you the error of your ways.

Enjoy your so-called freedom…for now.