Fight For Me by Claudia Burgoa

Chapter Thirty-One



“Do you have your passport?”Tiago asks.

“Always,” I respond, turning to look at Luna. I don’t want to leave her.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

Tiago hands me over his phone. “Yeah?”

I tilt my head, grab Luna’s hand, and we walk toward Hunter’s home office.

“We need you,” Bradley is on the other line.

“I take it there’s no choice.” I sigh, putting him on speaker. “Where to?”

“Mexico City. There’s been a kidnapping, and we have to rescue the kid before they kill him.”

“Don’t they usually ask for money?” I ask, huffing.

“They did, but the family is afraid that these guys might claim the money and still kill the child. It happened to their neighbors a couple of months ago.”

I close my eyes for a few seconds. “What’s the plan?”

“The plane is waiting for you. Call me when you’re in the air so we can strategize.”

“Who else is joining us?” Tiago asks.

“Hawk and I,” Bradley responds. “See you soon.”

Luna bites her lip. She looks at her brother and then at me. “I can help,” she murmurs.

Scratching my chin, I try to find a way to tell her that she’s not coming with us. I want to hire her, but I can’t just bring her with me. Thankfully, it’s her brother who breaks the news to her.

“You’re staying.”

“That’s it, ‘you’re staying’?” She mocks her brother’s voice. “Should I sit by the door and wait for you while you come back, or get dinner ready by five?”

She squares her shoulders, lifts her chin, and gives me a defiant look. “What happened to being partners? You wanted me on your team, to work for you. How can I trust you when you say one thing but do something different?”

She turns around, tossing her hands. “Carajo! Men, they are all the same.”

I lower my head, pressing my lips tight. I hated that stony expression she had as she left the library. What do I do? She’s right, I want her as my teammate, my partner. If I break my promises, she’s never going to trust me.

“What does she mean by working for you, Everhart?” Tiago growls. “Dad told me what you did with her mother’s file.” He shakes his head. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I’m being her person. She needed the truth. You could’ve given that to her.”

He laughs. “My father doesn’t like me. I don’t want to give him more reasons to hate me.”

“How good is Luna?”

“She’s not coming with us.” Tiago insists, but his effort to intimidate me is useless.

“Big guy, think what our mission involves. A family wanting their child back. Bad guys asking for money. If we don’t find the kid soon, he could lose a finger, an arm, or his life.” I say, painting him a picture.

We’ve dealt with kidnappings before. One time, the family received a finger as proof of life, and as a warning that next time it’d be his head.

“She’s good, and they are wasting her talent. We can make a difference today, and give her a chance to move to a better place, meaning our company.”

And I can’t leave her. I have to be with her.

I text Bradley.

Harrison: Agent Santillan is coming with.

Bradley: Give me one good reason why I should agree to that.

Harrison: Other than the file you stole from the FBI? I’d say she’s capable of holding her ground, and she focuses on rescuing missing people.

Bradley: Fine, you’ll babysit her.

I send a message to Jensen, requesting he pack my usual bag. He can meet us at Hazel’s where we can pick up a few things for Luna before we leave.

“This is a bad idea,” Tiago calls after me, as I leave the room in search of Luna. It doesn’t take me long to find her. She’s leaning against the doorframe on the patio, watching the few guests eating.

“Where is everyone?”

She shrugs. “Hunter and Willow left for the airport. They said that Jensen is unavailable. That you’ll know what that means.”

Fuck, I run a hand through my hair.

“Hazel and Scott decided to leave. Fitz left with one of the musicians.”

I nod, unable to resist leaning down and kissing her neck. “Do you have your passport at home?”

Her eyes brighten, but her mouth tightens.

“I need an answer, we’re leaving now.”

“I’m always prepared,” she responds, staring down at her phone then back at me.

“That’s my girl.” I grin, giving her a quick kiss. “We have to take you home so you can pack some clothing. I have a case for you that I think you’re going to love.”

Tiago pullsme to the side while Luna is getting her bag ready.

“Are you sure about this?” He says through gritted teeth, his entire body tense. “She’s my little sister. This ain’t a field trip to the zoo. She’s all my father has. If something happens to either one of my siblings, I think he would die.”

He doesn’t say it out loud, but his world would collapse as well. They aren’t as close as my siblings and me, but he loves her. I understand. If something were to happen to my brothers, it’d destroy me. They’re all I have.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. You have to believe in Luna,” I press. “She can help us find the kid faster. I get it, you see her as your baby sister. But man, if she wants, she could take us down just by snapping her fingers.”

“That’s an exaggeration, Everhart.” Luna walks into the hallway dressed in a black shirt and a pair of black jeans. She stretches her arms, wrapping them around my neck and kissing me hard. “But I appreciate your confidence in my skills.”

“Luna, what the fuck are you doing?” Tiago yells, scaring the fuck out of me.

“Kissing, it’s called kissing, Tiago.” She gives me a quick peck and releases me.

“I like the way you say my last name, Agent Santillan.” I wink at her, taking her bag and her hand. “I’m looking forward to working with you during this mission.”

“She has a job,” Tiago insists, poking the elevator button.

“They are wasting her talent at the Bureau,” I counter with the same stuff I told him before. “We need her. Wouldn’t you rather know that she’s doing what she loves and have her working with you?”

“This is the last time you talk about me as if I’m not in the room,” she warns us, her eyes firing up. “I haven’t said that I’m quitting the Bureau. This is a one-time mission. Why would I want to leave all my benefits, for you? I believe in bringing justice, not…what is it that you do?”

“Defend the innocent and help those who can’t help themselves,” I inform her. “While also doing some side protection for rich people for money. We do a lot, Luna.”

I stare at her and shake my head. “No, you have to leave all that shit behind. The last time we traveled with them, it took you hours to take them off and put them on.”

“He doesn’t know, does he?” Tiago asks, sharing a smile with Luna when she shakes her head.

Then, he changes his side. “You should join us. Lucas should too.”

“Dude, now you’re adding more people?” I complain, trying to remember who the fuck Lucas is. “Oh, Luc!” I say with a snap of my fingers, remembering their brother. “His name is Luc.”

Tiago shakes his head in exasperation. “You offered her a job, right?” His voice is loud. “I think we should offer one to our brother too. Luna and Lucas could be a good addition to our company.”

Tiago’s somber face makes my back straighten and my attitude change.

“I can vouch for Luna. I’ve witnessed her kick-ass movements.” My hand covers my neck at the memory of that sharp thing pointed to my head that is now holding Luna’s hair up.

“We can use someone like her.” I look at both of them before stepping into the elevator. “How about Lucas, is he as good as you two?”

“He’s like Dad,” Luna offers. She chews her lip looking at Tiago who shrugs. “But I doubt he’d accept the job.”

“Lucas will, if you do it first,” Tiago utters, then he flashes me an angry glare. “Stop kissing her hand. Do not touch my sister.”

“I will only stop if she protests.” I smirk at her, waiting for a comeback.

The doors open on the third floor. I pull Luna closer to my body, snaking my arm around her waist. An old couple steps into the elevator. They eye us briefly, nodding curtly and turn back around to stare at the closing doors.

“Have a good day,” Luna calls after them once we arrive in the lobby and they step away without acknowledging us. “Rude.”

“Not many people are as friendly as you are, Luna. Actually, only a few are friendly in this city.” I bend down, kissing her lightly. “But don’t let this place change you. I like the way you brighten everything around you.”

“You’re a sweet talker, Everhart.”

“Just to you.” I kiss her again, this time I don’t rush it. I savor her sweet lips but stop myself before I end up pushing her back into the elevator and into her bed.